Wu Siyuan did it when he thought of it.

The first thing he did was to visit the local fruit wholesale market.

After checking the address of the nearest fruit wholesale market on the Internet, he took a taxi there at 3:30 a.m. the next day.

At 3:30 in the morning, Yangcheng Street was quiet and quiet, which was completely different from the noisy scene during the day.

Wu Siyuan's taxi went smoothly all the way, and he arrived at the Jiahe Fruit Wholesale Market in less than 20 minutes.

Jiahe Fruit Wholesale Market is a small and medium-sized fruit wholesale market, but at four o'clock in the morning, it was already bustling with people and busy traffic.

After Wu Siyuan paid, he followed a long passage into the fruit wholesale market.

In front of the fruit wholesale stalls along the street, there are brightly colored fruits of all kinds. On the wide land not far in front of the stalls, 6-meter-8 trucks are parked, each carrying at least tens of thousands of dollars. There is a small table next to the truck, with one or two people sitting behind the table, and there is a scale nearby.

From time to time, customers will walk by these fruit trucks and stop to ask about the price and look at the fruits. Interested customers can just cut a piece of fruit with a knife and taste it.

If you feel satisfied, you will place an order on the spot.

If you don't like it, you will smile and leave and go to the next one.

People come and go, a lively scene.

And Wu Siyuan, as a newborn calf, broke into the kingdom of fruits.

Wu Siyuan walked along the stalls along the street, one by one, to see how other merchants inquired about prices and purchased goods. Occasionally, he would take the initiative to ask about wholesale prices.

In fact, the wholesale prices at various stalls are almost the same, with only a difference of 10 cents or 20 cents.

Of course, in the fruit wholesale business, which relies on volume to make small profits, a dime or two is already the difference between a loss and a profit.

However, if you get less goods, like 10 or 20 cents, the difference is actually not very big.

As a businessman, every penny is hard-earned, and you have to fight for every cent or two.

These words are far off base.

Let’s go back to the fruit issue.

Wu Siyuan has had contact with bosses in the fruit business before, and he always heard them say that the water in the fruit business is very deep.

Indeed, it is really not easy to do well and make money with these non-standard products, products whose quality is difficult to control and have high timeliness requirements.

Anyone who joins the industry at the beginning must pay enough tuition and persevere to have a chance to survive in this industry.

But for Wu Siyuan, who has a golden finger, it is not a problem at all.

[Spiritual Eye] allows Wu Siyuan to see through the quality of fruits, thus minimizing the loss of fruit purchases.

Of course, if the fruit cannot be sold, it will rot after a few days. This is loss.

But Wu Siyuan has [Shennongjiao Space].

He was reviewing the novel "Heart of Condemnation" these days, and found that there was a separate area in the "Shennongjiao Space" that seemed to be specially prepared for storing plants. Some herbs would stay put if they were placed in it. status at the time.

Plants can, and of course there is no problem with the fruits of plants.

Of course, this fresh-keeping area is not large, but it is enough for a fruit shop owner who is just getting ready to go on the road.

The timeliness of fruits cannot hinder Wu Siyuan.

The two major problems with fruit are no longer a problem for Wu Siyuan. In this case, if Wu Siyuan still loses money in the fruit business, then nothing can be justified!

At dawn, the number of people in the Jiahe Fruit Wholesale Market began to decrease, and Wu Siyuan also got a rough idea of ​​the market conditions.

After he felt that it was almost done, he left the Jiahe Fruit Wholesale Market without picking up the goods and started looking for a suitable store.

To be honest, given his current situation, being a ghost stall would be more suitable for him.

Low investment, low risk!

However, he who owns the [Shennongjiao Space] is really unwilling and unwilling to be a wandering ghost who is chased around.

Isn't it just a gamble?

The success rate is so high, so what are you afraid of!

Moreover, even if you fail, with the golden finger of [Shennongjiao Space] here, are you still afraid of failure?

It has to be said that the golden finger of [Shennongjiao Space] gave Wu Siyuan a lot of confidence and made him confident that even in the worst case scenario, if the world ends, he will not starve to death!

It was this kind of confidence that gave Wu Siyuan great confidence and allowed him to rush through the streets and alleys to find a suitable stall.

Every day in Yangcheng, stores are "prosperously transferred", and every day there are stores "opening successfully".

Whether on the busy streets or in the deserted alleys, you can see stickers saying "Shops for Rent".

Shops in bustling areas have a lot of traffic but the rents are expensive.

Shops in deserted alleys have cheap rents but are sparsely populated.

Some shops are being squeezed out by landlords' increasingly higher rents.

Some shops are trapped by the dwindling number of people.

The shop Wu Siyuan wanted to find couldn't be a place with sparse traffic, because these days, the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys, let alone the fruit industry, which is a bad street. After working for more than a month, even the rent of the shop would be lost. There is no money earned, let alone labor costs.

The place Wu Siyuan wants to find is preferably close to a community or school, or it is a Feng Shui treasure land in Yangcheng's unique urban village.

In these places, business will be good if there is a large flow of people.

But Wu Siyuan went around and found that such a good area had either already been owned by a famous woman, or the rent was expensive. A shop of fifty or sixty square meters would cost eight to nine thousand yuan.

Wu Siyuan thought about it in his mind and couldn't help but shake his head. He couldn't afford to rent it, he couldn't afford it!

In the end, after two days of struggling, Wu Siyuan found a suitable stall on the commercial food street of the Xingye Community where he rented.

Yes, it's a stall, not a shop.

It is a fixed location of less than 20 square meters to the left in front of a store called [Hongwang Supermarket] on the commercial food street.

The owner of Hongwang Supermarket is a middle-aged Chaoshan man in his 30s, surnamed Chen. He rented the location for 2,200 yuan per month and gave it to Wu Siyuan to sell fruit.

When closing the stall at night, the supermarket owner agreed that Wu Siyuan could put the unsold fruits in his store.

To be honest, at 2,200 yuan per month, renting the position of a supermarket owner is a bit expensive.

It just feels a bit unworthy.

This is one of the reasons why the supermarket owner has not rented out the space for a long time.

But on the bright side, although you have to pay 2,200 yuan in rent to the supermarket owner every month, you don't need to pay a deposit like normal merchants.

If Wu Siyuan feels that he is not getting anything done, he can abandon it at any time without having to worry about not getting his deposit back, because he does not have a deposit.

On the other hand, the location of Hongwang Supermarket has a lot of traffic. The boss said that his daily turnover of the supermarket is often eight or nine thousand, and when business is good, it can even exceed ten thousand.

This is also the reason why he can sustain this shop with a rent of tens of thousands.

Wu Siyuan sells fruit, which does not conflict with his supermarket business. Maybe it can attract some customers.

If some of these customers buy snacks, drinks, and cigarettes from his store, that's extra money for him.

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