Orochimaru knew who it was when he heard the voice. As soon as he entered the kitchen, he saw a small figure washing vegetables, with a pair of lively eyes looking at Orochimaru.

"Teacher... Orochimaru!"

Red Bean stood up excitedly, her hands wet and at a loss.

"It's Red Bean, thank you for your hard work!"

Orochimaru also stepped forward and rubbed her head. After not seeing Red Bean for a while, she had a ninja forehead protector on her forehead, which was the symbol of becoming a ninja.

"No... It's okay, Red Bean is very happy that the teacher is back!"

Looking at this lovable silly girl, Orochimaru couldn't figure out how Orochimaru could do it in his previous life. Anyway, he likes this simple girl now.

It was dinner time, and Orochimaru simply went to the kitchen to cook. He hadn't had a few decent meals these days.

Fighting is troublesome. You have to be careful when making a fire. You have to be afraid of being touched and cut in the throat when sleeping. Although Orochimaru is not afraid, he has to be alert from time to time.

With two people helping, a table of sumptuous dishes is quickly ready.

Tsunade didn't know where she had been fooling around. Seeing Orochimaru coming back, she didn't ask much. She went to the table by herself. Shizune even took a bowl to serve her soup.

"Hehe... you know how to enjoy yourself! You came back at the right time for dinner?"

Orochimaru ridiculed Tsunade without hesitation, but this woman is a bit stubborn.

"Tsk... who cares!"

Although his expression was disdainful, his hands didn't stop moving. He looked like I'm just messing around, I'll eat what's ready, what can you do? Don't like it? If you don't like it, can you kick me out of the house?

"It's easy to change the hearts of old friends, but it's said that the hearts of old friends are easy to change!"

Orochimaru also sighed helplessly, and Shizune beside him looked at Orochimaru with a puzzled look:

"Uncle Snake, what do you mean? Why does it sound like the teacher has changed his mind?"

Red Bean also looked over with confusion, blinking her eyes and looking at Orochimaru, and then at Tsunade.

"Hehe... Children are asking about adult matters, you will understand when you grow up!"

Tapping her little head with chopsticks, Shizune could only curl her lips with dissatisfaction. Just now he said she was a little adult, but now he treated her as a child.

"Hehe, if Uncle Snake takes care of my food for the rest of my life, I can consider being with him when I am old!"

Tsunade rolled her eyes at Orochimaru, and wanted to make me give in in front of the younger generation, what a dream.

"Alas, the adult world is too complicated!"

Red Bean also said with emotion, and suddenly felt that it would be nice to be able to eat delicious food like this every day.

It is no wonder that such a lack of ambition will make him a fat otaku in the future, and his body is so fat that it is unbearable to look at.

"By the way, Uncle Snake, Hongdou has graduated and the ninja school has not arranged it yet. Didn't you say that you would accept him as a disciple?"

Shizune asked again. Hongdou ran here every day after graduation, looking forward to Orochimaru's return every day.

It's no wonder that she is so anxious, because the graduates of the same class have already made arrangements and formed their own ninja teams, and she is the only one who has not been settled.

It's not that the Ninja Academy has forgotten this person, but everyone knows that Hongdou seems to be Orochimaru's designated disciple.

It is naturally not appropriate to arrange other teachers to lead the team. Orochimaru's opinion must be consulted at least. The three ninjas still have some privileges.

"Oh? It's not impossible. What do you think, Hongdou?"

Orochimaru looked at the expectant big eyes and knew her thoughts without asking.

"I am willing, Lord Orochimaru, please accept me as your disciple!"

Red Bean, who was already kneeling, quickly put down the bowl and chopsticks in her hands, sat upright and bowed to Orochimaru, or kowtowed.

At this moment, a familiar mechanical sound rang in Orochimaru's mind.

Unexpectedly, this clone could also trigger the plot. At the same time, a sound was also heard in the mind of Orochimaru's original body, which was thousands of miles away.

"It is detected that the host has triggered the plot, Red Bean's apprenticeship.

The host has the following choices:

① Accept Red Bean as a disciple and get a reward of loyalty mark (a skill that can make people completely loyal to the host).

② Refuse to accept a disciple and get a reward of mastery of deception."

Orochimaru chose the first one without hesitation. As for the second one, mastery of deception? If he doesn't accept her, he will become a liar? It seems that he really said that he would accept her as a disciple after she graduated.

How can a young person cheat? Is the next step to sneak attack? Things that are not moral should never be done.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the loyalty mark. Loyalty brand: the host can use the loyalty brand on others, and the user will always be loyal to the host. Note: The brand does not work on people with strong hostility.The stronger you are, the more time and energy you will consume. (Note: As a researcher, how can you not have a loyal assistant)"

What you need is what you get. I was thinking of annexing the seven countries by force, but I didn't expect to get this skill. This is simply a slave mark!

The only drawback is that it doesn't work on people who are stronger than Orochimaru, and it doesn't work on hostile enemies either.

"That's right, if there are no restrictions, why fight and kill? Just plant a mark on the five Kage and the world will be peaceful."

Seeing that Orochimaru didn't speak for a long time, Tsunade was a little impatient and kicked Orochimaru with her foot.

"Hmm? Good! Red Bean, you will practice with me in the future! "

Orochimaru came back to his senses and said with a smile. How could he break his promise? He had waited for so long and finally saw the moon. It was time to pick the fruits.

I really need an assistant to do my research. It's a bit boring to have shadow clones all day long. It's more interesting to communicate with more people.

Red Bean is really good. She is well-behaved and obedient. Her talent may be a little poor, but that's not a problem. I don't want her to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

I don't mind training her in the last few years of living in Konoha. It doesn't take much effort.

After getting a positive answer, Red Bean kowtowed to Orochimaru a few more times with excitement.

"But the days will be a bit boring and hard in the future! Don't complain about the strict teacher when the time comes!"

Orochimaru gave Red Bean another shot of prevention, so that she wouldn't regret it later. When she grows up, don't come to Orochimaru and say, "I didn't have a choice before, but now I want to be a dead fat otaku."

"Well! I'm not afraid. I will definitely work hard! "

These words did not dampen Hongdou's enthusiasm, but her eyes became more determined.

"Okay, okay, let's eat. It's just a trivial matter, why are you fussing about it?"

Tsunade said unhappily. Hongdou's forehead was red from the bump, but she didn't know how to be gentle with women.

"Haha... Come on! Let's celebrate for our little Hongdou!"

Shizune raised the drink in the glass, and Hongdou couldn't help laughing and followed closely. Orochimaru and Tsunade also raised their glasses. At this moment, everyone forgot their troubles and enjoyed this beautiful moment to the fullest.

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