I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 916 You better stop listening

"Then I will definitely consider it. Why, you want to introduce someone to me? Uncle Su and younger brother?"

Seeing the straightforward reaction of the senior sister, Suizi almost blurted out, what kind of brother do you want, isn't this ready-made?

But after thinking about it, the man's attitude is still unknown. If she talks too much, Su Zhe won't want it later. Wouldn't this embarrass both the senior sister and Su Zhe?

"I have a suitable candidate. I'll introduce you in a few days. Let's just say—do you mind having a man who is divorced, has no children and is a little disabled? But his character is shining, his professionalism is excellent, his salary is stable, his work Excellent kind."

Suizi just missed reporting Su Zhe's ID number.

The words have come to this point, and the straight-hearted senior sister still hasn't understood.

"Disability? Is it serious? Will it affect the next generation?" The senior sister still cares about prenatal and postnatal care.

"Absolutely not, it's not congenital. It has been well adjusted over the years, and you won't be able to tell if you don't look carefully. Sister, if it were someone else, I wouldn't dare to say it. I'm afraid you will think I look down on you. After all, I introduced a divorce. Those with disabilities are given to such an excellent you"

"Hi, I understand you. You are not the kind of evil person. Since you dare to introduce someone to me, it must follow the law of energy conservation. I think his advantages must be more than marriage history and disability."

When the senior sister said this, the picture of Su Zhe getting along with twins appeared in her mind.

Uncle Su is a person whose brilliance is greater than making people forget about his small leg problem. She really can't understand, how could he say such vicious words to hurt him.

As if meeting a confidant, Suizi shakes her senior sister's hand.

Porcelain, from now on it will be Tieci, the senior sister understands her.

The woman's attitude was determined, and Suizi asked Yu Jingting to go to Su Zhe's laboratory to spy on information.

Although both she and Yu Jingting wishful thinking that the two are a good match, but now they don't pay attention to arranged marriages, and they still need to ask the parties for their opinions.

Suizi is also a little worried, Su Zhe is like a sage now, he has no idea about women, even Yu Jingting will find it difficult to find out his true intentions.

After returning home, I closed the door with my mother-in-law and mother and muttered, and the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law were a little bit worried.

"It's quite simple to ask other men, just ask if you have a crush on the girl, and if you want to come out for a meal, it's done after the meal is over, but Su Zhe"

Chen Lijun sighed, touched her stomach, and the baby in her stomach kicked vigorously, as if feeling her mother's sorrow.

Wang Cuihua nodded repeatedly.

"What's wrong? Su Zhe, when it comes to introducing someone to him, he says he's busy, or he says he doesn't want to delay other girls. It's hard to expect him to meet and eat everywhere."

Suizi agrees with the words of the two mothers very much in her heart, Su Zhe is a tough nut to crack.

But in my heart, I still have great confidence in Jingting.

"We will definitely not be able to find out this matter if we ask, but isn't our family Jing Ting and Su Zhe iron porcelain? Moreover, Jing Ting is resourceful and resourceful, so he must be able to think of a way."

"No matter how capable he is, he can still pry Su Zhe's brain and put his own ideas in?" Wang Cuihua is still not optimistic, "It's up to you to find a partner, I hope we can be middlemen. , don’t rush the ducks to the shelves, isn’t that cheating the little master?”

Suizi also understands this truth.

She felt that Su Zhe had no affection for the senior sister.

But after all, this is just her own intuition. Whether it is true or not, Su Zhe has to express himself.

"Hey, the date of the Pearl of the Orient's return has been fixed. When will there be any news about Su Zhe's major life event?" Wang Cuihua's words elicited long sighs from the women in the room.

Even Suizi felt that this matter was not easy to handle, but at night, Yu Jingting, who smelled of soap, came back and proudly announced a big event.

"Tomorrow at noon, Donglaishun Suzhe will treat guests. Call the senior sister and have a meal first to understand. If the two want to meet again later, call the senior sister's parents and we will have another meal."

"???" Suizi's mouth formed an O shape.

Yu Jingting was extremely proud, and he enjoyed the adoring eyes of his wife.

"You convinced Su Zhe?! How did you do it?!" Wang Cuihua was taken aback. Her first reaction was, did her son threaten Su Zhe?

"Beat him? Scolded him? Tied him up and beat him?"

Yu Jingting squinted at his wife.

"What did you call me? Su Zhe is a friend of our family. Treating friends like that is in line with the morals of the world?"

Even fourth master put down the tea mug and asked with great interest.

"Is that what Su Zhe himself said about going on a blind date with a girl? This is too out of character for him, or did you fool him by not saying it was a blind date?"

"You guys are too contemptuous of people, young master, am I the kind of person who can't do things well? Those couples are highly educated and high-quality talents. They can fool you for a while and for a lifetime by using deception and concealment methods. ?”

What he said was so upright and calm, if not everyone in his family knew what he was like, they would have believed him to be a good person.

"Then how did you convince Su Zhe—and, why is your hair still wet?"

Suizi's nose moved, white orchids mixed with his own scent, it was a smell that she could never tire of hearing.

"I took Su Zhe to take a bath, but don't worry, I didn't soak the pool, it's clean." Yu Jingting turned his back to his parents and winked at Suizi.

Disease comes from the mouth, he understands!

His daughter-in-law's food hygiene and safety are under his control, all right.

"You locked him in the toilet and threatened him, right?" The fourth master immediately thought that when he first met his son, his son had locked the door of the toilet, causing him to almost drag himself into the bathroom.

This painful memory is too dark, and fourth master doesn't want to think about it in his life.

Yu Jingting looked at his father with contempt.

"What do you think of me? I'm the kind of one who gets used to one move? Why don't you like me with some new tricks?"

Suizi shook his arm, softly and glutinously discharging: "Good Jingting, handsome husband, big baby, don't be foolish, tell us."

"Oh my god!" Wang Cuihua sighed, the daughter-in-law sacrificed a lot in order to eat a mouthful of hot gossip.

"You, and you, you. Go into the house." Yu Jingting noticed that Jiao Jiao led the two little radishes "just" passing by, and each of them was eavesdropping there with their ears raised.

The following words are not for children.

Jiao Jiao's mouth was about to turn her ears back, and every time she didn't speak human words, she had to chase the children away.

Fourth Master squinted his eyes, looked at Yu Jingting's malicious face, stood up suddenly, and dragged Wang Cuihua who was sitting and listening to gossip.

"Go back to the house, don't talk to this little bastard."

Wang Cuihua waited eagerly for the result, but was unwilling to be dragged away by her wife like this, and turned her head frequently.

Yu Shuisheng took her arm and forcibly dragged her away. Before the door closed, he could still hear fourth master's earnest words:

"Yu Tiegen can't say serious things out of his mouth, so you better stop listening."

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