Orochimaru and Manzuki Hozuki seemed to have a tacit understanding and did not choose to fight on the boat.

When the two figures appeared again, they were already on the sea surface 20 to 30 meters away.

As soon as they fought, Manzuki Hozuki felt the terrifying power of Orochimaru. Both of them stepped on the water surface, and ripples were raised under their feet.

With the two of them as the center, the water rippled out in all directions. After only two or three seconds of stalemate, Manzuki Hozuki was knocked away by a punch.

"Why is this guy so powerful?"

Manzuki Hozuki rose and fell on the sea surface like a skipping stone, and only stopped after flying more than 20 meters. He suffered a loss as soon as he met them.

"It seems that I have met a tough guy today!"

Rubbing his numb fist, Manzuki Hozuki's expression became solemn. He had only felt this kind of crushing aura on the Fourth Mizukage Yagura.

And this scene was also seen by Honglian on the boat. At this time, she was stretching her neck on the deck to watch the fight between the two.

"Why did they start fighting over a disagreement? That guy doesn't seem to be that strong!"

Honglian looked at Mangetsu Hozuki with some contempt in her eyes. She heard the conversation between the two and thought that Mangetsu Hozuki was a little ungrateful.

"I thought he was so strong, but he dared to refuse the invitation!"

Honglian couldn't help curling her lips as she said this. It's not her fault that she looked down on others, nor was it that Mangetsu Hozuki was too weak, but that Orochimaru was too strong.

All the enemies Honglian encountered along the way were beaten by Orochimaru, and there were very few who could survive twenty rounds in Orochimaru's hands, which also made Honglian's vision higher.

Although Mangetsu Hozuki was a genius, no matter how strong he was, he could not reach the level of Kage, otherwise how could he die in the Blood Mist Ceremony in the future?

But not everyone is like Konoha White Fang, who is so desperate and seeks death.

In the entire cargo ship, only Honglian, a brave man, looked up and watched the battle. The other boatmen had already hid in the cabin out of fear. They just hoped that the fight between the two would not affect innocent people.

Sailing and riding horses are three points dangerous. They took a great risk to go to the Land of Water. If they encountered such a situation again, they would avoid it as much as possible. How could they have the mind to watch the battle?

If someone else accidentally fired a gun and affected innocent people, they would die without knowing how they died.

"Water Cannon Technique!"

Manzuki threw the kunai in his hand at Orochimaru, and at the same time, with a wave of his five fingers, five bullet-like water drops attacked Orochimaru from top to bottom at a speed that was difficult to capture with the naked eye.

The triangular attack camp instantly blocked Orochimaru's retreat, especially the two attacks in the middle, which made Orochimaru unable to avoid.


Orochimaru tilted his head to avoid the kunai, and the water cannon followed.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

It was like the sound of firecrackers exploding on Orochimaru. It was not that he could not dodge it, but that Orochimaru wanted to experience the power of this move firsthand.

Seeing that all the water cannons hit, Mangetsu Kizuki's face not only did not show a happy expression, but his brows were tightly furrowed.

The ninjas of the Land of Water are more adept at water escape. Although his attack was fatal, he also noticed the abnormality of Orochimaru.

If a normal person was attacked by this kind of fate, not to mention blood splattering, at least his body would be shaken a little. On the other hand, Orochimaru did not retreat a step, and even his feet did not produce any ripples.

These thoughts only flashed in his mind, and he rushed forward again. Mangetsu Kizuki took out a kunai again and slashed at Orochimaru.

Orochimaru avoided the kunai but did not avoid the ninjutsu, proving that cold weapons still have an effect on Orochimaru.

What he thought was indeed correct, but Orochimaru's reluctance to fight against cold weapons was just an instinctive reaction. Although swords are sharp, can they have greater kinetic energy than guns and cannons?

"Water cannon, it's not good enough!"

If you want to subdue such an arrogant genius, the best way is to overwhelm him with the momentum of a mountain, let him feel the pain of the world, and feel how many floors a bag of rice can carry!

Hozuki Mangetsu held the kunai in his backhand and swung it diagonally from bottom to top at Orochimaru. Although the movement was fast, it was still too slow in front of Orochimaru's eyes.

He also did not dodge, but his palm met his kunai. This scene fell into Hozuki Mangetsu's eyes and became Orochimaru's desire to exchange injuries with him.

There was no blood, no swords and swords, and Orochimaru grabbed his kunai, and his other hand did not move.

Before Hozuki Mangetsu showed a puzzled and shocked expression, Orochimaru started the ring, and the next moment his figure disappeared on the sea.

The figure of Man Yue also disappeared with him. This scene made Hong Lian, who was watching the battle nearby, confused. She rubbed her eyes, thinking that she was dazzled.

"Why did the gentleman disappear?"

As she spoke, she looked around, trying to find the figure of Orochimaru, but not paying attention to the top.

When the two figures appeared again, they were already 50 meters in the air. After a trance, Manzuki Hozuki also discovered the changes in the surrounding scene.

His body floated uncontrollably in the air. For a moment, Manzuki Hozuki felt like a lamb to be slaughtered, and he had no way to resist.

Orochimaru looked at his somewhat panicked expression, just showed a playful smile, and then the two figures disappeared again.

"What do you think will happen if I throw you down now?"

The two were at an altitude of 300 meters. Orochimaru let go of the kunai in his hand and said to Manzuki Hozuki with a smile.

"You...you...is this the space-time ninjutsu and the super light and heavy rock technique?"

Manzuki Hozuki swallowed his saliva, looked at the ant-like ship under his feet, and glanced at Orochimaru who was calm and indifferent, and said hesitantly.

At this height, even though there is the sea below, if you fall down, it will be no different from falling on a concrete slab.

"Do you still think I am not qualified to recruit you at this time?"

People are snobbish as ever, who knows that heroes are white-collared?

Orochimaru showed his arrogant look again. To deal with such a proud person, whoever is stronger has the qualification to be proud.

Orochimaru can defeat Pein with one force, so he doesn't need to talk. If he doesn't surrender, he will beat him until he surrenders. Orochimaru can learn from this.

"You won unfairly and took advantage of the ninjutsu!"

Manzuki Hozuki still said a little stubbornly. In his opinion, his strength has not been fully exerted, but he was coerced by Orochimaru in this way.

"Oh? It seems that you are still a little unconvinced?"

Orochimaru looked at him with a smile. Before he suffered a major blow, the failure of the genius would convince himself with all kinds of reasons.

This spirit of not admitting defeat also allowed them to go further on the road of ninja, but Orochimaru obviously wanted to completely destroy his confidence.

"Since you are unconvinced, what if this happens?"

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