I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 963 What is a real man

"Boss Yu is really skilled."

When the client who just signed the contract came out, he saw it through the glass and admired Jingting.

Yu Jingting waved his hand, he didn't even bother to exchange greetings, and turned to ask Suizi.

"Are you hurt?"

Suizi felt her heart was about to jump out of her throat, and the short two minutes just now was a long torment for her.

"Look at the two children." Suizi's voice was hoarse as if it had been ground by sandpaper, and she was really frightened.

Dongdong's injury wasn't serious. She was kicked by a pig, but she didn't hurt her tendons, nor did she hit any vital parts. The bruising would heal within a few days.

Chen Tong is a bit miserable.

He couldn't move one ankle, had multiple abrasions and urine all over his body.

It's getting cold now, and when the wind blows, the clothes soaked in pig urine are bitingly cold.

At this moment, he lay motionless on the ground, buried his face in the ground, and was very annoyed.

He was ashamed in front of Suizi again, and so humiliated.

He wanted a hero to save the beauty, but ended up in a mess, and even pissed all over.

The limelight was still taken by Yu Jingting.

It is estimated that the big loss, this will laugh out loud, right?

Chen Tong was feeling annoyed, and his body felt warm.

Yu Jingting took off his suit jacket and covered him.

The suit with his body temperature is also isolated from the cold wind,

The light and warm material also has Lao Yu's unique scent of soap.

"Boss, are you made of pure wool? Why don't you use mine?" The employee at the side couldn't help but said.

Yu Jingting's suit is not cheap, pure wool worsted, 100% wool, who would have such a suit, would it be worth it?

Chen Tong was covered in pig urine, can the top of a high-end suit be washed out?

"No, this is fine." Yu Jingting covered Chen Tong, seeing that he was in so much pain that he couldn't stand up, so he bent down and picked him up.

This move stunned Chen Tong.

"Be patient, I'll take you to the hospital right away." Yu Jingting signaled Suizi to take out the car keys from his pocket, and he carried Chen Tong into the car.

The signing of the contract has been done, and there is still some finishing work left, just let Chen He come over and do it.

"Your big boss is really a benevolent person."

Before the car door closed, Chen Tong heard the emotion of the customers who bought the pig farm.

"You don't need to worry about me, there will be no outsiders again, who are you pretending to show?" Chen Tong said in a low voice.

Yu Jingting hugged the white shirt on his body and rubbed it a little. At this time, he changed to the driver's seat and asked Suizi to take care of the two children.

"Keep your tongue-twisting energy, when are you still talking cheap?" Yu Jingting didn't get angry with him, and explained his behavior by the way, "Although I look down on you, but for the one who saved my wife Humans are not so cheap as to add insult to injury."

Chen Tong felt that a huge boulder fell head-on, and there were two large characters engraved on the boulder: pattern.

At this moment, he really saw that Yu Jingting was different from him.

The vague answer in my heart has become a little clear.

He may not know why Suizi doesn't fall in love with him, but he vaguely understands why Suizi likes Yu Jingting.

Once this man is serious, he really shines.

Dongdong was also injured, but he remained silent the whole time, not saying that this might be a conspiracy by Chen Tong.

Suizi didn't mention it, and he didn't mean to say anything.

Chen Tong felt uneasy at this moment. When he saw Dongdong appearing with Suizi, he already guessed that Dongdong probably knew something, so he ran to grab Suizi to rescue him.

If Yu Jingting knows about this, just because of Jingting's level of wickedness, can't he be killed?

But Dongdong didn't say anything, his purpose was very clear, which was to protect Suizi and Yu Jingting well, and after his wish was fulfilled, he didn't want to be the one who made trouble.

Yu Jingting's reminder to Chen Tong before resounded in Chen Tong's mind.

He saw the difference between himself and Dongdong more and more clearly.

All the good things in his previous life were tailor-made to please Sui Zi.

Dongdong herself is such a person, she doesn't need to pretend, she looks the same inside and out.

So Suizi will adopt Dongdong, so it is not a kind of miss for Chen Tong in his previous life.

Thinking of this, Chen Tong suddenly felt his nose sore.

His goodness is pretended, but she has already met a child who can replace him in this life.

This is like a copycat meeting a real product.

She may no longer need a poor-quality adopted son with impure motives like herself, and he is to blame for everything today.

The tingling pain on his cheek awakened Chen Tong's self-pity.

Suoko was touching his cheek cautiously.

"Why didn't you let go just now? This face is scribbled like this, so you can't be disfigured? Will my future daughter-in-law still have a crush on you?"

Her caring attitude cut Chen Tong's heart again, he didn't want her to treat him like this.

He would rather Suizi beat him and scold him than she cared about him with a motherly attitude.

He pushed Suizi's hand away, and said angrily to Jingting:

"Stop! Let me down!"

Yu Jingting slammed on the brakes.

"Did you pee your pants?"

"." Chen Tong was so annoyed by his nonsensical sentence that he forgot what to say next, and it took three seconds for him to react.

"I don't need you to sympathize with me! I tampered with the pig, and I let it attack Yu Jingting. It's all me! I'm the one to blame, I'm the one who deserves it, you can take revenge and hate me, no need for sympathy!"

After shouting, Chen Tong was both happy and disappointed.

He was left with nothing after all.

After that, Yu Jingting was free to retaliate against him, so he gave up.

Compared with Suizi's sympathetic eyes, he would rather suffer revenge from Yu Jingting, he is also a man.

"Oh, that's it?" Yu Jingting restarted the car, and said to himself, "I thought you were going to get out of the car so anxiously that you were going to pee your pants, and that's the only thing you did?"

"This matter is still small?! Can't you understand human language? I used my expertise to manipulate pigs. If Suizi doesn't come, you will be chased by pigs!"

"You don't need to say that, I'm not stupid, I know what's going on after a little thought."

Yu Jingting's answer surprised Chen Tong, did he know?

"My daughter-in-law led Dongdong to appear suddenly, and the pig went crazy by such a coincidence, and your kid appeared wearing this thing on his head. I think it's your fault."

"You know it's me, and you're still willing to save me—?"

"One yard is worth one yard. You kid cheated me. I will cut you when you get better, but if you save my wife, I can't let you die in front of my eyes."

Dongdong silently stares at the side, he thinks his father is so handsome, and he will become such a man when he grows up, standing upright!

Suizi raised her hand to slap Chen Tong, but seeing the scratches on his face, she couldn't slap him, so she poked the wound on his face instead, and Chen Tong grinned in pain.

"Take it!" Suizi cried as she poked her. Chen Tong didn't dare to fight back after being abused by her. In fact, he wanted to cry too.

"If it weren't for the sake of your conscience, I should sever the mother-child relationship with you now!"

"I'm so bad, you still say I have a conscience?" Chen Tong even looked down on himself now.

"If you are really bad, you should have conspired with Li Tieguang to drug the pig feed, but if you didn't, it means you still have a conscience—but you are still unforgivable for plotting against Jingting."

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