I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 96 Conditions for Loki's Asylum

"The desire of the poor...

The moment he saw this skill, Bell was silent for a while.

"My thirst for power turned out to be my power."

"And my thirst for power actually gave me this power."

Charge, this is without a doubt the best skill.

Being able to charge up all actions, just this alone is strong enough.

As long as the charge is long enough, it can burst into amazing power.

It hasn't been tested in any way, but Bell knows that this skill will become one of his strongest attacks in the future.

However, new offensive methods take time to familiarize, adapt and develop.

The function of this skill is almost the same as the "Heroic Wish" in the original book, that is to say, this skill also has the capital to continue to develop.

If the "617" can be used to release a stronger charge, then Bell's attack method can be considered to be further strengthened.

Take a deep breath, this part of the story can be left to the afterthought as well.

"Bell, have you already thought about what kind of backer you are looking for?"

After completing the promotion, Hephaestus turned the topic back.

"Well, now give me a choice, there are only two families who can give protection to me and Lord God."

"One is the Freya family, and the second is the Loki family.

"These two families as the two kings of Orari are undoubtedly the ones that can give me and the Lord the greatest support. As long as there is one of these two families as a backer, I don't think you can continue to worry about it for a while in the future. .

Hephaestus nodded slightly, she also felt that these two families were undoubtedly the best choice.

However, one of the Familiar might be in great danger, which was something Hephaestus needed to remind Bell.

"Bell, I advise you not to think about the Freya Familia.

"Hestia should know the reason for my suggestion.""


Hestia nodded in approval, she knew the reason for this suggestion.

"In terms of Freya's character, she would directly snatch the child she likes. In fact, this kind of thing has happened many times."

"Most of the children she looked up to were ultimately defeated by her charm. 39

"So, Mr. Bell, you have to keep your distance from Freya as much as possible."

"It's too dangerous for you to take the initiative to approach her now, with Freya's character, she might actually be able to take it by force.

"Umm~ I don't want Bell-kun to be taken away by Freya.

When it came to the end, Hestia almost cried.

It seems that the presence of Freya has a great influence on Hestia.

Of course, this will have a lot of impact on any family with excellent family members.

No family can withstand the poaching of the beauty god Freya.

Bell himself knew how bad Freya's choice was, and in any case Freya's choice needed to be avoided and contacted as little as possible.

"Lord God, I have no intention of treating the Freya family as a backer.

"Perhaps the Freya family is the strongest family in Orari, but this strongest family often becomes the murderer who strangled me and the god-sama. It's not that I haven't heard of the beauty god Freya's behavior. Especially now that what I need is not to be near, but to be far away."5

Although Bell was a little worried in his heart, he knew that as long as he kept hiding, the beauty god would gradually lose interest in him.

The gods who had confidence in their own eyes failed on him, and this situation would inevitably attract the attention of the gods.

But when the god once again confirmed that the human being he noticed was just an average person with only a little bit of intelligence, this interest would slowly disappear.

The previous meeting of the "rich mistress" made the beauty god have no interest in him, which means that his soul is not the type that the beauty god Freya pursues.

Maybe God of Beauty will focus on him now, but that's just because he hides it.

Therefore, as long as the beauty god himself loses interest, this phenomenon will officially improve.

And the beauty god who lost interest in him twice in a row will not be interested in him again unless he exposes himself personally.

"In other words, I now need to be more careful with the gaze of the God of Beauty."

"It seems that my choice of developing ability to "hide" is really the most correct choice. "

Growing up under the eyes of a god requires more than courage and caution, but also the ability to hide yourself without revealing any clues.

Although Bell doesn't know how his own development ability will enhance him, it can at least help him further specialize in this area of ​​hiding..

"But before that, all I need to do is let the Loki Familiar become the backing of me and Lord God. 35

"It's actually not very difficult to convince Loki, just ask Hestia to talk to Loki.

"No, that won't work!"

This time Hephaestus' suggestion was directly rejected by Bell.

"I can see the relationship between Lord God and Lord Loki as bad friends. I can also see that Lord Loki can give Lord Lord God face. That should be the treatment of Lord Lord God as a friend. 99

"Isn't this better?"

"No, that's the worst.

Bell knew that what the god Hephaestus said was right, and perhaps it was the easiest way to ask the goddess to chat with the god Loki.

But Bell didn't want Lord God to use his favor in such a cheap place.

"If Lord Shangshen said it, Lord Shangshen would owe God Loki a huge favor.

"In my opinion, such a human relationship is not clear."

"Even if God Loki doesn't care about the problem of not paying it back, it also makes Lord God no longer have the chance to raise his head in the face of God Loki."

...you dote on her too much!

Hephaestus was also a little speechless at this remark.

Although the truth is such a truth, does a shameless guy like He 0.5 Stiya really care about this kind of thing? Maybe he just turned his head and forgot about it.

He even said that Loki wouldn't care too much about this issue, at most it was just two more words of "little dwarf" when they met.

And Hestia's eyes are about to pop out of the stars at this moment.

Hephaestus was slightly jealous that Hestia, an idiot, had met such a good child, but she also had to remind Bell.

"If Hestia is not allowed to talk to Loki, then you are required to talk to Loki, so what conditions do you think you can make to allow Loki to protect you and Hestia?

"Conditions, of course, exist.

Yes, Bell has special intelligence conditions.

The value of this can definitely make God Loki agree to the conditions of asylum.

PS; Seeking collection... Seeking flowers... Seeking evaluation.

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