I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 944 Survivor of the Dog's Head Guillotine

"Jing Ting! Come quickly!" Suizi shouted when he saw the remittance slip, "Let our father come too!"

"I don't want to see that old heartbreaker! Yu Shimei! A survivor of the dog's head!" Wang Cuihua was still angry.

"Mom, this must be a misunderstanding!"

Suizi was worried that she hadn't made a breakthrough, and the remittance slip gave her hope.

Fourth master came in with one hand in his pocket. Although he was only wearing a pair of big underpants, he tried his best to maintain a little dignity in front of the children.

"This old woman knows she's wrong? That's fine, I'll forgive her if I know it's wrong."

"You old man, Baden! I'm so wrong!" Wang Cuihua stared, and the majesty of the fourth master was completely gone.

"Suizi, what are you doing with that thing?" Fourth master didn't dare to look at his wife, his eyes were attracted by the money order in Suizi's hand.

"Who is Xu Achun?"

"It's the mess over at the jade factory—"

"I can't live through this day! You said you were building a factory, but you actually ran over to play with women, and made a mess?!" Wang Cuihua felt that five thunders were hitting the top, and they were all green thunders!

"I'll go! Hua'er, you can't slander me. I'm playing with a woman, and everyone is dead. I'm not interested in ghosts."

"I'll leave you tomorrow—well, dead?" Wang Cuihua's crying stopped abruptly.

Fourth master saw that he couldn't hide from this point, so he could only reluctantly say: "I didn't want you to know about such a bad thing, how could you think of that?"

"What's going on, tell me quickly, I'm so anxious." Wang Cuihua couldn't wait for a minute.

Yu Shuisheng wanted to sit and talk, but was glared at by his wife, so he could only lean on the wall pretending to be cool, and said something he didn't want to talk about.

The jade factory he bought was originally state-owned, which is very similar to the brewery that Yu Jingting took over before.

It was all due to the poor management of the former factory manager, the thinking in the factory could not keep up, and the restructuring and bankruptcy due to serious losses.

Fourth master bought the factory at a very low price. He didn't expect the factory to make money at first, it was just a bait for fishing.

It's just that Suizi and his wife are too powerful, innovative thinking, opening up overseas markets, and setting up a jade factory.

Fourth master's focus was not on that factory at all, so he just found someone to watch over.

"There is an accountant in the factory named Xu Amei. She was an accountant before I took over. Later, when my people left, I asked her to stay in the factory for a period of time in order to hand over her. Thousands of dollars."

A few thousand yuan is not a small amount in any unit, and it is enough to sentence.

Fourth master's subordinates were afraid that fourth master would hold him accountable, and Xu Amei's fraudulent accounts were all done under his nose.

In order to make it easier to make false accounts, Xu Amei also seduced fourth master's people.

If this matter got to fourth master's ears, then this former confidant would definitely not be reused by fourth master, so he wanted to settle the account before fourth master found out.

The way he thought of was to threaten Xu Amei.

The method is still very disgraceful.

Just because she was too aggressive, Xu Amei was forced to jump into the river.

The fourth master didn't know until after the person was gone, so he was so angry that he punished that subordinate, but Xu Amei was already dead, so it was useless to do anything else.

"I found someone to find out about the accountant surnamed Xu. Her family is quite influential in the local area. She is not rich and powerful, but there are quite a lot of people. This matter can't be handled well. From now on, she will go to the factory gate every day to pull banners. Not pretty."

So the fourth master thought about it privately. What the Xu family wanted was nothing more than money. After the hush money was collected, they would naturally stop making trouble in the future.

Xu Achun was the elder sister of the deceased.

"Then why didn't you tell me? Why did you transfer money secretly?" Wang Cuihua asked.

Fourth Master's expression gradually became awkward, but Wang Cuihua seemed to have thought of something.

"Isn't the manager you sent over there Zhao Si?!"

Fourth Master nodded.

Wang Cuihua poohed hard on the ground.

"I know him! What am I talking about? This kind of person who abandons his wife and son, his character is not good, and if he is not good, he can't use it. But you are good. You promised me to get him away, but you used it secretly. He is killing someone now! It's not you who gave him the bottom line!"

Suizi had also heard of the Zhao Si that Wang Cuihua was talking about.

When my mother-in-law went to the border with her father-in-law, every time she called home, she had to scold her a few times. With such an upright temper, she couldn't understand these people with bad conduct.

Zhao Si was among the first group of people who followed Si Ye.

Since fourth master was still in the Hu family, he was a loyal thug.

Later, the fourth master came back, and the business was all for naught. How to settle down for these former brothers became a headache.

He arranged good errands for me, so that the pockets of the brothers were bulging.

Some people have big wallets, thinking that their wives and children can live a good life.

Some wallets are bulging, and they just think about spending time and drinking outside, abandoning their wives and children to enjoy themselves.

Zhao Si is the latter.

As soon as she got rich, she immediately sent her ex-wife back to her mother's house, regardless of the child. The ex-wife had no choice but to run to Wang Cuihua and cry while holding the child.

Wang Cuihua almost died of anger when she heard it, and immediately talked to Fourth Master about it, saying that such a person cannot be reused.

At that time, the fourth master agreed, but what he thought in his heart was that work and life are two different things, one size counts for one size, Zhao Si blocked the knife for him after all, how can he get fired because of this.

Without telling Wang Cuihua, he sneaked into the jade factory for someone, and wanted him to take a errand, so how could he make such a big deal.

Something happened, while fourth master was dealing with the aftermath, he was afraid that his wife would catch him and scold him for disobedience, so he thought of a "secret operation".

Misunderstood by Wang Cuihua, someone outside stabbed it out.

"Suizi, you are knowledgeable. For your father's behavior, you can give your mother a word to criticize him!" Wang Cuihua also felt uncomfortable when she heard that her husband hadn't cheated. After all, it was a matter of life.

"The chainsaw pulls the butt—oh!" Yu Jingting still wanted to say the allegory of his scolding Fan Hui, so Suizi covered his mouth, shut up now!

"Father, Jing Ting and I have to learn from you in terms of the ability to manage people. You are a role model for our predecessors, and I am like a master in front of you, but"

Fourth Master also knew that he had lost his adulthood in front of his wife and children this time, so he waved his hand to signal her to speak boldly, no matter how ugly it was, he had to admit it.

"If you have virtue and talent, you should focus on using them. If you have virtue but no talent, you should cultivate and use them. If you have no virtue and no talent, you should discard them. We all know this, but the difficulty lies in the fact that it is not easy to choose between talents and virtues."

It's not that Zhao Si is incompetent, he is loyal to the fourth master, but the bad thing is that he is a person without virtue, and this kind of person is most likely to do bad things.

"I see. I didn't handle this matter well. I just took this opportunity to punish the people in my hands." Fourth Master said.

"If you want me to say, don't cover up this Zhao Si, and hand him over to the country quickly. It's wrong for him to threaten people. The accountant did something wrong, and he did jump into the river by himself, but he has nothing to do with him. He has to be let He is punished by law!" Wang Cuihua said.

"That's no need, I'll dismiss him." Fourth master looked embarrassed.

"Father, my mother is right this time, you have to listen to my mother." Suizi said.

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