"Are you the trialist this time?"

Hearing the deafening voice of the White Snake Immortal, Orochimaru fell into a brief trance, and the scene in front of him refreshed Orochimaru's three views!

"Orochimaru, the Immortal is asking you a question!"

Tanjinji, who was beside the White Snake Immortal, saw that Orochimaru seemed to be scared and reminded him.

They were already used to this situation. No matter who saw the White Snake Immortal's appearance for the first time, they would be shocked.

Some were scared and knelt on the spot, and some were scared to faint. Orochimaru's appearance was much better.

"The phoenix may not live in the magnificent hall, but the dragon may not hide in the humble room! I came to your precious place for the first time, and I am presumptuous to disturb the immortal's meditation!"

After Orochimaru reacted, he took a step forward and bowed to the White Snake Immortal. Orochimaru was polite to the White Snake Immortal who was about to teach him his magic.

Respecting teachers is a thought that Orochimaru had in his previous life. Although his predecessor remembered the teaching of the Third Hokage, that was before he traveled through time.

It didn't have much impact on him now. Moreover, even without the cultivation of the Third Hokage, Orochimaru's achievements would not be too low, after all, his talent was there.

The Third Hokage only taught Orochimaru ordinary ninjutsu, but not some forbidden techniques or powerful ninjutsu. After all, the upper limit of Orochimaru was limited.

But the White Snake Immortal in front of him was different. Just the ancient existence of a thousand years made people feel respect, and the upper limit of the immortal technique was close to the Six Paths level, so Orochimaru would certainly pay attention to it.

Hearing Orochimaru's beautiful words, the White Snake Immortal's eyes lit up. Didn't he practice for so long just to become a dragon and achieve enlightenment one day?

The White Snake Immortal took a deep puff of dry tobacco, and a puff of smoke spread out, and the scene in front of him began to change and distort.

Before Orochimaru could sigh at the celestial being's superb skills, the huge body of the White Snake Sage had disappeared, replaced by an old lady in a white gown with a kind face.

"Hehe, little Orochimaru, not bad!"

The White Snake Sage, who was a hundred meters away from Orochimaru a moment ago, came to him the next moment.

Orochimaru controlled the urge to punch the old face when the figure suddenly appeared, and stood there honestly without making any rash moves.

"Well! You are born with a affinity with snakes, and you have a good body, but you are a little old!"

The White Snake Sage slowly walked around Orochimaru and looked at him, nodding as he looked at him, but Orochimaru felt that the words in his mouth were not very pleasant to hear?

What do you mean by a little old? Compared with you, an old witch, I am just a newborn, okay?

Not only that compared to Jiraiya and Minato who learned celestial arts in their teens, I am 33 years old now, which is indeed a little late.

But her appearance has remained at the age of 25, and her bones have been seen through, which really shows her sharp eyes.

"A kind word can warm you through the winter, but a snake's words can hurt you through the summer! I look like an old baby, not a fresh meat!"

Seeing her mother-in-law circling around Orochimaru, the three elders also came closer and looked at Orochimaru carefully, but they were still inexperienced and could not see anything.

"The law cannot be passed on lightly. Since you have passed the previous test, I will teach you the immortal arts of the Ryuchi Cave."

After a pause, the White Snake Immortal continued,

"But there will be great risks in the process of learning immortal arts. If you fail, the price is your life!"

The White Snake Immortal came back to Orochimaru and explained the pros and cons to him, so that he would not die without knowing how he died.

"Everything has a price, I understand that! If I can't learn it, I can only blame my incompetence."

Orochimaru said in a hoarse voice. He had expected it before coming. If it was the previous body, he might have some concerns, but as for the body whose hands were sealed by the god of death in the future, forget it.

In the original work, Orochimaru came to Ryuchi Cave more than ten years later. Perhaps because of his incomplete soul, he did not learn the immortal art; he escaped from the situation that was bound to die, and his body became a white phosphorus snake from then on.

"Then you should make preparations!"

After saying that, the White Snake Immortal swam towards her throne, and the three women behind him signaled Orochimaru to follow.

Arriving at an altar, Orochimaru took off his shirt as required and sat cross-legged.

The three women were also brightened when they saw his strong body, slender figure, eight abdominal muscles, really thin when dressed and muscular when undressed.

Orochimaru ignored the pointing and laughing and scolding of the others, but calmed down and adjusted his state.

"Use your chakra to the fullest, or you will die!"

The words of the White Snake Immortal rang in Orochimaru's ears., the next moment, a pain sounded in his neck.

A strange and overbearing energy entered his body, and Orochimaru hurriedly circulated his chakra to dissolve this energy.

His appearance also changed in an instant, the red snake spots at the corners of his eyes became larger, and the rest of his body also faintly grew fine scales, which was the trend of snake transformation.

The immortal arts of Ryuchidong are not as gentle as those of Myoboku Mountain. The learning process is that the White Snake Immortal personally injects natural energy into the body of the trial.

Moreover, if the absorption of natural energy fails in the middle, it will directly turn into a snake, unlike Myoboku Mountain, where you can use toad oil to eliminate the negative effects.

This is why there are very few people who can successfully learn the immortal arts of Ryuchidong. If you fail, you will die.

Of course, Orochimaru guessed that there should be a way to prevent snake transformation, but why should they give you special treatment? There are also many petrified statues in Myoboku Mountain. If it weren’t for the son of prophecy, there would be no special treatment.

"Watch him, if he can't hold on, you can help him!"

The White Snake Immortal instructed the three women on the side. The three elders of the Dragon Cave were also a little surprised when they heard it. The trialists who came here in the past had never received such treatment.

"It seems that this Orochimaru really caught the eye of the mother-in-law!"

The three women looked at each other and responded quickly. They looked at Orochimaru with envy. What a lucky guy.

But the three women worried in vain. Although Orochimaru on the altar had already shown signs of snake transformation, he still maintained a balance.

If Orochimaru failed to assimilate and absorb this natural energy before his own chakra was exhausted, then it would be the time for them to take action.

But that would prove that Orochimaru's trial had failed. The three people only saved his life.

"I wanted to taste this body, but it seems impossible!"

The one who spoke was Tian Xin Shen Ji. Anyone who failed the trial would be eaten by them, but since the White Snake Immortal had spoken, it would be fine.

"Come on, we don't miss that bite."

"You can also try another way to taste him, he looks very powerful..."

The three women were talking dirty without any hesitation not far away, but Orochimaru at this time knew nothing about the outside world.

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