People are busy going to work at seven or eight o'clock, and the best businesses are always breakfast shops such as bun shops and rice roll shops.

The business of Hongwang Supermarket is also good, because there are always some office workers in a hurry who will come in to buy some bread and milk and other drinks, and then maybe buy a pack of cigarettes.

As for Wu Siyuan's fruit, it was sparse, not a single business was done, and not even a single person asked.

Wu Siyuan didn't mean to be discouraged. It was his first time in the fruit business!

But he didn't expect that at around nine o'clock, uncles and grandmothers returning from their morning run with their grandchildren would appear near the supermarket.

Two of them saw Wu Siyuan's fruit stall. After discussing it, they walked slowly towards Wu Siyuan.

"Boss, do you think this fruit is pretty?" asked a neatly dressed grandmother who looked to be over fifty years old.

"Auntie, you can see for yourself, how can my fruit not be beautiful! It's sweet and delicious!" Wu Siyuan said, patting his chest. He also had this confidence.

[Spiritual Eye] This skill can give Wu Siyuan immense confidence!

Uncle and grandma took a serious look at the fruits Wu Siyuan put out. The fruits had just been sprayed with water, and they looked really bright, at least in terms of appearance.

But as long as it looks good, many people buy fruits just because they look good.

Of course, Wu Siyuan's batch of fruits can only be said to be good-looking in the general fruit category.

Chain fruit supermarkets such as [Qianguoyuan] and [Jiaguoyuan], which specialize in high-end residential areas, have their own fruit growing bases and supply directly from the origin. There are dedicated people responsible for each link, and the quality and taste are comparable. These fruits are much better than those from Wu Siyuan. Of course, they are also very "beautiful" in terms of price!

There is also a [Qianguoyuan] near Xingye Community. The decoration is chic and elegant, and it looks very "expensive"!

Except for the help of the supermarket owner, Wu Siyuan did not make a single business early in the morning. However, when Wu Siyuan saw Qianguoyuan, there were several customers coming in and out.

Every time I go out, I carry big and small bags. Looking at Wu Siyuan, I feel envious and jealous!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

My uncle and grandma looked at it and found nothing wrong with it, so they felt the desire to buy it.

I saw my grandma asking, "Boss, how do you sell these apples, bananas, and dates?"

"Auntie, the price is written here!"

"Red Fuji apples are 4.98 yuan per catty, bananas are 2.98 yuan per catty, and Hainan green dates are 4.98 yuan per catty." Wu Siyuan pointed to the price tag and read it out to his uncle and grandma one by one.

"It's so expensive, boss! Make it cheaper!" Grandma shouted.

"Auntie, it's not expensive! What I sell is the real price, you get what you pay for! If you don't believe it, you can try it and I won't charge you any money!" Wu Siyuan said to her grandma.

In fact, the purchase price of Red Fuji apples is 2.9 yuan per catty, and the sales price is 4.98 yuan per catty. The gross profit is 2.08 yuan per catty, and the gross profit margin is close to 50%!

Local bananas are purchased for 1.8 yuan per catty and sold for 2.98 yuan per catty. The gross profit is 1.18 yuan per catty, and the gross profit margin is close to 40%!

Hainan green dates are purchased for 2.5 yuan per catty and sold for 4.98 yuan per catty. The gross profit is 2.48 yuan per catty, and the gross profit margin is also close to 50%!

Older people prefer to take advantage.

When Wu Siyuan said this, grandma took a green date and put it in her mouth. When she took a bite, it was indeed crisp and refreshing.

"It's still a bit expensive, boss. Let's make it cheaper. Just treat it as an open-door welcome!" Grandma still bargained with Wu Siyuan without giving up.

"Auntie, this is really the lowest price. If it gets cheaper, I won't make any profit. If you lose money, you won't be able to see me next time!" Wu Siyuan also complained.

"Okay, boss, give me 2 kilograms of Hainan green dates, three kilograms of bananas, some less ripe bananas, and three kilograms of apples." Grandma finally compromised.

"Okay, grandma!" Wu Siyuan said with joy. He quickly packed the goods that grandma asked for and weighed them. "Hainan green dates cost 10.9 yuan for two jins, bananas cost 9.2 yuan for three jins each, and red dates cost 10.9 yuan for two jins. Three pounds of Fuji apples cost 16.4 yuan, so the total is... 36.5 yuan, grandma."

Wu Siyuan used a computer to do some calculations and came to a conclusion.

"Young man, I bought so much, I don't need any change, it's only 36 yuan." Grandma said.

"Okay, okay!" Wu Siyuan agreed.

He didn't notice that when he was making a deal with his grandma, another hidden light flashed through the nameless iron ring on his hand.

Uncle and grandma went back with fruits happily.

And Wu Siyuan's fruit business has just opened.

After the first order of business, a dozen more customers came one after another in the next few hours.

Some of them bought less and took 1 catty of bananas, while some bought more and took more than ten catties of fruit at one time.

All added up, it weighs about 70 kilograms.

Counting the two orders in the morning, it adds up to about 80 kilograms of fruit.

Wu Siyuan prepared 400 kilograms of fruit, but one-fifth of the amount suddenly disappeared.

And the peak evening has yet to come.

Such sales performance gave Wu Siyuan great confidence and made him very motivated!

At 12 o'clock at noon, he ordered a fast food and bought a 500ml bottle of Pepsi-Cola drink for 3 yuan from [Hongwang Supermarket], and ate it under the noon sunshine.

Just halfway through eating, a few guys in suits and ties passed by. One of them was attracted by the fruits on Wu Siyuan's stall, so he said he wanted to buy fruits and came over to Wu Siyuan. As soon as he came over, other colleagues naturally followed. Come over.

Wu Siyuan looked at their clothes and the work badges on their chests, and he roughly guessed that they were employees of a nearby real estate agency.

As expected, Wu Siyuan exchanged a few words with them and heard them say that they were employees of the nearby Zhongyuan Hong Real Estate.

The male agent who was the first to ask for fruit, after looking at the appearance and price tag of the fruit at Wu Siyuan's stall, took a few plastic bags and packed them up one by one.

"Boss, weigh me! Calculate how much it costs!" The male intermediary who wanted to buy fruit handed the thick plastic bag to Wu Siyuan.

Wu Siyuan nodded, took several plastic bags, placed them one by one on the electronic scale, and began to weigh them.

"Hello, the total is 89.8 yuan. I'll erase the fraction for you. Just pay 89 yuan." After a while, Wu Siyuan calculated the total price and said to the male agent.

"Okay!" The male agent buying fruit nodded and took out his wallet to pay. Soon, Wu Siyuan received the money, so he nodded to the male agent.

The male agent turned around and shouted to several of his colleagues, "What are you waiting for? Don't want to eat fruit? Why don't you help me get it back to the company quickly!"

"Brother Wu is mighty!"

"Brother Wu is handsome!"

"Brother Wu is so proud to place a big order!"

A flurry of flattery struck, and several real estate agents happily carried several large bags of fruit, vaguely surrounding the male agent who invited him to eat fruit, and walked towards their offices.

Wu Siyuan looked at this scene with some nostalgia, and another ray of light flashed through the nameless iron ring in his hand.

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