The next second, the figure of the black swan appeared, looking at the camera, or at the protagonist of this video speaking

"Are you waiting for someone?"

Black Swan supported her chin with one hand, her eyelids slightly closed, and asked with a smile, confident but relaxed, her red lips slightly parted, her expression playful, this expression is like the expression of a superior looking at his prey, with a hint of excitement in the playfulness.

The camera turned, and the face of the person being asked also appeared, it was Huang Quan!

The bright lights, the dots of light reflected by the magnificent decoration, the atmosphere, accompanied by the other party's Yaoqing, were full of ambiguity.

Facing the other party's question, Huang Quan still had an innocent and extremely delicate expression, and shook his head without changing his expression, while Black Swan invited with a smile:

"That...Do you want to dance with me?"

He extended his hand and invited her to dance. Unexpectedly

, Huang Quan did not refuse. After hesitating for a moment, he placed his hand on the black silk palm of Black Swan.

Both women were wearing purple, but the depth of purple was different.

Black Swan's purple contained more mystery and psychedelia.

Both of them were wearing high heels and dancing in the middle of the dance floor.

Black Swan's movements were more active, with a sense of rhythm that led Huang Quan's movements.

"Black Swan, inviting Huangquan? Nothing will happen, right?"

Guifen's first reaction when he saw this scene was...So beautiful!

The two women are definitely the most beautiful in the universe!

Plus the strength they possess, it adds points to them.

But then they are worried.

The identity of the Black Swan is Liuguang Yiting. What these people are best at and like to do the most is to collect precious memories in the universe!

They collect these memories to please the Star God.

As for the people whose memories are collected, Gui Naifen doesn't know what will happen, but she guesses that it will definitely not be a good ending.

"Huang Quan still helped"083" Xingbao..."

"Black Swan came so close, could it be to absorb her memory? Nothing will happen, right?..."

With worry,

Gui Naifen stared at the video screen, wanting to see clearly the next move of this black swan!

"I've been watching her for a long time...."

"Tonight is the first invitation"

"A sea patrol knight, as mysterious as the rumors say."

Black Swan didn't say anything, these were her inner monologues.

This was also the reason why she approached Huang Quan.

She took the initiative and slid her hands across Huang Quan's skin.

Every time her fingers moved across her body, a touch of purple power passed by, following the slide

"She did it! She did it!!!"

Gui Naifen became excited instantly when she saw this scene, as if she wanted to warn Huang Quan through this picture!

"Some noble, some dull"

"But in the night hunt,"


"Not the only hunter."

The black swan seemed to be saying that he was the second hunter, and seemed to be telling that Pinocchio was in danger!

Huang Quan leaned back, and the black swan hugged him around the waist, and their eyes met....

"At this distance, you are more attractive than you look."

"She also came for the watchmaker's inheritance."

"no doubt,"

"In this game,"

"Everyone lies."

"But memory won't."

In the waltz of the two, Black Swan took the initiative throughout, while Huang Quan was not so active, with a sense of not taking the initiative and not rejecting.

The dance of the two took away all the attention, but under the dance of the two, all other existences were dissipated. At this moment, there were only two people in the field, the environment of the dance floor disappeared, and only purple was left!

This is the power of the Black Swan. If you are familiar with it, you will know that this is the development of her domain.

One hand took off Huang Quan's sleeves, revealing the skin of her forearm, and the other hand took Huang Quan's left hand, bent down, and leaned over to kiss the back of Huang Quan's hand.

At this time, Huang Quan, who had always been a little dull, took the initiative for the first time, without any scruples, and drew back her arm neatly!

And with her action, from this moment on,

Huang Quan's state became somewhat conspicuous, as if she began to take back the initiative with the Black Swan!

The dance of the two began to complement each other!

"It's getting better, isn't it?"

The Black Swan's voice sounded, and the Black Swan was not unhappy about Huang Quan's departure. Instead, he pulled Huang Quan back into his arms with great force, as if to tell Huang Quan with his actions,"Don't go, baby.~"

"Everyone has a past."

"The past makes the present."

"Some people can hold onto memories,"

"Some people are haunted by memories and cannot escape"

"So I took action."

"I want to know, what kind of person is she?"

"This banquet attracted many people."

"Company, Yiting, Fool, Nameless Guest,"

"Also, the Destruction Gang..."

"They were supposed to keep the appointment."


"Lord Hellfire is dead"

"He and his descendants will never attend the banquet again."

""Beautiful Ranger, what did you do?"

Along with Black Swan's voice, at this moment, Huang Quan's eyes changed!

At this moment, she was completely different from when Black Swan first invited her!

【Duke Hellfire is dead! ?】

【Wait! Look at the ground!】

【Is this Huang Quan's past? Is it the power of Liuguang Yiting that allows Huang Quan to display his memories on the ground?】

【This short film is awesome too!】

【Black Swan Stickers...Really like!】

【Like? Then you have to be prepared to die. I don't think anything good will happen if your memory is taken away.】

【Tango is all about walking, three steps, one inch, two steps, two turns.】

【The whole film is about to begin, and you are invited to enjoy this beautiful scenery】

【Duke of Hellfire...Gone???】

【Duke Hellfire: Kids, this is not funny.】

"Dead? How could that be?"

Gui Naifen stared at the screen with wide eyes.

What did she hear?

Such a handsome and domineering Lord Minghuo is gone???

"No, the Grand Duke of Hellfire gave such a domineering order, saying he was going to start a war? He's gone?"

Gui Naifen was a little bit unbelievable.

When the Grand Duke of Hellfire said that, everyone was shocked and admired him.

Now the plot of Pinocchio has just begun, and everyone has just appeared one by one. The Grand Duke of Hellfire didn't even show his face, and he died?

"I want to see how he died. Was he killed by Huang Quan?"

If Huang Quan didn't kill him, there's no reason for Black Swan to say that suddenly.

"Could it be that Black Swan knows a little bit of the inside story, but is not sure, so he wants to see the truth from Huang Quan's memory?"

At this moment in the video screen, along with Black Swan's question, the two people's eyes collided with each other!

In an instant, countless pictures were reflected in Huang Quan's eyes!

In the black and white content, there were strange fragments.

Looking closely, it was the whole and fragmented Grand Duke of Hellfire!

However, at this time, the Grand Duke of Hellfire was only a corpse....

Then, a complete Duke of Hellfire appeared, falling from above. Behind him was a woman holding a knife.

It was Huang Quan!

Holding a long knife, Huang Quan's entire state was completely different from her in reality!

Turning her head, she looked forward, her eyes full of murderous intent.

"Excuse me,"

"Are you asking me?"

The red eyes occupied the entire screen!

It was completely different from Huang Quan before, and it could even be said that she was a completely different person!

Before this, Black Swan not only took the initiative, but even when she first met Huang Quan, Black Swan spoke to her with a playful attitude, but at this moment,

Huang Quan and her positions were completely exchanged!

No, not just an exchange!

At this time, Huang Quan was even standing on a high place, while Black Swan had completely lost her position!

Accompanied by a sharp turn of events in the music! (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Just now, it was a duet dance dominated by Black Swan Liuguang Yiting, but now there is only black and white and bloody boundlessness!

Everything is completely turned upside down!

Still dancing, but the style has completely changed!

Huang Quan's movements turned from receiving to attacking, or it can no longer be considered a duet, because from this moment on, Black Swan did not have any autonomous movements throughout the whole process.

Every change, every movement, every dance posture...

She was completely forced to move by Huang Quan's manipulation!

The black swan's expression changed from playfulness and confidence at the beginning to only fear on her face now!

Huang Quan began to dance.

As she moved, the black swan's feathers flew around, and when Huang Quan did these movements, her expression was as if she was plucking the black swan's feathers.

Every time Huang Quan's hand seemed to leave the black swan's body very hard, the black swan's feathers immediately spurted out and scattered with this force.

In the picture, the shadows of the two people were still dancing, but in the background there was a giant python staring at the black swan!

The giant python suddenly opened its bloody mouth and pounced on the black swan!

Under such movements, the black swan's body turned into several flying birds, as if she wanted to flee in all directions, but Huang Quan in the dance directly grabbed the flying birds incarnated by the black swan, one, two, and finally teleported to the side of several others, and the black swan was forced to appear again.

At this time, two animals appeared again in the background of the two people!

A giant python and a swan.

The giant python suddenly appeared in front of the flapping swan.

The frightened swan opened its mouth and tried to scream, but could not escape.

The next moment, the giant python in the background bit the terrified swan's neck.

The dance continued and the swan was still struggling.

When the swan appeared again, the giant python had already tightly entangled the swan.

The swan was still screaming and struggling, but it was meaningless.

The giant python opened its mouth and fangs and pounced on the swan's head.

The black swan wanted to transform into a flying bird again and fled, but Huang Quan did not give him a chance and caught a flying bird again!

Snake pupils appeared!

A goose head that was not eaten clean appeared!

The snake pupils occupied the screen again, and the scene transitioned.

The swan's chest and ribs appeared again.......

The snake pupils changed the scene again, and this time the leg bones of the swan still had blood and muscle tissue.

The swan that was alive just now has been eaten up!

In the picture, cheetahs pounce on antelopes, black bears catch rabbits, hyenas hunt buffaloes, and all kinds of hunting behaviors flash one by one, as if repeatedly telling everyone watching the picture: the black swan has been devoured.

The black swan is completely hunted at this moment, and there is nowhere to escape!

But at the moment of being devoured, the black swan suddenly wakes up!

At this time, she is completely exhausted, gasping for breath, and her vision gradually becomes clear from blurry, as if her soul has returned to her body!

"Destroy the Gang..."Who is it?"

Huang Quan asked doubtfully while holding Black Swan in her arms.

Black Swan looked at the other person and was no longer in her previous state.

She couldn't even care about her own image....

Huang Quan left, her back blending into the black and white of the surroundings.

"I have been watching her for a long time."

"Tonight is the last invitation..."

"Sea patrol ranger?"

"No, I made a fatal mistake!"

Accompanied by the murmur of the black swan, the world that was just black and white suddenly turned blood red beside Huang Quan who was leaving!

The sky, the surroundings, the ground, everything except the shadow under him was full of blood red, as if everything was filled with blood!

"Everyone has a past, but some people’s past is a silent deep ocean!"

"Filled with the bodies of drowned people." Huang Quan didn't care about the voice of the black swan.

She kept walking forward.

In her eyes, everything around her was normal. She moved forward step by step, towards the noisy dream.���The golden hour is gone, she is still whispering

"Destroy the gang?"

"Destroy the Gang..."

Huang Quan paused, as if he remembered something.

"Ah, it's them..."

【Afrett: ???】

【Hanabi: Hahaha, this is so interesting! This is so interesting! Can a black swan also be in such a mess?】

【Black Swan's most embarrassing moment, Hanabi's favorite episode】

【Jing Yuan: Who is the hunter? Who is the prey? Or in other words, who plays what role in what time period?】

【Is Lord Hellfire really dead? What on earth did this beautiful ranger do? And if Huang Quan really killed him, why doesn't Huang Quan remember it? ? ?】

【凸(艹皿艹), Huang Quan is so strong? Black Swan is already very powerful, right? She always gives people a mysterious feeling. How can we not fight back in front of her?】

【The python entangles, the hawk falls to the ground, the cheetah runs wildly, the antelope leaps, the sleeping bear wakes up suddenly, the bear paw attacks, the cunning rabbit attacks, the wolf advances, the buffalo beats the mouse, the shark eats the fish, the small fish swims in the water, the spider eats the fly, the sickle sweeps the floor, the supernova burns, and Huangquan beats the black swan】

"No, why does Huang Quan look so incredible! ?"

Katsuno shuddered subconsciously!

After all, the scene of the giant python swallowing the swan was too impactful!

Especially the skeleton, it was really scary!

"I suddenly had a feeling that the previous Shajin was not a villain anymore."

"Which characteristics of Huang Quan are more suitable for the villain?"

"But Huang Quan has a good relationship with the protagonist, so there is no reason for him to go against the protagonist!"

"But Shajin has a good relationship with the protagonist. He gave her a room, made friends with her, and even gave Xingbao 10,000 credit points."Suchang said


When Gui Naifen thought about it, it seemed to be true!

"Could it be that Shajin is the teammate and Huangquan deliberately approached Xingbao? She asked Xingbao several times if he still remembered her. Is it possible that they were enemies before and Xingbao didn't remember? ? ?"

"If nothing unexpected happens, there should be more video updates. The reason why there are none for now is probably because we are not advancing the plot fast enough...."

"Do the task first!"

""Little Guizi, I can't wait!"

I hurried back to the game screen!

Gui Naifen is going to speed up the plot so that we can see more content!

The existence of gold dust, Huang Quan's past!

These made Gui Naifen unable to calm down!

The main task has been advanced to entering the Dream Pool.

According to the introduction of the Dream Pool, you must lie on your back and wear clothes to enter it.

Xingbao immersed himself in the water as required....

"Relax and feel the rise and fall of your body..."

"Focus on your breathing and imagine a paradise..."

"Imagine...A land of dreams."

Countless dream bubbles appeared in front of him.

Xingbao closed his eyes and seemed to see the Milky Way and countless whales flying in the universe.

Suddenly, the picture flickered and a huge clock appeared.

"Woo woo woo..."

A strange crying sound appeared.

The voice sounded young, and there was a crying tone in the voice, which made people sad.


"come back..."


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