Once you have a very clear goal, you have to work hard for it.

Bell never lacked that thought.

Now he is not for the so-called fame, just to let himself live a little longer and be able to stay by Hestia's side all the time.

Therefore, there is also the mind to work hard for this goal.

The next morning.

The magic stone lamp in the room was always on, Hestia and Bell slept in the same bed, and even only changed a quilt.

Bell fell asleep on his back normally, but Hestia was lying on Bell's body.

The quilt covered their bodies, but it could be seen from the outline of the quilt that the two were close to each other with almost no distance.


Hestia, who was lying on top, moved, and her body instinctively woke her up from her sleep after a sound sleep all night.

Along with the body's instinctive reaction, Hestia's eyelids moved, and her body twisted subconsciously, trying to make herself sleep in a more comfortable place.

But when she moved like that, Bell fell asleep.

You must know that boys are more irritable in the early morning. Just such a twist, the sliding of the body made the contact intensify, and Bell opened his eyes quickly.

There was bloodshot and excitement in a pair of eyes.


The moment the brain is awake, the body's instinctive reaction lets Bell know the fact that he is angry.

And the reason for his anger is the Lord God lying on his body.

Because Bell was awake, the slight movement of her body made Hestia frown unconsciously, subconsciously wanting to clip the quilt.

But it was just such an action that Bell opened the lightning bolt and jumped out of the quilt.

"Boom! 55

Losing the person lying below, Hestia buried her entire face directly into the mattress, which also caused her to open her eyes in a daze.


There was a lovely whimper in her mouth, and Hestia sat up with sleepy eyes propped up, a duck sitting that only girls can do.

She looked around dazedly and put her hands on the mattress.

"It's still hot, did Mr. Bell get up so early"?


Hestia yawned a lot, and her bumpy body also protruded more clearly at this time.

It is a pity that Hestia is the only one in this basement, and there is no bystander who can appreciate this scene.

The only person who can enjoy this kind of beauty in the early morning has just escaped.


As soon as he got outside, Bell faced the wall to calm his heart rate down as soon as possible.

"You are such a piece of shit!"

"Hestia is already your girlfriend, yet you react so early in the morning."

Bell couldn't help despising his own hypocrisy deep down in his heart.

He clearly wanted to smash that white dress to shreds, and even looked at Hestia's pretty face blushing with joy, but he couldn't do it directly as a waste.

After despising himself, he looked down and Bell slammed his head into the broken wall.

One more level of contempt for himself.

In the past, he didn't like not to drink or gamble, and he never got involved in such things as gambling and drugs, but Huang really couldn't quit.

The sage who was able to quit is estimated to have gone to Thailand, or was a duck.

He is an ordinary boy who is more lustful and a little sullen.

Well, probably he still has some 2D souls.

After trying his best to calm down his blood, Bell was able to break free from the self-contempt he had just now.

After calming down, Bell remembered the HTC goal he was now facing.

Black Dragon? Black Dragon is a fart!

The black dragon is an obstacle that must be overcome, and it will inevitably become a resource for him to advance to Lv.10.

But now we need to be pragmatic. Before considering Black Dragon and Lv.10, we still need to consider growing to Lv.2.

Of course Bell knew where his strengths lay.

Other adventurers need to accumulate for a long time no matter what kind of talent they have, but Bell can shorten the accumulation time exponentially.

Maybe the average adventurer needs a year or two to accumulate the attribute value, but Bell needs only the time to enter the dungeon twice.

Therefore, even if Bell's current ultimate goal is Lv.10, he will still follow the normal accumulation route little by little.

It's just that Bell needs to think about finding a suitable opponent instead of accumulating attribute values.

What Albert needs is to challenge people or monsters stronger than himself, and the process of accumulating great achievements is where Bell needs the most headaches.


The dilapidated door into the basement was pushed open, and the dull sound made Bell turn his head.

There was morning light shining through the broken walls of the church, and the morning light was still a bit cold, making Hestia, who couldn't fully open her eyes because of her sleeping face, looked a little more glamorous.

However, this icy glamorous expression did not last for three seconds before it was replaced by the naive smile that appeared on that face.

"Mr Bell. 35

The sweet voice made Bell feel like a spring breeze, and a series of troubles and contempt for himself just disappeared at this moment.

Looking at such a god, the corner of Bell's mouth couldn't help showing a smile.

"Lord God.

Hearing Bell's name in his ears, Hestia's smile did not diminish as she walked towards Bell with bare feet, and threw herself into Bell's arms without decreasing speed.

"Mr. Bell, you're up too early! You should get more sleep in the morning."

Bell had a slightly wry smile on his face.

He is not someone who can't sleep in the morning, even if the biological clock is ringing, he can usually sleep a little longer.

But he was able to sleep, but the heat in his heart made him unable to sleep.

"Damn it! Can't you just take a break?"

Perhaps because of the lack of physical exercise, Bell felt like his energy was improving almost every day. Perhaps the magnitude is not very large, but his physical strength, energy and magic power are slowly being honed.

This boost is without a doubt the best for Bell.

However, in the face of Lord Shangshen who has changed (Li Zhao's) identity, this enhancement of physical fitness means that the body's energy is too abundant.

The most typical problem is that the anger is heavier in the morning.

It's just that you can't say that in front of the Lord God.

"Lord God, because I set a goal yesterday, I was a little excited this morning.

Hestia understood Bell's mood, but she also needed to remind Bell.

"Bell-kun, even if the goal of Lv.10 is very ambitious, it is not a goal that can be achieved in a short time. You can't think about reaching the sky just because of a moment's excitement."5

"Also, if you want to get up in the future, don't be so sudden."

Hestia also wanted to complain about this.

"There's still time for me to act like a baby in the morning. 35

PS: Well, if my grades get better, I don't want to be okay with TJ.

PS: I know that many readers are watching because I used to TJ often...but I'm afraid of being raised to death...

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