I'm doing whatever I want in the time-stop world

Chapter 303 The Real Dream World (Four in One) (Additional Updates in May with 9,300 Monthly Tickets

After answering the doubts of Qin Chuan and the others, Marcia did not stay for long and quickly said goodbye and left.

Looking at the other person's back as she left, Lin Yue said softly, "How credible do you think what she said is?"

"There should be no problem with the part about the Sky Steps." Qin Chuan said slowly, "After all, we can easily verify this part of the content."

Lin Yue glanced at Qin Chuan with a smile in her eyes.

It seems that the two of them thought of the same thing.

There is no problem with the part about the Sky Steps.

It means that there is a problem with the rest.

"This is not the place to talk." Qin Chuan lowered his voice, "Let's complete the requirements of the dungeon strategy first, and then we'll talk about the rest when we go back."

The gray-black ominous aura that overflowed after crushing the contaminated core of Kasakaban has disappeared at this moment and dissipated in the world.

The option for the two to exit the dungeon was lit up again.

Qin Chuan, who had not used time stop in the battle, did not give the terrible existence hiding in the ominousness a chance to show up.

But for the sake of safety, Qin Chuan does not intend to use time stop in this strategy.

At present, there is no need.

A second-level myth was killed, and I believe that no other second-level will try to descend again at this juncture.

Although Diriklai ran away, he can run away but not the temple.

Under the lock of the third talent effect of the sundial, Qin Chuan has already seen him.

The spirit descent has not been lifted, and the dragon wings fluttered violently. Qin Chuan pulled Lin Yue to fly high in the sky and chased straight in the direction of Diriklai.

The strategy of the SSS-level dungeon has become like this, and the scale has exceeded Qin Chuan and Lin Yue’s expectations, but they are not completely without gains.

At least, they have a better understanding of the Sky Stage and the six major races.


In an ordinary, unremarkable lake in Masiso Territory, Diriklai restrained his breath to the extreme and sat cross-legged at the bottom of the lake.

His aura is connected to the entire lake, and even if a mythical strongman flies over the lake, he can't see any clues.

Not only that, he can be the first to know about any movement on the lakeside.

This is a special tool that Diriklai obtained in his early years and can only achieve a special concealment method with his own strength.

Before he became a mythical, he relied on this method to turn danger into safety several times.

He believed that this time would be no exception.

With a tremor in his heart, Diriklai slowly opened his tightly closed eyes under the lake.

He vaguely sensed something and couldn't hide his shock.

"The Embers Demon God was defeated."

How strong were those two human beings that they could even defeat the Embers Demon God of the second realm?

This is ridiculous.

The material world can indeed bring home advantage, but as a mythical half-demon, Diriklai knows very well that such a home advantage can often only bring one level of cross-level combat power.

The human race must not have a mythical level, because if there is a mythical level, they will have the qualifications to officially ascend to the Sky Level.

So, these two humans are just at the Legendary level.

Can the home advantage allow the Legendary level to surpass the second level of the Mythical level by two levels?

All the previous races could not do this when attacking the SSS-level dungeon!


Diriklai's low voice echoed under the lake.

As the last race to arrive in the ten thousand year period, does it enjoy some kind of privilege like the Moon Spirit who was the first to ascend to the Sky Level in ten thousand years?

At this moment, Diriklai thought of a lot.

But after a moment, his expression suddenly changed.

Two figures suddenly appeared in the water and appeared in front of him.

And he did not sense any fluctuations throughout the whole process!

"You..." Feeling the terrible breath of Qin Chuan and Lin Yue in front of him that suffocated him, Diriklai's face changed wildly, and his hands dropped after a moment, "I will come back again."


With Qin Chuan's slash, Diriklai fell heavily.

[Congratulations to the player for achieving the dungeon strategy goal and completing the strategy for the SSS-level dungeon: The first level of the Sky Dome Steps. The current dungeon strategy rating is SSS]

Unlike previous dungeons, SSS-level dungeons do not have a minimum strategy requirement, only a dungeon strategy goal.

Achieving the goal means an SSS rating.

[Current strategy reward: [Gold] Dirichlet's Styx Spear, [Gold] Jade of the Demon God, [Gold] Title·Misfortune]

[Extra strategy reward: +3 times of today's strategy, +1 item to carry in the dungeon (multiple players can only carry one)]

[Receive strategy reward]

Carry dungeon items?

Qin Chuan couldn't help but look at the extra strategy reward.

After the SSS-level dungeon is rated SSS, the extra strategy reward is different from before.

After a little thought, Qin Chuan understood.

In the dungeon, the items obtained can be temporarily stored in the props equipment column, but cannot be carried out, except for the dungeon rewards.

With this strategy reward, in addition to the props and equipment rewarded in the dungeon, Qin Chuan can also take away one item from the dungeon.

This reward will not increase with the number of participating players. No matter how many players there are, they can only take one extra item.

Subconsciously, Qin Chuan looked at his item equipment column.

There lay a golden item called Life Source Crystal quietly.

He was still thinking about how to actually get this item.

The original plan was to hide it in a place only known to Lin Yue and himself, and wait until he really reached the Sky Steps to take it away.

Now, there is a better way.

Qin Chuan immediately received the other three rewards.

[【Gold】Dilikui's Styx Spear: Styx Demon God · Dilikui's natal weapon, used by the water system, attribute control increased by 150%, attribute power increased by 100%]

[【Gold】Demon God Jade: The key item for the half-demon clan to reach the mythical level. Although it is useless to other races, I believe the half-demon clan is willing to exchange it for a reasonable price]

[【Gold】Title · Misfortune: Get 50% of all attribute blessings]

The Styx Spear is a good golden weapon.

Before, Qin Chuan had been using Dalesai's Tidal Halberd in the state of Spirit Descent · Water Chanting Throne. Now that he has this more powerful upper-level weapon, he can change it.

Although the Demon God Jade is useless to the human race, if you can find a half-demon to exchange for a golden item, it is also a good choice.

Maybe, I can try it next time I enter the SSS-level dungeon?

If the next target is not a half-demon.

As for the last golden title, it is not bad, but not as useful as the God Slayer.

After collecting the reward, Qin Chuan and Lin Yue joined hands and disappeared instantly.

Not long after the two left, a beautiful figure appeared by the lake.

The purple moon wheel was layered behind her, making her look like a moon elf.

The Purple Moon Priest, Mashia, stared at the lake and said softly, "Lord Krai, they left, and the SSS-level dungeon is over."

"Okay." A voice floated out of the void, "Mashia, you and I are both priests, there is no need to call me 'Lord'."

"No, if there was no Lord Krai, there would be no me now." Mashia said softly, with a look of gratitude in her light purple eyes, "No matter when, I will follow Lord Krai's footsteps."

"You are still so stubborn." Krai sighed softly, "It's up to you."

"Lord Krai, you said... Will the human race believe it?" Mashia suddenly spoke.

"Why not?" Krai's voice was filled with a hint of laughter. "We are the first race to ascend to the Sky Steps, so we have privileges and corresponding obligations."

"Every race on the Sky Steps will not doubt this."

"What's more, when the human race's copy stage just started, I gave the human race a small gift, appropriately expressing goodwill."

"Speaking of which, it happened to be Luo who received this small gift." Krai said softly, "I believe that the human race should have recognized the goodwill of our race."

"What's more, you are right." Krai smiled, "We will really do our best to help the human race ascend to the Sky Steps."

"So Marcia, why do you have such concerns?"

"I just think... the human race seems to be a little special." Marcia paused slightly, "Why can they jump two levels with their home advantage?"

"Could it be... that the last race to enter the Sky Steps has corresponding privileges?"

"This is impossible. The race that enters the Sky Steps last in ten thousand years does not have any privileges, but is the most dangerous." Krai said softly, but his tone was very certain.

"I asked Zu about the question you asked." Krayi paused, "Zu's answer is..."

"Human race, maybe an old friend."


When Qin Chuan and Lin Yue returned to reality, the sky had already darkened.

They started to attack the dungeon in the morning, and it was already evening when they finished.

All over the world, countless extraordinary people who were closely watching the situation of the SSS-level dungeon attack breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Feng Yin's phone call came at the first time.

"Did you really climb the Sky Steps?" Feng Yin asked on the other end of the phone, but his tone was quite certain, "Otherwise, why would it take so long."

With Qin Chuan's ability, the normal attack on the dungeon should have been finished long ago.

"It is indeed the first step of the Sky Steps." Qin Chuan smiled, "The first time I entered, Lin Yue and I explored the situation more..."

At that moment, he told Feng Yin about the situation of the Sky Steps and the two people's attack process without hiding it.

When Qin Chuan finished speaking, the other end of the phone fell into a long silence.

After a long while, Feng Yin spoke slowly.

"There may be something wrong with what the Purple Moon Priest said."

"The copy intelligence you shared before mentioned the Phantom Clan."

"If Yue Ling is the first race to ascend the Sky Steps, then when did the Phantom Clan appear?"

"They are hiding something on this point."

"Based on this, there is a very important question."

"If Yue Ling is not the first race to ascend the Sky Steps, then do they really have the privilege of defeating the Immortal Clan?"

"If there is no such privilege, their reason for helping the human race is completely invalid."


Qin Chuan smiled, and he once again recognized Feng Yin's keen judgment in his heart.

He and Lin Yue were able to find the clues because the two of them conquered the S-level copy of the Miguru Sleeping Plains, and in that somewhat special copy, they had contact with the Phantom Clan remotely.

Many details were not disclosed in the strategy intelligence because he was not sure.

For example, the door that Salma led all the Phantom Clan to finally walk into.

With only a little information, Feng Yin was able to judge this.

It should be said that he is indeed the player with the most suitable insight talent in the world.

Now looking back at the past in the sleeping plains of Miguru, all the questions that originally puzzled Qin Chuan seem to have been explained.

What is a winner and what is a loser.

The measure of victory and failure is the race war that happens once every ten thousand years.

The illusionist was defeated and eventually went to extinction. Salma, as the last illusionist, created a miraculous dream world by self-deception, but still could not change the final outcome.

At the moment when her dream woke up, there was no trace of the illusionist in the world.

So, she is the "Lost People".

Salma's existence proves one thing.

The race war has happened ten thousand years ago.

What is about to happen is not the first time.

And Salma, who participated in the last race war, was able to meet and fall in love with Backland, who was a moon spirit, in the same era.

So, the moon spirit also participated in the last race war.

In Backland's notes, there is such a sentence.

[Ancestor said, we have no victory, but we are not losers. ]

Chewed over this sentence carefully, Qin Chuan felt more and more frightened.

Yue Ling is not the first person to ascend in this ten thousand years.

They are the remnants of the last ten thousand years.

Although it is unknown how they escaped the punishment of failure, one thing is certain.

In this ten thousand years, there is another unknown race that failed.

Yue Ling replaced them and regarded herself as the first race to ascend the Sky Steps, telling every subsequent race that they have the privilege of not being exterminated after failure and the obligation to help every race to ascend the Sky Steps with all their strength.

"Feng Yin, do you say... do other races know this?" Qin Chuan said in a deep voice, "Will they believe Yue Ling's words?"

Feng Yin hesitated for a moment, then slowly spoke and gave an answer that surprised Qin Chuan.

"They will believe it."

"Why?" Qin Chuan frowned slightly.

This is obviously a clumsy lie that can be immediately discovered as long as you know more about the past situation.

"I didn't notice it before, but I just took a look." Feng Yin paused for a moment, "All the information about the phantom comes from an S-level copy called the Miguru Sleeping Plain, right?"

"Yes." Qin Chuan nodded.

"But on the first-level map of the Sky Steps we obtained..."

"There is no Miguru Sleeping Plain."

Qin Chuan's pupils shrank violently.

An area that does not exist in the Sky Steps has become a copy? !

"If you don't know the existence of the phantom, everything Yue Ling said is reasonable." Feng Yin's voice was a little solemn, "This is the most terrifying place."

"Do you suspect that the Miguru Sleeping Plain is a special copy that only our human race knows about?" Qin Chuan felt that his voice was a little stagnant, "Other races have not experienced this copy, and this place does not exist on the Sky Steps."

"So, they don't know the existence of the phantom, and they all believe Yue Ling's words?"

"At least from the attitude of other races towards Yue Ling, that's the case." Feng Yin said faintly, "But no one knows whether they really believe it."

"Whether the Moon Spirit's words are true or false, one thing cannot be changed."

"The Moon Spirit is also a competitor."

"If the Moon Spirit has privileges, other races will subconsciously ignore the Moon Spirit during the race war. If the Moon Spirit has no privileges, other races will treat the Moon Spirit who ascended the earliest as the biggest competitor."

"I think this is why the Moon Spirit always emphasizes that they have privileges."

"Show weakness to the enemy?" Qin Chuan showed a thoughtful look, "Then why do they help other races enter the Sky Steps?"

The most important reason why other races can believe the Moon Spirit's words is that the Moon Spirit really did it.

Not only the human race, but all races received help from the Moon Spirit before ascending the Sky Steps.

"This is also what I can't see through." Feng Yin sighed helplessly, "We still have too little information."

After a discussion, the two were unable to deduce a reason.

All signs show that the Moon Spirit must have a deep plan.

But the actual actions of the Moon Spirit are completely contrary to this.

They really tried their best to play the role of a good old man and a caring person.

It was as if they survived the last race war just to do good things.

In the end, the two of them only came to one conclusion.

Except for the human race itself, don't trust any race in the Sky Steps.

"The information about the race war is too important." Feng Yin said in a deep voice, "If it escalates to the point of extermination of the race if defeated, the severity of the situation has exceeded our most pessimistic expectations before."

"We need some time to discuss the corresponding countermeasures."

After speaking, Feng Yin hung up the phone.

It can be imagined that he will be busy next.

Qin Chuan slowly put down the phone, with a trace of melancholy on his face.

He also needs time to digest everything that happened in the Sky Steps today.

Lin Yue hugged his arm and gently leaned her head on Qin Chuan's shoulder.

She looked at Qin Chuan steadily and spoke softly.

"We will win."


Dream world.

The moment Qin Chuan and Lin Yue came to consciousness, they were surrounded by concerned guild members.

"President, what does an SSS-level copy look like?"

"Is it difficult to conquer? Even the president took so long."


Qin Chuan felt dumbfounded when he heard everyone's questions.

"I will post the detailed information in the strategy information tomorrow. You can just go and read it."

The racial war is of great concern. Whether it should be made public at this moment still has to wait for the special task force to discuss with other high-level officials to come up with a result.

The guild members felt a little regretful, but quickly changed the topic to another matter.

"President, the SSS-level secret realm has been refreshed!"

"Let me take a look." Qin Chuan was not surprised by this and immediately clicked on the secret information.

After a moment, his eyes locked on the brightest spot on the map of the secret realm.

There is only one SSS-level secret realm in the entire dream world map.

[Name of the secret realm: Realm of Miracles]

[Secret Realm Level: SSS]

[Secret Realm Difficulty: ★★★★★]

[Secret Realm Crusade Target: God of Creation, Reddix]

[Player level limit: Legend level]

[Maximum number of players: 5]

[Consumption to enter the secret realm: Secret Realm Key x200, Secret Realm Stone x4000]

[Must be found in the secret realm: random props, random ultra-rare spiritual beasts, self-selected mythical resources, self-selected legendary resources, self-selected epic resources...]

"The realm of miracles..." Qin Chuan's expression became serious.

The target of the crusade was not marked with a level, but the title of God of Creation was scary enough.

There is no doubt that this is a mythical spirit beast.

"Let's go explore the road first." He took Lin Yue's hand and spoke softly.

The next moment, the two people disappeared from the spot.

"Okay, okay." Looking at the people still standing there, Iron Hammer waved his hand, "What are you still doing? Do what you should do."

Everyone suddenly had a backbone and started a new day of exclusive crusade and secret realm crusade.


In a flash, Qin Chuan and Lin Yue stepped into a forest with ten little ones.

The next moment, both of them were shocked at the same time.

"Why do I feel that the environment here is a bit familiar?" Qin Chuan said uncertainly.

"Do you feel this way too?" Lin Yue also became surprised.

"I remember that an A-level secret realm I conquered before looked like this." Qin Chuan thought for a moment and pointed in a certain direction, "In my impression, there is a strange-looking tree with a crooked neck over there. When we passed by, you He even dragged me to watch."

After a while, the two people who had not walked far stood in front of the crooked-necked tree in their memory.

"It really does!" Lin Yue's eyes widened and she couldn't help but step forward and touch it.

"Exactly the same!"

Qin Chuan thought for a moment, then turned over and sat on Xiao Hei's back, "Let's go to the sky and have a look!"

Lin Yue sat behind Xiao Bai, and they both jumped into the air at the same time.

As the black and white dragons continued to fly, the two people's expressions became more and more surprised.

Although it was exactly the same as the scene in the A-level secret realm before, the vastness of the space the two of them were in at the moment was obviously not comparable to that of the A-level secret realm.

When the two flew over the area that was once a Grade A secret realm and explored a wider area, they were surprised to find that there were more than one familiar sight.

Every time they cross a certain distance, the two of them can see a familiar area. They once belonged to different low-level secret realms, but now they all appear together.

It seems that... this place called the Miracle Realm is the source of the secret realm.

Those areas that are more numerous and unfamiliar to the two of them may also be secret realms.

It was just a secret realm that the two of them had never set foot in.

And this correspondence seems familiar.

Qin Chuan and Lin Yue looked at each other and exclaimed at the same time.

"Stairs to the Sky?!"

The correspondence between the Miracle Realm and the Secret Realm is so similar to the correspondence between the Heavenly Vault and the Dungeon!

"Have you noticed?" Qin Chuan pondered for a moment, "Although this is a world with countless combinations of secret realms, the number of spiritual beasts in it is not as many as we imagined."

"In the previous secret realm, the number of spiritual beasts was large enough to form a beast tide."

"Furthermore, the secret realm spirit beasts will sense and actively attack players who enter the secret realm."

"But here, the number of spirit beasts is much smaller, and they will not attack us when they see us. Even..." Qin Chuan paused slightly, "After feeling the breath of legendary spirit beasts, they will also show Emotions of fear and fear.”

"You want to say that this place is the same as the dream world?" Lin Yue glanced at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan didn't answer and patted Xiao Hei's head.

Xiao Hei let out a dragon roar and suddenly clawed at a passing bird spirit beast.

Under its terrifying power, the bird spirit beast was split into two in an instant, and fell to the ground with a rain of blood.

If this was a secret realm, this bird spirit beast should turn into a point of light and dissipate, dropping some experience gems and the like.

But now, like the dead spiritual beasts in the dream world, it is still flesh and blood.

"Didn't we guess before?" Qin Chuan's eyes were a little weird, "The town spirit beasts in the 9999 game areas are actually projections. They will recover immediately after being killed, so they cannot be killed."

"Maybe, their true bodies are here."

"The dream world is the world where spiritual beasts from infant level to elite level live."

"The Realm of Miracles is the world where spirit beasts from the Palace to Legend level live."

"World..." Lin Yue seemed to have thought of something, and quickly checked his panel. The next moment, he showed a look of surprise, "Pray for Life can be used!"

The restriction that player talents cannot be used in the secret realm has been lifted!

"It's not just player talents that can be used." Qin Chuan shook his head and laughed, looking at his personal panel, his eyes fixed on one line.


This function appeared when Blue Star 2.2 was updated.

Along with it, there are also 9999 game areas and rankings.

Through this function, players can see the map range of the entire dream world.

And at this moment, Qin Chuan is in the Realm of Miracles.

If you check the map here...

Thinking of this, he clicked on the view without hesitation.

The vast world appeared in front of him.

The Realm of Miracles is a huge spherical world.

This world has land and ocean, and each occupies half of the area.

Qin Chuan's eyes couldn't help but cast to a certain place in the ocean.

There, there is a blank area that only occupies 1% of the entire map, as if a piece of it was dug out from the map of the Land of Miracles.

And the outline of that blank area is exactly the same as the outline of the continent in the dream world.

"So we are really in the Novice Village." Qin Chuan smiled helplessly.

The world outside the air wall at the edge of the dream world is like this.

"I may know where the God of Creation, Ladix, is." Lin Yue suddenly spoke.

"I know it too." Qin Chuan nodded.

The two smiled at each other and looked at a certain place on the map at the same time.

There, there is a place called the Temple of Creation that is extremely obvious.

The Temple of Creation is an extremely magnificent building.

The overall length, width and height of nearly 10,000 meters make it look like a towering giant peak on the earth. The exquisite details are difficult to replicate even with human technology today.

When Qin Chuan and Lin Yue landed at the magnificent entrance steps, a four-legged spirit beast that seemed to have integrated the best features of all spirit beasts stepped out step by step, exploding with a momentum far exceeding the legendary level, and crushed the ten little ones.

"I admire your courage, but coming here, you have only one ending."

"Those who offend God, die!"

The majestic voice echoed in the void for a long time.

Qin Chuan looked at the God of Creation curiously and suddenly spoke.

"If I kill you, will you really die?"

"Ridiculous!" Ladix roared angrily, "I am immortal..."


Time stopped at this moment, and before Ladix opened his mouth and closed it, the momentum around him quietly solidified.

"Then I'm relieved." Qin Chuan spoke faintly, and then pointed at Ladix.


Fortunately, the time stop time can be used at will here.


Ladix, who was so strong the previous moment, collapsed the next moment, with surprise and confusion in his wide eyes.

Qin Chuan smiled and waved at it.

"Then, I will come again on the next dream day."


Two figures, a man and a woman, appeared silently somewhere in the dream world.

Lin Yue looked at Qin Chuan on the side and couldn't help but chuckled, "You will come again on the next dream day, do you think you are here to buy goods?"

"I'm not wrong." Qin Chuan spread his hands, "There is only one Miracle Realm, and Ladix is ​​the only target of the crusade. Kill it today, and it will be refreshed tomorrow."

Lin Yue stopped laughing and suddenly said, "When do you think the Miracle Realm and the Dream World will merge together?"

The two are so closely related on the map, so it is almost inevitable that they will merge together in the future.

"Next update." Qin Chuan said without hesitation, "When the Miracle Realm and the Dream World merge, perhaps there will be no more secret realms."

"Perhaps, the two worlds after the fusion are the real dream world."

"The current dream world is just a simplified version."

Lin Yue nodded, looking at the little guy flying beside the two of them, curiously looking at this and that, with a smile in her eyes, "Do you want to contract or do I?"

"I'll contract." Qin Chuan smiled, "I've always wanted a gold-type spirit beast."

"The last remaining light-type will be contracted by you."

"Okay." Lin Yue had no objection.

Qin Chuan raised his hands and held the little guy flying in the air.

It has a pair of red eyes, a curved tail behind its round little body, and a metal helmet full of thorns on its head, which looks decent.

It's a pity that it has no lethality in terms of appearance or strength.

[Spirit Beast Race: Steel Helmet Ball]

[Spirit Beast Attribute: Gold]

[Spirit Beast Level: Juvenile Lv1]

[Spirit Beast Status: Uncontracted]

[Spirit Beast Introduction: Gold-type Spirit Beast Steel Helmet Ball, with a flamboyant and aggressive personality, is a super rare race with the exclusive entry [Ancient God]. ]

This is a random super rare spirit beast rewarded after conquering the SSS-level secret realm.

Following [Dragonborn], [Holy Spirit], and [Fairy], a new exclusive entry appears!

[Ancient God: Possessing ancient power, with ancient attributes: Absolute Damage]

[Absolute damage: Ignore defense, damage reduction and final damage credit, and directly reduce health points]

"Little guy, follow me from now on?" Qin Chuan patted the head of the helmet ball and said with a smile.


The eyes of the helmet ball flashed red, showing joy.

The contract was completed in an instant. Feeling the connection between each other quickly becoming close, looking at the special eyes of the helmet ball, Qin Chuan pondered for a moment and quickly made a decision.

"From now on, you will be called Chimou!"

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