Wu Siyuan replaced Xu Lingjun, but although he was released from reeducation through labor, it did not mean that he could do nothing.

In fact, he still has to go out to graze with the herdsmen every day and come back every night to feed the horses.

Here, the herders taught him how to ride a horse, how to communicate with the horses, and how to herd the horses.

As the novel "Spirit and Flesh" adapted from the movie said:

In the early morning, when the sun had just emerged from the tops of the poplar trees and the silver-white dewdrops were still shining on the grass, Wu Siyuan was about to open the fence of the stable.

The animals pushed their bellies against their bellies and their buttocks against their buttocks, scrambling to get to the pasture.

Turtles and croaking chickens burst out of the grass with cries of joy and panic. They spread their wings, swept across the horse's back, and shot toward the poplar forest like arrows.

Wu Siyuan was riding a horse, galloping on the grass with dark green traces trampled by the horses, as if he had suddenly fallen into the embrace of nature.

There is a swamp in the pasture, covered with fine reeds.

The animals were scattered among the reeds, clutching the young grass with their wide, flexible lips.

Outside the swamp, all you can hear is their constant snorting and splashing in the water.

Wu Siyuan lay down on the slope of the mound and looked up at the sky. The snow-white and silver-white clouds were as ever-changing as life.

The wind blew across the grass tips and the swamp water, bringing with it fresh moisture, the smell of horse sweat, and the breath of nature. It rubbed all over his body from head to toe, giving him an extremely kind feeling. Soothe.

Wu Siyuan stretched out his arms and tilted his head to his armpits. He could smell his own sweat, and could smell the breath of his own life mixed with the breath of nature. This feeling of joy and joy is very wonderful, and it is a feeling that Wu Siyuan has never experienced in the past few worlds.

It can arouse his endless reverie, thinking that he has melted into the wind of the wilderness; he is everywhere, but he has lost his uniqueness and replaced it with his love for life and nature.

At noon, the horses waded out of the reeds one after another, with round bellies, fluffing their manes, and swishing their tails to drive away horseflies and gadflies.

The horses would gather around Wu Siyuan trustingly and affectionately, looking at their shepherd with big, kind eyes.

Under the noon sun, in the distance, cloud shadows moved slowly at the foot of the mountain; in the swamp, a water bird called the "buffalo" also felt the heat and began to sing its beak against the reed roots.

Here, there is not only the vastness of wind-blown grass and cattle and sheep, but also the beauty of green mountains and green waters. He suddenly felt a sense of satisfaction: life is beautiful after all!

Sometimes, showers will rush towards the grassland. It first hangs transparent raindrops on the hillside like a curtain woven from black gauze, turning the bright sunshine into a pleasant golden yellow and spreading it on the vast grassland. Then, the rain feet slowly drifted in the wind and moved down the hillside. After a while, big raindrops fell obliquely, and the whole grassland was like a puff of white smoke.

Before that, he had to drive the grazing horses into the forest belt. He was riding a horse, holding a long whip, opening his wings-like skirt, facing the rain and wind, galloping around the horses, scolding and commanding the stray horses.

On the ranch, Wu Siyuan met many people - the joking Guo Qianzi, Guo Qianzi's pragmatic and capable wife, Lao Wang from the field department...

And at night, he would go back to his yard and continue working under the dim light.

After cleaning up the sanitary environment of the house, the first thing Wu Siyuan had to do was to cover up the incomplete wall.

Otherwise, people would come and go and see everything, leaving him with no privacy at all. Sometimes it would be inconvenient to take things from [Shennongjiao Space].

At the same time, Wu Siyuan also wants to build more houses.

At the very least, cover the toilet, otherwise bathing and using the toilet will be a big problem.

But building walls and houses require materials.

In this era, there were not all kinds of materials that would be available in later generations.

Even if he had, Wu Siyuan didn't have enough money.

Therefore, when he came back every night, Wu Siyuan took off the adobe in the yard, then dried it in the shade and sun.

When he was busy until late at night, Wu Siyuan secretly fetched water from the Shennongjiao Space, boiled it, took a bath, and sat on the kang to practice the "Basic Wudang Mental Technique".

Xu Lingjun is getting older, and his muscles and bones have also been shaped. It is probably difficult to get started with practicing "Nine Yang Magic". It is better to practice "Wudang Basic Mental Technique", which can achieve peace and tranquility, and also strengthen the body.

The fulfilling days passed day by day.

Four or five months later.

Wu Siyuan finally took off enough adobe, got some cement and lime paste himself, and built the courtyard wall.

He originally wanted to do it alone and didn't want to trouble others. It didn't matter if it took longer.

In this era, he has enough time to settle and accumulate.

But the herdsmen were too enthusiastic.

When he saw Wu Siyuan building a wall, he came over to help without him saying hello.

Guo Qianzi, Uncle Dong, Lao Wang...

Wu Siyuan was a little moved. This kind of simple neighborly relationship was something he had never experienced after living in the city for a long time.

No wonder Xu Lingjun would later resolutely give up the opportunity to inherit hundreds of millions of assets. This place that healed his inner wounds and this group of people who warmed his heart were something he couldn't let go of. They were things much more valuable than money!

Wu Siyuan thought with emotion.

He originally expected that it would take several months to build the wall, but it was completed in less than a month.

The two-meter-high adobe courtyard walls squarely surrounded Wu Siyuan's house, as well as the stable on the left and the open space on the right.

Guo Qianzi looked at it and said with a smile, "Haha, Lingjun, he looks like a landlord."

This caused Guo Qianzi's wife to glare at him dissatisfiedly, as she was exposing his scars.

It is because of this family status issue that people are labeled as "rightists"!

Guo Qianzi came to his senses, clapped his mouth quickly and said, "I said the wrong thing, I said the wrong thing. Just pretend you didn't hear it!"

Wu Siyuan quickly stopped him and said in an indifferent tone, "It's okay, it's okay! Guo Qianzi, please stop fighting."

He really doesn't care.

He thought for a while and said, "Everyone, thank you for your help during this time. I won't say much else. I bought a few bottles of wine and some peaches in my room. You can come in and have a taste."

With that said, Wu Siyuan pulled a few of them into the house, poured them wine, and brought out peaches and apples for them.

The peaches and apples were naturally taken out by Wu Siyuan from the [Shennongjiao Space].

In the northwest, wine is common, but peaches are rare.

People in the northwest are generous, and since Wu Siyuan said so, they were not polite and naturally accepted it happily.

Drinking wine, eating fruit, chatting and laughing.

The laughter spread through the courtyard walls and spread far, far away.

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