It didn't take Orochimaru much effort to persuade Ye Cang to join his army.

When Orochimaru said that he wanted to form the sixth country outside the five major countries, Ye Cang agreed without much hesitation.

With just the clone, he could easily kill so many Mist Ninjas.

It was enough to see the tip of the iceberg of Orochimaru's strength.

Moreover, she wanted to take revenge on Sand Village and Rosa, and it was difficult to do it alone. Joining a powerful organization at this time would also save a lot of trouble.

The most important thing is that the person in front of her is her savior. Now her life is still in his hands. She is at the mercy of others.

She believes that it should not be difficult for the person in front of her to kill her, so why should she rush to die?

No matter what other thoughts she has, it is better to obey first, and wait until the injury is healed to see if this guy is talking nonsense.

"I am the Golden Snake Prince, the shadow of the Golden Country. You can call me Golden Shadow or Mr. Golden Snake!"

Orochimaru actually wanted to say "You can also call me Prince".

However, teasing a little girl like this right at the beginning will inevitably make people think you are frivolous. You still want to build a country? What a joke!

Orochimaru doesn't care whether she is sincere or not. In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are just illusions!

"Hey, this is your new identity!"

Orochimaru threw a new ninja forehead protector to her, with an English number S printed on it.

It's just that there is a vertical line running through the middle, which is almost the same as the US dollar symbol in the previous life.

For the Kingdom of Gold, isn't it normal to have a symbolic symbol? Or S can also be understood as the symbol of the first generation leader Orochimaru.

As for the line in the middle, it reaches the sky and the underworld. Money can communicate with gods and control ghosts.

"Have you expected this step a long time ago?"

Ye Cang looked at the forehead protector placed beside her bed with a complicated expression, and at the same time, he looked at Orochimaru with a little vigilance.

It's really too coincidental and timely, as if Orochimaru was waiting for her there.

If she didn't know that this was arranged by the leaders of the two countries, she would really think it was a trap designed by Orochimaru.

Not everyone is a brainless guy like Obito.

"Don't look at me like that. No matter how powerful I am, can I control the shadows of the two countries!"

Uchiha is better at this kind of thing. Obito can control the Mizukage, so it shouldn't be difficult for him to control a half-baked Rosa.

Those who can do this, I think Itachi and Shisui can do it too. They know their own weight.

Ye Cang's tense expression relaxed after hearing Orochimaru's words. It seems that he thought too much. It was really a sudden blow, and his mind was a little confused.

"Thank you!"

After a while, Ye Cang managed to utter two words, then turned his head and slowly closed his eyes.

Orochimaru stopped disturbing her and walked out of the room. I think she would think it through.

As for the ninja forehead protector, although ninjas rarely change their foreheads in their lives, one person does not serve two masters.

But it depends on the person, such as spies, changing forehead protectors is commonplace.

Orochimaru also used a new forehead protector after establishing the Sound Village.

Many rebel ninjas would cut a knife on their original forehead protectors to represent a break with the past.

The new forehead protector represents a new destination, which is not like the mixed rebel ninja organization like the Akatsuki organization.

Orochimaru wants to establish a country. Not to mention for the country and the people, at least he can't treat the Rain Country as a consumable like Nagato.

He will not use force to suppress others like him. No matter what his subordinates think, they can be used by him.

Under this premise, a unified will is very important. When everyone adds fuel to the fire, the flames will rise high. If people's hearts are scattered, it will be difficult to lead the team.

"Speaking of the Akatsuki organization, it seems that the clone has to speed up!"

For Ye Cang, Orochimaru didn't mind coming to the Water Country in person, and the result did not disappoint Orochimaru.

As for the clone, it was already on the way to the Tiannin Village.

"Teacher, where are we going now?"

Red Bean and Orochimaru were flying in the sky, and asked Orochimaru while watching the scene passing by quickly below.

After leaving Konoha, the two rested for a night in the base outside Orochimaru's village. As soon as they woke up, they were taken to the sky by Orochimaru.

It's no wonder that Orochimaru was so impatient, because his performance last night was really too eye-catching.

The terrifying strength, the ability to teleport tailed beasts, and why the tail of the Nine-Tails disappeared, etc.

The Third Hokage, who had recovered from these problems, would definitely summon him as soon as possible.

Such a powerful and fierce man appeared in his jurisdiction, and the Konoha high-level officials still knew nothing.

Now that they know, they don't need to guess how much they will think, why Orochimaru hides his strength, and why he shows it at this time.

What is the purpose of his actions? It's disturbing to think about it, especially the old thief Danzo will definitely jump firstCome out and interrogate him like a criminal!

"Go to the ninja village I built myself!"

Looking at her sleepy look, Orochimaru rubbed her little head.

Go embrace the unfamiliar, embrace the surprise, all the unexpected encounters are on the way.

If he hadn't brought her with him, Orochimaru might have arrived at Tiannin Village by now.

No, it's not called Tiannin Village or Sound Village now, but the Northland Hidden Village.

Many countries in the ninja world are named according to the local landforms.

For example, the Rock Village is full of karst landforms, the Sand Village is desert, the Mist Village is haze, and the Cloud Village is surrounded by clouds.

As for the Hidden Leaf Village, it has the best location and is surrounded by forests, and you can't say anything about it.

The Iron Country, the Snow Country, the Taki Country, and the Field Country are all in the north, and they are adjacent to the northern sea.

Orochimaru simply followed the local customs and simply called it the Northland Hidden Village.

"The Hidden Village of the North, you will know when the time comes!"

Seeing that Hongdou was still full of doubts, Orochimaru said one more sentence.

At this time, he was busy sorting out the formula for the fusion of Hashirama cells that he had just obtained in his mind.

If Orochimaru had not been doing a relatively in-depth study, he would not understand these.

Now that he has verified the formula in his mind, Orochimaru knows where he has done wrong and where to develop.

If there were no such formulas, it would take at least ten years to fully understand Hashirama's cells.

You should know that after the Fourth World War, Orochimaru put his research direction on this, and the mature technology could not be put into use until the Boruto era.

Without getting the answer he wanted, Hongdou lost interest.

Feeling the wind blowing in her ears, Hongdou wrapped her clothes around her body and fell asleep not long after.

When Orochimaru came to his senses and looked over, the little girl was still sleeping soundly. He was really not afraid that he would accidentally drop her!

Mountains and rivers are vast, and the world is full of fireworks. Life is short. Going from north to south, we should live up to life and ideals.

What a beautiful scene, but Hongdou doesn't like to see these beautiful scenes as much as Honglian.

It was not until noon that Orochimaru woke Hongdou up. After working all night, he still hadn't had a drop of water. He was really hungry.

The two of them ate some food, rested for a while, and continued on their way.

I really miss the life of Home Inn today, Super 8 tomorrow, and Shangri-La the day after tomorrow.

Helpless, the identity is different now. Strictly speaking, I am already a rebel ninja, but why hasn't the reward arrived?

"Is it because the time hasn't come? Is this still stuck in time?"

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