[Yangcheng Shennong Fruit Co., Ltd.] currently has thirteen stores.

The store sells two major categories of fruit.

One is ordinary fruits purchased and selected from the fruit wholesale market.

The other is the natural organic green fruits from [Shennongjiao Space].

Before Wu Siyuan's soul time travel, the 13 stores sold an average of 4,000 to 5,000 kilograms of organic green fruits every day, which amounted to 40,000 to 50,000 kilograms in ten days, and more than 100,000 kilograms in a month.

At that time, the organic fruit inventory in Wu Siyuan's [Shennongjiao Space] was almost exhausted.

Even if the supply is reduced, it cannot be sustained for long.

So at that time, I had to find a way to increase the income, and went to Guangxi Province to contract barren hills and build a unique Taoyuan Valley peach orchard to produce organic green fruits that could be seen in the light.

But fruit growing is not a day’s work.

It won't take a few years to be effective.

This means that when the fruits in Wu Siyuan’s [Shennongjiao Space] are exhausted and new fruits have not grown, the organic fruits in [Shennong Orchard] will be out of stock.

Organic fruits are a trump card of [Shennong Orchard], and are used to attract high-end customers who have high quality requirements. Losing the organic fruits grown in [Shennong Corner Space] will inevitably lower the reputation of [Shennong Orchard] in the minds of consumers. The impression will further affect the business of [Shennong Orchard].

Ultimately affecting Wu Siyuan's influence.

Wu Siyuan has been thinking of ways before, but he has never been able to come up with any good strategies. Some fundamental methods can cure the root cause, but they take a long time.

Wu Siyuan can afford to wait, but his [Shen Nong Orchard] cannot afford to wait.

Fortunately, during this time travel, I stayed in the movie world of "Wrangler" for a long enough time, from 1962 to 1978, a full 16 years.

The orchard in Wu Siyuan [Shennongjiao Space] also harvested 16 rounds.

[Shennongjiao Space] itself has the effect of benefiting plants. In addition, the weather in the space has always been good and there are no pests, so there is a bumper harvest every year.

The fresh-keeping area inside [Shennongjiao Space] stores more than 800,000 kilograms of fruit.

This has reached the limit!

There are more fruits, because the space's fresh-keeping area is not enough, and in the end we have to choose to let the space decompose as nutrients - although every time [Shennongjiao Space] is upgraded, the permanent fresh-keeping area will also expand, but this expansion speed , it is still not as good as the increased output of fruit harvests every year.

More than 800,000 kilograms of organic fruits.

Coupled with the fruits on the branches, the planting area of ​​more than 20 acres, with the new effect of 30% more planting in [Space], is bound to usher in an even greater harvest.

Wu Siyuan estimated that it would cost more than a hundred thousand kilograms, and there might even be more!

Adding the two together means that Wu Siyuan has close to one million kilograms of high-quality natural pollution-free organic green fruits.

According to the monthly sales volume of 100,000 kilograms of organic fruit in 13 stores, this one million kilograms of fruit can be sold for nearly ten months, bringing Wu Siyuan a gross profit of more than 7 million yuan.

Part of the profits goes directly to him, and part of the profits goes to the company.

If you save a little money and sell it, it can last for more than a year.

In more than a year, the fruit trees in [Shennongjiao Space] will bear fruit again, and by then there will be hundreds of thousands more kilograms of organic fruits.

From the looks of it, Wu Siyuan doesn't have to worry for the time being.

This is also true.

Wu Siyuan also provided 50,000 kilograms of organic fruits to Shennong Orchard at a low price in the name of a supplier who was unwilling to disclose its existence, and said that more organic fruits would be available in a while.

Su Shixian, the vice president of [Yangcheng Shennong Fruit Co., Ltd.] breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the reputation of [Shennong Orchard] can be maintained, and the gross profit that has declined due to the increase in loss rate during this period will also be regained. high.

Su Shixian even went a step further and made a new plan, applying for the layout of more stores centered on the newly built cold storage. It is expected to open 30 to 50 new [Shennong Orchard] stores to avoid the need for stores to be opened after the new cold storage is completed. Sales volume cannot keep up, resulting in a waste of cold storage efficiency.

Because of many fixed cost reasons, the more stores there are and the higher the fruit sales, the lower the amortized costs will be and the higher the profits will be accordingly.

Store expansion is a good thing. The more people know about it and the more people buy it, the greater Wu Siyuan's influence will be, and the faster he can start his next soul travel.

However, after looking at the company's financial situation, Wu Siyuan still did not agree with Su Shixian's relatively radical store opening policy.

The company's pace was too fast before, but now it is better to go slower and lay a solid foundation to avoid expanding too fast and breaking the bank.

Moreover, Wu Siyuan has just come back from the movie world of "Wrangler". Wu Siyuan has not completely emerged from his 18-year career. He still needs some time to cover the traces of the past. For the time being, he does not have such a strong desire to increase his influence. And then start a new journey through time again.

However, although Su Shixian's proposal was rejected, Wu Siyuan still asked him to make preparations first, find out the market conditions, and open stores as appropriate in some good market areas.

Su Shixian nodded, indicating that he knew.

At the same time, Wu Siyuan said that this year the company's focus must still be on the construction of the fruit supply chain, especially the construction of organic orchards.

There are still too few single peach orchards. They must expand the categories and establish more organic fruit orchards.

Otherwise, if his supplier's supply of organic fruits is insufficient, the company will be very passive.

When Su Shixian heard this, he frowned slightly and asked, Mr. Wu, is there something wrong with the company's organic fruit supplier?

Wu Siyuan waved his hand and said, "Not yet!" But planning ahead isn’t a bad thing. The company's profits this year will be heavily tilted towards planting!

Su Shixian nodded in agreement upon hearing this.

He pondered for a moment and said with some concern that if pesticides and fertilizers, hormones and herbicide chemicals were not used, the cost of organic fruit gardens would be very high, and it might be much higher than the price currently offered by your supplier, Mr. Wu. In this case, our company will have no advantage on the sales side!

Wu Siyuan thought about it and realized that the real environment was not as good as his [Shennongjiao Space]. Otherwise, the real world would have been full of organic fruits.

However, no matter how difficult it is, we must continue.

He said, if they do not produce organic fruits, then why does their company spend so much money on it? Just some regular fruit? As long as these fruits are sent to the fields, a large number of fruit farmers will rush to sell them! There is no point in doing so.

Su Shixian nodded in agreement at first, and then fell silent for a moment. He considered his words, and then said that organic fruit cultivation involves a lot of agricultural knowledge, so he wants the company to hire professional personnel to take charge of this business!

Wu Siyuan thought about it. Su Shixian was really tired from running back and forth between the two provinces during this period. Not everyone is like him and possesses the "Nine Yang Magic".

After a brief consideration, he agreed and asked Su Shixian to be responsible for the recruitment, and he was the last to interview.

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