"Everything has returned to the starting point. You once stepped into the golden moment from here, and you will also step into the real Pinocchio from here."

Liu Ying looked at Xing Bao in front of her and said with a smile.

After she finished speaking, she saw that Xing Bao did not make any sound.

Liu Ying knew that the other party still had a lot of doubts, so she continued to speak actively:

"I am glad to be with you again. Now I can finally tell you the whole truth."

"As you can see...My other name is Star Hunter——Sam"

"Who are you...The soul of the firefly?" Xingbao asked

"I know you have a lot of questions...Remember when we encountered death in a strange dream? I was in the grip of memes at that time..."

Liuying did not hide anything and directly told the truth.

Fortunately, she did not continue her previous riddle-telling personality at this time.

Now they all seemed to have grown mouths and started to explain.

"At the moment when it was about to commit the crime, I saw the reflection of another dream from its terrifying pupil."

"��According to the script, I had some ideas about the meme. So I asked Silver Wolf to send out an invitation and lead everyone to the hotel in their dreams...."

"I was going to summon death in front of you, reveal the answer to the mystery in a more direct way, and invite you to join the game."

Liuying recalled what happened before, and told Xingbao what only she knew, which made the other party understand that many of the things they saw actually had more hidden inside stories!

"But things didn't go as planned. I couldn't go against the script, and I didn't even have time to explain to you."

"As you can see, I am pierced by the winged blade of death. The weight of the thick memory...They explode in my mind, like reality"

"But after the momentary numbness wore off, I found that my body was intact."

"I am still alive, and just as I thought, I have arrived at a place completely different from my dream."

"Under Pinocchio's dream lies another more primitive and chaotic memory, its name is..."

"Land of Exile."

Speaking of this, Liuying couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

It was obvious that she was still a little frightened by this incident, so she was still surprised when she mentioned it.

"So I returned to the hotel in my dream and wanted to tell you about its existence"

"But I cannot reveal my identity yet, I can only try to divert the attention of the people traveling with you and take you away from the battlefield."

"After that, all my attempts ended in failure."

"Until recently, a blood-red knife light broke through the high wall of the dream, causing you to fall into this deep dream, and I was able to wake you and your companions one by one...."

"This is what happened before"

"I...I probably understand..."Xingbao hesitated for a moment and said to the other party

"I know it's hard to believe these things unconditionally."

Liuying also understood that it would be hard for people to believe just by explaining, so she continued:

"I just want to say that you are very close to the final answer. Just do one thing and I can prove it to you...."

"Next, let's get out of here...."

"Please close your eyes."

Whether you trust her or not, in any case, Liuying can be said to be the only person worthy of trust in the entire Pinocchio, except for the train group.

If Liuying is a liar and wants to do something while I close my eyes,

Xingbao can only say that he failed to recognize her.

If I close my eyes, I will naturally agree!

As soon as I closed my eyes, I heard Liuying's next voice.

"Then take a deep breath, draw the outline of the dream in your mind, and remember...Don't open your eyes."

"Three, Two, One..."

"Don't be afraid, the people who greet us..."It's coming."

Just as Liuying's voice fell, a scream suddenly came to her ears!

That sound was not a human scream, but the death mystery that appeared before!

Immediately afterwards, there was a pain in her chest!

After the sharp whistle, the thick and violent memory rushed into Xingbao's chest, surging and raging!

Xingbao only felt that his consciousness was like cotton paper in a vortex, breaking, dissolving, and dispersing in the rolling muddy current.

Countless voices symphonied through the memory like thunder, and one of them was particularly clear.

Xingbao knew that it came from the girl next to him.

The hearts of the two people were in the same beat, quiet, and quiet again.......

Until in the silent darkness, memories began to ripple!

At this time, the past memory of the firefly seemed to appear in Xingbao's mind!

It flashed by, but it was very clear!

"I never knew you would do such a thing~"

This was in a red sports car, with Ren and Liuying as the main and co-pilot respectively!

Both were wearing extremely fashionable clothes, Ren was wearing a black suit and a red tie, and with his messy long hair, he was really cool and handsome!

Especially the muscles on his body were obviously not obvious, but they just held up the outline of the suit.

Under the elegance of the suit, there was a little sense of violence!

The contrasting effect made people couldn't help but look at him a few more times.


When asked by Liuying, Ren just responded lightly.

This is his character, always so cold and indifferent, just like the legendary arrogant young male CEO....

"Do you have a driver's license?" Liuying asked again, but this time she sounded more worried.


"This is really...It's surprising."

Liuying's tone was a little surprised. To be honest, she really didn't believe that the other party had it, but since Ren said he had it,...

Is it true? The unexpected answer

"Why, because this is the sin city of Yepera?"Ren asked.

This was probably the time when he spoke the most. Ren, who was very frugal with words, could actually say so many words in one breath!

Before, many people thought he was a cold and domineering president, who was so cold that he became mute....

"Um, no...Nothing."Liu Ying replied.

After saying that, she felt that the other party didn't seem to understand what she meant, so she thought about it and said it again.

"I just thought, you haven't slept for twenty hours...is that okay?"

"No problem, I won't die, you and I are the same."Ren replied


Silence is Cambridge at this moment.

Can't die?

Liuying thought for a while, can't she die?...

"I don't think so. I'd better drive slower."

"The infiltration is over, you can start SAM anytime."

Ren also understood that Liuying didn't trust his driving skills!

Now that the other party can start SAM, why should he take his own car?

If he is afraid of the danger of driving himself, then go drive SAM!

"There is still some time before the next scene of the script, let me stay a little longer, using this body."Liu Ying said.

After saying this, there was a long silence, and the two no longer mentioned any topic, as if they were used to this silence.

It was not until a long time later that Liu Ying became the first person to break the silence.

"What a long tunnel. When I set out, I didn’t think it was that long." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Half a system hour later, it will lead us to Kafka, and then the destruction of the Yepera Brotherhood."Ren replied

"Are these also scripts?" Liuying asked

"Your script also has"

"Sorry, I didn't notice..."

"Even if you choose to ignore it, their fate will not change."

After hearing what Ren said, Liuying sighed softly, then looked at Ren and asked,"What about you?"

"Can you get the death you want this time?"

"As always, it was blank. It's not on this planet. Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"Ren was a little surprised.

This was not like Liuying's character. Asking so many questions?

Although the real her was gentler than when she was Sam, she didn't have so many words....

It's a bit of a contrast

"Because I'm in a car with a fatigue driver...I hope it can arrive safely."Liu Ying replied.

After hearing this, Ren fell silent.

A joke? []


Liu Ying actually said such a thing, which really surprised Ren.

Then he pulled the corner of his mouth helplessly!

Is he questioning his driving skills?

After hesitating for a while, Ren decided to be more direct, otherwise, such greetings might continue to ring....It must last more than half an hour!

"This car has automatic driving. I just put my hands on the steering wheel, okay?"

"...Elio always said that there is only one destiny and no one can avoid it."

At this time, Liuying did not respond, but talked about other things.

"He can see the future, and we...Also knowing their own predetermined ending"

"But before that moment comes, people can still choose what to do for themselves. We all have this right, right?"

"After today, Yepera's name will disappear from the history of the galaxy, and the Everfire Residence will take its place. Receive an invitation in the near future..."Blade replied

"The land of dreams, Pinocchio." Firefly repeated this place

"I hope you can find the answer you want there, or relief."Ren said.

After the voice fell, the game page fell into darkness.

And this paragraph also made all the spectators laugh out loud!

Needless to say, this is really too unexpected!

I didn't expect that Liuying and Ren would have such a conversation

"The biggest schemer, this guy is the flag bearer."

Sha Jin looked up at the live broadcast room and couldn't help but complain.

"What are you talking about?" Topa beside him was confused, chess player?

"Elio." Gold Dust replied.

Topa understood what the other party meant in an instant.

Topa was not stupid, and her intelligence was definitely among the best. She just didn't pay much attention to the story.

In Topa's opinion, the future of Pinocchio had changed completely.

They couldn't go through the same process as in the game, so she didn't care about it at all, and naturally didn't think too much about it.

Now Gold Dust reminded her, she understood.

"You mean Elio is the one driving everything?"

""Haha." Shajin smiled faintly, his eyes full of deep meaning and caution.

"Elio keeps talking about some script, indicating that he knows the future"

"But what's interesting is that he was the one driving all of this. He used the future he talked about to push the script forward and make the future what he thought it would be."

"Let the Star Core Hunter kill Yepera and let his invitation letter flow to the hands of Yonghuo Mansion"

"Then Huang Quan got the invitation letter from killing the Grand Duke of Hellfire...."

"It was obviously Elio who took the initiative to push the situation to this point!"

After Gold Sand said this, Topa finally understood what was wrong.

If Yepera was solved by someone else, he would naturally agree with the script Elio said.

However, this matter was done by the Star Core Hunter and was pushed by Elio.

"Xing, I'm glad to see you're safe and sound."

In the game, when everything calmed down, new content appeared on the screen.

It was Liuying who brought Xingbao to a strange place.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Walter appear!

"Mr. Walter, you are here too?"Xingbao was a little surprised....

"Close your eyes...This is the answer. It is incredible, isn't it? The monster we have always regarded as dead is actually the guardian of the exiled land."

"It follows a certain pattern, and it kidnaps people in their dreams and brings them here."Liu Ying explained.

"We have been confused about whether there is real death in the dream before. Now it seems that it is a mind trap set by the mastermind behind the scenes.

Walter obviously came a while earlier than Xingbao, but he only knew that there was a lot more content.

"In order to cover up the truth about the disappearance of people and the fortress called Liumengjiao,"

"Every time that meme appears, it is related to the watchmaker. Since Liumengjiao is the one that kidnapped everyone,���The destination is a place where many problems that have troubled us for a long time can be enlightened."

"The atmosphere here is completely different from the dream. People live in a very loose manner. There is no family-like manager, and the mental state is also a little bit dazed."Liu Ying said

"But from the residents' words, I got a familiar name....Gallagher"

"It's this man again, always appearing at every critical place at just the right time...It saves us the trouble of looking for someone." Walter frowned and began to think about the meaning of the other party's existence.

【Oh my god, there really is another layer underneath the Pinocchio!】

【This dream...One thing leads to another, it’s just a dream. Is it really that high? What’s the point?】

【Gallagher, this guy is really not simple!】

【Wait! Didn't Gallagher attack Sunday before? You knew he was no ordinary man then, right? So, could Sunday also be brought here by Gallagher?】

【Walter's comment reminded me of a person, Sambo...】

【Hahaha, just like old Sambo, always appearing at every critical place just right】

【Commonly known as the plot promoter, right?】

"Jizi and Sanyue have already left. Xing. Adjust your status, we will set off now."In the game, Walter said to Xingbao.

After that, Walter and Liuying took the lead and walked forward.

"A true dream...Exiled Lands..."Xingbao looked around, still a little confused.

Although he had woken up, he had obviously not fully recovered!

He moved and walked to the side of Liuying and walked with her.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you everything I know until now."Feeling Xingbao beside him, Liuying showed an embarrassed and annoyed look and said

"Why didn't you reveal your true identity at the beginning?" Xingbao asked

"There are two reasons. One is the script. In the future that Elio saw, the conflict between Sam and SkyTrain was inevitable. I tried to break the shackles of prophecy, but I can only do this now."

"Besides, it's my selfishness....I want to go with you as Liuying, not Sam."

Hearing the other party's answer, Xingbao glanced at Liuying in surprise.

This attitude was very sincere, and the words should not be false.

But to be honest, the two did not have many intersections in the past. Liuying should not have believed in herself at the first time and come to this step.

So, in fact, it was the memory that she lost!

That was the reason why Liuying always believed in her.

"That legacy...Is it needed by the Star Core Hunter?" Xingbao asked

"Elio gave me only one instruction: Let the Star Train pursue the grand legacy together. This means that the watchmaker's legacy is of great significance to the pioneering journey and to you."

After thinking for a while, Liuying continued:

"In the past, Elio's scripts all revolved around a specific star core. But after you appeared, this rule doesn't seem to apply. Maybe he also saw the impossible in the future."He nodded as if he understood, as if he answered, but he still didn't quite understand.

Xingbao suddenly remembered the other party's identity and was a little curious:"What about Sam?"

"Remember the medical cabin I told you about? That's Sam - Grammer Trooper of the Sky Front, Firefly IV Strategic Assault Armor"

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