"Orochimaru, how is Konoha now?"

After discussing for two months, the two finally stopped, and Tobirama asked first. This was also the question he was most concerned about. He wanted to see if he had entrusted the wrong person.

"Master, Konoha is generally fine, but the situation has not been optimistic since you left."

Orochimaru, who looked tired, said slowly. After two months of hard work, the two finally developed the Eight Gates Golden Lock.

Although his body was tired, his eyes were very bright, and it can be seen that he was very satisfied with the current results.

Seeing Tobirama's eyes full of questions, Orochimaru did not keep him in suspense and told him what the Second Hokage did after he was appointed as the successor to the position of Hokage in a critical situation.

When talking about the Third Hokage returning to the village to stabilize the situation, Tobirama was also relieved, but as Orochimaru talked more and more deeply, Tobirama's face gradually became gloomy.

From the Third Hokage standing aside and watching the Whirlpool Country, to restarting human experiments; from Danzo establishing the Root Organization with the intention of seizing power, etc.

"Compared to you and the first Hokage, the third Hokage can only be considered barely qualified, but his political skills are much better than you two."

Hearing that his disciples used this method to maintain the development of Konoha, Tobirama was also a little disappointed.

"Hey... How many times have I said that when working, we should refer to our positions!"

After a pause, Tobirama continued:

"How do you think Konoha should develop in the future to reverse this decline?"

Orochimaru was also stunned when he heard Tobirama's question. Why would he ask himself such a question? He is not a Hokage, right?

Looking at Tobirama, he nodded to him with a hint of encouragement in his eyes.

"If Konoha has another Hokage like you two who are amazing and brilliant, these problems will naturally be solved!"

After a pause, Orochimaru continued:

"The third Hokage has lost his fighting spirit, and Danzo is still eyeing us at this time. We need a person with reputation, ability, and passion to lead us again..."

Then, Orochimaru brought over Minato's template. If someone like Minato, who is very friendly and capable, came to lead Konoha.

Konoha may not reach the level of the first Hokage, but Minato's amazing talent is enough to make other villages dare not act rashly.

"Oh, forget it! Don't worry about it since he's dead. Now it's your young people's world."

Tobirama patted Orochimaru on the shoulder. After two months of getting along, he could see that Orochimaru was devoted to pursuing strength and had no idea about the position of Hokage. This was a bit like his elder brother.

"Thank you, Tobirama, for this time. If Konoha encounters any crisis in the future, I will stand up and do my part."

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Tobirama smiled for the first time in the past two months.

"Just your words prove that I have not taught you in vain for the past two months. I hope you can do what you say!"

As he said this, his body gradually turned into ashes. It was Orochimaru who lifted the Impure World Reincarnation.

After watching Tobirama leave, Orochimaru looked at the newly developed Ninjutsu Eight Gates Golden Lock in his hand.

As Orochimaru said, this Ninjutsu is aimed at illusions, especially the illusions of the Uchiha clan.

As soon as the enemy uses illusions on him, this Ninjutsu automatically runs in his body, gradually forming the Eight Gates Golden Lock Array.

Most illusions cannot cross this blockade and enter Orochimaru's spiritual world to control him.

But it is not without cost. After this Ninjutsu is activated, Orochimaru will not be able to use chakra.

But Orochimaru doesn't care about this. He still has physical energy to use. This alone is enough to give the enemy a hard time, and it can also allow him to attack them by surprise.

As for more powerful illusions, such as those of the level of Kotoamatsukami, Tsukuyomi and Izanami, the current Eight Gates Golden Lock cannot achieve comprehensive epidemic prevention.

But he is still confident in further development. Everything is difficult at the beginning, but it will not be so difficult as long as the first step is taken.

Moreover, he has not only developed this ninjutsu during this time, but also took the opportunity to ask the second generation Hokage for advice on many ninjutsu involved.

For example, the Dark Walk Technique, the disadvantages and perfection of the Impure World Reincarnation, the principle of the multiplication of detonating tags, etc.!

It is rare to meet an all-round mentor like the second generation Hokage, and Orochimaru will naturally not miss this opportunity.

He also took this opportunity to sort out all the ninjutsu he knew. He naturally knew that ninjutsu is not about quantity, but about refinement.

But without so much ninjutsu knowledge as a foundation, it is impossible for Orochimaru to develop his own ninjutsu.

As the saying goes, one can understand the sound after playing a thousand songs, and recognize the weapon after watching a thousand swords.

"It's been two months since I came out, and it's time to go back!"In the past two months, Orochimaru ate and drank in this secret research institute. When he was hungry, he just asked his shadow clone to go out and bring back some food.

What he wanted most now was to have a good sleep to relieve the lack of sleep in the past two months.

Especially his spirit had been exhausted for two consecutive months.

"I don't know how Tsunade and Shizune are doing!"

Thinking of this, Orochimaru packed up the information here, and the next moment he disappeared.

After a while, his figure returned to his home, of course, it was Tsunade's house.

Finding that Shizune and Tsunade were not at home, Orochimaru fell asleep after a simple wash.

When he woke up again, it was already early morning three days later.

"Hey... Shizune, good morning!"

Orochimaru opened the door and stretched, just in time to see Shizune walking out of the room.

"Wow... Uncle Snake, you're back!"

As he said that, he ran over and gave him a bear hug.

"Well, I took a nap right after I came back!"

Orochimaru rubbed her little head. She felt a little thinner after not being around for the past two months!

"Uncle Orochimaru, you don't know how Tsunade and I have been living these past two months."

As she spoke, Shizune's eyes were misty, and tears were already welling up in them.

"Okay, okay, you're back now. You're so old and still crying. Come and tell me what happened!"

Orochimaru pinched her tender little face. It's better to pinch a baby early. If it grows up a little, it won't be cute.

Orochimaru brushed his teeth and washed his face while listening to Shizune complaining.

It turned out that when Orochimaru told them that he was going out for a while, the two didn't take it seriously.

They ate outside in the past few days, but after eating takeout for half a month, the two thought about cooking by themselves.

It was impossible for Tsunade to do it, but Shizune who learned some home cooking from Orochimaru.

However, cooking sounds like a good thing, but it is a completely different matter once you start.

The dishes they cooked were naturally disappointing. After a few days, Tsunade had already had some doubts about Shizune's cooking skills.

So, the two of them went back to eating takeout.

After listening to her and looking at her miserable appearance, Orochimaru spit out the mouthwash:

"You know how important your uncle is!"

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