I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 70 Into the Devil's Nest

"A date...?"

Jian Yulei was a little sluggish for a moment, and he looked at the happy Hestia in a little amazement.

He was tempted to say, "Do you really know what that means?"

The ultimate result of making a bond with a child of the lower world is often a tragedy.

Jian Yulei wanted to remind Hestia very much.

But when these words came to his mouth, he couldn't say them.

Jian Yulei knew that Hestia in the celestial world had a good conversation with those goddesses who had returned to the celestial world. Hestia suddenly had such an idea and must have some connections with the goddesses in the celestial world.

Many gods in the heavens also proposed to Hestia, but when Hestia was in the heavens, Hestia never took it seriously, so Hestia was called the "virgin goddess" in the heavens.

Of course, "virgin goddess" is a bit of an insult to God.

However, because the title is not too excessive, the gods will not really take this title to heart. After all, the gods who are called "virgin goddesses" in the heavens are not only Hestia.

Athena and Artemis are also called "virgin goddesses" in the celestial world, because they have no interest in male gods.

It's just that Hestia's lower realm found a child who was suitable for a "fate".

Jian Yulei shook his head slightly, he didn't know how to say this.

The movement of flipping the skewer in his hand was faster, and then he picked up a bunch of grilled octopus and gave it to Hestia's child.

"This is what I invited you to eat."

"Hestia is an idiot. I don't have some words to say, but try to protect her as much as possible."

Bell took the grilled octopus skewer, he could see the worry in Kenyu Raijin's eyes, and he understood the meaning of the words just now.

Bell didn't shy away from it, and was more determined than ever.

"I will protect her with everything I have.

Jian Yulei looked into the child's eyes, with a completely unwavering gaze and unwavering will.

He could understand why Hestia became attached to the child in front of him.

And Jian Yulei also saw the burning consciousness in the child's eyes.

"Sure enough, he is a very talented boy."

Understanding the meaning of his words, this child's level is much higher than that of ordinary adventurers.

In the face of the bond with the goddess, he did not have any unnecessary emotions, but made psychological awareness and preparation.

The road ahead is bound to be full of thorns.

The final result of the bond between the gods and the children of the lower world will not be much better.

This is bound to end in tragedy.

But even so, there are still many gods rushing to it.

It's not that Jian Yulei didn't understand that those gods were also looking for encounters, but what he saw was that more goddesses were no longer looking for fun, but kept that encounter in his heart forever.

It was also because of this that Jian Yulei was worried that Hestia would become the next goddess like that.

But Jian Yulei didn't have to worry anymore.

Because he knows that worry is useless, this encounter is the pursuit of the gods, and the sweetness and sourness in it must be indispensable.

He couldn't stop it, and he didn't have the right to stop it.

"Then Jian Yulei, see you tomorrow.""

"...don't come tomorrow, idiot.

Hestia looked at Jian Yulei with a smile and pulled Bell forward.

Jian Yulei shook his head slightly as Hestia left, but the old father-like thoughts in his heart seemed to have nowhere to rest.

Hestia dragged Bell down the street and bought a lot of interesting things.

However, as the first date, or the first time to eat out, Hestia still hopes to go to a more formal place with Bell to have a good meal.

Bell also followed along, and he didn't know much about the streets of Orari.

After all, he is not a person who likes to die.

God knows if an incarnation of a goddess will pop up on the streets of Orari.

So Bell was very careful when he came to O'Leary, and he was even more crowded when walking.

Because only in the crowd will you not let yourself get too much attention.

Then just don't go to those dangerous places.

Among them, the most dangerous place for Orari is a tavern called "The Mistress of Plenty".

The interior of the pub is of a low-key luxury type.

......・For flowers 0‥....

It is also the luxurious interior of the tavern, which makes this tavern a place where many adventurers often come.

Of course, the consumption here is not too high.

Although it is not a big deal for high-level adventurers to eat here, but for low-level adventurers, eating here is a life-saver.

It is said that the per capita consumption of this tavern is about 2,000 fales.

What does it mean?

Low-level Lv.1 adventurers enter the dungeon, and in the best case, the per capita income is only 10,000 to 20,000 phalis, and one-tenth of a meal is killed here.

And this is still the level of the special meal, if you want to drink or eat better, you will have to increase the cost.

It is not uncommon for one meal to kill a Lv.1 adventurer's hard work for a day.

Moreover, 120,000 phalis is considered a relatively good situation.

If you are unlucky, you are really going crazy.

For Bell, the biggest threat to this tavern is not the high consumption, but the goddess eyeliner hidden in the tavern attendant.

The eyeliner of the beauty god Freya who can see the potential qualities of an adventurer through his soul.

Because Bell Cranel was targeted by Freya in the original book, Bell didn't dare to take the risk of letting the beauty god take a look at him.

Although Bell is confident that his soul will never have any light, what if? If there is, he will not be in trouble?

That is, because of the excessive desire to survive, Bell did not dare to approach the "rich hostess", which made Bell not even inquire about it.

Because "inquiring" also leaves clues, which Bell doesn't allow.

So Bell didn't even inquire about such a thing.

That's how, Bell was brought into this place that he regarded as a devil's lair by the Lord of the Gods without his knowledge.

Even after sitting down, Bell didn't react right away.

Until the waitress with silver gray hair came over.

"What would you like to order?"

Bell saw the look on the female waiter's face almost froze.

PS: For collection...for flowers...for evaluation 5.

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