Then, in the cradle of the sleeper, in the deep dream of the Gala Star, another jade began to shine!

At this moment, the voice of the jadeite sounded again in the game screen!

"I come to see you, I come to add wine, I come to give you the nectar and poison."

"I have bestowed poison on the nectar, sowing in spring and harvesting in autumn, waiting for the branches to be filled with withered fruits"

"All dedicated to...Amber King!"

【The company can use the gold dust as an excuse to intervene in Pinocchio's internal affairs.】

【The ten people of Shixin said...Don't underestimate the bond between us!】

【I bet, I gamble, I win. I let fate spin the roulette wheel, I risk everything, I go through life and death. All for the Amber King!!!】

【You can tell that there is anger in Feicui's voice at this time!】

【This is the same sentence structure as what was said when gold sand was used as the cornerstone. It should be the cornerstone used by jadeite!】

【Jade: I buy the list, I hoe the land, I raise pigs. I let the market be complicated and confusing, and looking ahead is the secret of success. All dedicated to - Amber King! Guess who it is】

【Xingbao: Raising pigs? Uh, pigs...Topa?】

【Topa:?!?] There were countless jokes in the live broadcast room.

After all, Xingbao's battle had come to an end.

Although Shajin's death was indeed a bit sad, from a different standpoint, this feeling actually faded away very quickly.

Yes, after all, this was just someone else's life for them, what did it have to do with them?

At the same time, the screen in the game showed content again!

In the game, Xingbao tried to open his eyes, but all he could see was darkness.

"What is this?"Xingbao wondered.

Memories gradually emerged, and time went back to a few minutes ago, when

Shajin launched the final offensive, and the glittering chips rained down.

Huangquan then drew his sword, and then...


The inexplicable force cut off the protection, and the surrounding time and space stagnated instantly.

Xingbao's thoughts were also twisted into a ball at that moment.

Her senses failed, and only gravity tore her brain, falling in the endless darkness.........Until a fire holds you in its arms

"Are you awake?"

The voice was familiar!

When Xingbao opened his eyes, everyone saw the person in their sight.

It was...Sam!

"I've been waiting for you here for a long time"

"It's you? What did you do?"

Xingbao looked at the other party and asked cautiously.

She still remembered the other party's attack, but Huangquan later said that the other party had no ill intentions.

Because of this,

Xingbao did not take action immediately, but asked the other party.

"I didn't do anything, just wait for you to wake up, you have seen me, Star Hunter Sam"

"I wanted to show up in front of you earlier and tell you some facts."

"But I was blocked more than I expected. Eleven times, I tried but failed."

"Unconsciously, my connection with this world became too close, and it was difficult to escape the constraints of the script."

"Elio is right, in this land of dreams, you and I will both gain unforgettable experiences."

Sam turned his back to Xingbao, as if he didn't really want to turn around and face him at this time, but he never stopped talking, and he kept talking, which made Xingbao a little confused.

His voice became a little regretful at this moment, and his lost words made Xingbao feel very strange!

The other party was from the Star Core Hunter camp, and among them, Kafka was his mother?

Therefore, Xingbao also knew that there were some strange connections between the two parties, but he didn't remember him.

Now Sam was saying these things in front of him, it felt so strange.

"I don't know people's hearts as well as Elio and Kafka."

"I don't have the special skills of Silver Wolf and Blade."

"Most of the things I'm good at are only suitable for villains who don't need mercy."

"Therefore, there is only one method I can use!"

At this point,

Sam subconsciously twisted his body, and his eyes could slightly catch a glimpse of Xingbao's figure.

Xingbao also walked towards him curiously. Noticing his steps,

Sam instantly turned his body back a little, as if a little shy?

Suddenly, a blue light appeared on Sam's body, scanning the mecha from top to bottom,

"That's to show you..."

Sam's voice continued to sound, and suddenly, a flame emerged from his body, as if the body of the mecha had spontaneously ignited at this moment.

The burning flame replaced the mecha, and in the center, a figure emerged from it, and a woman's voice appeared.

The figure landed on the ground with both feet, holding an object like a cicada wing in her hand and placed it on her chest, and on her face, cracks were repairing.

"That is to show you all of me."

Familiar voice, familiar face, familiar hair color, familiar person!


Xingbao looked at the woman in front of him in surprise. Shouldn't she be...

Is he dead?


【(ajed) Xier: I'll go first: She's so pretty...】

【Natasha: Firefly!!!】

【Hook: Hey! Sam turned into a firefly!!! He can transform!】

【Kafka: Sam...Do you always feel that you are not as good as us?】

【Silver Wolf: She wasn't so gentle when she set the sea on fire】

【Walter: This mecha is good.】

【Administrator Ester: So that's how it is. That's why Firefly can only be in the freezer because of her body, and Sam is controlled by her consciousness....】

【Firefly is still alive! Alive!!! That's awesome!】

【But you will set the sea on fire...】

【What is Brother Dao's special skill?】

【Liuying driving a mecha! I love her even more!!!】

【Such a handsome and beautiful transformer!!!】

【Translation: I don't understand beating around the bush, I just want to play it straight with you!】

【Xingbao: Can you lend me the transformation device to play with?】

【Firefly: Uh, not so good, Sam....Too dangerous】

【Sincerity is the secret weapon!】

【So, she turned and looked at you, with seven parts determination, two parts worry and one part expectation in her eyes!】

"Liuying is fine indeed!!!"

Gui Naifen said hurriedly while looking at the game screen!

There is no better news than this!

"This is safe now, but..."

Gui Naifen was a little confused.

If the fireflies were fine, then what about the robins?

After careful recollection, the plot seemed to have suddenly become clear....

"Why do I feel like there are more and more secrets?!"


Su Chang's surprised voice sounded, causing Gui Naifen to look up hurriedly, and then a look of astonishment appeared on her face!

"Gallagher...Isn't he the sheriff?"

"How can I be so..."

As she spoke, she attracted the attention of countless people to the live broadcast room.

They had just finished the battle and thought the plot had come to an end. They looked at the live broadcast room again in surprise.

When they saw that it was Gallagher who appeared on the screen, many people showed strange expressions.

They had always thought that Gallagher was just the sheriff of Pinocchio, a minor role. At most, his task was to help Xingbao get familiar with Pinocchio and give some hints in the game.

But now, at the end of this plot, he appeared again?

And this attitude doesn't seem like that of an ordinary sheriff, right? (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

What appeared on the screen was the Oak Family's mansion.

There were no guards in the huge mansion.

Only Gallagher walked in it, step by step towards the main seat in the hall.

This attitude didn't seem like he was reporting anything, because his tone...

"The maze-like corridors and halls, the traps and mechanisms everywhere... The owner of this mansion is a bit suspicious."

After Gallagher's voice fell, along with his eyes, everyone also saw the figure standing opposite the main seat!


"You have a sense of humor, Sheriff. I hope your sense of humor has helped you find the serial killer."

"Just expressing my personal opinion. What, did it hit you sore?"Gallaher was not surprised by the other party's words, but teased.

And this remark also made everyone watching the live broadcast room stunned!

Why does it feel that his attitude is not like that of a sheriff, but rather like an existence of equal status with Sunday!

Instantly, everyone showed a gossipy look!

There is melon to eat!

"Mr. Gallagher, my patience is running out....It will only make me more suspicious that you are involved with the real murderer."

On the contrary, Sunday's attitude was a little unstable....

He turned around and looked at Gallagher, obviously a little dissatisfied.

Gallagher was silent for a moment, then sighed.

"Rogue, hooligan, drunkard, gangster..."

"I have heard a lot of this kind of trash talk, but I never thought that I would be considered an accomplice to a murderer one day."

As Sunday approaches, Gallagher's attitude becomes more and more casual.

"I take back what I said before: Your problem is not that you are too suspicious. You are a lunatic, understand? A lunatic."

This tone is not like a sheriff, but like...

He is the head of the Oak family, and Sunday is just a follower.


"family...You broke the spine of this old dog, pulled out his fangs, and now you're accusing me of murder?"

"Asshole, only a drunk idiot like Suleda would go crazy over stray dogs on the street"

"What on earth is making you keep talking nonsense here?"

"Compared to me, you should be more concerned about the foreign guests who are having a great time in the movie park."

The picture rises, and a bird is watching the two people in the venue in silence.

Below, Sunday speaks.

"I don't need your reminder. As soon as the envoy left the embassy, I knew what he was going to do."

"My servants saw it all. His little magic trick did fool me, but it doesn't matter, I am very happy to see the current situation."

"Why do you think I let him go, and why did I clear out the stage of the movie park?"

"Because my target from the beginning to the end has been you, Hound!"

"The more noise he makes, the more chances I have of making you and your true master pay with blood."

"If I were really the murderer, why would you be so secretive?"

"Ha, I forgot, you also have a master who is difficult to serve...."

"They told you to forget about the murder case and focus on the music festival...."

Gallagher looked at Sunday and chuckled, and this was undoubtedly a stab in the heart!

Everyone knew how much Sunday cared about the robin, and the death of the robin was something he could never forgive!

But according to Gallagher, the person above Sunday, the dream master, actually told Sunday not to care about the death of the robin?

This was definitely unacceptable to Sunday!

"Isn't that right, gentle brother?"

".It seems that your disguise has helped you fully understand every detail of the family."

"Disguise? Which eye of yours can tell that I'm a fake person? Open your eyes and look carefully, with a halo." Gallagher replied

"Indeed, every bit of you is real. Brown hair, soft and curly like Benny"

"Orange eyes, make me miss Sir Whittaker's gaze"

"A strange scar, it's Woolsey's medal..."

"And the grey vest, the tie, the hound badge, the kettle, the drink-mixing technique, the sheriff's body... they are all real."

"From fifty-two loyal family members"

"When they come together, countless tiny truths are woven into lies - you pick up a ray of cognition from everyone, take them as your own, and invent a whole Gala in your dreams..."

"Am I right? Mysterious henchmen?"

Sunday was like a detective at this moment, analyzing Gallagher's secrets bit by bit!

And only then did everyone understand that Gallagher had such a back figure???

Doesn't that mean that the other party is really the murderer?

That's right, if he wasn't the murderer, why would he do this, why would he create a false identity???

But what no one expected was that Gallagher didn't care at all when facing Sunday's revelation.

"Ha ha ha ha....."

Even Gallagher laughed at this time, not afraid of being exposed on Sunday!

This look stunned everyone watching the live broadcast, because the general murderer would not have such an attitude in the face of this situation!

The general existence would definitely panic if the plot was exposed....

But Gallagher didn't, not at all!

In such a situation, he didn't care, or Gallagher was a dead man, not afraid of death....


He is absolutely confident and fearless!

Could it be that Gallagher is also some kind of messenger?

Otherwise, how could he not be afraid of Sunday, the head of the Oak family?

"I admire you. But so what?"

"Does this prove that I killed your sister and the stowaway?"

"This proves that you and meme death are birds of a feather...That's enough." Sunday said with a dark face.

Looking at the other party, Sunday became serious and stared at him!

"Listen, I don't care how you did it.. I only care about one thing, the answer to one question..."

"You bastard, damned stray dog, why did you kill her! ?"

Faced with this question,

Gallagher suddenly fell silent, and then walked step by step into the depths of the mansion.

Sunday stood in the light, while Gallagher, sighing, walked step by step into the shadows.

Finally, Gallagher stood in front of the seat belonging to the head of the Oak family, turned around without any hesitation, and sat down.

This casual and normal action made people wonder

"The authorities are confused...People can't see the sand in their eyes..."

The lighter appeared in Gallagher's hand.

With a flick of the finger, the lid of the lighter opened.

A crisp sound was heard and a flame appeared.

"I just know the sand is there."

"Want an answer?"

Sunday listened to the other party's voice and looked over with a serious expression, a little confused and shocked!

He had thought of countless reactions from the other party, but this reaction was beyond his expectations!

Coupled with Gallagher's words, a bad guess emerged in Sunday's mind!

Although he was still not sure, there was a vague possibility that made him uneasy.

"I can give you the answer"

"All because of that damn destiny."

As Gallagher's voice fell, the lid of the lighter in his hand was closed, and the flame disappeared.

The mystery of death appeared behind Sunday!

The claws passed through Sunday's body and chest!

The way of death with Firefly...

Exactly the same!.

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