I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 9 Business (Thanks to book friend 2020419140655383 for the reward)

Wu Siyuan picked up the phone and looked at it. It was already 9:05 in the morning.

He was startled and suddenly remembered that he had to open a shop for business. He immediately got up as quickly as possible, brushed his teeth and washed, changed his clothes, and hurriedly opened the door and prepared to go to the shop.

Coincidentally, when Wu Siyuan opened the door, the door to Lin Meiyi's room also happened to open.

She seemed to be in poor condition, her eyes were red and swollen, and she must have had a sleepless night.

During this time, he was busy with the fruit business. Wu Siyuan would leave early and come back late. Lin Meiyi also knew this. She didn't expect to see him at this time. Lin Meiyi felt very embarrassed and ashamed, but she still managed to stay calm. He greeted Wu Siyuan and said, "Good morning, Xiao Wu, haven't you gone to work yet?"

"Good morning, Sister Meiyi, we are getting ready to go to work." Wu Siyuan said.

"Well, okay." Lin Meiyi said in a conventional manner.

"Let's go to work first." Wu Siyuan could understand Lin Meiyi's mood at this time, and he didn't say any words of comfort. At this time, any words of comfort would be salt sprinkled on Lin Meiyi's wounds, so Wu Siyuan opened the door and left very wisely. .

As soon as Wu Siyuan left, Lin Meiyi's tears fell down uncontrollably, and kept falling, and she just walked to the toilet while wiping her tears and controlling her crying... …

【Shennong Orchard】.

Because of the previous delay, it was already 9:45 when Wu Siyuan opened the door for business.

Not long after the door opened, a grandma came in with her grandson and asked Wu Siyuan why he was open so late today. She had already walked around outside twice. If it weren't for buying some fruit, she would have gone back long ago.

Grandma is an old customer of Wu Siyuan and has always taken good care of his business. Wu Siyuan could only apologize and said that something was delayed today, but it would not be like this tomorrow.

Grandma chatted a little more, bought a few kilograms of fruit and went back.

Wu Siyuan came back after packing a rice roll and began to think about recruiting workers. In the past, the business was unstable, but now they have opened stores, and the business is slowly getting on the right track. If he had to be tied here every day, he would feel a little sorry [Shen Nongjiao Space] 】This golden finger.

Recruitment can only take place slowly.

After eating rice rolls, Wu Siyuan went to the small warehouse behind the store to take out some of the pure natural green pollution-free fruits he had accumulated in the past two years.

The quality of this batch of fruits was not bad. Wu Siyuan felt it was a bit wasteful to sell them together with ordinary fruits.

After pondering for a while, Wu Siyuan cleared out the most eye-catching place, put the specialty fruits in [Shennongjiao Space] into categories, and put labels and price tags on them.

The label says "organic fruit" and the price is 30% more expensive than similar products.

Not to mention, the organic fruits with bright colors and good looks are piled up in layers, which is very attractive.

Even Wu Siyuan couldn't help but take one and put it in his mouth to chew on it.

Sweet and juicy!


However, the price tag of organic fruits is really a bit expensive.

Most of the customers who come to him come here for high quality and low price, and their spending power is limited.

It was not until noon that a customer came to buy fruits as gifts and fell in love with these beautiful organic fruits.

Although the price was high, the customer gritted his teeth and bought it. The total amount of several fruits was 5 kilograms, which cost him more than 40 yuan.

Ordinary fruits cost less than 30 yuan.

After all, customers who give gifts are rare and not the norm.

Most of the other customers who come to the door are rushing for the cheap fruits. Even if they are attracted by the bright appearance of these organic fruits, after seeing the price, their reason will still calm them down.

It's just that occasionally customers place orders or buy a small amount to try.

Wu Siyuan's new organic fruits can only be sold in pieces.

Wu Siyuan is not in a hurry. Anyway, almost all transactions are cost-free. As long as he sells them, he will make a profit.

It is just used to improve the grade of [Shennong Orchard] and do differentiated marketing.

At the end of the day.

Wu Siyuan sold 976 kilograms of fruit, of which 42 kilograms were organic fruits, accounting for only 4.3%. However, the selling price of organic fruits is the profit, regardless of other expenses. The average profit is 7.5 yuan per kilogram, and 42 kilograms of organic fruit is 315 yuan.

The gross profit of ordinary fruits is 1.85 yuan per pound, and the gross profit is 1,727.9 yuan. Including the profit of organic fruits, it is 2,042.9 yuan.

This was the first time for Wu Siyuan that the gross profit on that day exceeded 2,000 yuan.

The sales volume of organic fruits only accounts for 4.3%, but the profits of organic fruits account for 15.4% of all fruits!

After calculating this data, Wu Siyuan felt excited and became more determined to promote organic fruits.

the following few days.

Wu Siyuan puts all his work energy into the fruit shop.

The turnover of the fruit shop is also rising steadily.

The second day after Wu Siyuan returned from the movie world of "The King of Guns" and the third day he opened his store, [Shen Nong Orchard] sold 986 kilograms of fruit, including 65 kilograms of organic fruit, with a gross profit of 2,190.5 yuan that day.

On the fourth day, [Shennong Orchard] sold 956 kilograms of fruit, including 75 kilograms of organic fruit, with a gross profit of 2,191 yuan that day.

The amount of fruit has decreased, but the gross profit has not decreased.

On the fifth day, [Shennong Orchard] sold 1,003 kilograms of fruit in a single day, exceeding 1,000 kilograms for the first time. Organic fruits also exploded, and word-of-mouth spread in the surrounding area, reaching 101 kilograms. The gross profit on that day was 2,425.5 yuan.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ….

On the tenth day, June 30, 2012, [Shennong Orchard] sold 1,009 kilograms of fruit that day. The organic fruit fell back to only 98 kilograms. The gross profit on that day was 2,420 yuan.

That night, the last day of June 2012, after Wu Siyuan closed his files, he did some calculations at Shennong Orchard and found that the liquidity on hand had skyrocketed, from more than 40,000 to 63,000 now.

Wu Siyuan estimated that if he could make a gross profit of more than 2,000 yuan every month in the following days, after deducting shop rent, labor, and other necessary expenses, he would be able to earn at least 50,000 yuan every month.

50,000 a month, 12 months a year, is 600,000.

Of course, the fruit business will be much worse in winter. Calculated based on 10 months a year, there is still an income of 500,000.

In Wu Siyuan's hometown, a well-decorated commercial house in the county town is 120 square meters, which is 4,000 yuan per square meter.

With 500,000 yuan, you can buy a house in full without any pressure!

Of course, Wu Siyuan, who has three years of experience in the world of "King of Guns", has long been in a state of mind and will not be particularly excited about such a small amount of money.

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