Hong Kong Shooting Association competition venue.

A middle-aged man held up a sports pistol, with red eyes and a crazy expression, and asked the game supervisor in front of him, "Why didn't you shoot?"

In the middle of the game, a man with an elegant face wearing a white shirt immediately took off his earmuffs, pointed a gun at the crazy man, and said, "Lao Yu, don't mess around!"

The man named Lao Yu had a tragic look on his face. He said, "I'm finished. I don't want anything to happen to my wife and children. As long as I die, they will have a lot of money! Help me!"

"Why don't you help me? Please help me!"

Lao Yu pointed his sports pistol at the crowd of onlookers and said frantically, "Help me, help me..."

The elegant man's hand shook several times, but he still couldn't fire.

On the other side, Lao Yu had fallen into complete madness. He looked at the moving crowd and shouted "Help me, help me" while shooting.

The crowd fled, and only a fat man and a short-haired woman wearing a white coat appeared in front of Lao Yu.

Lao Yu walked toward them with a gun, "Help me, please, help me..."

The short-haired woman was so frightened that she buried her head in the fat man's chest.

At this time, Lao Yu had already walked up to the two of them, pointing the sports pistol used in the competition at the two of them, still shouting hoarsely, "I beg you, help me..."

"Bang bang" two gunshots were heard, and a bloody hole appeared in Lao Yu's head.

Wu Siyuan also woke up from his sleep and sat up, covered in cold sweat.

"Is this what killing feels like? So Peng Yixing, whose temperament tends to go to extremes, was tortured repeatedly by this nightmare, and will he become so crazy later?" Wu Siyuan thought to himself.

It had been a few days since he returned from the psychiatrist, and the memories of Peng Yixing's body hit Wu Siyuan like a tide.

This also allowed Wu Siyuan to master all the information about Peng Yixing in a short period of time, including the bank passbook password, handjob movements, handjob postures, and the feeling of killing someone himself...

But this kind of mastery is like watching a movie through a movie screen, but it's just a little less interesting.

Wu Siyuan can recall every detail of when Peng Yixing shot and killed Lao Yu, but he will not fall into a state of anxiety, depression and self-doubt like Peng Yixing in the movie. Of course, he cannot understand what Peng Yixing said after the murder. happy feeling.

Another kind is Peng Yixing's shooting technique.

Marksmanship is a high degree of unity of the shooter's physiology, psychology and pistol.

In Peng Yixing's body possessed by Wu Siyuan, the muscle memory of shooting has almost turned into physical instinct. The pistol is also a semi-automatic pistol modified according to his own conditions, but the bullets fired by Wu Siyuan's hand are worse than Peng Yixing himself. Because Wu Siyuan's psychological quality cannot pass the test.

Fortunately, Peng Yixing had just killed Lao Yu, and others thought he had a burden on his heart, which caused his shooting level to plummet.

Only then did he not doubt him and let Wu Siyuan get away with it!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

"Are you having nightmares again?" A fiery body hugged Wu Siyuan from behind and asked softly in his ear.

"It's okay!" Wu Siyuan followed Peng Yixing's habit of remembering him and replied in a cold tone, "Go to sleep!"

"Ah Xing, no matter what happens, I will be by your side! I will not be a burden to you!" Peng Yixing's girlfriend Guo Liyi said to Wu Siyuan in a very firm tone.

"I know! You're not!" Wu Siyuan said to Guo Liyi with emotion in his heart, with a bit of warmth in his voice.

Wu Siyuan, who has watched the movie several times, knows that if Peng Yixing is a person who is crazy about guns, then Guo Liyi is a person who is crazy about love.

She loves Peng Yixing crazily, no matter the cost!

For him, she could bear the charge of illegal gun possession for Peng Yixing without hesitation.

For him, she could go on a hunger strike and commit suicide to stop the police from convicting Peng Yixing!

Her love for Peng Yixing has reached a level beyond words.

Likewise, Peng Yixing, who is autistic and doesn't like to express his feelings, is also deeply in love with Guo Liyi.

For her, he would shoot Yang Zhengxiang without hesitation!

For her, he could fight the entire police force by himself!

Peng Yixing loves Guo Liyi in his own way!

This is a couple who love each other deeply.

Originally, they would have a good ending.

Peng Yixing was the firearms expert who said that the guns he modified would not see blood.

And Guo Liyi will be the cheerful girl who accompanies Peng Yixing to change guns.

The turning point of everything lies in the man who failed in the stock market and went bankrupt. He deliberately shot and injured others for his wife and children, and wanted others to kill him so that his wife could obtain a high insurance amount.

Maybe his wife and children really received a large amount of insurance, but his behavior dragged another kind-hearted person into the abyss!

If Miao Zhishun had been more decisive, the result might have been different.

But there is no if!

But this time I have him, Wu Siyuan!

Wu Siyuan looked at Guo Liyi lying down and secretly made a decision in his heart, "Don't worry, I won't let Peng Yixing make the same mistakes this time. Let me make up for the regrets of the movie as Peng Yixing."

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……….

Three years later.


General Manager's Office.

Wu Siyuan sat on the boss's chair, and a pastoral scene that no one else could see unfolded in front of him.

It is a land like a landscape.

Golden radiance filled everything, and the ball of light hung thirty meters high.

The entire space is shrouded in a beautiful halo, and a 40-meter-long stream divides the field into two halves.

The creek is crystal clear, and fish and shrimps swim happily.

Eighty fruit trees are planted on this land in an orderly manner, producing abundant fruits and overflowing with fruity fragrance.

Bees were flying around, lingering.

A translucent data frame automatically appeared. The data frame floated in Wu Siyuan's field of vision with a faint sense of light. A large amount of data emerged in front of his eyes: "The space has reached the upgrade standard. Do you want to upgrade?"

Three years! It’s not easy to finally reach the upgrade standard! Wu Siyuan thought with great emotion!

"Upgrade!" In any case, being able to upgrade is a good thing, Wu Siyuan said with a bit of anticipation.

As soon as he finished speaking, the green light in [Shennongjiao Space] was strong, and the green cover at the edge of the space expanded violently, and the land was born from the void. At almost the same time, the luminosity of the light ball also increased, and the space expanded upward to five Ten meters high, the ball of light floats upward, continuing to spread light and heat over the entire land.

Wu Siyuan made a rough estimate and found that the space had expanded to about five acres, which was twice as much as the original land.

"The space upgrade is completed, increasing the efficacy of beneficial plants by 5%, synchronizing resonance, and transforming the owner!"

The sound resounded in Wu Siyuan's soul, and the green life energy extended to Wu Siyuan's soul along the [Shennongjiao Space], and then strengthened Wu Siyuan's body.

Not long after, the prompt box of [Shennongjiao Space] appeared in front of Wu Siyuan, "The space transformation is complete. Do you want to strengthen the original skills or grant new skills?"

"Are you given any new skills?" Wu Siyuan was a little surprised.

In the original book, the energy after the protagonist's upgrade is used either to develop his bloodline or to improve the strength of the druid, so there is no excess energy that can be used to form new skills.

But Wu Siyuan is different. He has neither elven blood nor the supernatural energy of a druid.

He is just an ordinary guy, and he is still looking forward to the skills and abilities given by [Shennongjiao Space].

So he said, "Give me new skills!"

"You have gained a new skill - [Fear]!"

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