"Lord Orochimaru, this is the blood and some body tissue samples brought back from Konoha Hospital."

A ANBU ninja brought a bunch of blood bags to Orochimaru.

These are the blood and tissues of major families, including Uchiha, Hyuga, Yamanaka, Nara, and even Uzumaki Kushina.

Orochimaru knew that Hashirama's cells and Uchiha's Sharingan could complement and suppress each other. Uchiha Madara could use Hashirama's cells to open the Samsara Eye, and later Danzo could also suppress Hashirama's cells through the Sharingan arm.

From this conclusion, the direction of the experiment can be reversed. As for the cells of other families, Orochimaru also wants to see if they have the same functional effects.

"It would be great if we could get the Sharingan and the Byakugan."

Thinking of this unrealistic idea, now is not the time to study secretly with Danzo, and the village cannot meet all his needs.

These blood tissues were collected by Orochimaru through Konoha Hospital, and even so, it took a lot of time.

Looking at the classified and labeled blood, Orochimaru took the blood bags of Uchiha and Hyuga first, and started to study these two cells.

Hyuga and Uchiha are also relatives. In the original work, Kakashi said that the origin of Uchiha can be traced back to the Hyuga clan, and the Byakugan and Sharingan are the exclusive pupil techniques of the Otsutsuki clan.

Just like the Senju and Uzumaki, the former inherited the Sage Body, and the latter inherited the Sage Eye.

The Kaguya clan also inherited the Sage Body, but now they are far away in the Land of Water.

And the Blood Dragon Eye of the Blood Pond clan also inherited the Sage Eye, and no one knows where it is now.

In this world of bloodline theory, Orochimaru really feels pain in the ass.

It is very difficult for ninjas who are not in these bloodlines to turn the world upside down in the later period.

Unless you are as cheating as Sage Kabuto, you can get involved, but even Kabuto's perfect Sage Body was defeated by the two Uchiha brothers in the end.

As for Sakura, who boasted that she had caught up with Naruto and Sasuke, just listen to her, don't laugh.

"If you can't win by cheating, then it must be that the cheating is not strong enough, otherwise you can't quit the game?"

With the addition of cells from various families, Orochimaru's research directions have become more diverse.

In addition to the research on Uzumaki, Uchiha and Hyuga cells, which was personally written by Orochimaru, the fusion research project between Hashirama and other family cells was arranged.

Even so, Orochimaru's research progress has slowed down.

Doubled comprehension also requires sufficient data to analyze, and it also requires cost and risk to try and error, but Orochimaru knows that this research project will probably be stopped before any results are produced.

"The knowledge reserve is still not enough. The research data of the second generation Hokage must be more than this, there should be more!"

Orochimaru looked at a data report that had just been released and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The data brought out by the third generation Hokage are incomplete. They seem to be comprehensive, and there are extensions in all directions, but no more in-depth research results are given.

Orochimaru guessed that if he continued to study in these directions, it would either be a problem that the Second Hokage had not figured out, or point to the basic knowledge of some forbidden techniques.

Just like the Impure World Reincarnation, the Spiritualization Technique, etc., they were all developed based on the research of the human body.

The Third Hokage knew these forbidden techniques, but he didn't know that the development origins of these ninjutsu also played a big role in Orochimaru's current research.

It can help him avoid many detours and save a lot of time and energy.

"Where can I get these materials? Apply for them?"

This idea was immediately ruled out by him. The Hokage would not agree to let him check these materials. After all, it involves a lot of forbidden techniques, and it is impossible to read them.

"It seems that I can only take the old way!"

In the evening, Orochimaru came to his studio after having dinner with Tsunade and Shizune.

It didn't make the two feel anything abrupt, after all, Orochimaru was so busy during this period.

Just when it was late at night and Tsunade and Shizune lay down, Orochimaru separated a shadow clone.

He himself left Tsunade's house in a flash, without stopping, and came to a forbidden area of ​​Konoha with a few flashes.

When he was 20 meters away from the forbidden area, he stopped.

There were two ninjas standing guard in front, and behind them was a building shrouded in darkness.

"Hey, Tajima, what's the point of us guarding here all day long? This is a forbidden area of ​​Konoha. Who dares to come here!"

A ninja was complaining to his companion Tajima beside him, with a cigarette in his mouth, puffing out smoke.

"Mizuma, just tell me this, don't go out and say it, the Hokage knowsI'll fire you if you're not satisfied with the job!"

Tajima reprimanded Mizuma. Although he was not satisfied with the job, he could only follow orders as a ninja. Besides, their salary was not low, not much less than those ninjas who went out on missions.

"I heard that the Uchiha clan has been a little restless recently. They fight every other day. I really can't understand what these psychopaths are thinking."

Mizuma continued. He could only talk to his companions to kill time during night watch. From his tone, it was obvious that he was very disdainful of the Uchiha clan.

"Alas, who told them that their clan was strong, and they had the support of the Konoha Guard Department. They had the confidence to be arrogant, unlike ordinary people like us!"

"Humph, evil Uchiha..." "

Listening to the conversation coming from the front, Orochimaru did not act rashly.

He did not care about the two gatekeepers, but he was sneaking in secretly this time and did not want to alert the enemy.

Just when Orochimaru wanted to take further action, a mechanical sound rang in his mind.

"It is detected that the host has triggered the plot in advance: sneak into the forbidden land of the sealing technique. The host has the following choices:

① Kill the guard of the forbidden land and force your way in. You will be rewarded with a fear aura, which can make the enemy feel fear when looking at the enemy and wear down the enemy's will.

② Sneak in secretly, and you will get the formula for the fusion potion of the Uzumaki clan cells. ”

I didn’t expect the plot to be triggered in advance, which brought Orochimaru an unexpected surprise.

According to this, can we run for Hokage in advance and carry out the Konoha collapse plan in advance...

Thinking of this, Orochimaru shook his head again. Everything that happened to him was a shocking event. If he didn’t handle it well, he would be doomed.

Take what he is doing now, peeping into Konoha’s secrets, and if he is discovered, he will probably have to defect.

Pulling his mind back to reality, Orochimaru was also a little tempted when he saw the first option, but doing so would only be a one-time deal, and he didn’t want to defect in advance.

“It seems that coming here in advance has both advantages and disadvantages! It’s a pity that this reward is gone.”

After weighing the pros and cons, Orochimaru no longer hesitated and decisively chose the latter.

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