【Dan Heng feels so strange, as if...There is a sense of distance. Do you not like Xing joining in?】

【I always feel that the other person is a little difficult to approach, as if he is keeping people at a distance....】

【He doesn't have me in his heart!】

【This isn't really a rejection, it's just that he speaks a little bluntly, straight man?】

【Blade: Hehe】

【Dan Heng:........】

【Ji Zi: He's not cold, he's just a little stunned】

【March 7: Dan Heng is the type of person who is ruthless and doesn’t talk much. He is actually a very good person!】

【The unknown is indeed scary. I find it very scary.】

【Latio: Just like ghosts, there are always people who are afraid of them, but in fact no one has ever seen them. If there are any, they are just a collection of energy. But it is precisely this unknown that makes people more afraid.】

【Isn't pioneering a kind of adventure travel? I feel the same way....】

【Don't use hesitation as an excuse...This sentence is so philosophical! I like Dan Heng!】

【Hit the mark, very spicy!】

【Danheng, I want to have a baby with you!】

【Jingyuan: I can’t give birth to a monkey....It is possible to give birth to a dragon】

【Blade: It can’t come out. He produces and sells it himself.】

【Dan Heng:....】

【Bailu: ???】......

"It's exactly the same!"

In the Starry Sky Train, everyone was waiting to depart, and Xing was lost in thought. The game in her hand had also reached this point, so she knew that all this was real....

This game really shows every word she said, word for word

"Surprisingly, I didn't feel any surveillance, but the game really recorded my words."

Dan Heng's voice sounded at the side, attracting everyone's attention.

"Our next stop...I already have the answer, but I didn't tell any of you. Only Pam knows it...."At this time, Ji Zi said

"That is to say..."

March 7th held his chin with his little hand and his eyes lit up!

"If this game really comes true later, it means that this game can really predict the future!"

"If it's not right...It's just a game afterwards...."

"That's right." Danheng nodded.

"Let's see what happens next." Walter's eyes also fell on the game live broadcast room.............

"In particular, Dan Heng is also very reliable!"

Here, Gui Naifen controlled the protagonist star to continue moving forward.

After talking to Dan Heng, she walked towards the huge space station platform.

Next to the platform was a huge glass-like isolation wall, and San Yueqi was waiting for her there.

"Dan Heng is always the first one to rush in and the last one to leave...."

"This kind of teammate is the most reliable, and you can safely leave the responsibility to him...."

Gui Naifen sighed at Dan Heng's reliability and stood in front of San Yueqi.

""Hey, Xing. I heard that you are going to join us on the train, right?" Sanyueqi

, who was quietly looking at the universe, noticed Xing's appearance and took the initiative to turn his head and speak to Xing.

Xing also smiled and asked:

"Do you want me to come?"

"Is there any need to say more? We have gotten along very well and we are of the same age. These two points alone are not easy to come by."

March Seven said with certainty:

"But you seem to have something bothering you. Come on, tell me. I'm listening."

"time flies..."Star said

"Is it too sudden for you to express your feelings?"March Seven was a little surprised by her words. It's only been a few days.


"However, recalling the time in the containment chamber, I was still thinking that this child must be very weak after fainting, so I had to take good care of you. I didn't expect that you picked up a baseball bat and became full of energy."

"In the blink of an eye, you knocked that big guy into Uncle Yang's black hole and saved me....I haven't thanked you properly yet......"

"Oh, we're not going to separate here, are we?......."

Facing Sanyueqi's words, Xing touched his head awkwardly and separated....

Outside of the game, Gui Naifen felt a little awkward watching March 7 go from joy to sadness. Unconsciously, she was also drawn into the game. Maybe


It is because she knows that all of this is true, that it is a real story, so she can't help but put herself into it....

"March 7 really wants us to join..."

"They always say they hope we can join them....They even said the carriage was empty and wanted us to move in."

"Wait! I will definitely board the train, one person in a separate carriage, it's pretty good to think about it!"

"However, this game must be on the train, why are you still asking?..."

Gui Naifen said with some confusion, and then continued to walk towards Ji Zi....

"How about it? Have you thought it through?"Ji Zi looked at Xing Xiao and asked

"train...Where to go next?"

"As always, following in Akivalli’s footsteps..."Jizi replied

"We have stopped at several worlds in the past, and we will continue to do so in the future - there are countless next stops in the galaxy."

"The sea of stars is not only my dream, but also the train's wish. I am eager to explore the new world, and the train hopes to return to its past route."

"Why did you invite me to get on the bus?" Xing asked in confusion. Everyone seemed to want her to get on....

"Because you are different from others"

"The core of a star is the primary reason, but it is not the only reason."

"I think you need a chance to discover what makes you different from everyone else. Everyone tells you how unique you are, and you have a star in you......"

"You have to experience enough to know whether you have gained something from the star core, what you have lost, and who you really are....Only by learning how to control this star core can you control your own destiny."

"The star core may still be unknown to you, but it is an established fact in your body. You must firmly grasp this point in order to move forward into the more distant future."

At this point, Ji Zi looked at Xing and asked again

"How about it, have you thought it through?"

"Of course I have thought about it!"

Gui Naifen looked at the options that popped up and confirmed them.

Is there any need to think about this? Joining the train is a certainty....


Just when the little hand was about to click"I want to get on the bus"...

Suddenly, Gui Naifen saw that there was another option below:"I decided to stay in the space station."

Her finger followed her gaze....

Subconsciously, she clicked on the second...

"Ah this! Will there be any problem?"

After ordering, Gui Naifen widened her eyes and became a little anxious.

"No, why is there an option to stay in the space station? What game would give such an option! ?"

"You won’t be unable to leave, right?"

"Huh? But the Black Tower..."Ji Zi heard Xing's answer and said in surprise

"Both Heita and Estelle agreed...."Xing continued

"So that's it...Then I respect your choice."

"Take good care of yourself, Xing, we will come back to see you often."

Jizi nodded after seeing her answer.

"I don't respect my own choice!"

"Hey, you really can’t get in the car, right? Don’t mess with me!"

Outside the screen, Gui Naifen was already getting mad with anxiety.

Looking at her fingers, Gui Naifen wanted to cry but had no tears.

"You say you, what's wrong with you?..."............

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