I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 971 I really want to see you this time (monthly pass 50+ more)

The book on Suizi’s desk has a title that catches Jingting’s attention: Happy Marriage and Sex

On the cover, four cartoon feet are intertwined. Although only the feet are shown in the picture, this shape shows what these two people are doing.

Yu Jingting was excited at once.

As a man with a strong thirst for knowledge, he will not miss the opportunity to learn.

Grabbing the book, looking at the tassels with sly eyebrows, tsk tsk tsk, unexpectedly, this little girl from his family is quite good, how can this study catch his heart?

He picked it up excitedly, turned two pages, frowned, and became more and more disturbed the more he read.

"What the hell?! Isn't this fooling people!"

He was just two mouthfuls away to express his disdain.

The most imaginative thing about the whole book is the four feet on the cover. There is no description in this book.

It is a very academic book, and serious ones cannot be more serious.

Spike sighed.

"I borrowed this from the library and plan to learn it. There are several half-grown children in my family. I think the part about puberty in this book is very good. I plan to come back and study it."

Who is like him, only that thing is on his mind!

"What is there to learn from this thing, men and women still need to learn?"

Yu Jingting was about to throw away the book, and flipped a page casually.

The title is: Why We Choose Opposite People as Partners

This title immediately caught Yu Jingting's heart.

Doesn't that mean him and Suizi?

Everyone has two diametrically opposed traits, one that is more obvious and the other that is more hidden.

Therefore, when many people choose a mate, they seem to choose someone who is opposite to themselves, but in fact they are still looking for their own shadow.

Yu Jingting glanced at it twice, and raised the corners of his mouth. This paragraph is written like that.

Suizi wrote for a while and couldn't hear anything, so she looked up at him, startled.

"What did you draw on the book!!! You have to return it!"

Yu Jingting was scribbling on the book with a pen.

"Tell the library that it's lost and lose money. I want this one."

It's just right to give that little bastard Chen Tong.

The point of view in the book happened to be what Yu Jingting wanted to tell Chen Tong.

Yu Jingting keenly felt that Chen Tong's mouth was only stubborn now, and the attitude of the brat had loosened a bit.

As long as Chen Tong is pushed again, this kid will give up completely.

"Looking back is right, hehe." Yu Jingting closed the book, intending to send it to Chen Tong in the morning, proudly akimbo, "I'm not as smart as I am, not as big as I am, and not as bad as I am, so why compete with me?"

"What are you muttering - the phone is ringing, answer it." Suizi pushed him.

Yu Jingting went to the living room to answer the phone.

"I'm Yu Jingting, huh? Chen Tong set fire to someone else's house?"

The cars of Yu Jingting and Suizi arrived almost at the same time as the policeman's car.

The fourth uncle's family, whom I saw only during the day, stood in the street in autumn clothes, with thick smoke rising from the house behind them.

The fourth aunt was terrified, holding her son and crying all the time.

Seeing Suizi getting off the car, the fourth aunt rushed over to push Suizi, but Yu Jingting grabbed her hand.

"Auntie, calm down."

"I can't calm down! Yu Jingting! I believe in you husband and wife, so I am willing to give Chen Tong that wolf cub a chance. In the end, this is the reward for your trust in me?"

The aunt was crying, and her face was covered with black marks.

"What's going on?" Suizi asked, she was not in the situation now.

"Chen Tong, a little bastard, set fire to my house, we have worked so hard for so many years"

My aunt knelt down and covered her face and cried.

The fourth uncle is already going to fight Yu Jingting desperately. If this happens in the family, everyone will go crazy.

"Why do you say Chen Tong did it? Is there any evidence?" Suizi asked, looking around, but did not see Chen Tong.

"My son saw him sneaking around the back door of my house just now. Not long after he left, my house caught fire. Who is it?"

When Chen He brought Chen Tong over, he happened to see the fourth aunt complaining hoarsely to Suizi.

"Bastard!" Chen He slapped Chen Tong forcefully, he wanted to strangle this little bastard right now.

"You should be allowed to stay in the work-study school honestly, and you shouldn't be let out!"

"Let's investigate clearly."

"It's not sure who set the fire."

Suizi and Yu Jingting said together, although the two said different things, but the central point is very clear, and they can't be labeled until they find out.

"Auntie, when this happened, no one would feel well, but it would be unfair to say that it was my son——Chen Tong who set the fire before we found out."

"Who else could he be? This kid was able to drug my son before, but now he hears that he is asked to accompany my son to exercise, and he feels resentful! This kind of bad person will never change for the rest of his life, so he should be thrown into the mountains to feed him." Wolf!"

Chen Tong stood up straight with no expression on his face, his heart was barren.

His father's fists fell on him like raindrops, but he seemed unconscious, no matter how his father beat him, he didn't say a word.

"You said it, did you do it!" Chen He was about to go crazy.

"Uncle, if you ask this now, aren't you assuming that he did it?" Yu Jingting grabbed Chen He's wrist, and Chen Tong looked at Yu Jingting in surprise.

He didn't expect that Yu Jingting would stand up and speak for him.

"If this kid really did it, I'll pay for the house, burn one of your houses, I'll pay for two, and then break his legs and send him to a work-study school for reform. I will definitely not protect you. But if he didn't do it, you, And you, do you owe him an apology?"

Yu Jingting looked around, and finally fell on Chen He, full of disgust.

"My daughter-in-law is a parent who cares more than you. If you ask him clearly, you will convict him? He is your own son, and you treat him like this?"

"I don't need you to speak for me! Don't pretend to be a good person in front of Suizi!" Chen Tong shouted to Jingting, "Didn't you say that you should be less self-righteous and 'for your own good'? I don't need you to be good for me!"

Yu Jingting put his hand on his head, the power gap forced Chen Tong to bow his head.

"Don't be so affectionate with that person, who will do it for you? I don't think so. I'm doing it for myself."

"Why?" Chen Tong was puzzled.

At the moment when the whole world sees him as unlucky, shouldn't Yu Jingting, who is hurtful, add insult to injury?

"Oh, I just don't want my daughter-in-law to get wrinkles. You shut up and I'll take care of it."

Yu Jingting said this sentence bluntly, but the sense of majesty that came to his face made Chen Tong's nose a little sore.

Although his father was by his side, at this moment, Yu Jingting acted more like a father.

When I make a mistake, I will draw it with a belt, but if something goes wrong, I will protect it.

Suizi changed her usual soft and cute image, and asked the fourth uncle's family several times, all of which were about the fire, and her tone gradually became stricter.

"So, you only saw him wandering around behind your house, and you said he set the fire?"

"You guys are so good at 'solving cases', can the police agree?" Yu Jingting stood by the ear, supporting his wife.

The stone in Chen Tong's heart seemed to be shattered, and he suddenly understood one thing.

This time, I'm afraid I really have to leave.

He has no regrets.

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