Unlike the toads in Myoboku Mountain that have hands and feet and can use weapons, nor like the slugs in the Wet Bone Forest that have highly corrosive acid.

Although the three giants of Ryuchi Cave have no hands and feet, they are naturally the strongest among the three holy places!

Don’t look at them entangled and biting back and forth, but their teeth are good and their bite force is amazing.

In the previous life, the strongest bite force of animals on Earth could reach more than 2,000 kilograms, not to mention this world with giant beasts.

The toads in Myoboku Mountain and the slugs in the Wet Bone Forest did not dare to face the bite of tens of thousands of snakes.

Just kidding, one bite is a piece of meat. If the slugs don’t have time to split, they may suffer a loss when caught off guard!

The most important point is that the three big guys in Ryuchi Cave are all thick-skinned and very durable.

It’s okay for others to hit you ten times, as long as you seize an opportunity to hit others once, you can get your money back.

The ability to withstand blows is very strong. The Mang Snake alone can compete with ordinary tailed beasts for a period of time.

However, facing the giant beast of the perfect Nine-Tailed Fox, which is several times larger than the Mang Snake, even if the three snakes attack together, they can't resist for long.

At this time, the Nine-Tailed Fox is twice as big as the Eight-Tailed Fox, and it is not inferior to the perfect Susano of 100 meters high.

Although it caught the Nine-Tailed Fox off guard, it seems to be evenly matched at present, but the Nine-Tailed Fox, which has reacted, is gradually recovering its disadvantage.

At this time, the Nine-Tailed Fox is tearing the Mang Snake in half.

However, the Mang Snake is not so easy to deal with. When it is pulled by the Nine-Tailed Fox like a rubber band, it also seizes the opportunity to bite its shoulder.

Xinya and the green snake are not far behind. The green snake on the waist really strangled the Nine-Tailed Fox into a water snake waist.

And Xinya, who is in the tail part, is the hardest. It is a bit too busy to face nine giant tails at the same time.

Its pressure is not easier than the previous Mang Snake. On the contrary, it receives more attacks.

This also made Xinya, who had a bad temper, very upset, and the irritable brother bit people online.

The three-pronged approach really suppressed the Nine-Tailed Fox for a short time, almost making it stick out its tongue and roll its eyes. You can imagine how angry the Nine-Tailed Fox was at this time.

Watching the three beasts fighting the Nine-Tailed Fox, it was like a lively scene of three heroes fighting Lu Bu.

Orochimaru simply went all out and took out the Ame-no-Murasakumo Sword from his mask.

As long as the Ame-no-Murasakumo Sword transmits chakra, the entire sword body will become luminous and translucent.

However, Orochimaru now has little chakra, so he directly transmits body energy to the sword body.

"Light escape·Laser sword!"

The next moment, a real lightsaber appeared in front of him, but this sword was a bit long, more than ten meters long.

Orochimaru named the moves that developed body energy as light escape, without any changes in nature, and the main point was that the name was appropriate.

This is also a way for him to use his body energy. He strives to one day say "so scary" and kick one of the Twelve Young Warriors of Konoha!

"Haven't you heard that there is a person with a very fast sword in this area?"

With a flash, Orochimaru came to the tail of the Nine-Tails. Xinya could only wrap around two of its tails.

The remaining six fox tails were constantly beating Xinya and the green snake.

Orochimaru's Ame-no-Kume sword swung down at one of the tails without hesitation.

The cutting ability of the laser sword is not worse than that of the lightning escape, and it is even stronger, a bit similar to the fairy method of storm escape light teeth.

Originally, Orochimaru didn't use it because he was worried about breaking the Kusanagi sword. Now that he has the sky sword, he is not afraid. At worst, he can change to another one.

The laser sword sank into the tail of the Nine-Tails without any hindrance, and the scorching high temperature cut off one of the Nine-Tails' tails in a few breaths.

As soon as the tail was separated from the Nine-Tails, Orochimaru quickly put it into the mask space, and steadied his hand first.

As long as the knife is fast enough, the nucleus will be cut off for you, and the legendary killing with a sound is just like this.

After 3 seconds, the scream of the Nine-Tails sounded.


The pain made the Nine-Tails turn its head with a hideous face, and the fierce face that could scare a child to tears stared at Orochimaru who seemed to be fine.

And its tail had long been gone, and there was a piece of bare tail vertebrae on its buttocks.

Before Orochimaru could raise his knife again, the Nine-Tails, which had lost a tail, struggled desperately as if it had gone crazy.

Although it was controlled by Obito with illusion at this time, the body's instinctive reaction did not change.

It tore the Ten Thousand Snakes aside with a tear, and the next moment its huge mouth bit the green snake on its waist.

The green snake felt the pain and automatically loosened its body, and was swung back.

At the same time, Xinya was also stepped on by it, and this time it was the turn of the three of them to scream.

Orochimaru was in the middle of it.He dodged away the moment he was about to soar. Seeing that the three giant snakes had the upper hand one moment, but were beaten and screaming the next moment, Orochimaru simply cancelled the summoning technique.

With a burst of white smoke rising, the figures of the three snakes disappeared. The Nine-Tails had no target to attack, and soon found Orochimaru floating in the air.

There was another roar. It must be said that the Nine-Tails controlled by the Sharingan was really a bit boring. There was nothing else to do except screaming.

"Light Release· Fang Qi Fierce Light!"

Orochimaru thrust forward, and several huge lasers split in front of the Ame-no-Kume Sword, densely hitting the Nine-Tails below.

The Nine-Tails did not dodge or evade, and its sharp claws grabbed Orochimaru's tiny body.

Before the attack arrived, a strong gust of wind came to his face.

Although the speed was very fast, it was relative to others. Although the strong wind made him unable to open his eyes, he could clearly sense the Nine-Tails' every move without looking at his eyes!

Easily dodging the attack, at the same time, his laser also hit the Nine-Tails, making a rumbling explosion!

The scorching heat also made a sizzling sound as if a spark fell into the water when it touched the Nine-Tails' hair, and a burning smell spread.

The smoke from the explosion and the alternating hot and cold steam immediately submerged the Nine-Tails.

"Hehe... It seems to be working well!"

Even though he couldn't see the scene in front of him, Orochimaru heard the Nine-Tails' muffled groan.

Sure enough, the Nine-Tails' embarrassed appearance was revealed in a breath.

The Nine-Tails, who had not taken it seriously before, was now gritting his teeth and enduring the burning sensation, and many of the hair on his body had been burnt.

The skin under the hair was even more bloody, and the feeling of being burned must be uncomfortable, as if half of the body had walked through a sea of ​​fire.

Orochimaru has experienced the feeling of being burned. When one part of his body is burned, the whole joint will feel intense pain, and it will even rise to the brain nerves!

Looking at the Nine-Tails condensed with the Tailed Beast Ball below, Orochimaru sneered.

"What's the use of attacking so hard if you can't hit anyone? If you want to win, you have to use your legs, no, use your brain!"

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