I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 3: The Art of God’s Fighting

[The Art of Divine Fighting] can also be said to be the [Art of Inviting Gods]. Those who are successful in cultivation can summon unknown divine power with just a few movements of their hands. They are invulnerable and powerful. They can overcome ghosts and gods, and practice to the extreme to move mountains. Sea, the martial arts or magic borrowed from the gods can also be easily performed. It can be said to be a powerful method that can sanctify the body.

There is a branch of the Maoshan sect that specializes in the "Shen Dao Art".

It is said that monks in this branch, after reciting the mantra, can not only ask the enshrined gods to come to their bodies, but also ask the enshrined gods to come to the bodies of others, so that a scholar who has no strength to fight a chicken can lift a hundred kilograms weight. The Guandao made a fat man with a fat head and brain as agile as a monkey.

It's a pity that decades ago, the only two remaining disciples of this branch, Qian Kai and Xu Fa (from the movie "Ghost Fighting Ghost"), killed each other because of their differences in ideas. In the end, only one disciple named Zhang Bingdao was left alive. The branch has since declined.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes was lucky enough to meet this descendant of the Maoshan sect when he was young. After his teaching, he obtained the [Skill of Divine Fighting]!

It’s just that Zhang Dadan had not been introduced to it for long at that time, and he didn’t know much about the essence of [The Art of Divine Fighting]. He only knew a little bit about it, and he didn’t even know how to worship the gods passed down by the sect!

Because worshiping gods is not just inviting a god randomly, just offering incense every day is enough!

You see, the gods don’t care about you!

There are very complicated methods here, and it can be said to be the most important thing for a sect.

The sect had been worshiping these gods continuously for hundreds of years, and it had reached the point where "you can summon the gods by chanting a mantra". Its power was unlimited. Unfortunately, when it was passed to Zhang Dadan's generation, because the master died too Soon, the tips for making offerings were not passed down.

It is easy to destroy but difficult to build!

Without incense to worship the gods, the relationship will naturally become weak. Zhang Dadan naturally cannot invite gods to him at will like his master did.

So much so that the [Shen Dao Technique] that Zhang boldly taught to Taoist Priest Four Eyes is not so much the art of inviting gods as it is the [Art of Inviting Spirits] and [The Art of Inviting Ghosts].

This technique of "inviting ghosts" is also widely circulated among the people. Practitioners call it "Yitong". It also uses a spell, but it invites nearby lonely ghosts.

After the ghost takes possession of the body, it can stimulate the potential of the possessed person, making him extremely strong and lose the sense of pain. The powerful ghost can even emit a ghost energy from the body, making it invulnerable to ordinary people, which is invulnerable in the eyes of ordinary people!

But this kind of inviting ghosts comes at a price.

After inviting a ghost to take possession of the body, the possessed person is often in a coma, and the body is controlled by the ghost. Moreover, after the ghost leaves the body, the possessed person often falls into short-term fatigue. This is because his yang essence cannot be absorbed by the ghost. As a reward, if you invite ghosts to you many times, your life will be in danger!

It can be said that this is an evil method!

Taoist Priest Four Eyes, as the orthodox successor of Maoshan, naturally saw the shortcomings of this incomplete [Shen Dao Technique].

He has never dared to practice.

Later, he traveled around and learned about the Northeastern Chumaxian system.

Chumaxian can also be said to be a different kind of [inviting ghosts to come to the body], but these Chumaxian invite not the lonely ghosts nearby, but the family immortals who are enshrined.

They are said to be family immortals, but in fact they are just some successful spiritual monsters. In order to obtain spiritual qualifications more conveniently, they choose some humans with special physiques to "cooperate". In their words, this is called establishing a hall.

These people with special physiques are called disciples, or disciples. When they engage in so-called "disciple activities," these so-called "family immortals" possess them and gain the ability to help people see things or treat illnesses.

In this process, these disciples gained worldly wealth, while these "family immortals" received other rewards.

After Taoist Master Four Eyes got a deeper understanding, he discovered that these regular disciples frequently invited the immortals to take possession of their bodies, but they rarely died suddenly.

In other words, the side effects of "going out" are not as strong as inviting ghosts to take over!

Taoist Priest Four Eyes was inspired by this, and it was impossible for him to worship the family immortal. Once he did so, his senior brother Shi Jian (from "Zombie Supreme") who practiced [Lightning Thunder Fist] intensively on Maoshan Mountain ), a thunder will strike him to death, lest he lose the face of Maoshan!

It is of course even more impossible to offer ghosts.

It goes without saying!

Even with the pride of Taoist Priest Four Eyes, he would not do such a thing!

However, you can give it a try by using the Chumaxian system to worship some ghosts and gods.

It just so happens that their Maoshan sect has a founder who works as an underworld official in the underworld!

So Taoist Master Four Eyes asked Senior Sister Zhe Gu, who specialized in "traveling to the underworld" in Maoshan Mountain, to help him go down to the underworld and invite the ancestor to come up for "negotiations."

To everyone's surprise, this matter was actually negotiated by Taoist Priest Four Eyes.

From then on, Taoist Master Simu always maintained a statue of the Patriarch in his home, and offered incense continuously every day. "Invite God to come to the body" has also become "Invite the Patriarch to come to the body"!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

After Wu Siyuan saw the memory of [The Art of Divine Fighting] in Taoist Priest Four's mind, he had to praise that this guy is really a talent!

It's a pity that Wu Siyuan's appeal to Wu Siyuan has greatly decreased since he lost the skill of worshiping the gods.

So Wu Siyuan focused on the orthodox Maoshan magic practiced by Taoist Master Si Mu.

Maoshan magic is divided into two types: [method] and [shu].

[Dharma] refers to the method of absorbing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth and converting it into one's own magic power, such as the [Maoshan Pure Heart Method] practiced by Taoist Master Four Eyes, and the [Lightning Thunder Fist] practiced by contemporary senior brothers of the Maoshan Sect. Law.

[Skills] refers to the skills of catching ghosts, subduing demons and eliminating demons, such as [Corpse Exorcism], [Puppetry], [Soul Suppression] and so on.

When he thought of this, Wu Siyuan suddenly remembered that he had not "taken a look" at his current attributes, so with a thought, a translucent attribute border appeared in front of him:

Name: Taoist Priest Four Eyes/Wu Siyuan

Race: human

Attributes: Strength 12, Agility 13, Constitution 12, Intelligence 19, Perception 18, Charisma 9

Occupation: The first authority master in space, Maoshan Warlock

Skills: 1. Detect aura (can detect the aura status of animals and plants)

2. Fear spell (can make the subject feel fear),

3. Levitation (can make the subject levitate)

4. Shooting skill LV8/LV10

5. Change gun skills to LV8

6. Nine Yang Magic (grey)

7. Wudang Changquan (grey)

8. Cotton palm (gray)

9. Shocking Palm (grey)

10. Tiger claw hand (gray)

11. Thirteen Swords of Shenmen (grey)

12. Finger-winding soft sword (gray)

13. Tiyunzong (grey)

14. Tiger Claw Extremist Hand (grey)

15. Gecko wall swimming skill (grey)

16. Bone shrinking function (gray)

17. One yang finger (gray)

18. Seven Injury Fist (grey)

19. The Great Shift of the Universe (Gray)

20. Jiuyin Bone Forging Art (grey)

21. Mind-stimulating palm (gray)

22. White python whip method (gray)

23. Destroying Divine Claw (grey)

24. Soul-moving method (gray)

25. The art of snake-walking and raccoon-turning (gray)

25. Great Demon-Suppressing Fist (grey)

26. Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms (grey)

27. Maoshan Qingxin Method LV10 (permanently improves physical fitness by 1 point, intelligence by 6 points, and perception by 8 points)

28. Artifact refining (a method of making magical instruments using special techniques)

29. God's Fighting Technique LV3 (please ask the ancestor to take over)

30. Maoshan Spell LV5

Internal Qi: 0

Mana: 1050 (late stage of Qi refining)

Space level: Level 4

Space area: 25 acres

Space attributes: Increase planting benefit effect by 25%, seed optimization level 2

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