Wu Siyuan said that Lin Meiyi would be responsible for the financial work. In fact, the first thing she did was administrative work.

She was sent by Wu Siyuan to register the company.

Wu Siyuan was responsible for recruiting troops.

After all, opening a company is not as simple as a fruit shop. It requires a lot of people in all aspects.

After struggling for a month.

[Yangcheng Shennong Fruit Co., Ltd.] was officially established. The office address was a 100-square-meter office in Hengyi Building near the Shigang branch of [Shennong Orchard]. It was simply decorated and put into operation after purchasing office supplies!

The company's business scope includes fruit procurement, store retail, logistics and warehousing, and fruit planting.

Fruit planting is Wu Siyuan's plan for a rainy day. As his career develops in the future, if he wants to further expand his influence, he will inevitably reach out to the upstream and downstream of the fruit industry.

Wu Siyuan has a clear understanding of this.

Of course, if he wants to increase his influence, Wu Siyuan can also enter other industries.

But that’s for the future, so let’s focus on the present.

[Yangcheng Shennong Fruit Co., Ltd.] Both the legal person and the general manager are Wu Siyuan. The general manager has a deputy general manager to assist him in handling various daily tasks.

In this aspect, Wu Siyuan paid a headhunter to recruit. In the end, among the several personnel provided by the headhunter, he chose a 35-year-old man named Su Shixian. He had been in charge of the fresh food business in a medium-sized supermarket chain. Due to internal struggles, problem, so they were eliminated.

Wu Siyuan mainly liked his experience and practicality.

Because the company has just started, there are only six departments in terms of organizational structure: administrative and personnel department, finance department, purchasing department, sales department, warehousing department, and operations department.

Needless to say, the administrative and human resources department and the financial department.

The purchasing department can be said to be the soul of a fruit sales company. Wu Siyuan’s skill of [Detecting Aura] is temporarily irreplaceable, so this department is directly in charge of Wu Siyuan.

The Warehousing and Transportation Department took over the cold storage and was also responsible for sorting. The two cold chain trucks purchased at a cost of hundreds of thousands were also managed by this department.

The operations department is the department responsible for finding suitable addresses to open new stores and subsequent operations.

Su Shixian is responsible for the daily affairs of the company, while Lin Meiyi assists.

Wu Siyuan mainly grasps the overall layout, checks for omissions and fills them, so that the company can develop according to his own ideas.

It has to be said that the establishment of a company is like transforming from a guerrilla to a regular army.

Su Shixian is thoughtful and has many years of relevant experience. He handles the company's affairs in an orderly manner, and its development seems to have been achieved by pressing a shortcut button.

On December 15, 2012, the construction of the cold storage was completed. The company named it Crystal No. 1 Cold Storage internally, and the warehousing and transportation department moved in.

The fruits Wu Siyuan purchases daily are transferred from the warehouse to the cold storage.

On December 19, 2012, the last [Shennong Orchard] branch was renovated, and several employees who were transferred from other branches quickly got into business.

Since then, all five [Shennong Orchards] have entered into operation.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

December 26, 2012.

【Shen Nong Orchard】Fanhua Branch.

A plump middle-aged woman wearing an oval frame, dressed as a housewife, and carrying a basket walked into the fruit shop.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw an acquaintance picking fruits.

The fat woman immediately shouted enthusiastically, "Mrs. Zheng, are you here to buy fruit too?"

"Mrs. Zhou, yes, yes, we have guests at home. I'll come down to buy some food to cook, and buy some fruits by the way!" A relatively thin and tall woman turned around and saw the fat woman, and a smile suddenly appeared on her face, "Zhou Tai, are you here to buy fruit too?"

"Come to the fruit shop, what can you buy if you don't want to buy fruit?" Mrs. Zhou, a slightly fat woman, said with a smile.

"Hahaha," Mrs. Zheng, a tall and thin woman, let out a series of laughter and said, "Mrs. Zhou, don't you usually buy fruits at Qianguoyuan?"

Mrs. Zhou’s family is in a good financial situation and she is financially independent.

"But let's not talk about it. The quality of this newly opened fruit shop is not bad, and the prices are good and cheap. I have come here to buy it several times, and I am very satisfied with the quality of the fruit every time. To be honest, I think it is no better than [Qian Orchard is not as good as its packaging and reputation," Mrs. Zheng said.

"Actually, I came here specifically to buy the flat peaches from this store!" Mrs. Zhou had a look of helplessness on her face.

"Peach?" Mrs. Zheng was a little confused.

"Don't mention it, my little princess passed by last time and saw the flat peaches in this store, and she became greedy. I bought one for her at that time. Later, she still wanted it after eating it."

"I went to [Qianguoyuan] to buy it for her, but she didn't want it after a few bites, saying it didn't taste like this."

"I have no choice but to come to this newly opened fruit shop and buy some flat peaches for her." Mrs. Zhou said something complaining, but in fact her eyes were full of doting.

Mrs. Zheng, a tall and slender woman, calmly looked at the price of flat peaches in this fruit shop and sighed in her heart, "Hey, darling, it's 16.8 yuan each! I can't afford it!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, these flat peaches are so expensive." Mrs. Zheng couldn't help but say.

"No!" Mrs. Zhou also agreed, "But people say that this is a natural, pollution-free organic fruit. My princess likes it. No matter how expensive it is, she has to bite the bullet and buy it."

As she spoke, Mrs. Zhou took six or seven organic peaches and put them into the basket. Then she looked at the organic fruits next to them, took a lot more, and put them in the basket.

Then I weighed it on the electronic scale and calculated the price, "201.5 yuan."

Mrs. Zhou paid the money casually and asked Mrs. Zheng who quietly blocked the fruit in her hand, "Mrs. Zheng, have you finished buying it? How about we go back together?"

"No! I want to pick out some more fruits. You should go back first. Don't let your little princess go hungry." Mrs. Zheng smiled and said.

"Okay, I'll leave first." Mrs. Zhou left confidently holding the basket.

Mrs. Zheng looked at the ordinary fruit in her hand, then at the organic fruit beside her, sighed silently, and put it on the electronic scale.

"Hello, the total is 46.8 yuan." The salesperson at [Shen Nong Orchard] said to Mrs. Zheng.

"Okay." Mrs. Zheng said to herself after paying the price, "Although it can't compare with others, the taste of this fruit will not be worse than hers! It's nothing more than an IQ tax."

Mrs. Zheng turned and left. Before leaving, she couldn't help but take a look at the green organic flat peaches priced at "16.8 yuan each" and sighed in her heart.

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