53 years in Konoha, or 3 years in the North.

Ye Cang leaned on Orochimaru's arms, looking at the environment and the slightly charming atmosphere in the air. The two had just experienced a strenuous exercise.

After the rain, Orochimaru took out a cigarette and lit it for himself.

"You only know how to bully me!"

Ye Cang hit Orochimaru with a look of resentment, and her delicate body shrank back into his arms.

The latter didn't mind at all, and his eyes looked at her more gently.

"The dragon vein has been moved back, you should pay more attention to this matter!"

Entering the sage mode, pulling up the pants and talking tough.

There is no way, it is better to develop this aspect sooner rather than later. With the dragon vein, a series of scientific and technological equipment can be developed based on it.

The dragon vein is two kilometers long, specifically a small mountain range.

Orochimaru and his clone walked and stopped along the way, hiding and covering up for three months before finally bringing it back.

Of course, such a big thing must be exposed to the light.

However, with the help of the Mist Village's cloud ninjutsu, it was not too obvious.

People only thought it was a dark cloud, which was not shocking.

"Even you dare not easily open the seal of the dragon vein?"

Ye Cang's breath was as fragrant as orchid, and his little face was still red, like a pool of spring water. Obviously, he had not recovered.

Who can compare with the physique of Orochimaru, a beast, in a raging fire.

"The power on the dragon vein is too violent, enough to distort time and space. If it is opened rashly, space chaos may really occur!"

Orochimaru exhaled a puff of smoke, and there was a trace of fatigue in his eyes.

This fatigue was not only due to the transportation of the dragon vein back, but also the many matters in the north that made him exhausted.

"We are developing very fast, you have to consider everything!

The leaked chakra alone can maintain development for a period of time, so there is no need to rush!"

Ye Cang was still as gentle as ever. The two fell in love with each other over time, and she had already pressed all the future on the north.

She also played a role in why Orochimaru worked so hard. A successful man is very happy to have a woman who understands and supports him.

The two of them can be said to be working together towards a goal, or it can be said that this is the case for the whole Northland.

"It can only be done this way. It is safest to open the seal slowly!"

You can't get fat with one bite. It is not difficult to open the dragon vein seal with Orochimaru's sealing skills.

The difficult part is to use all the energy, otherwise it will be wasted.

He is also afraid that he will accidentally travel through time, which will be a bad ending.

After all, he is not alone now, with a big family and a big business, and the Northland can't operate without him.

It's good to travel back, but if you can't, you will really curse your mother.

"Go back to practice dancing with Uchiha Madara? Or talk to Kaguya-hime about the experience of the old driver?"

Orochimaru put out the cigarette butt and stroked Ye Cang's soft long hair.

You don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are until you manage a household. With such a large family business, Orochimaru has brought all the bad habits from his previous life.

But it's not that it's not a big problem. He is already under a lot of pressure. If he doesn't have a way to vent, he's really afraid of hurting himself.

Now the Northland is still dormant, and it's hard to find a few decent people to fight with.

Fortunately, Ye Cang is here, otherwise I don't know how long he can suppress it.

"How is the construction of the outer city going?"

Orochimaru asked Ye Cang while puffing out smoke.

After the intense exercise, both of them were a little bored. Orochimaru entered the sage mode, while Ye Cang looked satisfied.

"The outer city is not like the inner city. The houses are relatively high, and the decoration and planning are also more upscale. It is impossible to complete it in a short time!"

If the Northland wants to be built into a country with a developed tourism industry like the Tang Ninja Village, it is impossible to completely copy the model of picking up leaks.

In terms of security, it is still necessary to distinguish the outer city from the inner city.

The inner city is a residential area and a political center.

The outer city is an economic development and entertainment center, and business and government must be separated.

There is no high wall to separate the inner and outer cities. At most, there are some low walls and roads to separate them, which is a bit like the modern second and third ring roads.

Originally, Orochimaru also thought about surrounding it with a city wall, but he thought about it and gave up.

The ninjas in this world can easily climb over it, and the low wall is just to regulate the behavior of the residents.

It's just that the distinction between the inside and the outside is a different world.

The colorful world outside the city is fascinating, but the city is a warm home.

I think there will be many people who will yearn for life in the city.

There will also be people in the city who yearn for life outside the city, but there is no high wall between the two, so it's still possible to make contributions to the North."Hurry up and try to open it in the middle of next year!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Cang hit her again. She was so "gentle" just now, why is she so rude when she orders people around.

There is no way, he is tough when he pulls up his pants and speaks. Orochimaru blows smoke rings, holds her small waist, and his eyes are full of pampering.

"It costs so much money, let alone those daimyos, even if you catch a few more, it won't be enough for you to squeeze!"

Ye Cang said a little worriedly. In just two or three years, the money Orochimaru spent is an astronomical figure.

Any project is calculated in hundreds of millions of taels. Although this world takes on an S-level task and it is easy to spend millions of taels, it is enough to show that the amount of expenditure is huge.

"Killing people and setting fires for a golden belt, repairing bridges and repairing roads without corpses!"

Orochimaru couldn't help but sigh. The money and property looted from the annexation of various countries will probably be insufficient in less than two years.

These small countries didn't have much surplus food in the first place, and they didn't cover it for long after being plundered by Kakuzu.

Now there are huge expenses again. Kakuzu must be feeling pain every day during this period.

"First open up some trade with various countries, and then we will slowly open up the market!"

Now that we have developed enough, it is time to go out, starting with clothes, shoes, stockings, bags, etc.

Orochimaru does not think it is too late to go out now. With large trucks carrying goods, a round trip is much faster than those original peddlers.

And the things that can be carried are more than ten or even dozens of times.

These cheap things will not be sold out. As long as the sales channels are opened, the backlog of materials in the north for the past two or three years will be sold in no time.

Do it as soon as you think of it. Orochimaru and Ye Cang discussed it in the office, listed more than a dozen items, and then confirmed or excluded them one by one.

In the evening, a group of factory managers and Sanchuan, a temporary worker in charge of logistics, were called to a meeting.

The first batch was small and light items. These things took up little space and were easy to sell.

Orochimaru planned to recover some blood first, to test the waters first. If a large item is shipped out and no one takes it, it will be a waste.

"Go to the mission office to issue the mission of escorting the caravan. It's time for the ninjas to show their faces!"

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