I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 913 Is this how we get along in private

The senior sister is at a loss for words now, she can't explain clearly.

The dean was probably tortured by Suizi, "Professor Ku Su has been left alone for a long time", and now he heard a girl claiming to be Professor Su's object, and almost jumped up unhappy.

"Lesbians are thin-skinned and understandable."

"." The senior sister said in her heart, she didn't see the slightest bit of thin-skinnedness when she was just groaning all over the world.

She didn't even dare to look at Su Zhe's expression, probably he would have to hate her to death right now?

In case he felt that he approached him with ulterior motives, that's why he invited him to live in her house. He wouldn't want to move, would he?

At this moment, the senior sister's thoughts drifted far away.

So does the dean.

He has already started to think about when to give Su Zhe a leave of absence so that it will be convenient for him to obtain a marriage certificate.

"What do your parents do? Which unit are they in?" the dean asked.

The senior sister who was distracted subconsciously replied: "My parents are both middle school teachers, in the thirteenth middle school."

"That's a coincidence. My cousin is the principal there. Let's meet for dinner tonight."


"Young people shouldn't put too much psychological pressure on them. It's just that the two sides meet to understand the situation. Professor Su supports the scientific research construction alone. I am equivalent to his elders."

After the dean finished speaking, he deliberately lowered his head and touched the twin's head.

"Call your parents, too."

He could not wait to tell the whole world about this kind of great good deed. Of course, the most important thing that cannot be ignored is the mother and daughter of the twin family.

Suizi's first impression is that she is quiet and talkative, but after dealing with her, I know that this girl sees problems sharply, and is especially good at focusing on key points.

If her husband followed her, the combat power would multiply exponentially, and the dean would not be able to say a word.

Last time, these two people almost raised their hands and surrendered, and shouted, I know I was wrong, you two quickly put away your magical powers!

The senior sister saw that she was about to ride a tiger, and her face was flushed with anxiety. Now she doesn't believe what the dean says, and just thinks that she is a shy girl.

If she really meets her parents, the matter will not end.

"I still have experiments tonight, so I can't leave." Su Zhe said.

The dean frowned.

"What experiment is more important than your life event?"

"G5's experiment, the higher-ups will come over tomorrow to collect the data."

"Uh—" the dean was embarrassed, it was very important.

"Then the day after tomorrow, the night after tomorrow—"

"The night after tomorrow, you're going to the south for a meeting." Su Zhe interrupted calmly.

The dean rubbed his hands in embarrassment, caring about his happiness, and forgot about all of this.

"Then wait for me to come back, we must get together." The dean reminded a few words, it can be seen that he really cares.

Someone came to look for the dean, and the dean left.

The senior sister let out a long sigh of relief, and looked at Su Zhe gratefully.

"Uncle Su, thank you. I'm all to blame for this matter. I was arguing with others and talking nonsense. Anyway, don't worry about it."

The senior sister bowed ninety degrees without daring to lift her head.

She felt that she would have no face to see Uncle Su in the future, and she had never been so embarrassed when she grew up.

"En." Su Zhe nodded lightly, without any other indication.

Seeing the strange reactions of these two people, the twins talked to themselves.

"Godfather, you hug her and kiss her."

"What?!" Su Zhe couldn't maintain his pretended calmness, and the roots of his ears turned red.

The senior sister still kept bowing, staggered by Luo Luo's words, and almost fell down.

"When my mother is angry, my father always coaxes me like this, which is very easy to do." She proudly spread "advanced experience".

Bobo looked at her contemptuously and shook his head.

"Now it's not Auntie Xiaolan who is angry at all, okay? If you want to kiss, it should be Auntie Xiaolan holding her godfather and calling out a few words of dear, or big baby."

Sensing the terrified eyes of Su Zhe and his senior sister, Bobo spread his hands.

"When my father is angry, my mother always coaxes like this."

"Big, what's so big???" The senior sister couldn't believe her ears.

It's really unimaginable that Suizi is such a gentle and elegant girl, just coaxing a man like this?

Moreover, the word "big baby" can't be connected with Yu Jingting's tall and handsome guy, right?

"It's easy to use. My mother has used this method to deal with my father for many years. It has been like this since I can remember. Oh, if it still doesn't work, there is an upgraded version."

Bobo really deserves to be a little genius with an excellent memory. When recalling the love history of his parents, he really goes into every detail and never misses a single detail.

"Jing Ting, follow me into the room." Bobo said to Luoluo, and the two kids started role-playing.

Luoluo was very polite, when her younger brother opened his mouth, she immediately imitated her father's face when she was angry, with one hand on her waist, and the other hand raised two fingers, pretending to be smoking.

"No time, I'm busy."

Bobo stretched out his hand to hook Luoluo's collar, and with a slight tug, Luoluo followed him obediently.

The two little ones took two steps in a serious manner, and the cos father hooked his legs after falling to make a kick at the door, injecting soul into the whole performance.

Immediately, he turned around, hooked his younger brother's chin, and said evilly:

"Have the guts to make me angry, but don't have the guts to bear Lao Tzu's anger?"

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and pouted his mouth to kiss his younger brother, but Bobo waved his hand to block it.

"Okay, let's end the demonstration here, and you can't watch it any further."

The senior sister kept her unblinking look, and a few words floated back and forth in her heart: Good guy, really good guy!

Hansui and his wife get along in private, are they all so hot? !

Doesn't this look much better than the sex in TV dramas? !

Su Zhe frowned with thick eyebrows. He was actually more concerned about the ones that the two kids didn't continue to act.

In my heart, Yu Jingting and his wife were quenched, and they didn't pay attention to the two thick-skinned things! What did he show his two babies!

"Luoluo, what will your father do next?" Su Zhe inquired.

If the two children want to talk about undressing or something, he will consider making a reinforced second kicker, throwing away the couple's bedroom, and blowing up the iron root for the rest of his life.

So as not to spoil their cute little carrots!

"You can't see it from the back~ My mother will tell my father to draw the curtains. Although we tried hard to lie on the window sill, we couldn't see it. Once we hid under the bed and almost succeeded."

Luoluo sighed, but when her father kept talking about how sweet it was, her foodie brother didn't hold back, and answered under the bed, what is so sweet?

Then, the two children were thrown out.

The roar of the mother's collapse came from the room, and after a while, the father had a few scratches on his face, and came out of the room in darkness to ask them to settle accounts.

Thinking about it now, Luoluo still heaves a sigh of relief, her father is rarely harsh on her, that day she and her younger brother were scolded so badly by her father that even their little butts were slapped.

"In short, the successful experience has been passed on to you, come on, godmother!"

"Oh-uh?! What did you call me?!!!"

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