One day later, Orochimaru came to the Ninja School again.

But just after he came to the class, Orochimaru found a few unfamiliar faces in the back row.

Orochimaru's heart net sensed something unusual, and the chakra of these extra unfamiliar faces was much stronger than that of the students present.

Although they were also students, Orochimaru knew without guessing that someone had used the transformation technique to disguise themselves.

He didn't care, thinking that they were teachers or some leaders, so he just treated them as auditors.

The teacher who was peeping outside the window came quite early, and they didn't stand outside, but sat in the last row to listen. Some teachers even brought notebooks, and it seemed that they were going to record something.

After taking a glance at the students who were much more well-behaved than usual, no one dared to make a fuss, especially the students in the last row, who were as honest as if they were negotiating a multi-million order.

The top three students are not necessarily friends, but the bottom three students are definitely brothers.

"Today we continue the original topic of 'self-cultivation of ninjas'."

Orochimaru wrote a few words on the blackboard with chalk. The font was bold and eye-catching. Even the students in the last row could see it clearly.

"Which student can tell me what the most basic qualities of a ninja are?"

After the voice fell, Orochimaru looked at the students present with an inquiring look. Perhaps because there were other teachers watching, the atmosphere today was rather dull.

"Why are you looking at the blackboard? Look at me!"

Just as Orochimaru glanced around and cursed these bastards in his heart, a little hand was raised.

"Teacher, I know: do not abuse ninjutsu, abandon all self-esteem when necessary, keep your mouth shut, and never reveal your identity."

The speaker was Red Bean. The little girl was good. She really dared to come forward when something happened. Orochimaru was very pleased!

"Red Bean is right. I believe you have learned this knowledge on the first day you entered the Ninja Academy."

After a pause, Orochimaru continued:

"These are all necessary qualities for a qualified ninja, but I want to tell you more than just this issue today.

If you don't think twice before doing something, you will regret it. If you can endure a hundred times, you will have no worries. The most straightforward word for ninja is "endurance"!"

Orochimaru wrote the word "ninja" on the blackboard and drew two horizontal lines under the word "endurance".

"Ninja means to endure what you can't endure and to be able to do what others can't. Endurance is one line and ability is another line."

As Orochimaru explained, he drew two parallel lines on his hand, with the two words "endurance" and "ability" on both sides of the two lines.

"Between the two is survival. If we can really endure what we can't endure and be able to do what others can't, then our living space will be larger than others."

Between the two lines, Orochimaru wrote the word "survival".

He had done enough homework on these, and they were not just random talk.

These words were not difficult to understand, and with Orochimaru's explanation, they were even easier to understand. Even the teachers sitting behind him nodded in agreement.

"The fight between ninjas is indeed very dangerous. The victory or defeat is often a matter of millimeters. Both sides will suffer. If you have one more breath than him, you will be the winner!"

The essence of ninjas was explained once again, in a clear and easy-to-understand manner, and the students took notes one after another.

After the first two lectures, the students had already taken notes spontaneously. There was no other way, they had to show their parents when they got home, otherwise some students would have been beaten twice in a row.

When the students put down their pens and looked up at Orochimaru again, Orochimaru continued:

"All we do seems to be to complete the mission, for fame and fortune."

As he spoke, he glanced at the unfamiliar faces of the students in the last row with an unclear look in his eyes. You guys, you still talked to me about the will of fire, today I will tear off your fig leaf.

"Some ninjas want to become heroes admired by thousands of people, and some want the generous rewards for the missions. There is nothing to hide about these. They are all forced by life!" Orochimaru wrote two more words on the blackboard: "survival". No one in the ninja world has more say than Orochimaru in terms of survival ability. There are many people in the ninja world who can beat him, but no one who can kill him has been born yet. "Teacher, didn't you say that we should have higher pursuits? Why just to survive?" The spirited young man of the Hyuga family was the first to raise his hand and stand up, obviously not agreeing with this contradictory statement. Seeing that there were assists, Orochimaru was very relieved. The young man has a future! "Sweat more in peacetime and bleed less in war, all of this is for survival. Only when you are alive can you have a future, and only when you are alive can you get back your place. Even if the mission fails, you can leave it.Only with a useful body can you start over again. "

Hatake Sakumo would have been inspired if he had heard these words, but unfortunately he died too early and didn't hear Orochimaru's wise words.

"For example, there was a ninja in Takigakure named Kakuzu, who challenged the first Hokage fearlessly, but naturally failed.

But the first Hokage was generous and didn't bother with this mediocre ninja, and let him live. What do you think happened to him later?"

Orochimaru threw the question to the student with a smile, Kakuzu, Kakuzu, I can only use you as a teaching material once, and I will definitely reward you if I have the chance to see you.

"He should be seriously injured and dead..."

"Impossible, if he is dead, there is no need to say it, I think he must be alive..."

"Tsk, even if he is alive, he is just living a miserable life..." "

The students who were so engrossed in the conversation forgot about their teacher and started to talk without restraint.

To live or die, that is the question.

"Some students should have guessed it. Yes, he is still alive and well, and his current strength... should be at the level of an elite jonin."

As soon as these words came out, the scene became even more lively. Facing their somewhat unbelieving eyes, Orochimaru raised his hand to suppress them and asked the students to shut up.

"The Second Hokage said: A true ninja dares to face the bleak life and the blood. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen in the last row was confused. Did the teacher say this? How come I have never heard of it? Was it because I didn't pay attention in class?

Why take the second generation Hokage as the scapegoat? Because he is so talented, isn't it normal for him to say a few famous quotes? As for the first generation, his carefree personality probably can't say such profound words.

"What I want to say is that temporary failure is nothing. As long as you work hard, find problems, solve them, and avoid making the same mistakes again, you will be stronger than before!"

After that, Orochimaru wrote a few lines on the blackboard:

What can really support you is a rich knowledge reserve, a sufficient economic foundation, continuous emotional stability, a controllable pace of life and the unbeatable self!

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