As Red Bean was given the Earth Seal, her appetite increased day by day.

If it weren't for the seal, this little foodie would have grown fat in no time.

Of course, her training intensity has gradually increased. Although her talent is average, her willpower is very strong.

With such good endurance, the most suitable physical skill for her is naturally Tsunade's super strength.

As for the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu, this suicidal physical skill, although Orochimaru has also studied it, it costs a life to use it.

Although Orochimaru's mirror clone can be used, it costs a life to use it, and it is impossible to use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

And many times it is necessary to absorb the opponent's kinetic energy. If the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu are used, plus their own abilities, it is unknown how strong they can be.

So far, the battles encountered have not allowed Orochimaru to reach this point, maybe the Eight-Tails and the Nine-Tails can.

"Teacher, the mission is completed!"

Red Bean's voice interrupted Orochimaru's thoughts. Looking up, the fish in front of Red Bean has been cured.

Since accepting Red Bean as his disciple, Orochimaru has taught her medical ninjutsu, on the one hand to let her learn one more skill, and on the other hand to let her improve her control of chakra.

If you want to learn the super strength of the Senju clan, the first requirement is to have precise control of chakra.

Concentrate chakra on the whole body, cover the whole body with chakra, and burst it out in an instant. This attack method is the so-called "super strength".

To achieve this step, precise control of chakra is indispensable, and on the other hand, there must be a chakra supply source such as the Yin Seal.

Although Red Bean does not have the Yin Seal yet, she already has the Earth Curse Seal as a foundation.

As long as you master the skills and combine it with your own chakra amount, it is not a problem to use a few super strength attacks. As for the full super strength, you must release the Earth Curse Seal.

This method is also what Orochimaru got from Tsunade. Who told her to speak out of turn after drinking?

"Take another fish and continue the experiment!"

Orochimaru took out a grass carp weighing three to five pounds from the fish basket, and then asked Hongdou to throw the one in her hand back into the river.

During this period, Orochimaru ran to a small river near Konoha to fish whenever he had time, and Hongdou followed him happily.

She came here not to fish, but to treat the fish caught by Orochimaru.

Whenever a fish came ashore, Hongdou would inevitably cut it open. If Orochimaru didn't catch a fish for a long time, the original fish might be dissected and sutured repeatedly.

There was no way. Hongdou now had sufficient chakra and was full of energy. She had to drain her chakra and improve her control over chakra through such training methods.

It was inevitable to want to learn super strength, and Hongdou had no complaints and did every task conscientiously.

"Take a break if you're tired. I'll grill fish for you later."

Looking at the little guy concentrating on suturing the grass carp in front of him, although it's not an experiment on humans, this kind of surgery is also very mentally exhausting.

"Yeah! I'm not tired!"

Hongdou smiled like a flower, and her little face was full of sweat. Orochimaru took out a tissue to wipe her, making little Hongdou blush.

While Orochimaru was teaching Hongdou diligently in Konoha, Orochimaru's body outside also cast the Earth Curse Seal on Honglian.

This time, the plot was not triggered again, which was not beyond his expectations.

Not to mention that Honglian originally didn't have a curse seal, whether it could trigger the plot was also up to fate, after all, there was only one person for the first time.

"How do you feel?"

Orochimaru rubbed Honglian's little head. After these days of running around, Hongdou was tanned a lot, but her spirit was refreshed.

The two were on their way back to the Land of Fields. In the past six months, they not only went to the Rock Village in the Land of Earth, but also to the Sand Village in the Land of Wind.

This is why Honglian got a tan, but running around is not without benefits.

Orochimaru has planted many loyal people in each hidden village. Although some are only peripheral members, the general direction of the actions of each hidden village can still be controlled.

This process also tempered Honglian's character, and her strength has reached the level of a Chunin. If she is combined with her blood limit, she will stand out among the Chunins.

With the example of Red Bean, Orochimaru successfully applied the Earth Curse Seal to Honglian.

With the blessing of the Earth Curse Seal, Honglian's Crystal Escape can release a larger range, which is a quantitative change.

But Orochimaru requires more than just these. It is useless if the range of the Crystal Escape is large and can't hurt people.

If the problem of sound wave restraint cannot be solved in a short time, then work on the quality of the crystal..

There is no absolute restraint in this world. Fire can overcome water, and water can also extinguish fire.

In Orochimaru's imagination, the ability of the clones similar to the elementalization of Konan and Gaara is what he wants.

Of course, it is not the clones that have this ability, but the main body can be elementalized.

If this step can be achieved, then Honglian's future will be raised to a higher level.

"It's much better, but still a little weak."

Orochimaru found that Honglian was out of breath after just a short walk, so he simply controlled her to fly up.

There must be a degree of rehabilitation training, and there is still a long time to go.

"Sir, are we going back to Tiannin Village?"

Although there was speculation, Honglian still asked, and this was the first time she couldn't help but speak.

There are too many memories in Tianguo, whether you are willing to recall or not, you have to face it after all.

"Well! We won't leave this time. Tianshi Village will be our future base."

Honglian seemed relieved after hearing this. She knew Orochimaru's strength and means. There was no good in returning to Kusagakure this time.

Facing the place where her family was once destroyed, Honglian didn't have much good feelings for this country.

Along the way, she saw many people displaced by war, and met children who were even more miserable than her.

But the suffering didn't happen to her, so it was really difficult to want others to empathize with her, otherwise Pein wouldn't let others feel his pain.

The world is not a pure land, everyone has their own suffering!

If she hadn't met Orochimaru, she would probably be living in dire straits now. She is just huddling with Orochimaru for warmth.

"There will be no war in Tianshi Country in the future, and even the other five major countries dare not underestimate this country!"

As if he knew Honglian's inner thoughts, Orochimaru directly gave her a reassurance pill.

"Yes! I believe you, sir!"

Honglian smiled brightly at Orochimaru, she believed in him without reservation.

Orochimaru's goal was her goal, even if Orochimaru couldn't do it, she would do her best to fulfill Orochimaru's wish.

These were the results of Orochimaru's training during this period, teaching ninjutsu and giving curse seals, which completely won Honglian's loyalty.

In Orochimaru's view, if he still used the loyalty seal on people close to him, then Orochimaru would be a failure. He believed that he still had this personality charm.

Three days later, Orochimaru and Honglian came to Tiannin Village again.

Looking at the small village below, Orochimaru's mouth corners slightly raised.

"How many floors does a bag of rice have to be carried! A bag of rice has to be carried to the second floor! I gave too much for a bag of rice! I washed a bag of rice!"

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