Fu Xuan couldn't calculate anything, and she calculated Qingque.

Then there was only one possibility, that was Li Xuanqing, a special existence, was beside Qingque!

Qingque was clearly in the fairy boat before, so Li Xuanqing must have been there too....

"Jing Yuan!!!"

Fu Xuan immediately went straight to the Shen Ce Mansion!

She felt that if Li Xuanqing was in the Immortal Boat, Jing Yuan would definitely know!

"Qingque is really sorry for making you wait for so long."

During the game, Qingque stood up after winning the game and said to the others.

"It wasn't too long. I watched the girl playing enthusiastically and was a little curious about the Emperor Yuan Qiong Yu card. Walter said with some interest.

"Hey, sir, you are so patient and considerate, and you have good vision! If you are interested, I will teach you the Emperor Yuan Qiong Yu card? It is very fun."

Qingque saw that Walter actually showed an interested look, and immediately began to introduce enthusiastically.

Anyway, since you are interested in card games, you can become friends!

"Uncle Yang, it's time to get down to business."March Seven complained.

Under March Seven's gaze, Walter also shut up and stopped discussing the card game.

There was no other way. The main reason was that the way to play the Diyuan Qiongyu card was very similar to the mahjong he had played before. At this moment, memories came to his mind and he had some small ideas....

Everyone left and headed towards Taibusi under the leadership of Qingque.

However, halfway through the journey, everyone saw a giant tree that reached the sky!

"Star, you see, that is..."San Yue Qi pointed at the tree in shock.

Such a big tree, it can almost reach the sky!

If it was a planet, it could be explained, but this is a fairy ship, a ship flying in the universe, how could there be such a big tree? ? ?

This is too exaggerated!

"That is the ancient tree called Jianmu, a treasure that Luofu Xianzhou once took pride in."Tingyun interrupted and said

"Are the people from Tianbosi also so knowledgeable about history? That's amazing."

Qingque looked at Tingyun in surprise and said

"The Cenozoic era can hardly tell its origin. It is said that this Jianmu is the remnant left behind when the ancient immortal boat traveled to the outer space."

"Even though it looks like just half a dead tree from a distance, according to the records in"Shangguo Menghualu", when it was in its prime, its size climbed up the sky and hung down from the stars!"

"What does that mean?" March 7 asked

"It means that the tree is so tall that it can reach the sky, and the stars can hang down from its branches. Walter explained.

"How big is it? Is the train this big? No, the Black Tower Space Station is this big! That's not right either."

March Seven wanted to find something to compare it with, but found that there was nothing suitable.

"Drop the stars...I’m afraid the entire fairy boat can’t accommodate this!"

"It's just a legend anyway. I see this kind of scenery every day on my way to and from work, and I'm tired of it." Qingque said boringly."Let's go."

But they didn't expect that when they arrived at the main door of Taibusi, no one opened the door when they knocked.

However, this was not a problem for Qingque at all.

He directly said that there was more than one door of Taibusi, and turned around to lead them to a side door....

"I see you are familiar with the route, you must have often used this side door when you have free time." Sanyueqi felt that Qingque's actions were a little strange, this small door looked like a small passage in the back alley, and Qingque actually led them here without any pressure?

"Young lady, you have a sharp eye. People working in the Taibusi call this gate Xiaoyao Gate."Qingque said proudly after hearing what Sanyueqi said.

"If we have nothing to do, we often escape from here and spend a few hours outside."

"And I am the acting leader of Xiaoyao Sect!"

"It's over. It's over...."

Qingque saw that even this was released in the live broadcast room, and immediately slapped himself in the face

"What are you afraid of? You are the one who is going to play mahjong with the boss now, so you won't be afraid of Fu Xuan in the future."

Huanlong couldn't help laughing at the distressed Qingque.

In her opinion, as long as Qingque had a little brains and held on to Li Xuanqing, why would he care about Fu Xuan?

"You don't understand...My colleagues at Taibusi are going to hate me to death...."Qingque replied distressedly

""Okay, okay! Xiaoyao Gate, right? ? ~~?"

On the other side, Fu Xuan, who was heading towards the Shen Ce Mansion, saw the content of the live broadcast room and clenched his fists.

She was usually busy with official duties in the Taibusi Department, with countless things to deal with, and she didn't have much time to set foot outside the entire Taibusi Department.

She also knew that the people in the Taibusi Department were slacking off, but she didn't care much. She didn't expect that this group of people would deliberately create a Xiaoyao Gate!

What is the Xiaoyao Gate?

After walking out of this door, everyone will be free and happy?

It means that in her Taibusi Department, they are not free and happy at all!

Everyone entered the Xiaoyao Gate, and before they took two steps, they saw the existence of a demon on the stairs in the Taibusi Department....

"...Are you surprised? I am not surprised at all."March Seven looked at the demon body as if it was waiting for them, and said lightly

"Get ready to fight." Walter said

"Can we have a more creative encounter next time?" San Yueqi complained.

And this battle was easy for Gui Naifen to win without any effort.

After the battle, they also arrived at their destination.

"In front of us is the large-scale jade divination array that our Taibu Division is proud of, the Qiongguan Array."Qingque stood in front of everyone and explained to them:

"Along the way, I often heard people mention the word"Yu Zhao"."Miss Qingque, what is Yu Zhao?" Walter asked

"Jade sign...It's Yu Zhao!

�� Qingque explained with some hesitation,

"Mr. Yang asked a good question, and I can't answer it right away. Let me think about it......."

"《The book"Yi Jing Kuai Ao" says that seal-shaped living jade can reveal the mysteries of the universe."

"Just like carving a seal, the craftsmen of Xianzhou Gongzaosi would carve the invisible trillion-dollar talismans in the jade crystal lattice, and then embed them into various mechanisms as needed, allowing them to operate according to the designed intentions."

"Some of the jade signs are small enough to be stored in bracelets or jewelry. The larger ones are placed in the formation to deduce the evolution of numbers and learn from the past to predict the future."

"Just like this great formation, no matter the evolution of the laws of nature or the metabolism of the human world, as long as there is enough information, it can answer any question."

"It is said that the talismans and principles were asked from the Universal God: Boshizun. The profoundness of the talismans and principles is such that only Taibu in the entire Taibu Division can understand them."

"Isn't this a computer?"Xing couldn't help asking

"It seems so, but Yuzhao, this name sounds much better."March Seven also thought it made sense.

"Moreover, how can ordinary computers have such a mysterious origin? The technology personally taught by Boshizun......"

"I haven't seen anything related to Boshizun in Ms. Black Tower's space station."

"Anyway, don't get hung up on the name. As long as the machine can operate effectively, what difference does it make whether it is a jade sign or a computer?"

Qingque said casually, not caring at all about what the Qiongguan formation of his own Taibusi was called.

"Just like today, as long as someone guides you here, it doesn't matter if it's a blue bird or a white bird."

"We are almost at the center of the Qiongguan formation. The master should be waiting for us there."

After saying that, he turned around and led everyone to continue walking forward.

【So this thing can also be called a quantum computer?】

【Administrator Shajin: There must be a difference, after all, it is the guidance of Master Bozhi himself....Well, only the appearance of a star god can make another star god come to help.】

【Administrator Estelle: There is not even a black tower....Well...】

【Heita: Humph. I don't care about these.】

【Botio: What the hell, this is such an awesome thing? If I have this thing, can I calculate anything I want? Can I even calculate where the person I want to arrest is?】

【Fu Xuan: I can predict when you will die.】

【Portio: ???】

【Sunday: So it can be said that the chip pattern is engraved on the jade? It has become another kind of CPU】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Human photolithography machine...】

【Doctor of Truth: The youth version of Boshizun, who can predict the future with information. The entire Xianzhou Alliance Yuzhaodu technology was provided by Boshizun.】

【So what are the other Star Gods’ elegant names? Lan is Emperor Gong Siming, Bo Shi Zun is Universal Knowledge Heavenly Monarch, Yao Shi is Shou Wen Huo Zu, and what about the rest?】

【Jing Yuan: Klipper, the God of Life and Death, Akivali, the God of Wandering Clouds, Aha, the God of Changle, Idrila, the God of Wonderful Plans, Nanook, the God of Ashes and Misfortunes, Taiziyulus, the God of Locusts and Misfortunes】

【Siming refers to the good star gods of Xianzhou people, such as Klipper. The Tianjun is the neutral star god that Xianzhou thinks is not threatening, such as Changle Tianjun Aha, and Bishi Tianjun Boshizun. The Huozu is the more threatening, such as Jinmie Huozu Nanook, Moth Locust Huozu Taiziyuros.】[]

【It seems that Boshizun is a computer, right?】

【Who said that there is no Black Tower lady related to Boshizun? The Black Tower itself is】

【The black tower itself is? What does that mean?】

"The black tower itself is it? What does this mean? And who is the one who is speaking?"

Gui Naifen looked up at the screen with some curiosity, and then his eyes fell on Jing Yuan.

The other party is the general of Luofu Xianzhou, so he should know....

Unfortunately , Jing Yuan didn't seem to have any intention of explaining.

Come to think of it, this is in front of the live broadcast room, and what the other party said will also be spread out of the live broadcast room.

These things can't be said so bluntly....

Gui Naifen felt that the other party would not tell her about this kind of thing....

Turn your head and continue looking at the screen.

"Fu Qing, how is the progress?"

In the screen, everyone arrived in front of the Qiongguan formation, and at the edge of the formation, Fu Xuan was talking to General Jing Yuan on the communication projection.

"The fluctuation is between Qian and Zhen. There are problems in the movement, but no benefit."Fu Xuan said according to the divination result.

"Fu Qing, please speak human language."Jing Yuan Jing Jun said lightly.

"A disaster is coming——This is Taipusi's fortune today"

"The Qiongguan formation stopped rotating, the talisman was dim, and there was a star core evil in the department that had not been eliminated. The Cloud Riders were busy protecting the people. I wanted to restore the formation, but there were no soldiers to use."

Fu Xuan shook his head helplessly and said:

"In such a situation, we still have to deal with the star core hunters handed over by the general. Isn't this a disaster?"

Facing Fu Xuan's words, Jing Yuan didn't care at all, but laughed out loud.

"Haha, the person in front of me is Fu Qing, who is known for his ability to predict the future and his all-encompassing vision. Isn't seeking good fortune and avoiding disaster your specialty?"

"You don't need to drink this bowl of chicken soup, General. The ups and downs of fortune are natural, don't try to get away with it by being clever." Fu Xuan didn't feel tricked at all this time, and said bluntly

"'The Taibushi is just putting good and bad luck in front of him and trying his best to make the right choice. He has no magical power to change the world."

"That's why Fu Qing had to come out. To restrain the star core hunter who can observe the future, Fu Qing, who has foresight, is indispensable. As for manpower assistance - how could I not be prepared?"

General Jing Yuan said, turning his head to look at the star

"Look, help is here."

"Master Taibu, although I haven't received your order, I still brought the guest to you."Qingque took the initiative to greet him.

"...The general is really merciless in employing people." Fu Xuan saw Qingque and heard what he said. He couldn't help but glance at Jingyuan and said

"Since we are all guests, we should make the best use of them."Jing Yuan said in a low voice.

Faced with this situation, San Yueqi and others were also confused. It seemed that there was something wrong.���They don't know?

Fu Xuan also told them about the current troubles.

The Taibu Division was short of manpower, and it was quite troublesome to restart the formation base of the Qiongguan formation.

Therefore, he wanted to ask Wumingke and the others for help.

"Xing. I read my fortune and found that we are destined to be hard-working."March Seven couldn't help but sigh.

"Tell us about the magical nature, then we can take action." And Xing looked at Fu Xuan and said

""What? What magical words?" Fu Xuan asked curiously.

"Oh, it’s just a simple word that works everywhere: please!"

"........"Fu Xuan looked at the two of them in confusion. After hesitating for a moment, he slowly gritted his teeth and spoke:


"Do you want me to open the array base myself? Is that possible? This is too exciting!"

Gui Naifen looked at the content of the game mission.

It actually asked the players to open it themselves.

Isn't this directly releasing the content of Taibusi!?

This is something Gui Naifen had never dared to think about before!

What kind of existence is Taibusi? It is a place that cannot be entered! Fu Xuan and others who can calculate everything are even more mysterious!

And now, they open the Qiongguan array with their own hands. Isn't this the greatest luck!

"the first is...The Zhouhe Formation, which observes the trend of the universe and is used to call up time...so powerful!"

"The second is the Karma Formation, which sorts out the cause and effect relationship of things...."

"(Qian Zhaozhao) The third world array, reads information related to space..."

After the three arrays were activated, the array base was completed!

Gui Naifen clapped her hands, as if she had done it herself, very proud.

Then she returned to Fu Xuan and handed in the task directly!

Then, the next step was...

"Is it necessary to make such a big scene? I said I would cooperate with you."

At this time, Kafka was also pressed forward. When she saw so many people, Fu Xuan and the formation below, Kafka guessed what they were going to do.

"You are a wanted criminal who is good at using the magic of words to confuse people. I have no interest in what you say." Fu Xuan didn't listen at all and spoke directly

"You can say whatever you want, but I only believe in the predictions of the Qiongguan Array."

"Taixiasi has his own way of digging out the truth from you, far more than words can say"

"Then please ask Taibusi to witness my fate." Kafka smiled and looked at Fu Xuan and said.

There was no fear or worry in her eyes.

Seeing this, Fu Xuan no longer hesitated and asked everyone to step back.

He stood on the formation!

With his hands around, the power gathered in the center of the two palms at the heart.

""Get up!"

With a light shout, the three big arrays lit up!

A huge Bagua array also lit up on the main array, the Qiongguan array!

Under this power, Kafka slowly rose up and floated in the air.

Fu Xuan, on the other hand, used his power to observe everything about the other party!

Kafka still looked at the other party calmly, and even smiled at the corner of her mouth.

Fu Xuan's power was getting stronger and stronger!

Kafka's smile became more and more wanton.


Fu Xuan suddenly shook his hands, dissipating all his strength, and looked at Kafka in disbelief!

"you...Just for this?"

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