I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 17 Humane Heaven (Final Chapter)

Chapter 1017 Humane Paradise (Final Chapter)

Lin Xu woke up from his room.

The dark gray curtains opened automatically, and the golden sunlight suddenly shined in, shining on Lin Xu's body, as if he was covered with gold.

Lin Xulu was stunned for a moment, then sat up from the bed. Opposite him, the white wall suddenly lit up, and the image of a smart butler appeared, "Mr. Lin, good morning."

"Good morning, William." Lin Xu has been back in time for a while and is already familiar with this situation.

The smart butler in front of him is technically supported by [Chaoqun Group], and Lin Xu gave it a very familiar name - William.

[Chaoqun Group] After these years of development, it has become the best in the world, with business all over the world and unimaginable influence in major federations.

Before the spiritual energy was revived and the ancient demon was broken, [Chaoqun Group] was the strongest technology group in the world, with a monopoly in many aspects such as artificial intelligence, nanomaterials, and battery technology.

After the spiritual energy was revived and the ancient demon was broken, Chairman Wu Siyuan of [Chaoqun Group] also took the lead in the world on the path of cultivation.

During the time of the Ancient Demon Rebellion, he led a group of strong men to re-seal the Ancient Demon, sorted out various cultivation systems around the world, carried out social reforms, combined cultivation and technology, and established a system covering the entire society. The training academy was established and the realm levels were reclassified.

Nowadays, the entire world's extraordinary cultivation system is divided into seven levels.

Level 1 is the entry level.

Levels two to four are extraordinary levels.

The fifth level is the level of half-god and half-immortal.

The sixth level above the fifth level, in ancient times, was the realm of immortals and true gods.

The seventh level is stronger. When placed in the realm of immortals, it is called the Golden Immortal. When placed in the realm of true gods, it is the main god.

Currently, in the entire real world, the only known sixth-order powerhouse is the actual controller of the [Super Group]—Wu Siyuan.

But it is said that he has not appeared for a long time.

There are rumors that he is trying to reach the seventh level.

But it's just a rumor.

Because Wu Siyuan has not appeared in public for a long time.

Some people even say that Wu Siyuan, who is already immortal, is no longer in this world.

In short, there are many rumors.


Lin Xu was very interested in Wu Siyuan, who led social change.

He just returned from time travel, but he didn't expect such an interesting thing to happen.

But Lin Xu was not in a hurry, he had enough time to wait, and he also had a strong feeling that they would definitely meet.

Talk about it.

Lin Xu also wants to thank Wu Siyuan.

It was the social changes he brought about that put the entire society on a different path. Many previously terminal diseases can now be cured.

Like Lin Xu, he was hit by a car before traveling through time. His soul traveled to the fairy tale world, but his body lost consciousness and became a vegetative state.

Because he did not receive good care, his body functions were actually in a state of exhaustion and he was about to enter physical death. At this time, his spiritual energy revived, and with the explosion of [artificial intelligence technology], social productivity increased dramatically.

Intelligent robots have entered thousands of households, replacing many tedious tasks.

The same is true for hospitals. The emergence of intelligent medical care robots has liberated nursing workers and made their work easier, but their work efficiency has been increased hundreds of times.

The most important thing is that medical care intelligent robots will not tire or complain. They will only work 24 hours a day and provide professional services that far exceed those of nurses.

It was under the care of the intelligent medical care robot that Lin Xu's body, which was on the verge of failure, did not deteriorate further, but gradually improved.

When Lin Xu travels back through time, he won't be embarrassed by not having a physical body.

Although with his strength, it doesn't make much difference to him whether he has a physical body or not.

But being able to return to one's own mortal body is still a different feeling.

Oh, it is worth mentioning that with the explosion of social productivity, people like Lin Xu do not need to pay for medical expenses. They are all free. Moreover, the Asian Union issues a considerable amount of credits to every citizen every month. , distributed according to the level of citizens.

But even for the lowest-level citizens, the monthly credits they receive are enough for citizens to live decently in society. Of course, if they want to purchase some luxury goods, they will need to do extra work and obtain more credits. Clicked.

Credit points were the currency of previous societies.

During the time when Lin Xu was in coma, credits were added to his social security account every month.

Because he was in a coma, those credits were never used and kept accumulated, which added up to a lot.

After Lin Xu woke up, he used the credits to purchase a state-of-the-art [Virtual Experience Cabin] sold by [Chaoqun Group].


Lin Xu stretched.

Personal intelligent butler William looked at Lin Xu, smiled slightly, and said, "Mr. Lin, you seem to be in a good mood today."

"Did I feel bad yesterday?" Lin Xu asked.

"You were in a good mood yesterday, but your mood looks even better today. Did you have a sweet dream?" William, the personal smart butler, asked Lin Xu.

Lin Xu marveled in his heart that the world's artificial intelligence technology has developed to such an extent, and said, "I did have another sweet dream. I dreamed of a queen with a big mole. I spent many beautiful nights with her. Well, her legs are also very long, and my waist is a little sore."

"Sir, I have to remind you that this is already a paid plot." William, the personal intelligent butler, said with a serious face.

"That's right. I should charge extra." Lin Xu chuckled.

William, the personal smart butler, also smiled and asked, "Mr. Lin, according to the doctor's advice, your breakfast is ready. When you woke up, I had already placed the order. I foresee that it will be ready in 50 seconds." Served, if you want to change the taste, you can also tell me."

"No, just listen to the doctor." Lin Xu didn't have any additional requirements for food. He was not a senior executive at Hengtai, so he only ate imported fruits.

"Okay, sir." William, the personal intelligent butler, nodded. Not long after he finished speaking, a small intelligent aircraft flew in through the automatically opened window with the lunch box in hand, and placed the lunch box firmly on the dining table. , and then made an electronic sound, "I wish you a pleasant meal. If you are satisfied, you can leave a good review, thank you." before flying away silently.

Lin Xu had long been accustomed to this high-tech living standard. He entered the automatic washroom and, with the assistance of modern automatic technology, took a refreshing bath and cleaned his mouth.

——Actually, the house Lin Xu lives in now is equivalent to a slum in the old era, and the conditions are not that good.

A truly high-end house in modern society is a combination of technology and spiritual energy technology, which makes living in it comfortable.

Of course, Lin Xu didn't care at all.

If he wants it, with his true strength, there is nothing in this world that he can't get.

He was enjoying life more. Seeing such a big change in the world he once lived in, he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.


Lin Xu sat at the dining table, opened the lunch box casually, and took out all kinds of delicious dishes on porcelain plates.

William, the personal smart butler, walked out of the wall screen, came to Lin Xu, and asked thoughtfully, "Mr. Lin, where do you want to eat today?"

"Just have a night view on the beach."

"Okay." William, the personal intelligent butler, nodded. In an instant, the whole room dimmed, and the scene in the room also changed dramatically.

Today, Lin Xu is sitting on the beach with the bright moon on the sea, watching the rising and falling tide of the sea, listening to the rustling sound in his ears, and feels a sense of comfort in his heart.

Before he traveled through time, holographic projection technology was only a laboratory technology. When he came back, holographic projection technology was not only commercialized, but also entered thousands of households.

What a big change. Lin Xu sighed in his heart while eating breakfast in the night view of the seaside.

After about half an hour, Lin Xu ended the breakfast while chatting with the smart butler.

Lin Xu asked the smart butler William, "Do I have any other plans today?"

Intelligent Butler William said, "Mr. Lin, according to the requirements of the Social Order Coordination and Management Association, you must take basic psychic education courses and other social science courses. Only by passing the basic psychic education courses can you enter a more advanced psychic academy. and information and resources about accessing psychic powers.”

After a pause, Intelligent Butler William said again, "Mr. Lin, although I really don't want to tell you this, but the National Psychic Association requires me to tell you that the requirements for psionic training are very high. Even if you can't enter the Psychic Academy, you still can't. There are other ways out in society, and the achievements of the outstanding among them are no worse than those of psychics."

"Don't worry, William, I'm very tolerant." Lin Xu said with a smile.

For a ninth-level boss, he doesn't care even if he fails to pass the basic psychic education course and cannot truly understand the extraordinary power of this world.

He really doesn't care.

The relevant instruments scanned Lin Xu's body, and William found that Lin Xu's brain waves and heartbeat were very calm. According to the algorithm analysis, he knew that Lin Xu really didn't care, so William also smiled and praised Lin Xu, "Mr. Lin, Your mentality will make it easier for you to succeed.”

"Really, I think so too." Lin Xu smiled and said with deep approval.

After having this breakfast at the beach late at night, listening to the sound of the tide.

Lin Xu stood up, and William put away the holographic projection in time, restoring the simple and cold appearance of the room.

He first went to the bathroom to do a simple but comprehensive wash, and then came to the most valuable virtual warehouse in the room.

The virtual warehouse automatically scans Lin Xu's body information and opens it automatically after verification.

Lin Xu took off his clothes and lay down in it. The respirator covered his mouth and nose, and the green nutritional phase began to be injected into the virtual warehouse.

The virtual warehouse slowly opens and closes.

Lin Xu only heard William's words, "Mr. Lin, I wish you a wonderful experience." As soon as he finished speaking, he entered the virtual world and appeared in a castle full of fairy tale romance.

This is Lin Xu's personal space in the virtual world.

You can think of it as a three-dimensional version of the former QQ space. You can adjust the layout of the space according to your own preferences.


Some modifications are free.

But some modifications will cost a lot of credits.

Just like that goose, it wants money.

Lin Xu transformed this personal space into a fairy tale style according to his own preferences.

Due to limited funds, only a fairy tale castle was built, but not a fairy tale town.

Moreover, there is no [money] to buy NPCs.

So this fairy tale castle was empty, with only Lin Xu alone, and it looked particularly... desolate.

"Ding... number Y-9653-NCY-998, name Wang Yihang, request for access?" The system prompt sounded in Lin Xu's ears.

Lin Xu's heart moved and he said, "Connect."


A virtual screen appeared in front of Lin Xu, and a handsome young man with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and a gentle look appeared.

"Hello, Mr. Lin." said the handsome and elegant man.

"Hello, Teacher Wang." Lin Xu said. This man was the teacher of the basic psychic education course he had chosen before.

As VR virtual technology spreads around the world, a large-scale VR similar to "Oasis" developed by [Chaoqun Group] has covered all aspects of the real world. Many social activities have been transferred to this large-scale VR virtual world, not just learning. , as well as entertainment, work, etc., and even cultivation.

Many traditional social methods have also changed accordingly.

Such as education.

Teachers are free to choose students, and students can choose teachers according to their own wishes. Of course, they can also study on their own.

As long as you pass the corresponding exam in the VR world, there will be relevant knowledge certificates in various files.

No one is forced, everything is voluntary.


If you pass the corresponding exam and obtain the relevant level certificate, you will earn more credits every month.

This is motivation.

But don't force it.

The tremendous explosion of productivity, the widespread application of artificial intelligence technology, and the liberation of human beings from tedious labor.

It only requires a very small number of humans and a very low amount of labor to produce enough resources to meet the needs of all mankind.

The relevant departments became distribution departments.

in this case.

Human beings have physical relative freedom (it cannot be absolute freedom), and they can decide what they want to do and what not to do.

Lin Xu thought to himself, this is the "Great Harmony" that the ancients have been pursuing.

Of course, it is not absolute unity, but relative unity.

Most of the resources in this world are still in the hands of the privileged class. Just a little bit of residue leaking out of their hands is enough to feed the rest of the world.

However, the upward passage in this world is always open, and the best can eat the cake.

That's why the whole world doesn't seem so lifeless.

And this channel is spiritual energy.

It can only be psychic, which is fair to people all over the world.

That's why the bottom of this world has sharpened its brains and wants to develop spiritual energy.

That is the path to transcendence.

Lin Xu didn't care much about this so-called extraordinary road.

He is already the top boss at the end of the extraordinary road. In his eyes, there is not much difference between the so-called seventh and eighth levels. They are all a matter of a slap and a thought.

But even so, Lin Xu still followed Teacher Wang seriously to learn the basic knowledge of psychic powers in this world.

The learning efficiency in the VR virtual world is much higher than that in the real world.

Teacher Wang can call up various immersive and relevant knowledge videos at will, allowing Lin Xu to deeply understand the corresponding knowledge points and grasp them firmly.

In this way of learning, hours passed in a flash.

Teacher Wang then said to Lin Xu, "Okay, that's it for today's study time."

"Basic psychic education has a total of two hundred classes. You have studied one hundred and ninety-three classes. After seven classes, you can apply for the final exam."

"If you pass the assessment, you will be qualified to learn higher-level psychic knowledge."

"Come on, Lin Xu. Although you are a little older, judging from your current learning situation, you are still very promising." Teacher Wang encouraged Lin Xu.

"Thank you, teacher." Lin Xu smiled and nodded.

"Well, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

The two of them ended their study.

Teacher Wang disconnected from Lin Xu's personal space.

Lin Xu was the only one left in Nuoda's fairy tale castle.

According to regulations, each adult has ten hours of VR time per day.

Lin Xu spent four hours studying, and he still has six hours left.

He just planned to take a walk around the VR world.

The VR virtual world is very exciting. Some people like to watch horror movies immersively - I heard it scares people to death. Some people like to try on the latest clothes and lipsticks over and over again in the beauty mall - because there are not enough in reality. Purchase with credits, some people like to surf between planets - feeling the speed of light.

But Lin Xu is different. He likes to walk aimlessly in crowded places. He likes this kind of scene where the sounds and figures are mixed together, which makes him intoxicated.

Time in the VR virtual world always feels like it flies by.

Before he knew it, Lin Xu's ten hours had been exhausted.

A situation appeared in front of him that made him prepare to quit VR.

Although some privileged people can apply for some special accounts and stay in the VR world for a longer time every day.

With Lin Xu's ability, it would be easy to get it.

But he had no such intention.

When he returned to the real world this time, he lived his life as if he were just drifting with the crowd.

Therefore, he exited the VR world in accordance with the regulations.

After coming out of the virtual warehouse, Lin Xu found that he had nothing to do again.

Quiet and thoughtful.

A premonition made him want to go out for a walk.

At Lin Xu's level, there are no premonitions without reason.

So he decided to go out and follow his feelings.

Walking on clean streets where cleaning robots and sorting robots can be seen everywhere, there are some empty stores on both sides. Now fewer and fewer people are willing to go shopping, because all their needs can be solved online.

VR addresses their spiritual needs.

And underground logistics pipelines all over the country allow them to place orders at home without leaving home, and the goods or food purchased online can be delivered directly to their rooms within three hours.

People no longer have the need to go out, so offline stores will be even worse.

Now that these stores are open, the bosses not only do not have to pay credits, but can receive a large amount of credits from specialized units every month based on revenue, as if those units specifically hired them to be bosses.

But even so, many shops are closed because they can't find [bosses] to come to work.

Many people would rather play VR at home than come here and be the boss.

The government also stipulates that robots are not allowed to be used, so they can only keep them closed. There is a sign on the door that says "The shop is for rent." It is not the boss who rents the shop, but the boss who rents the shop.

Lin Xu, who came from the old society, found this scene very interesting.

He thought that if he had nothing to do in the future, or if he didn't have enough credits to spend, he would come over and be the [boss].

Think so.

He came to a shop.

Looking at this shop, Lin Xu had a strange look on his face.

This shop is none other than the place where Lin Xu got the fairy tale book and the Wheel of Time Hourglass before he fell into coma.

I didn’t expect this store to be closed yet.

However, the boss has changed. He has been replaced by a young man. Judging from his appearance, he is somewhat similar to the boss in his impression.

Lin Xu could see their blood relationship at a glance.

But Lin Xu's eyes fell on the other customers in the store.

How strange.

There were actually three young customers in such a shop.

One male, two female.

The man looks handsome and handsome.

One of the women has the temperament of a mature woman, while the other is more delicate and cute, and looks very youthful and energetic.

This is the vision of ordinary people.

In Lin Xu's eyes, these two women have extraordinary levels of strength of six or seven.

Of course, even at level eight, in Lin Xu's eyes, it was just an existence that could determine life and death with just one word.

Mainly the man.

Lin Xu saw a majestic existence through the man's body.

Lin Xu also believed that this majestic being had seen his true nature.

The young man was flipping through a fairy tale book. When he saw Lin Xu, he smiled slightly and said, "Hello, my name is Wu Siyuan."

"My name is Lin Xu, you can also call me - William!" Lin Xu said.

The two suddenly laughed silently in tacit understanding.

(It's finally finished. It started with the leader's "Heart of Divine Punishment" and I thought it would end with the leader's "Human Paradise", but in the end it was still a little short of the mark.)

(I will write my closing remarks later. I would like to thank many people for their support.)

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