The distance between the two was only three meters, and a single lunge would severely injure the other.

The robber came to the little girl in an instant, and the kunai in his hand was close to the little girl's bare and tender belly, and blood would splatter on the spot in the next moment.

There was no trace of the shadow of begging for mercy just now, his face was already ferocious, and the little girl seemed to have not reacted yet, and her eyes were still full of astonishment.

The kunai pierced the body without any surprise, but the imagined blood splattering scene did not happen, and the little girl was not knocked down by him.

The little brother only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the next moment he bumped into a tall figure, and the kunai in his hand could no longer move forward.

"Hesitation will lead to defeat, and indecision will kill people."

The person who came was Orochimaru. At the critical moment, he blocked the little girl, and the attack from behind naturally affected him.

Looking at the little girl who was still in shock, Orochimaru waved his hand without looking back, and the robber's head behind him was rotated 360 degrees by him.

"Who... who are you?"

Looking at Orochimaru who suddenly appeared in front of her, the little girl took a few steps back in fear. Before she could react from the panic just now, she was frightened by the sudden appearance of a living person.

Anyone would think they saw a ghost in broad daylight, let alone a little girl.

"I am very interested in your ability!"

Orochimaru leaned over and looked at the bewildered little girl, and said with a gentle expression.

The same words as in the original book, the little girl still looked at Orochimaru with some caution after hearing it.

"I am Orochimaru, passing by here, and happened to see this scene."

The little girl realized at this time that the ninja who had attacked her just now had no sound, and she reacted immediately.

"My... my name is Honglian."

Honglian said timidly, her tone full of unconfidence, with her hands on her chest, and only then did she show the appearance of a little girl.

"Camellia, you like it, right? Give it to you!"

Orochimaru took out a bunch of camellia from somewhere and handed it to Honglian, which made Honglian's eyes light up.

Orochimaru didn't know whether camellia understood white roses, but he knew Honglian must like it.

As expected, Honglian's expression gradually relaxed after seeing the camellia, and she unconsciously took the camellia from Orochimaru's hand.

"Little guy, there is no child that I, Orochimaru, can't kidnap!"

Orochimaru's smile became more intense, and his palm couldn't help but rub Honglian's little head.

"How do you know I like camellia?"

Honglian sniffed the camellia in her hand happily, looking at Orochimaru with a confused face.

"Because you are as beautiful as them!"

Hearing this, Honglian's eyes widened suddenly, and the next moment a blush appeared on her cheeks. The young girl who was not experienced in the world still couldn't stand the sugar-coated bullets of Orochimaru, the scumbag!

"Won't you tell me what happened?"

Orochimaru changed the subject, looked at the surrounding sky-high scene, and asked.

The only remaining thatched house had been burned down by the fire, and the flames were now spreading towards the forest.

"Ah! It's on fire."

Honglian, who had reacted, ran towards the place where the fire was burning, and it seemed that he was going to put it out.

Orochimaru simply used a water escape to put out all the surrounding flames.

"Okay! Can you tell me?"

Seeing the fire was extinguished, Honglian, relieved, looked at Orochimaru again.

"They are all robbers..."

As she narrated, Orochimaru understood the cause and effect.

It turned out that the three people were thieves who often appeared nearby. Honglian had been staying at home, but who knew that three people suddenly broke in and intended to do something bad to her.

Honglian would naturally not sit and wait for death. After running out of the house, the few people did not find any property in the room, and they set the house on fire in anger.

Later, he even set his sights on her, and the next scene was what Orochimaru saw.

He easily killed two people, but in the end he was almost hit because of his soft heart. Fortunately, Orochimaru arrived in time, otherwise he would have been seriously injured if not dead.

"It's true that evil spirits emerge in troubled times!"

War will create heroes, and naturally there will be people who make money from national disasters, and some people will take the opportunity to stir up trouble. These are the effects of war and are inevitable.

"Senior Orochimaru, what did you say?"

Honglian looked at Orochimaru with a puzzled look. Although she suffered from the war, her childish expression was lovable.

"Honglian, where are your family members?"

When she heard about her family, Honglian, who was already in a low mood, instantly dimmed her eyes.

"They... are all dead!"

Honglian said in a somewhat depressed voice. She was raised by her mother since she was a child, and her mother who loved her the most was also gone.She died of a serious illness a long time ago.

"Is life always so painful? Or is it only like this when I was a child?"

Looking at Honglian's somewhat numb face, I think she has experienced a lot of hardships over the years.

"Always like this!"

Reality is cruel, but it has to be faced. This answer once again dispels the light that appeared in Honglian's eyes.

"Are you willing to follow me?"

Orochimaru rubbed her little head and said softly that the fateful encounter is fate after all.

"Lord Orochimaru, can I...?"

Feeling the gentle touch on her head, she had not felt the feeling of being cared for and recognized by others for a long time since her mother passed away.

"Follow me and you will never be hungry again, no one dares to bully you, and you don't have to live a displaced life anymore. I need you to build a strong country with me!"

Speaking, Orochimaru squatted down again and looked at Honglian. It must be said that Honglian has a precocious face. When she appeared in the future, she already looked a little like a queen. Who can guess her age!

"Then are you willing to come with me?"

Another invitation was made, and this time Honglian did not hesitate and nodded like pounding garlic.

"In the torrent of the secular world, it is already a lot of hardship to stand firm, and it is probably harder than climbing to the sky to stand out!"

Orochimaru wiped the dirt on Honglian's cheek for him, like a gentle little brother.

"But as long as we share the same ideals, even if we go through hardships, there will always be a day when the sun shines brightly!"

At this moment, Orochimaru turned into a life mentor and took out the only ink in his stomach.

The effect is indeed good. In Honglian's eyes, Orochimaru seems to have become her guiding light. The confusion during this period was swept away, and her eyes gradually became firm.

It was also at this time that a "gurgling" sound was heard, breaking the atmosphere between the two. Looking for the sound, it turned out that Honglian's stomach was protesting.

"Let's go, let's leave here and find a place to fill our stomachs first!"

Orochimaru put one hand on Honglian's shoulder, and the next moment the two of them flew into the air.

"Ah... what's going on, why am I flying?"

Honglian looked at her uncontrollable body at a loss, panicking in her heart, obviously frightened.

"Don't panic, it's just a simple float."

Seeing this scene, Orochimaru also laughed dumbly. Anyone would be at a loss if they flew for the first time.

Knowing that it was Orochimaru's work, Honglian also felt relieved, but there was a touch of admiration in her eyes. She was really holding a big thick leg!

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