In 1974.

Nearly half of the land in the Chilechuan Ranch is planted with alfalfa.

Of course, except for the original planting area, alfalfa seeds in other places are cultivated second-generation seeds, and the beneficial effect is only 25%. But even so, under theoretical conditions, the yield can be increased by more than 4 times.

Of course, theory is theory, and the actual situation is not always ideal.

That year, Wu Siyuan was really too busy to keep his feet on the ground, and the range of pastures he ran with [Detection Light] became even larger.

Fortunately, Li Xiuzhi was virtuous and supported him.

It's just that the wife is attached to her husband, and occasionally she can't help but say to him, "Even horses miss home, and people miss home, Xu Lingjun, you are so cruel." If she shows her love like this, Li Xiuzhi will be in charge at other times. Behind the scenes, keeping his home safe and orderly became his strongest shield and fortress.

This also made Wu Siyuan feel warm and at the same time feel even more pity for Li Xiuzhi!

Alfalfa mows the first two crops of grass, and the yield of these two crops of alfalfa is already equivalent to the yield of the entire pasture last year.

This only counts the yield of alfalfa planting area, and the forage produced by half of the Leymus chinensis planting area has not yet been calculated.

The entire Chilechuan Ranch can be said to be in a sea of ​​joy. Even if there is a severe drought in the pasture, there is no need to worry about the horses having enough to eat.

The army's horse-raising tasks can also be completed easily.

Even Wu Siyuan and the others seemed to have no excuse when they went to the mountains to graze their cattle.

One person had an ulterior motive and wanted to arrest Wu Siyuan to "study", but the herdsmen who worked together with him turned him back with high-sounding excuses.

"Without Xu Lingjun, you grow grass in our pasture, and you graze our pasture?"

"Can you raise a horse like Xu Lingjun's, healthy, fat and strong?"

"Are you responsible for delaying the army's horse-raising mission?"

"What kind of class sentiment do you have? What kind of peace of mind do you have?"

Faced with the concerted efforts of the herdsmen, these people had no choice but to leave angrily. No one dared to mention this matter again!

But here, the pasture has had a bumper harvest, and the amount of pasture is more than needed.

Wu Siyuan approached several leaders of the brigade and proposed a plan to expand the alfalfa planting area, further increase forage production, add other breeding categories, and expand income channels.

The herdsmen didn't quite understand those high-level things, but Wu Siyuan said that the herdsmen could be given more meat, more eggs, more money, and more food stamps, which was easy to understand.

After discussion, the leaders of several brigades supported Wu Siyuan's plan.

They jointly called the farm department and proposed the idea of ​​building a cattle farm and a chicken farm.

Not surprisingly, most of the field was paralyzed by those with ulterior motives, and they didn't care what they did.

So, in the name of pasture, the Chilechuan cattle farm and the Chilechuan chicken farm were established.

It’s not that no one raises chickens or cattle in Chilechuan Ranch.

But large-scale breeding is not that simple.

Whether it is the construction of a cattle shed or a chicken farm, the treatment of livestock feces and urine is not a simple matter.

At Wu Siyuan's request, the cowsheds and chicken farms should be built as scientifically as possible.

It cannot be as high-tech as future generations, but it must make full use of current technology to minimize local pollution.

There was an agricultural science and technology talent near the Chilechuan Ranch. When Wu Siyuan found out about it, he went to great lengths to dig him into the ranch for "transformation"!

In fact, Wu Siyuan used his influence on the ranch to protect him, and used his agricultural science capabilities, combined with some of the later design concepts put forward by Wu Siyuan, to let him design relatively advanced cowsheds and chicken farms.

A biogas digester is a must.

Cows and horses are both excrement-making machines. These excrements are directly discarded without treatment, which will only pollute the environment.

After anaerobic fermentation, these feces can be turned into treasure, becoming biogas and organic fertilizer.

Organic fertilizers can reduce alfalfa fertilizer expenses.

As the saying goes, "If you have a huge wealth, you don't count the hairy ones"!

There are many unpredictable risks in the breeding process.

Once a disease breaks out, large-scale culling and burying are often carried out, resulting in a loss of money.

The herders who are closed off do not know this information.

But many years of breeding experience have allowed them to understand the risks of breeding.

Therefore, the early Chilechuan cattle farm and Chilechuan chicken farm were not large in scale.

Chilechuan Cattle Farm only introduced 500 cattle. This number was simply insignificant compared to tens of thousands or 100,000 cattle farms in later generations, but it was of great significance to Chilechuan.

As for the Chilechuan Chicken Farm.

The cost of raising chickens is low, so we purchased 2,000 local chickens at one time.

Wu Siyuan became busier.

The number one risk in farming comes from disease.

Therefore, various vaccinations are required.

But in this day and age, in this situation, getting vaccinated is also a problem.

But Wu Siyuan has [Detection Aura].

[Detection Aura] allows Wu Siyuan to see that those scalpers or chickens are in an unhealthy state.

By selecting these, you can largely avoid the spread of disease in cattle or chickens.

Coupled with later management, the risks of breeding can be greatly reduced.

However, the occurrence of disease is a dynamic process.

In order to maximize prevention, Wu Siyuan must also be on the move.

He is constantly busy between pastures, chicken farms, and cattle farms every day.

Raising cattle is fine.

What the horse eats, the cow eats.

There are roughage such as pasture and concentrated feed such as soybean meal.

But raising chickens just to eat grass is not enough.

The cost of eating corn and millet is too high.

Wu Siyuan discussed with the agricultural expert for a long time and pioneered the construction of a small and closed locust breeding farm.

This is a special breeding farm built by Wu Siyuan under great pressure.

The excess grass on the pastures is thrown into the locust farms to be eaten by the locusts.

The fat and strong locusts entered the belly of the native chicken.

Native chickens thrive as a result.

Four months later.

The first batch of local chickens came out of the cage and were of excellent quality. They were taken away by the non-staple food supply and marketing cooperative in the countryside and exchanged for many in-demand items, as well as cash and food stamps.

The lives of the herdsmen have become better again, and each person was given some chicken and eggs.

In this era, any kind of food is precious.

With the results, the second batch of native chicken breeding was quickly put on the agenda without Wu Siyuan's urging.

This time, the scale of breeding has been expanded.

By 1975, the Chilechuan Chicken Farm had established multiple branches, with a breeding scale of 50,000 chickens, becoming another flagship product of the Chilechuan Ranch in addition to horse breeding.

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