Although the fight between Kakuzu and Hidan didn't last long, the destructive power was amazing.

The property losses were nothing, but the impact was not good.

No one had ever dared to be so rampant, it was just a face-to-face fight!

If this happened a few more times, the reputation of the casino would be completely ruined, and those merchants and even daimyo would not dare to come.

Now that the reputation has just been spread, someone came to make trouble, so Orochimaru was so cruel.

Not long after returning to the office, Kakuzu brought the dusty Hidan over.

Hidan, who had just been beaten, didn't dare to make any more troubles, and the whole person looked a little listless.

I don't know if it was because of excessive blood loss or too much shock.

"You will be Kakuzu's deputy for the time being, and I will make other arrangements when you understand the situation in the north!"

Ignore Hidan's reluctant look, dare to come to make trouble, it's good that Orochimaru didn't kill him as a warning to the monkeys.

According to Orochimaru's impression, this guy is very bloodthirsty and warlike, even a little neurotic.

If you want to use him, you have to temper his temper first. A knife that is not suitable for you can easily hurt yourself.

"Why don't you ask about my origins?"

After receiving his appointment, Feiduan had no objection, but asked his doubts.

Logically, shouldn't a ninja like him with unknown origins be carefully interrogated first? Aren't you afraid that he is a spy from another country?

"Tsk... What great origins can you have with your mediocre skills!"

Before Orochimaru could speak, Kakuzu sneered at him. The two seemed to be a little incompatible, or they both had a bit of a physique to resist sperm.

At least in appearance, the two really look alike, not in appearance, but in appearance.

Look at the dense sutured wounds on Kakuzu's body and Feiduan's newly sutured limbs, plus the immortal characteristics of the two.

There is a reason why the original trajectory can form an immortal duo, or a zombie duo.

"We already knew your information. We thought you would show up in a few years, but now you've delivered it to us!"

Orochimaru took out a piece of information from the drawer and threw it in front of Hidan.

Hidan was not polite and took it and took a look.

It detailed his background, abilities, and even his favorite food, which stunned Hidan.

"Hmph! You country bumpkin who has never seen the world! I went to find you a few years ago! I don't know where you are hiding!"

Kakuzu was still a little angry, and said in a weird way.

After being mocked by Kakuzu, Hidan immediately came back to his senses and started to get angry again.

But he suppressed his emotions after hearing Kakuzu say that he had gone to the Land of Hot Water to find him before, and he was still a little confused.

"Do your job well! Don't think about running away. The North is not as simple as you look!"

He glanced at Hidan meaningfully, half warning and half threatening.

The usually erratic Hidan shuddered when he met Orochimaru's gaze.

This time, he didn't bother with him because he had fallen into the trap, but it might not be the same if it happened again.

He waved his hand and asked Kakuzu to take him down to settle down.

Hidan's joining once again supplemented the high-end combat power of the Northland, and would also make the Northland's big ship travel faster.

Just as Orochimaru was planning the next plan, Ye Cang, who heard the news, slowly pushed the door open and walked in.

She was the only one who didn't need to knock to enter Orochimaru's office, and the reason was self-evident.

"I heard that something happened in Kakuzu's jurisdiction?"

She is responsible for too many things now, and most of the information is sorted out by her before it is submitted to Orochimaru, so she is much busier than Orochimaru.

"A newcomer is here! It's all right now."

Orochimaru naturally took her into his arms, feeling the soft fragrance from her delicate body, and just when he wanted to talk about the cause and effect of the matter, his thoughts became crooked.

The sun is shining, the breeze is not noisy, cherish the present! Soon, beautiful songs rang out in the office...

At this moment, in the outskirts of Konoha Village in the Land of Fire, near the forest of the Uchiha station.

"I need your help!"

Uchiha Itachi leaned on the tree trunk and looked at the masked man not far away.

The masked man had been in front of him several times, so he naturally knew this person. Before, the masked man killed someone, and the clan leader mistakenly thought he did it, and was punished later.

"Do you know me?"

The masked man slowly turned his head and looked at Itachi's scarlet Sharingan.

This person was Obito, who had been observing Itachi for a long time, and he was indeed a rare genius.

There was originally another Uchiha Shisui, but after that guy was hit by Danzo, his worldview collapsed and he jumped off a cliff to commit suicide.

But it just so happened that Shisui's Kotoamatsukami was known as the strongest illusion, withTu was afraid too! Danzo couldn't control him, and neither could he!

"For the honor of Uchiha! I hope you can help!"

Itachi stood up and faced Obito's one-eyed Sharingan face to face.

This guy who claimed to be Uchiha Madara not only possessed strange space-time ninjutsu, but also had terrible combat power.

His shadow was seen in the Nine-tailed Night a few years ago, and cooperating with him was really seeking the skin of a tiger.

However, this was also a helpless solution. He believed that the other party must have something to ask for after appearing in front of him many times, otherwise who would be wandering around with nothing to do after eating.

"Okay! I can help you, but you need to join the Akatsuki organization afterwards!"

The masked man did not ask what he needed to help with at the first time, but took the lead in putting forward his request.

If the other party did not agree, there would be no need to talk about it next.

Itachi naturally could not refuse this request. Let alone joining an organization, it would be nothing to let him die. The only thing he was worried about was his Odoudou.

Then the two began to have an in-depth discussion. After learning that Itachi wanted to kill the Uchiha clan, the masked man did not show much surprise.

Before, he could attack his clan members without hesitation, which was enough to prove that he did not care about the lives of his fellow clan members.

Itachi chose to cooperate with him because of this.

In addition, this guy called himself Uchiha Madara, who was his ancestor. He had also heard a little about Madara's departure from Konoha.

In the eyes of the Uchiha, the head of their clan abandoned them, and in turn, Madara felt that the clan members betrayed him as the head of the clan.

Regardless of whether the identity of the masked man was true or false, it was true that he did not care about the Uchiha.

"Then it's settled. I will appear naturally when the time comes!"

Before he finished speaking, a black vortex appeared in front of Itachi, and the masked man disappeared with the distortion of space.

There was Black Zetsu nearby monitoring Itachi. His every move was in Obito's eyes, so he was not afraid of any moths.

"Akatsuki organization...!"

After Obito left, Itachi couldn't help but murmur. No matter what organization it was, that would be a matter for the future. He had already prepared for the worst!

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