I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 41 This Child Is An Alien

"Mr. Bell~"

After getting up early and washing up, Hestia, who was wearing a short white dress, came to Bell's room with bare feet and brisk steps. Hestia, who had just entered the room, was stunned. She originally thought that Bell, who had slept all day, would get up early in the morning, but who knew that she had already woken up, but Bell was still lying on the bed.

"Hestia, don't run around the room."

Just when Hestia was wondering why Bell was still asleep, He Faith came up from behind. Glancing at the situation in the room, He Faith Tos was also stunned for a moment.

"Isn't this child sleeping for a day? Why hasn't he got up yet?"

Continuous work without sleep for three days is very exhausting, and the other party is just a child who has just become an adventurer. This impact must be great, but it is not so big. He Faith took a closer look, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Why did this child's energy of life increase so much all of a sudden? Besides, why is it still increasing?"

The breath of life is equal to the lifespan to the people of the lower world.

The Qi of Life of ordinary people will not increase all the time, and the Qi of Life will show an upward and downward trend according to the growth level of different races.

It can be said that the qi of life measures a person's spiritual state, and whether it is in a rising or falling stage. The same Qi of Life has a constant value for everyone, and the highest value can only grow to that stage, which corresponds to the peak stage of a person.

For a child who is still growing, the qi of life comes from the stage of growth, and it is normal to grow more at this stage. The energy of life witnessed by Kehe Faith Toss has obviously exceeded the level that this age should increase, and even far exceeds the level of three or four times this constant value.

But He Faith Toss was sure that the child's vitality was still at a normal standard yesterday, and it was just such a day's effort that this change occurred? This change is a bit too abrupt.

Hestia had come to Bell's bed when He Faith was thinking about the question. As she got closer, she saw some subtle spasms in Bell's body, not exaggerated, but quite frequent. This made Hestia suddenly change to a worried face, and she quickly turned her head to look at He Faith Tos who was standing at the door.

"He Faith Toss, how did Mr. Bell become like this?"

"Yeah, I still want to ask this question."

He Faith Tos woke up immediately after being asked. She ambled to Bell's bedside, muscle spasms almost visible. Under normal circumstances, people should really be called to take a look, but now this is obviously not a normal phenomenon.

He Faith Tos carefully checked Bell's mental and physical condition, and found that the child's body was always tense, and his expression was a little distorted after falling asleep, especially when his body was touched. This gave He Faith Tos a clear answer.

"There should be some changes in the child's body. Looking at his expression, he knew that he had suffered a lot of pain before, but the child was very tough, he held it back by himself, and he didn't even make a sound. "

Although not skilled in medicine, He Faith Tos is not a god who is completely ignorant. Some basic conditions can be seen even by gods who are not proficient in medicine, but the understanding of the situation is not as detailed as those of gods who are proficient in medicine.

There are many conditions that can cause spasms in the body, but none of those problems are as simple as muscle cramps. And it's not that the symptoms of muscle cramps are just simple, but the cause is much simpler.


severe pain.

This is a symptom that can easily cause a muscle spasm reaction. However, it depends on the individual's physique what kind of pain to bear to have such unusual symptoms. The better the physique, the stronger the natural tolerance, but since Bell is only a newcomer who has just received the favor for a few days, his physique is definitely not very good. But even so, the pain in Bell's reaction was definitely not light.

"If it's just an ordinary Lv.1 adventurer, it's definitely a dead weight."

He Faith said the answer in his heart. She didn't dare to say it directly in front of Hestia, otherwise this idiot would definitely go out to find God again. The fewer gods you see in this phenomenon, the better, and being able to block them in the circle of the two of them is undoubtedly the best result.

"This child's body has undergone some changes. Hestia, pay close attention to this child's energy of life."

"The breath of life?"

Hestia focused her attention on her eyes. Immediately, she saw that the energy of life in Bell's body was almost overflowing, but how could this be possible?

"It shouldn't be such an exaggerated increase. Mr. Bell's situation was very stable before, how can the time of day change so much?"

Apparently Hestia also knew the meaning of the breath of life.

But it was because she knew that she was even more curious as to how such a big change happened to Bell's body.

He Faith Toss came to the same conclusion. But now the child's physical condition has changed, and it has changed so much in just one night. Therefore, at this moment, He Faith Toss can be sure that this child is either born unusual or has an abnormal ability. However, it is still human in terms of breath, it should not be a monster in human skin. He Faith Tos also thought of another answer for a while.

"Is this child raised by the dark faction?"

This answer sounds a lot more reliable. After all, the dark faction will also cultivate very good children. However, their ultimate goal of raising children is to destroy the city, which is fundamentally different from the idea of ​​the gods raising their relatives.

Although this answer sounds very reliable, He Faith Toss does not think that this child is the bait thrown by the dark faction. Even if those dark factions plotted to destroy Orari, those guys wouldn't throw out such a good child. If it is to attract the attention of the gods, then this child is too cautious. In addition, in order to attract the attention of the gods, there is no need to disregard the cost. There are obviously other lower-cost methods.

Given that the dark factions are not a bunch of fools, He Faith Tos is more inclined to be that this child may be a very special outlier.

As for the changes that are happening to this child now, in fact, referring to the child's skills and magic, He Faith Tos feels that this change is not a big deal.

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