I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 922 This Speed ​​(Monthly Pass 100+)

This blind date will not be as troublesome as later generations. After the introduction, they are suitable for each other and establish a relationship, and then it is the link of discussing marriage.

Since the senior sister and Su Zhe went to see the movie, it means that the two have established a relationship, and according to the current customs, they will soon be able to get a marriage certificate.

Su Zhe's blind date was full of twists and turns. Fortunately, Jingting and his wife handled it well, and Su Zhe's performance also made Shi's father very satisfied, thinking that he is a responsible man.

Suizi went home and reported the situation to her parents-in-law. Wang Cuihua was also very happy, so happy that she ignored Suizi's worried expression.

The fourth master saw it and frowned. Seeing his wife's happy appearance, he didn't say anything. After Wang Cuihua ran to the front yard to share the joy with Chen Lijun, the fourth master found Suizi and his wife.

Suozi expressed her judgment:

"Father, although the couple told Jingting that they came here for their own money, why do I think it's illogical?"

Fourth Master nodded.

It's quite suspicious.

Su Zhe and Liu Lamei have been divorced for so many years, and they divorced because of the ugly scene. Her natal family shouldn't have come here.

Liu Lamei was sentenced to three years for slandering Su Zhe, and she was released last year.

But just two months after it was released, it went in again because of theft, and I don't know how long it will take to come out this time.

It's impossible for Liu Lamei's family not to know that she and Su Zhe had such an ugly fight. If Su Zhe lived in his hometown, it would be reasonable for these people to come to the door.

But when Su Zhe was in the capital, the round-trip fare was not a small sum of money. For a goal with little hope, spending so much money on the trip didn't seem like something a budget-conscious person would do.

The appearance of these two people is very suspicious, and the motive may not be as simple as they said.

Yu Jingting immediately contacted the people in his hometown and asked them to help with the investigation, and the results came out in a short while.

My uncle squatted in front of the Tunli small shop three days ago and bragged that someone would pay off the debts owed by his family soon, and that someone paid for the trip and let them come to Beijing.

But the people in the village don't know who paid the travel expenses, and my uncle didn't say.

At first, everyone thought he was bragging, that a long-distance trip to Beijing was considered a major event, and it was widely spread in the village, so it was easy to inquire about it.

But in the past two days, my uncle and his wife really came to Beijing, and the talents in the village believed it. Everyone was asking to see which family his family had climbed.

Suizi's guess is correct, that is, someone deliberately made trouble.

After figuring this out, Suizi turned around and took the snacks she made to find President Su Zhe's wife.

Madam diplomacy, Suizi plays this trick very clearly.

Using the gimmick of talking about marriage for Su Zhe, he inquired with the dean's wife to see if there had been any recent moves.

This question really made Suizi ask something.

Su Zhe has a G5 project in his hand, which has already made a breakthrough.

Just wait for the data to be published stably. Once this thing is published, it will cause an uproar in the academic circle.

Suizi made an inference when she heard this.

The academic world is intriguing, but there will be "corpses" if there is no smoke.

Once the success is complete, the bones are dry, and some people will go up, and some people will be jealous.

Suizi went back and told Yu Jingting, who sneered.

"Just check, if Su Zhe has an 'accident' and can't complete the project, who will take over the project, and the mastermind of this matter will know."

For such a large project, if Su Zhe can't complete the research and publish it, the higher-ups will definitely let his assistant professor continue to complete the project.

For the projects that have been completed, even without Su Zhe, Su Zhe's plan can be used. Su Zhe's formula should be divided in half.

Such a dirty, despicable and shameless method would be disdainful and impossible for a person like Su Zhe who is dedicated to research, but the few assistants who follow him may not have such thoughts.

"Thinking about it this way, I would like to thank my senior sister. If we hadn't introduced her to Su Zhe, I'm afraid we wouldn't have been able to expose each other's conspiracy so easily. I'll go to the dean right now."

Suizi feels that the senior sister is really a lucky star, a bit like Wangfu.

Yu Jingting happened to be present today, and he stopped the catastrophe in the academic world in time, and also dragged the track that was about to deviate to the right track.

"Don't go to the dean." Yu Jingting held Suizi's wrist.

Suizi frowned, and quickly reacted.

Yu Jingting looks rough, but he is absolutely steady when he should be careful.

What is the dean's background, Suizi doesn't know for the time being, if this matter is ordered by the dean, wouldn't it be a blow to the gun?

Even if the dean didn't know about it, the person who wanted to take credit for Su Zhe's work dared to deliberately do this, saying that it was impossible without a backer, and even if the dean wanted to take care of it, he couldn't suppress the people above him.

"Tell our dad that we don't need to take care of the rest."

Suizi stretched her eyebrows, sat back in her seat, picked up the teapot and poured tea slowly.

"It's me who is willing to go far away. With our dad here, I'm not afraid of what tricks they can come up with."

Although Papa Fan didn't care about this, but he said, it's still very useful.

"First find out who did it, and find out."

Yu Jingting drank the tea in his cup and smiled confidently.

"Su Zhe is going to get married, so it's not good for us not to give any presents. Helping him clean up the house and keeping his hard work from getting rubbish names is considered a gift for him."

If you don't engage in petty tricks, you can still leave a name on the G5 project, and if you do something shameful, don't blame him for being merciless.

Not to mention the name, he was not allowed to keep even a radical!

Suizi looked at him quite relieved, her man became more and more stable.

Just as he was about to praise him, Su Zhe had a fight with him, and it would not be in vain for each other's blessings.

"Daughter-in-law, on the night of Su Zhe's wedding, shall we listen to the corner?" Yu Jingting changed his face in a second after finishing talking about the business.


The domineering man who had killed the Quartet just a second ago, his expression became extremely wretched.

"Let's pinch him for less than half an hour, how about we two selling under his window?"

"What are you selling?"

"Medicine! It doesn't work and doesn't cost money. Get some ginseng and multi-whip wine from Eucommia. It doesn't matter if it's a sea dog penis or a deer penis or a tiger penis. We can add as many penises as there are. The friendship price is one hundred and eighty cups." Sample?"

Suizi can't laugh or cry, the price of friendship? It's almost the same price as friends!

"It's not bad, you stay at home obediently, and you're not allowed to go anywhere." Suizi shook her head unbearably.

She decided to take back the sentence that Su Zhe was lucky to know him.

If anyone makes a bad friend like Yu Jingting, it is definitely a blessing and a misfortune, whether it is joy or sorrow, the feeling of it, only you can experience it.

Suizi and his wife agreed on a plan, but tacitly did not tell Su Zhe.

The words are not said, but the small actions in private are not left behind.

Half a month later, Suizi and Yu Jingting's "gift" was almost ready.

So at school, Suizi asked unintentionally.

"How is your relationship with Professor Su?"

"It's good. After watching three movies in half a month, we decided to get our marriage certificate tomorrow."

"Three movies? It's not bad, when will you propose marriage—wait a minute, what did you just say?"

Suizi was startled, she seemed to hear something serious?

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