In the following time, Orochimaru found several children who had shining points in the original work.

Like the Sound Ninja trio Toss Diamond, Sack Orange and Qin Hammer!

There are also four people, Yuya, Jirobo, Sakon Ukon and Kidomaru, etc. These ninjas who have played many roles in Shippuden were found by Orochimaru one after another.

These ninjas are all in the Land of Fields, but Orochimaru did not bring them back immediately.

When they appeared, they were at most 14-15 years old, and now they are only one or two years old.

If Orochimaru really brought them back, it would really be a kindergarten.

However, if they encounter families with real difficulties, Orochimaru will also help them.

In the original work, most of these children had a miserable childhood, either living on the streets or being directly abandoned by their parents.

These people's talents are not outstanding, and they can only be said to be barely in Orochimaru's eyes.

It's better to let them go through some hardships, then Orochimaru can subdue them, otherwise they will all be rebellious and disobey discipline.

This time he doesn't plan to use these people for experiments. If he really does that, it will be no different from the previous life.

And the North will become a consumable like the Rain Country, which is not what Orochimaru wants to see.

As for the experimental subjects, not to mention that Orochimaru now has the formula of Hashirama's cells, even if he needs materials in the future, he doesn't have to worry.

When the rest of the population from the North is transferred here, there will definitely be some ninjas who sing the opposite tune.

At that time, just catch them and use them as waste. The villains should have their own ways, as long as they benefit themselves and the people.

There is no need to consider the feelings of outsiders. Who doesn't want the results of medical ninjutsu and organ transplantation?

Enjoying Orochimaru's achievements and turning around to scold Orochimaru for being cruel and unjust?

Really eating his food and smashing his pot, is there still a king's law? Is there still law?

For the next six months, Orochimaru was instructing the little guys in their training.

Ye Cang was also arranged in the Ninja School, intending to let her live a peaceful life first, and to have a sense of belonging to the North before daring to use her.

This job really matches her gentle personality, at least Orochimaru always interacts with students with a smile on his face every time he sees her.

Children nowadays are not like the naughty children of later generations, and it is still very easy to take care of them.

The laughter of the children can also soothe her backstabbed heart.

As for Zabuza, the dead face, he also got a position in the Ninja School.

He is responsible for supervising and training the students' training every day, in simple terms, he is a physical education teacher.

In this way, there is no need to worry about teaching the children bad things. It is impossible for him, a physical education teacher, to teach mathematics, right?

And his clone is not idle either, and is racing against time to develop Hashirama's cell medicine.

After getting the formula and reaching the upper limit of the body, it is time to go a step further!

The North must also get on the right track as soon as possible, exchanging time for space, and wishing to become a master of time management.

According to Orochimaru's speculation, the research of the medicine will be successful in another month.

By then, his original body will not be so bored, and he will have no way to practice except dealing with things all day long.

In order to assist in management, Orochimaru established several political departments, including the necessary security department, civil affairs bureau, and street office.

However, the residents of various countries have not moved here yet, so it is unnecessary to establish many departments.

The most important thing is the ninja system in the North. Like the countries in the ninja world, Orochimaru copied the ninja system of various countries.

After decades of development, this system has matured, including ninja promotion, ninja exams, and ninja mission acceptance.

Among them, there is also the Anbu directly under the successive Kage, but it is not called the Anbu now. Orochimaru gave it a more appropriate name-Kage Secret Guard.

Like the Anbu's mission, they all serve the Kage and are also responsible for handling some affairs within the territory.

As for those outside the territory, especially the merchants and nobles who were secretly conquered by him in various countries, Orochimaru set up a special department, independent of the Anbu.

These people infiltrated various countries, with all kinds of identities, all for intelligence services.

So Orochimaru named this organization - Luowang!

At critical moments, it can cooperate with the Anbu to carry out assassinations, sneak attacks and harassment behind enemy lines.

Luowang can only be controlled by Orochimaru now, because these people are branded with loyalty, and only Orochimaru can use them.

Even if he retires more than ten years later and hands over the power, these people's loyalty to him remains unchanged.

If you want to be completely loyal to the next Golden Shadow, unless all the blood is replaced, but then it will not be Orochimaru's concern.

This is a bit like the roots of the old thief Danzo, but it's a pity that Danzo's abilityHe is not strong enough, and his vision is not enough, otherwise he would have been Hokage long ago.

The members of Luowang do not know each other, but they will set up several bases in various countries.

These bases may be farmers' homes, inns, or inconspicuous shops, etc.

These places will not attract other people's attention at all, even if someone notices the clues, it doesn't matter.

At most, one person will be lost, and it is basically impossible to trace the source.

If these people find that they are exposed, they will follow Orochimaru's orders and kill themselves without hesitation at the first time!

There is no good way for the ninja world to prevent spies. If it were like the Internet era in the previous life, spies like Kabuto who traveled through several countries would have died long ago.

Once Luowang is perfected, it will become a huge organization covering the ninja world.

On the one hand, it can provide intelligence to Orochimaru, and on the other hand, it can also take in some talented children in various countries.

Which country does not have good seedlings who are homeless and have difficulties in their families?

Orochimaru, who is always saving people from suffering, just can't stand these children in distress.

With the cooperation of the Shadow Guard, Orochimaru is confident that he can develop the North into a powerful assassin dynasty!

"But Luowang can't be as high-profile as the Shadow Guard. It's best that outsiders don't know that this organization exists!"

He doesn't want to arouse the vigilance of any country. As an intelligence organization, the lower the profile, the better.

As powerful as the Akatsuki organization, it had to hide in the early stage and only came out to make trouble more than ten years later.

"Speaking of the Akatsuki organization, it shouldn't have recruited people yet?"

As he thought about it, Orochimaru thought of the Akatsuki organization.

In the original work, after Black Zetsu and Obito joined the Akatsuki organization, Scorpion was the second to join.

Then there are Orochimaru, Itachi, Kakuzu, Kisame, Deidara and Hidan.

"According to the current timeline, the few people after Kakuzu can be fought for!"

Although Kakuzu did all kinds of evil, he didn't let civilians go.

But this guy has an advantage that is not an advantage, that is, you just need to pay.

Like mercenaries, they have no concept of good and evil.

But Orochimaru believes that he will never be unable to pay him even if he is short of money in the future.

The only person with similar values ​​is Hidan, who was brainwashed by the evil god and is also extremely bloodthirsty.

Deidara is needless to say, he is just a naughty child pursuing art, and Orochimaru's expression can make him explode for three days and three nights.

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