After telling Jiraiya some things that needed attention, Orochimaru quietly left here again.

Before leaving, Jiraiya still tried his best to persuade Orochimaru, not wanting him to go further and further on the wrong path.

On one side was the friendship of many years of childhood, and on the other side was the ban of the Hokage. Jiraiya did not want to hurt Orochimaru, but he did not want him to continue to make mistakes.

This kind of contradictory psychology has happened to most people. Whether to kill relatives for the greater good or choose to cover up is too difficult for Jiraiya, who values ​​friendship and loyalty.

Orochimaru also appreciated his kind advice, but as the saying goes, people in the world, can't help themselves!

Looking at Orochimaru who was gradually sinking into the darkness, Jiraiya also wanted to go up and pull him back, but in the end he did not take that step.

The next day, the news that Jiraiya brought back a child from outside the village gradually spread.

"Hey, have you heard? Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, brought back a child."

"Your information is outdated. I heard that he was drunk and committed this sin. Now he is probably found by a girl."

"This kid likes to peek into the female bathhouse. I told you that he must be dirty..."

Topics like these kept circulating among the familiar ninjas, making Jiraiya deliberately avoid people all day long.

"Teacher, is what people say outside true? Is this child really...?"

Minato also looked at the child in Jiraiya's arms curiously, and then looked at Jiraiya's clumsy appearance.

"Go away, go away, why do you believe everything you hear? I picked this child up from outside!"

Glazing at Minato, Jiraiya coaxed Yamato in his arms again.

Jiraiya said such things several times in the past two days, but everyone thought he was thin-skinned and embarrassed to admit it.

After all, he is a man in his thirties, but he has no wife, but he has a child who doesn't know anything. It's not good to tell others.

"Teacher, what's his name?"

Seeing that Jiraiya didn't like to talk about this topic, Minato simply asked again:

"What do you think of calling him Tap Water?"

"Tap Water is good, this name is not bad, it has the word water in my name, Jiraiya is really a good teacher!"

The two bad names really didn't collide with any inspiration. If Orochimaru was here, he would definitely give Jiraiya a thumbs up.

Tap Water is a catchy name and easy to remember, but it's hard for Yamato, a good man.

It's also Orochimaru's fault that he didn't make it clear at the beginning. Jiraiya thought Yamato was the child's original name. If he continued to use it, it would bring trouble to Orochimaru.

But he didn't know that Tianzang was the original name of the little guy. By chance, Yamato successfully changed his name to Tap Water. This name sounds very suitable for Jiraiya. No one would believe it if he said it had nothing to do with him!

And Minato's words are even more unbelievable. It was Kushina who helped him to name the Rasengan!

"Well, Minato, in the future, you will have another task in addition to training."

Jiraiya looked at Minato who was teasing Tap Water. The two got along quite well.

"Well! Teacher, you said that as long as it is a task assigned by the teacher, it must be obligatory!"

Hearing this, Jiraiya was very relieved:

"In the future, you will be responsible for changing Tap Water's diapers and washing pants!"

"Ah? No way, teacher, I have never done such a thing!"

"Don't worry, you will need to learn it when you have a child in the future. Now just consider it as accumulating experience..."

Orochimaru naturally didn't know the situation here. Although he heard some rumors after handing Yamato over to Jiraiya, it was a good thing for him!

When the word spread, the dirt that fell into the crotch was either shit or shit.

The fact that Jiraiya had an extra child did not attract the attention of the Konoha high-level officials, and the third generation Hokage just came to understand the situation.

When he heard that the child's name was Tap Water, there was no need to explain everything, and he thought that it was the child that Jiraiya had with someone outside.

Seeing that there was no hope of explanation, Jiraiya could only let them go. The mouth was on someone else, and he couldn't make the truth public, right?

Orochimaru didn't just throw the child to Jiraiya and ignore it. Orochimaru would still give Jiraiya some living expenses every once in a while.

Although it wasn't much, it was also a piece of his heart.

After all, Yamato, or now called Tap Water, was like this because of him.

Although it was not all his responsibility for causing all this, even if Orochimaru didn't exist, Danzo would still reach out to these people, and there might be more victims.

Tap Water was lucky and unfortunate to meet me in this life. Fortunately, my research ability was much stronger than that in the original work.Less, at least he doesn't have to torture for so long.

At the same time, it was unfortunate that fate played a joke on him as a test subject for Hashirama's cells.

And he also freed him in advance and let him escape from Danzo's control.

"It's better to let Jiraiya, who is not very peaceful, take care of him than Danzo. At least the growth environment will be better."

In the original work, Jiraiya lived in darkness before meeting Kakashi. Later, he served as a temporary teacher of Team 7 and always hoped to get Kakashi's recognition.

Even in the Infinite Moon Reading, this is the case. Orochimaru completely changed his fate this time.

Unlike other people whose thoughts have been formed, if you want to change their fate, you have to change their thoughts first. Children's worldview has not yet been formed, so their fate is relatively easy to change.

"Infrastructure maniac, real estate tycoon, just treat it as a helper for Tsunade in the future!"

Putting aside the tap water issue for the time being, Orochimaru is not worried about Jiraiya's care. Tsunade can be raised silently, not to mention Jiraiya, a man.

Orochimaru returned to a life of two points and one line. He went to the base to study for Danzo during the day and came back to cook on time after work at night.

Of course, he could only go to Danzo secretly, leaving before dark and returning after dark;

With the ability of the heart net, Orochimaru can avoid many ears and eyes in advance. Now his perception range has reached two kilometers, although it is still a big gap from the world's five or six kilometers or even ten kilometers.

But some of his own advantages are stronger than theirs, for example, fighting with the enemy with his eyes closed, he can clearly perceive the enemy's every move, which is something that the perception ninjas in this world cannot achieve.

Even so, he would split a shadow clone to Tsunade's studio, giving people the illusion that he stays at home all day long.

This is not a difficult task for Orochimaru. His current chakra is enough to support the consumption of a shadow clone for a day.

Moreover, the shadow clone is doing research according to Orochimaru's plan at home, and he has gained something at the end of the day.

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