I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 947 Is it interesting to play with your adoptive mother?

After taking Chen Tong's medicine, the middle-aged man stopped breathing after a while, and his complexion gradually became normal.

The people in the theater found the potion, and Suizi helped Ma Dong to bandage it.

Fortunately, Ma Dong's injury was only superficial, and he didn't have a concussion like last time.

The wound doesn't look too big, just wait for the wind to stop before going to the hospital for treatment.

While the opera was babbling on the stage, Suizi felt that life was more exciting than drama.

Suizi asked Ma Dong to go to the theater first, and she stayed with Chen Tong to take care of Chen Tong's uncle.

The staff arranged the lounge, and only Suizi, Chen Tong, and the sleeping uncle were left in the room.

"When did you come back?" Suizi turned her back to Chen Tong, casually flipping through the faded calendars on the wall, and asked casually.

This question seemed trivial, but it actually hit Chen Tong's heart heavily.

"I do not understand--"

"Chen Tong, others may not know what kind of person I am, but if you don't know, it's unreasonable, right?" Suizi said with a pun.

Chen Tong knew that he couldn't hide it, so he could only tell the truth: "I fell down in the work-study school, and when I woke up, I found that I was back."

"Is rebirth interesting?" Suozi asked.

Chen Tong smiled wryly, with sadness in his eyes that only he could understand.

One second he was still in the laboratory, the next second he woke up, and there were a group of half-grown children, all of whom were problem children. The person he wanted to see the most was already a wife and mother. How could he find it interesting to miss such a thing?

"Answer me, are you interested?" Suizi asked.

"It's boring." If he could choose, he would rather come back a few years earlier, when she was unmarried and had no children.

God played a huge joke on him.

"Oh" Suizi turned around slowly, pulling the corners of her mouth, her eyes were cold, "Then, is it interesting to play with your adoptive mother?"

"I didn't play tricks on you. I will explain to you as soon as I come back. You are prejudiced against me and don't want to see me at all—"

Suizi slapped him, and Chen Tong was thrown over the head by her.

This time, Suizi has been holding back from her previous life until now, she has long wanted to slap her.

Not for myself, but for the country.

In the previous life, this bastard bastard hid abroad, she couldn't find him, and then she died.

After rebirth, looking at Chen Tong's face, Suizi wanted to beat him several times, but she endured it thinking that what happened in the previous life had nothing to do with this life, and Chen Tong in this life hadn't done those stupid things.

Now that Chen Tong is also reborn, she will naturally not be polite.

"If you can relieve your anger by hitting me, then hit me." Chen Tong stood upright.

"Nizi! Kneel down!" Suizi roared, and Chen Tong didn't dare to show his anger.

"I'm so old—"


Plop, Chen Tong knelt down.

Suizi went up and kicked twice, his hands hurt and he didn't feel relieved, so he went up and kicked.

"I dragged you to grow up so hard that I made you do things that are ashamed of your ancestors? I don't even have the face to face my ancestors even if I die. How dare you appear in front of me, bastard? I'll call you back now. Let you go back to die and apologize with death!"

Chen Tong didn't dare to move even after being beaten by her, he knelt upright, Suizi was completely different from the impression he remembered, his temper became even hotter, he would beat people with his hands, and curse words came out as soon as he opened his mouth.

She was not like this in her previous life. Before he went abroad, no matter what he did, she was a good parent who was reasonable and convinced others with virtue.

Everyone envied him for having such a gentle mother.

But what Chen Tong dislikes the most is the word "mother". Since he became an adult, he has only been called Suizi by his name, hoping she can understand what he means.

But she doesn't understand.

She still doesn't understand.

The uncle woke up in a daze. In a daze, he saw a woman punching and kicking his eldest nephew.

"What are you doing?" The uncle sat up, his face pale.

"Uncle, you are dreaming, this is a dream." Chen Tong jumped up from the ground, begging Suizi with his eyes, Suizi raised his middle finger at him, Nizi, she hasn't hit enough yet!

"Oh, dreaming." The uncle sat there and covered his forehead with his hands.

Suizi grabbed Chen Tong by the collar and dragged him out of the door.

"This dream is so real." The uncle was not fully awake yet.

Suizi had imagined countless times, if Nizi stood in front of her, how would she educate him, how would she persuade him to abandon the dark and turn to the bright.

But now that she really saw it, she just wanted to cut him, to the death.

After cutting it, it felt like a piece of emptiness in my heart.

She is in this time and space, so what if she beats this kid to death?

The losses he caused are irreparable. After all, she has no way to teach her children and has no face to face others.

Chen Tong was dragged by her to a corner where no one was around, and he was mentally prepared to be beaten by her again, but Suizi waved his hand, as if drained of strength.

"You are ashamed of my upbringing. I'll beat you and forget it. Don't let me see you in the future."



"I am not a traitor."

"I'll let you go—huh?" Suizi grabbed him by the collar, "What do you mean? Speak clearly!"

"I joined the laboratory in my previous life, but my purpose was to find evidence, which is not what you think. I dare not tell you because I am afraid that you will be in danger. When I get the evidence and want to come back to you, you have already—"

Chen Tong's voice choked up several times when he thought of the sad things in his previous life.

"Trick me? Pick what I like to hear?"

"I admit that I am not a good person. I will hurt others for my own benefit, but it is impossible for me to hurt you. I did this not because of my deep sense of righteousness. I don't have your national feelings. I just I want to be a hero to make you happy."

What Chen Tong didn't say was that he wanted to make her happy, and behind it was his own careful plan.

Spike fell silent.

She didn't know whether what Chen Tong said was true or not.

But one thing, he was right.

This kid is cold by nature, likes to calculate, and he is not a good person in his bones. This is born, and Suizi's efforts to educate him did not change him.

When he was a child, he dared to add pig feed to Yu Jingting's food for personal gain.

But he is really kind to Suizi, and Suizi understands this kindness as "filial piety".

"I, Chen Tong, point to the sky and say something, if what I said today is half a lie, let me be hit by a thunderbolt, and I will be a pig or a dog in the next life, but I will not be a human being!"

Suizi already believed in him to a certain extent, now she calmed down and thought about what happened today, and her impression of Chen Tong also changed a little.

The reason why he stayed here was because he knew that his uncle would be shot to death by the fence, so he came here with the medicine in advance and waited.

Meeting Suizi was unexpected. He knew that with Suizi's brain power, he could guess the truth by seeing his abnormality, but in order to save his uncle's life, he did it anyway.

"Even if you have a conscience, you know that human life is greater than heaven."

"You believe me?" Chen Tong was overjoyed.

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