I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 21 The Appraiser Working Overtime

Oralee coins are generally divided into 100 phalis, 1000 phalis and 10000 phalis, which correspond to gold coins of different sizes.

All of Bell's goblin knives sold for a total of 26.4 million phalis. Of course, even so, the guild still has a large portion of its profits. The amount of 100,000 Pharis is actually very small. After all, the Goblin Knife is only slightly inferior to the low-level weapons. After recycling, even if it is sold for 150,000 fales, some people will want it.

Aegina also made the point, and Bell didn't think there was anything wrong with it. There must be a price difference between buying and selling, and there is no reason why the repurchase guild will not make money.

With a large sum of money, Bell still quietly left the guild.

Given the need to help Bell keep the secret, Aegina had given Bell the repurchase money before the identification. Of course, the identification work in this room began after Bell left.

Aegina walked out of the private room and came to the main hall of the guild. At this moment, due to time constraints, the guild can hardly see the adventurers doing their work. This time was just right for Aegina.

"Falis, there are some things in the room that you need to identify."

At this moment, the appraisers of the guild were resting leisurely in their seats, and suddenly they all stood up when they heard Aegina's words. Everyone knows that secret talks are held in that room, and most of them are transactions where appraisal work cannot be done outside. But, did Eina walk in with someone just now?

Because Bell was already wearing a trench coat and hood when he walked into the guild, and he was not very conspicuous, few people noticed that Bell had entered that room. In addition, Aegina walked out of the room after Bell had left for a while, so everyone in the guild almost forgot that there was such a person as Bell.

But the appraisers are not very concerned about this issue. After all, it is a secret room transaction, and it was set up because the seller or the goods were not good. Things like not knowing the identity of the seller are also common, which is nothing new in the guild.

A few appraisers walked to the room with ease and closed the door. Internal transactions are not allowed to be seen from the outside, and naturally the transactions inside are also well-prepared for a complete set of confidentiality measures. The appraiser also knew the rules, so he closed the door after entering the room.


But after entering the room, several appraisers were frightened by the pictures inside.

The floor of the entire room is covered with the same type of daggers. A dense pile, if you accidentally touch it, you may have to lie down and leave. The blade was covered with cold light, and a weapon with such sharpness that was visible to the naked eye really couldn't be touched casually.

The appraiser, who had recovered from the shock, crouched down, picked up a short knife and looked at it for a while. The condition of the blade is very good, and the blade is quite clear, it does not look like it has been used. And the appraiser also judged the origin of the short knife.

"These are... goblins' knives?"

"No way."

The peer appraiser picked up a handful in disbelief. After looking at it carefully for a while, he got the same answer as "Goblin Knife". And he saw that the short knife in his hand was very new, it should have just exploded not long ago.

"So many goblin knives? Usually, the explosion rate is very low, and you may not see one for a few months. What happened this time?"

With so many short knives with similar shapes on the ground, the appraiser instantly understood what this transaction was about.

Just know that they know, but they are also quite speechless. The two short knives they saw were of good quality, and they were both just released. As long as the guild changed hands and sold it, it would be a lot of money. However, there are too many short knives here. It was so densely packed that it was hard to count.

The two appraisers paused, and they realized what they were here for. But they realized that their faces were a little pale.

"Eina, these... shouldn't they all be identified?"

The work of identifying magic stones is very easy, and the general drops of monsters are also very easy, but weapon drops are often the most difficult. Because the appraisal of weapons requires more attention, the prices of weapons of different grades are different, so this also causes the appraiser's pain.

After all, that's the job of an appraiser.

It's just that the two appraisers still have the only hope. But Aina gave the two a lovely smile mercilessly, and said the words that let the two appraisers go into the abyss.

"The appraisal of weapons is a very important job, and this is also a very important transaction for the guild. Therefore, the appraisal work will trouble you."

After speaking, Aina walked out of the room directly. According to regulations, the appraiser who conducts the appraisal cannot go out until the appraisal is completed. Therefore, the two appraisers already in the room definitely don't have to eat dinner on time.

The two appraisers in the room looked at each other blankly.

"Just left us here?"

"Obviously, Aegina directly pitted us. It's not allowed to leave here before the appraisal is complete, give it up."

Neither of the two appraisers are newcomers, they both know the rules. Just looking at the "Goblin Knives" that filled the room and their silence.

"Hey... Aegina hurt us this time."

"Forget it, such a big deal is not bad for us appraisers. After the appraisal work is completed, we will also get a part of the commission. It's just the appraisal... I'm a little tired."

The appraiser sighed helplessly. It's not that he didn't know about this kind of thing, but there were too many "Goblin Knives" in the room. The meticulous appraisal work obviously cannot be done in an hour and a half, and in terms of quantity, it seems that it will not end until tomorrow.

These two poor appraisers must have become the "victims" of this transaction.

However, the rewards given to these two appraisers afterwards are also quite a lot. After all, it is inevitable to give the appraiser a certain commission for such large orders and large transactions. It's just that this job has more overtime work. In a sense, this kind of commission can also be regarded as a kind of overtime pay.

Aegina, who left the room, breathed a sigh of relief and whispered "sorry" to the room when she turned back to the room. It's just that Aegina doesn't have so much time on this issue, and she still needs to do some secretive handling of this transaction.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation

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