Gui Naifen knew that many people wanted to see such a task, so she directly controlled the character and ran to Ruomu Pavilion!

As soon as she arrived here, she saw Dan Heng in the state of Long Zun Yinyuejun, who was already waiting here.

In addition to him, there was also a woman opposite.

"Woman? Hehehe~"

Gui Naifen subconsciously thought of some scenes.

Could it be an old acquaintance of Dan Heng?

"All matters related to the audience have been reported. Does Lord Danheng have any questions?"

"I understand, thank you for your hard work, Miss Huanxi." Dan Heng replied.

But when she got closer, the plot appeared.

The woman who was talking was actually a woman from the Chiming tribe. What she said was very ordinary, and her tone was even a little polite, which immediately broke her fantasy.

It turned out to be just a tribe.

"I don't deserve the title of Miss. I am just a maidservant of Miss Bailu. But I want to make an unreasonable request to you....."

The woman of the Chiming tribe named Huanxi said to Danheng.

After she finished speaking, she saw Danheng nodded, indicating that he agreed, but Huanxi turned her head to the side and looked at the position of Xing.

"Before that...Who is this person?"

"Just treat me as a street lamp."Xing replied

"Sorry, there are no street lights on the fairy boat that can eavesdrop on secrets."

Huanxi, however, had no sense of humor and said to Xing bluntly

"I am talking to Lord Danheng. Anyone not involved please leave."

"Xing is my best friend, I invite witnesses to come with me. Treat her like me and speak openly about your request."Dan Heng took the initiative to speak at this time, and also helped Xing out of the predicament.

"Then, I hope you don't meet Miss Bailu."Huanxi said

"Can you tell me the reason for not meeting?" Xing asked

"I hope you will listen to me. I am not being unreasonable. Huanxi sighed and then explained the reason.

"Maybe you should know. The process of Miss Bailu becoming a Dragon Lord was neither in accordance with the rules nor her own wishes. It was the result of the previous Dragon Lord Dan Feng's willful behavior. His arrogance and arbitrariness caused the Luofu Dragon Lord's inheritance to be lost."

"When the dragon masters heard the news of Lord Dan Heng's return, they didn't know whether it was good or bad. But everyone was speculating that the Luofu Dragon Lord inheritance might be recovered and unified again, which was a cause for celebration."

"Whether it is to select a wise man according to clan rules, or...Or you can take over the position. Everything can be turned around."

"However, if Lord Danheng leaves everything to Miss Bailu, it will probably cause a huge disturbance and will not be good for her at all."

"Choose another capable person? Who does the Chiming tribe like?"Xing asked again

"Haha, such a big matter is naturally decided by the elders of Master Long, I can't say anything about it."Huanxi laughed dryly...

When Xing heard this and looked at the other person's tone and attitude, he immediately thought of Bai Lu whom he had met before. He turned around and said,"I don't think she really wants to sit on the Dragon King either."

"I was chosen as a maid twelve years ago. I accompanied my master to study medicine and receive training every day. I witnessed her escape countless times and being caught back countless times unwillingly."

Huanxi's voice began to deepen as she spoke.

"In the common sense of the fairy boat, children like her all lived a happy and free childhood. But as a dragon master with an empty title, Miss Bailu was strictly controlled and had no freedom to move forward or backward."

"I feel so sorry for this, I dare to ask you to think about this child."

"Why don't you ask Bai Lu herself?" Xing asked this question on behalf of Dan Heng.

"Miss Bailu is young and inexperienced, and is easily manipulated by others. I am afraid that under the pressure of someone with ulterior motives, she will think that she can shoulder this responsibility."Huanxi replied

"I understand your meaning very well. But I can't answer you right now."

Dan Heng just spoke at this time, and after he finished speaking, he looked at the other party.

Huan Xi also understood what he meant, nodded, and said politely before leaving.

Before leaving, Huan Xi hesitated for a moment, looked at him again and said:

"Lord Dan Heng, whether you want to meet Miss Bai Lu or go with me to see Elder Longshi, I will be waiting for you at the ferry to Linyuan Realm."

【This Huanxi is quite harsh in his words!】

【It turns out that the Chiming tribe doesn’t necessarily have horns, this Huanxi only has long ears???】

【The attitude of the speaker is too much, is this the Vajra clan?】

【Is this too much? This is already good enough. Do you really think these tribes are so friendly?】

【No problem, just imagine how arrogant an official on a planet can be. This is the Chiming clan on the Immortal Boat! Are they messing with you?】

【I felt that General Jing Yuan, Fu Xuan and the like were very friendly before, but that was because the person standing in front of them was an unknown guest on the Starry Sky Train. If you were an ordinary person, would they pay attention to you???】

【It seems that not only Bai Lu is unwilling, Dan Heng is also unwilling to become the Dragon Lord】

【They all don't want it, but I want it! Give it to me! I want to be the Dragon Lord!】

【The one in front, you are just dreaming】

【Judging from the situation, although I don’t know the situation of the Chiming tribe, I feel that the Dragon Master really wants to seize power?】

【Wait! According to what Huanxi said, Bailu is really only in her teens! ?】

【You say you are thinking about Bai Lu, but has anyone ever thought about Dan Heng before? Isn't that how he got through it?】

【They are different. Danfeng has strength and wisdom, and he has been reborn to the present. But Bailu is just an ordinary Vajra clan member except for his healing ability!】

【Will this companion mission reveal Dan Heng's past? For example, what crime did he commit?

In the plot, after the other party left, Dan Heng also turned his attention to Xing.

"Before I even met Bai Lu, someone came to persuade me to back out."

"Do you need me to keep it a secret from others?" Xing asked

"No need."

Dan directly shook his head, and then said in a very normal and calm tone:

"well...With March around, nothing can be hidden."

"No! What do you mean by that!!!"

After Dan Heng said that in the plot, in reality, San Yue Qi turned around and looked at Dan Heng with his eyes wide open.

He couldn't hide anything with me around???

Am I that kind of person?

After hesitating for a while, it seemed that it was true, and then he grinned at the other party:"Hehe"

"You are really good at judging people."

Everyone sighed, shook their heads helplessly, and continued to look at the screen.

"You know that I am the descendant of Luofu Chiming, and you have seen me in the Linyuan Realm....Hidden Power"

"But this power does not belong to me, but comes from my previous life, Dan Feng. He changed the Dragon Lord's inheritance without authorization, causing great disaster, and was eventually punished by the molting scale reincarnation."

Dan Heng saw that Xing didn't know some things, and he invited him to accompany him to meet the current Dragon Lord of the Chiming Clan, so he should tell him these basic things about the past....

"According to the physiology of reincarnation, I should become a new individual. According to the law, the sins of the previous life should be written off."

"The reality is...I have been imprisoned in the Prison since I was born. Even if I am released and leave the Immortal Boat, Long Zun's past and Dan Feng's enemies will still follow me."

"Now I plan to pick up the old things. I want to repair the seal of Jianmu in exchange, and meet Long Zun to see what I can do."

After telling the general idea, I saw Xing thoughtfully, knowing that it would take time for the other party to fully understand these things.

"The Xingrak is ready, let's go."

The place to go is the cave of Dan Dingsi.

Xing went straight to the dock to find the ferryman, but after just a few steps, he was blocked by a man wearing Dan Dingsi uniform.

When this man saw Dan Heng, he showed an unhappy look on his face.

"The rumors are true, you are back...."

"I am Lu Ying, a medical practitioner from the Danding Division. As you can see, I am also a member of the Vajra Clan. I heard that the reincarnation of the great sinner has returned to Luofu, so I wanted to meet him and give him some advice."

"Oh?" Dan Heng didn't have much good temper when he heard his words. He was puzzled and his eyes were cold.

"Leave this troubled place immediately!" Lu Ying said

"It seems that the Chiming people don't like you very much."Xing said at the side

"I'm not surprised at all. So, what is Dandingsi's request?" Dan Heng asked

"Be your nameless guest again and stop stirring up the muddy waters of Dragon Lord's inheritance."

"Luofu Chiming finally recovered from Danfeng's sin and had a kind and compassionate dragon master like Bailu. Now that you are back, not only will it not help, but it will also arouse the ambitions of the dragon masters to fight for power."

"Ever since Miss Bai Lu took over, there have been endless criticisms, but Dan Dingsi firmly believes that the child is a rare rough diamond, kind and compassionate, a hundred times better than Dan Feng. What's more, Dan Feng chose her to be the Dragon Lord, so he is the leader of Luofu Chiming. It is destiny, and we are willing to respect him as the Lord!"

"I have no intention of shaking Bai Lu's position." Dan Heng said

"Even if you have nothing to regret, as long as you are still in Luofu, you will be dragged by all kinds of invisible forces. Leaving is the best choice for everyone."

With that, Lu Ying turned and left, leaving behind another sentence before leaving:

"Don't repeat the mistakes of your previous life. Goodbye."

【This person doesn't like it!】

【He called Dan Heng a great sinner? Haha, now everyone in Dan Ding Si is a great sinner, right? I'm afraid he can only walk around after being verified to be innocent.】

【Heita: Actually, he is not wrong.】

【Botio: Is this attitude right? Damn it, if he were in front of me, I would kill him with one shot!】

【The health bar is bright! I cut him!】

【Master Long wants to get Dan Feng back, and Dan Dingsi wants Bai Lu to take power. They both treat Long Zun as a tool. One is more shameless than the other.】

【Administrator Shajin: Some mistakes are not entirely Danfeng's fault, many of them were caused by Master Long. Now that Danheng has returned, Master Long has some ideas. 】

During the discussion in the barrage, Xingye and Danheng arrived at the Danding Division together.

As soon as they entered, they met an unexpected person!

"Hello, the two of you. The wind is high and the waves are rough in Boyue Ancient Sea today. How come you are in the mood to visit here?"

General Shen Ce of Luofu Fairy Boat: Jing Yuan!

The appearance of this person surprised Xing a little, and also made Dan Heng pause slightly, with a thoughtful look in his eyes!

"General Jingyuan?" Gui Naifen was also stunned when he saw the other party appear, and then turned his head in disbelief to look at the real person behind him!

"You are not one of those who doesn’t want Dan Heng to go, are you? No way?"

But Jing Yuan did not answer, but stared at the live broadcast room in a daze.

Would he persuade Dan Heng not to go? (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He shouldn’t do that.

Seeing that the other party didn’t speak, Gui Naifen turned her head and continued to watch the screen, but at the same time she couldn’t help muttering:"It’s just a meeting, is it such a hassle?..."

Dan Heng in the game also asked this question.

"General, are you here to persuade me to give up the audience with the Dragon Lord?"

"Haha, what does that have to do with me? I was under the care of the Dragon Girl and was recuperating in the Dan Ding Division. I just happened to run into you two."

General Jing Yuan said with a smile, and the appearance of this statement also made everyone feel relieved!

Jing Yuan should be the person who has the closest relationship with Dan Heng in the entire Luofu Immortal Boat.

From the previous cooperation and battle with Huanlong, it can be seen that Jing Yuan also remembers the friendship with Dan Heng, but if he stops Dan Heng now, it will really make people sad!

"Since you asked this, it seems that someone had come to meet you before the trip?" Jing Yuan looked at him and asked

"That is, there are more than one wave, each with their own purpose."Xing complained

"This is related to the rise and fall of the Chiming clan, so those who are interested will naturally have the idea of influencing it. Dan Feng is like this, the dragon masters are like this, and the Danding Division that trains dragon girls is no exception."Jing Yuan said with a smile.

Dan Heng listened to the other party's words, but did not smile.

Instead, he thought for a while and looked up at him.

"The general is recuperating here. He knows exactly who saw us."

Jing Yuan fell silent in the face of his words....

For a moment, there was an awkward silence in the room, and Jing Yuan was obviously not the type to let the awkwardness continue, so he spoke out:[]

"It is better to meet by chance than to be invited. How about I help you to understand the purpose of these people's visit?"

"Elder Chiming wants to choose another Dragon Lord?" Xing guessed.

Jing Yuan smiled when he heard her guess and answered,"Haha, the power struggle between Dragon Master and Dragon Lord has been going on since ancient times. But when it comes to Dan Feng, he is so strong that he has completely gotten rid of the constraints of the elders, making them dare not speak out."

"Originally, the elders had a say in the succession of the Dragon Lord. Unexpectedly, Dan Feng made his own choice. The fact was established, and they could only accept this result."

"Now that Dan Heng has returned, the elders see another opportunity, how can they let it go?"

"Bold!"Xing glared, then subconsciously shouted

"Hahahaha!" Jing Yuan laughed out loud at her vivid imitation of the immortal boat people's speech, and then said:

"We outsiders cannot judge the rules of the Chiming tribe."

"Dragon Master has been suppressed for a long time, so it is inevitable that he will do some small actions."

Is that so?

Xing also understood Jing Yuan's words, and then thought of another person, Lu Ying from Dan Ding Si!

So he said:"Dan Ding Si hopes that Dragon Master is still Bai Lu?"

Jing Yuan thought for a while, and then replied:"These people claim to be orthodox. They believe that Bai Lu was personally selected by the previous Dragon Master. If they do not make a big mistake, the Dragon Masters have no right to choose another one."

"The medicine-carrying dragon girl has both the appearance of a dragon and the incredible healing power. Some people regard this as proof of the dragon's dignity. However, the dragon master elders who believe in power are unwilling to accept it......"

As he spoke, Jing Yuan turned his attention to Dan Heng who was standing beside him.

"After the reincarnation of Dan Feng commanded the vast expanse of water in Boyue Ancient Sea, those who defended the orthodoxy of Dragon Lord became even more uneasy."

"This is indeed reasonable...."Xing nodded. If that was the case, then it would make sense for Lu Ying, or Dan Dingsi, to appear and stop them.

"After Dan Feng abdicated, they fought against Master Long and maintained Bai Lu's dignity, which was a painstaking effort. Jing Yuan nodded:"Most of these people will not give up."

"General, what do you think about this matter? Xing asked

"This is the internal affairs of the Chiming. As long as it does not harm the peace of Luofu, what can General Yunqi think?"Jing Yuan asked back.

Xing smacked his lips, as if he really didn't know how to answer the other party's question.

Jing Yuan looked at Dan Heng and said solemnly:

"But as a friend, I still want to remind you. As long as Dan Heng, who has the power of Dragon Lord, and Bai Lu, who has the title of Dragon Lord, stand side by side on Luofu, the internal conflict of Chi Ming will not stop....Even though this is not your fault"

"It's getting late. Aren't you planning to go to Linyuan Realm to repair the Jianmu seal and meet the Dragon Lord? Let's go quickly. I have to take care of my illness......."

Seeing that Jing Yuan was silent,

Xing and Dan Heng moved forward again and met the person they met at the beginning, Huan Xi.

"Lord Danheng, you are here. Have you made a decision?"As soon as the other party saw Danheng, he stepped forward and asked with a smile.

"Do you want to meet with the elders first?...Go see Miss Bailu?"

"Miss Bailu is already waiting in the Scaled Abyss Realm. Dan Heng did not answer directly, but the answer was given.

"Your stubbornness does have some of Danfeng's shadow."Huanxi sighed.

"Sorry, you can't go anywhere." Just then, a fierce voice came from behind.

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