55 years in Konoha, 5 years in the North.

Under the night, the drizzling rain broke the tranquility of Konoha Village.

A sleepy woman resisted her sleepiness and hurried to the window, while the man on the bed turned around and changed to a more comfortable position.

"Why does it rain in this weather? And the dog of Erzhuang's family is annoying enough, barking all day long!"

The woman complained and closed the bay window, and then returned to bed.

The fat body squeezed the husband beside her impatiently.

Except for the sudden heavy rain, it seemed that this was an ordinary night.

But what the woman didn't see was that when she closed the window, a black shadow flashed by under the cover of the night and rain.

The next moment, a cold light flashed in the house opposite, accompanied by a muffled groan and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Such a movement would probably attract people's attention if it were any other time, but the weather was not good tonight, and all the movement was covered by the sound of dripping rain.

"I'm sorry! For the village, I have to do this!"

A pair of scarlet eyes with cold light, murderous intent, reluctance, guilt and other complex emotions.

However, when the figure drew back the bloody long sword, the complex emotions in his eyes were suppressed again.

This person is Uchiha Itachi, and tonight is the night of the Uchiha clan extermination!

It is slightly different from the original work. Because of the strong rise of the North, Konoha's action against Uchiha was advanced by several months.

This is also the unanimous decision of Konoha's top leaders. To resist foreign aggression, we must first stabilize the internal affairs. Under the huge pressure from the outside world, Konoha had to reform in advance.

However, this reform is only aimed at Uchiha, even if some of the other ninjas know it well, they just stand by and watch.

Although they are in the same village and are both big clans, the reputation of Uchiha in the village is indeed not very good.

More people only have fear, hatred, and distrust towards them.

For example, the Hyuga clan has always been lukewarm and even somewhat hostile to the Uchiha clan.

As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. People only know that Konoha's Sharingan is famous in the ninja world, and Uchiha Madara is even more famous.

Whenever the Hyuga clan is mentioned, it is inevitable to compare it with the Uchiha Sharingan, and most people think it is inferior to the Sharingan.

Over time, in this case, it is ridiculous to say how good the relationship between the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan can be.

What's more, the Hyuga clan has been weak in recent years, as can be seen from the incident in the Hidden Cloud Village last time.

The Hyuga clan did not stand up to speak, let alone the other clans, each of them was just sweeping the snow in front of their own door.

Otherwise, even if the Uchiha clan was driven to the edge of the village, it would be impossible for such a big movement to go unnoticed.

They just stood by and watched, anyway, it was none of their business, and it was better to have less trouble than more.

After finishing this family, Itachi moved to the next one again.

It was a dark and windy night, a night for murder, and a heavy rain.

As if he had simulated countless times, Itachi broke into the door with familiarity, and then ended the lives one by one with a knife.

It stands to reason that his fighting ability at his age could not be ridiculously strong.

But he had already awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan, and quietly planted the seeds of illusion for the members of Uchiha.

When people found someone breaking into the house, they were controlled by illusions before they could scold.

So those people would not feel too much pain before they died.

There was a reason why Itachi's health was so poor in the future. His pupil technique had already been overdrawn that night.

And his biggest opponent was probably his father, Uchiha Fugaku, who also opened the Mangekyō.

On the other side, after the space was distorted, a masked man appeared in front of the Konoha Guard.

The guards on duty saw the sudden appearance of a figure and ran over and shouted:

"Stop! Who is coming!"

Before the Uchiha ninja could prepare for battle, the masked man appeared in front of him like a ghost.

The next moment, blood splattered and the figure was killed instantly.

The masked man did not stop, and in a few blinks he came to the inside of the guard.


"Who are you?"

The lights in the guard were broken when the sound was heard, and there was a noise and the sound of objects colliding, and blood stained the floor and curtains red.

The movement here was already loud enough, but Konoha seemed to be in a dead silence tonight, and there was not even a ninja who came to check.

How could such a big show be without the Anshi Village Danzo of the Ninja World! The Third Hokage had already asked some Anbu ninjas to be on guard outside.

The Uchiha had been isolated, and the Uchiha station was usuallyThere were not many people visiting, not to mention that it was late at night and it was raining.

If there were civilians who accidentally broke in, or guests who were visiting Uchiha, they could only blame their bad luck!

Danzo also led the Root into the Uchiha's base.

Although we can't do things openly, as long as there are no witnesses or the witnesses are dead, isn't it okay?

So Danzo entered the Uchiha's base without any cover, and no one was spared when he saw people along the way.

Even the howling watchdogs had been slaughtered.

Danzo's job was to clean up the floor, and Itachi had taken on the main work.

It's not that Danzo was kind, he was attracted by these Sharingans.

In the past few years, I lost a lot of hair for a pair of Sharingans, but now it's as easy as picking up garbage.

With the Sharingan, his research can continue. He wants to tell a certain ungrateful snake that there is nothing that he, Danzo, can't do!

At this moment, he walked towards the Uchiha shrine with a smile on his face. There are many secret techniques of Uchiha's ninjutsu, which are also very useful to him.

"It's really nostalgic!"

At the same time, two white-robed figures floated not far above the Uchiha residence in the night.

The heavy rain was bounced away by a force when it approached the two people within a radius of two meters, so the two people were still dressed brightly and looked out of this world.

"It's really lively! I didn't expect that the strongest ninja village in the ninja world is actually a master of internal fighting!"

The two people were Orochimaru and Kakuzu, and they all sighed at the same time.

Orochimaru was moved by seeing this familiar yet unfamiliar village, as for Kakuzu.

He probably recalled the days when he failed to assassinate the first Hokage and was imprisoned by his own family, or when he bribed the jailer with a hundred dollars?

"Since they don't value their own people, there's no need for us to be polite to them!"

Orochimaru, with his hands on his shoulders, put away his emotions, and then his eyes became cold.

The purpose of this time is not only to watch the show, but also to help Uchiha clean up the ground, otherwise it would be all Danzo and Obito.

One came for the Sharingan and Uchiha's ninjutsu scrolls, and the other came for the warm hearts on the ground.

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