"I'm here to look for my niece and son-in-law, Tie Gen, they are all from the village, so please help me." Uncle said cheekily.

"What nephew and son-in-law? You can talk nonsense, but you can't recognize the relationship. Hurry up, don't wait to cut you."

Yu Jingting made a gesture to roll up his sleeves, and wanted to get people out quickly so that they wouldn't talk nonsense in front of Su Zhe's future father-in-law.

"Su Zhe is my niece and son-in-law! Now that we are developed, we don't recognize our poor relatives? My miserable niece, what is the difference between her and Qin Xianglian? They are both abandoned and miserable women!"

My aunt sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to pat her thighs with her hands.

"Your niece has something to do with Lian. It's not Qin Xianglian, she's the Jinlian who followed Ximen Daguan! What did she do? Why did Su Zhe divorce her? Let me tell you? She can go in if she doesn't do anything wrong. Jail?"

Yu Jingting's mouth was as sharp as ever, and he pointed out the core in one sentence.

For these intellectuals, it is not difficult to hear his voice.

Liu Lamei divorced Su Zhe because of her own misbehavior, and she was at fault.

All the diners in this room looked over, and Shi's parents were also watching.

Not only Suizi and his wife assisted Su Zhe in this meal, the principal also tried his best to protect the media.

At first, Shi's parents were quite surprised, but they were satisfied when they heard that they were matchmaking for Su Zhe.

Su Zhe stayed at Shi's house these days, and the couple had seen him before.

Such an academically accomplished person felt a little cold at first, but after getting in touch with him, he realized that Su Zhe is quite a real person.

Intellectual families don't pay much attention to external factors. After hearing what the principal said, their minds are alive. Of course they are satisfied with this marriage, especially the father of the teacher's family.

Su Zhe is his idol, he became a professor at such a young age, and he is also a rising star in the scientific research circle. If he comes back with a Nobel Prize in time, wouldn't it be glorious for his daughter to marry such a person?

The principal also said that it was his brother who personally ordered him to meet again after his brother returned from a business trip, which shows that the man's sincerity is enough.

Satisfied is satisfied, the husband and wife still reserved their opinions and did not talk too much. They just wanted to ask their daughter what she meant when they got back. Marriage is a life for two people, and the child doesn't hate it, so this matter can continue.

In the end, before he even went out, he saw Su Zhe being stalked by someone, and the obedient meaning was that he was a relative of his ex-wife.

Shi's mother's face became ugly in an instant, and she looked at Su Zhe not as usual. Could it be that this kid is still entangled with his ex-wife?

When Yu Jingting saw his aunt started to snark, his eyes became fierce, and when he was about to use force to finish it, Su Zhe spoke.

"I haven't been in touch with Liu Lamei for many years. I can't bear your nephew and son-in-law."

This sentence proves that the two rascals are relatives of his ex-wife, and the teacher's mother's face became even uglier. Seeing that her daughter was there, she said coldly:

"Xiaolan, come here."

Things began to develop in an uncontrollable direction, Suizi lowered her eyes in anxiety and thought.

The current situation is not conducive to Su Zhe.

She and Yu Jingting laid the groundwork so much, and it seemed to be a matter of course, but they were disturbed by these two rascals who came out halfway.

"Jing Ting, I'll take care of this matter." Su Zhe said, he didn't want to ask his friend to help him in everything.

"I don't know what difficulties you have encountered, but this is a public place, and it's not good to delay others. Why don't we find a quiet place to talk." Su Zhe rarely said a long list.

After speaking, he said to Shi's parents, "I will explain to you when I get back, and give Xiaolan an explanation."

Although the teacher's mother is not very satisfied with the current situation, she can't say anything, she drags her daughter and wants to leave.

"Mom and Dad, I'll stay."

Teacher's mother was so angry that she stared straight at her eyes. What is she going to do?

"Professor Su is too honest, I'm afraid he will be bullied." When the senior sister saw the couple pestering Su Zhe, this was the first reaction in her mind.

The teacher's mother was furious, this silly girl, before she got married, she was already on the side of others, if this was sold, wouldn't she have to help count the money?

Pushing his wife hurriedly, signaling him to stand up and say a few words, but seeing her wife and daughter have the same expression, and even nodded approvingly.

"It's fine, you follow Xiao Su, don't let anyone bully you."

Since the headmaster took care of the media, Uncle Su has been downgraded to "Little Su". ,

The teacher's mother is heartbroken, and the wife has betrayed her!

Yu Jingting invited with a smile.

"Uncle and aunt, why don't we go to the teahouse next door and have a meeting. When Su Zhe is done, I will take you home."

Before the teacher's mother could speak, the teacher's father nodded first.

"Okay, I'll follow what you said." After finishing speaking, I still didn't forget to give my daughter a wink. The meaning is clear. If Su Zhe suffers, go to the teahouse and call him.

On call.

Master gritted her teeth, the father and daughter were too disappointing, and it didn't matter what happened, they seemed to regard Su Zhe as their own family.

But my wife spoke up, and the teacher couldn't say anything, so she could only go out with a dark face.

Yu Jingting patted Suizi and signaled Suizi to treat his parents well, while he followed Su Zhe and his senior sister to lead the two rascals out.

The two rascals also hoped to have a meal with Su Zhe, or follow them to the teahouse, and also see what the teahouses in the city are like.

Su Zhe originally planned this way, but Yu Jingting disagreed.

He understands the thoughts of these people best, and he won't let them take advantage of a dime.

He directly led the person into his car, and once the door was closed, no matter how loud the noise was, he couldn't hear it from outside.

Not to mention drinking tea, even soft drinks worth 30 cents are not bought for them.

"Nephew and son-in-law, you are well-off now, but you can be a husband and wife for a day, and you can't leave us alone for Lamei's sake."

"Don't say it's you, it won't work even if Liu Lamei comes." Yu Jingting directly said back.

These two rascals are too thick-skinned to treat them in the way of normal people and push their noses on their faces.

"I made it very clear when Liu Lamei and I divorced. From now on, we have nothing to do with each other. I will not agree to anything you said."

"You are all doing well now, but there is a saying that those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes, so they are not afraid of us going to Su Zhe's work unit?" Auntie held back her fear of Jingting and boldly threatened.

Money can make ghosts grind, they dare to fight even a well-known "evil ghost" like Yu Jingting for money.

The reason why they dared to make trouble was because they were messing around, and the bet was that Su Zhe was serious about his work and couldn't bear to make trouble.

The aunt's eyes fell on the face of the senior sister who had been silent all this time, she rolled her eyes and said viciously:

"Girl, are you his new love? He can abandon my niece, and he can abandon you in the future. How dare you live with him?"

"Grass." Yu Jingting pulled the door and got out of the car, he was going to drag him out of the back seat and beat him up.

"Well, let me interject—" the senior sister said.

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