I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 54 Attribute Value Bottlenecks

Hestia punctured her own finger and dripped the blood of the gods on Bell's back.

【Name: Bell Cranel



·Strength: G284→E487

·Durability: F304→D524

· Dexterity: E421→C674

·Agility: E474→B787

·Magic: F346→B784


"Four-dimensional space":


"Royal Thunder":

·Quick attack magic

·Emperor Thunder


"Personal Training":



·High Luck]

"Growing up so fast!"

This string of data made Hestia unable to believe that this growth rate was a bit too abnormal.

He Faith came to Hestia's side and looked at Bell's data, and the extraordinary growth also surprised her. Even though she knew from the beginning that Bell's growth would frighten her, she didn't expect to be frightened at the highest level.

"It is indeed a growth that exceeds expectations. Compared with the growth obtained by entering the dungeon for the first time, it is almost the same as the growth of ordinary adventurers reaching 500 attributes is already a bottleneck, and they want to continue to grow as before. There are certain restrictions. However, four of the five attributes of this child have reached more than 500, and the growth momentum is still unabated."

He Faith Toss knew that it wasn't that there was no bottleneck, but that Bell's growth bottleneck was even higher compared to other people's growth when they reached 500.

Maybe 600.

Maybe 700.

Even maybe 800.

"Then, the limit of 999 may not be an insurmountable realm for this child."

Such thoughts could not help replaying in He Faith's mind.

For most adventurers, it is almost unrealistic to exceed 999 in attribute value. In essence, 999 is a shackle on the life level of an ordinary adventurer. However, there have always been some adventurers who can exceed the limit of 999, and those adventurers undoubtedly existed in the history of Orari.

Such beings are called "heroes".

Of course, that was the former Euler, not the current Euler.

Since the hero's loneliness, adventurers who can surpass the limit of 999 are almost non-existent. This "non-existence" includes almost all the adventurers of Orari at this stage.

"Now that Yingjie has passed away, is this about the birth of a new Yingjie?"

At this moment, He Faith Toss has realized that this child named Bell Cranel is also the "Yingjie" born in this era.

It's just that the "Yingjie" of this era is very different from the "Yingjie" of the past era.

In the past when "Yingjie" was born, there was generally the principle that "Yingjie and Yingjie can attract each other", and there were countless adventurers who followed the rise of "Yingjie".

But this era is completely different.

This time, "Yingjie" didn't trust his companions at all, and he didn't even want to accept them. As the main god of this "hero", he also seems to be doting on his dependents, or even letting them loose.

"Hey...how do you feel that this generation of Orari's heroes is coming to an end?"

"I hope this child can have more contact with adventurers in the future."

Bell's distrust of adventurers and others was on the bright side, and He Faith Tos didn't know if the child could change this idea in the future. But He Faith Tos can only hope that someone can change the child's mind, not to mention other things, just simply say that it is not an easy thing to conquer the dungeon.

"The level is beyond imagination. It's hard to imagine that just going to the dungeon twice will have such accumulation. If you continue to accumulate at this level, you may reach the limit in less than a month."

Of course, ordinary adventurers need three or four years of accumulation to do this process.

Even a very good adventurer needs a year or two to reach this level.

That's so long for the average adventurer, Bell did it in less than ten days, and it's not a transcendence, it's a transcendence. The former belongs to the one that can be crossed with effort, and the latter belongs to the one that cannot be crossed no matter how hard you try.

After the ordinary accumulation is the real adventure.

The leap from Lv.1 to Lv.2 requires risking your life to challenge monsters stronger than yourself, in order to obtain a great cause that even the gods look up to. Only by accumulating enough great achievements can you make yourself go further, otherwise it will always stop at this moment.

"This kid will definitely challenge."

"That's what this kid's eyes say. He won't stay at this stage, he'll definitely take that step to gain strength."

He Faith Toss is so convinced.

After completing the data update, Bell put on his clothes. It's just that he didn't feel that his power became stronger after the data was updated. Perhaps his physical growth would reflect faster in his cognition.

It's just that Bell doesn't know if this feeling is an illusion.

"Bell-kun! You have grown up very well today."

Hestia was undoubtedly the happiest person to see the growth of her own children.

This time Bell's growth is not even inferior to the last time, or even better than the last time. Just like what Hefaith Tos said, 500 attribute value is the bottleneck of ordinary adventurers. After this bottleneck, the attribute improvement will become very slow, just like reminding adventurers that they can accumulate great achievements and quickly break through to Lv. .2 the same.

However, even if most of Bell's attributes have exceeded 500, they can't see the appearance of hitting a bottleneck at all, but there is still a trend of continuous improvement.

"Bell-kun, maybe you can become an adventurer who breaks the limit of attribute values ​​in this era."

Bell heard the meaning of the sentence and asked.

"Lord God, have there been adventurers who broke through the limit of attribute values ​​in the past?"

"Of course there are. Although there are really very few people like this, there are adventurers who break through the limit of attribute values ​​and exceed the level of Enchantment's imagination. However, only those adventurers who exceed the predictions of the gods can break through the attribute value. the highest limit."

"It turns out that it is reasonable."

Listening to Lord God's explanation, Bell nodded knowingly. He knew that people who can break through the boundaries definitely exist, but this is reasonable. There are not too many such people, but it is definitely not impossible that none of them exist.

"But everyone has their own bottleneck period, and maybe you will encounter it soon, Mr. Bell. If you encounter that situation, Mr. Bell, don't worry too much. Attribute values ​​represent qualifications, and most of them encounter bottlenecks. Growth will slow down in the future, as long as you accumulate it well.”

Hestia tried hard to warn Bell not to get emotional about hitting a bottleneck.

"Please rest assured, Lord God. I will not be overly emotional because of my own limits. I know better than anyone that everyone has limits."

Bell knew the bottleneck, of course, but he wasn't worried, he was just very interested in his bottleneck.

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