I'm doing whatever I want in the time-stop world

Chapter 307 The origin of the legend, the mystery of the Moon Spirit! (Four in one) (10,200 monthly

Immortal Lord Qingyang did not answer.

But countless clues are like tangled threads, at this moment the chaos is rectified, pointing to the same answer.

Why did a copy of the last ten thousand years come to Blue Star?

Why did the Immortal Clan come to them now after not appearing for thousands of years?

Why can the many legends of Blue Star find parallels in the history of the Immortal Clan?

Because the Immortal Race is the predecessor of the Human Race.

"Senior Qingyang." Qin Chuan called out the word "senior" again, but the meaning was completely different from before, "Reincarnation, what does it mean?"

"The power of the gods is too powerful." Qingyang Immortal Lord said softly, "He seems to be able to cut off everything according to cause and effect. Under his thoughts, no human race can survive."

"So, the moment the Immortal King was defeated, we understood that the Immortal Clan had no possibility of survival." Immortal Lord Qingyang smiled, "We do not regret it, but we are not willing to accept it."

"The so-called gods also have seven emotions and six desires, and they can also be angry."

"In the final analysis, he is just a stronger person."

"The power of the Immortal Clan comes from understanding the way of heaven and earth. For example, I understand the way of the scorching sun and the bright sun. The power is related to flames. The attack within the Immortal Clan is only under the Immortal King."

"The Immortal Lord of Reincarnation is the most special one among us." Immortal Lord Qingyang said with a little sigh on his face, "Although she is only the third Immortal Lord, her status is different."

"She is the wife of the Fairy King."

"And the Tao that Immortal Lord Samsara has comprehended is also extremely special."

"What she perceives is not the world of the human world, but the world of earth and heaven."

"As long as the body in the human world does not die, the earth and heaven can come back infinitely, starting from scratch again and again. Based on birth, old age, illness and death, the Immortal Lord of Reincarnation will realize the power of rules belonging to the gods and finally achieve the path of reincarnation."

"After the death of the Immortal King, the Immortal clan respected the Immortal Lord Samsara. When the gods were reckoning, the Immortal Lord Samsara summoned me to the Immortal King Palace." Immortal Lord Qingyang said with some memories in his eyes, "The head of the administrator serves as the Immortal King. The spoils of war are in her hands."

"She wants to use the power of managers who have the same origin as the gods, plus the way of reincarnation that is related to the gods, and use everything from the fairy clan to make a final push."

"The Reincarnation Immortal Lord said that she doesn't know the outcome of this fight because she has made similar attempts, but..."

"If we don't fight, the immortals will definitely die."

"If we fight and lose, the Immortal Clan will definitely die."

"If we win, the Immortal Clan may still have a chance to make a comeback."

"So it wasn't a hard choice."

"As the strongest person in the immortal clan after the death of the Immortal King, I left a trace of myself under the will of the immortals and sealed it here as a witness to reincarnation."

"I want to see for them the result of that fight." Having said this, Qingyang Immortal Lord looked at Qin Chuan and Lin Yue and smiled, "Now it seems that we have not failed."

Qin Chuan was silent and drank the wine in one gulp, but still couldn't hide the heaviness in his heart.

Lin Yue on the side had even red eyes, feeling sad for the past of the Immortal Clan.

"Can you tell me about your past?"

"Okay." Qin Chuan nodded, and after thinking for a while, he started telling the story from the earliest period of Blue Star's Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, and occasionally mentioned some foreign myths and legends.

Lin Yue also understood these things, and the two of them complemented each other and were able to talk about everything.

Immortal Lord Qingyang listened silently, his expression changing from happy to sad.

Until Qin Chuan talked about Sun Wukong, Immortal Qingyang was stunned for a moment, drank the wine in the cup, filled the cup again, and drank it all again.

"Like! So similar!"

"Who does it look like?" Qin Chuan blinked, looking confused.

"Like the Immortal King." Immortal Lord Qingyang sighed softly with a smile on his face.

"But doesn't the Immortal King use a sword?" Qin Chuan was a little surprised.

"It's not the strength, it's not the appearance, it's not the origin." Immortal Lord Qingyang smiled slightly, "It's the heart."

"Many of the mythical and legendary characters you just told have shadows of my old friends." Qingyang Immortal Lord said softly, "Many mythological events can also echo some major events in the fairy world. Although the order is wrong and the circumstances are not the same. Not exactly the same."

"I know what reincarnation means."

"The Immortal Clan is dead." Immortal Lord Qingyang spoke calmly, without sadness or joy, "But the material world of the Immortal Clan is not dead."

"After the original source of the world died, a new source of the world sprouted, and a race similar to the fairy race appeared in the same world."

"Originally, we don't exist in the same world as you, and you shouldn't know the species of the immortal race."

"But as the successors of the Immortal Clan, occasionally one or two members will have a flash of inspiration and vaguely remember some of the past of the Immortal Clan."

"This past has been processed again and again, forming your own myths and legends."

“It may seem unrecognizable, but the most important essence remains the same.”

Qingyang Immortal Lord had a somewhat relieved smile on his face, "That's enough."

"Senior..." Qin Chuan looked at Immortal Qingyang intently and suddenly spoke after a moment, "Who won the last race war?"

"I don't know." Qingyang Immortal Lord shook his head slightly, "Our immortal race was the first to be liquidated by the gods. At that time, the racial war was not actually over yet."

"So, we're out early."

"The immortal clan doesn't know the outcome of that battle."

"But this is not important to you." Qingyang Immortal Lord smiled, "The defeated races were all exterminated, and the victorious races will also leave the Sky Steps."

"The current battle is the most important."

Hearing Qingyang Immortal Lord's words, Qin Chuan and Lin Yue changed color slightly.

"Senior, what happened in the past ten thousand years... don't you know?" Lin Yue asked.

"I don't know." Qingyang Immortal Lord shook his head slightly, "I was sealed with only a trace, and it will dissipate in a short time once it is unsealed."

"I will only wake up when I sense that a force close to the immortals appears nearby."

"Senior, this race war may not be what you think." Qin Chuan hesitated for a moment and slowly spoke, "Including the human race, there are a total of seven races participating in the war."

"Huh?" Qingyang Immortal Lord raised his eyebrows instantly, "So many?!"

Having experienced everything that happened back then, he is very familiar with the race war.

Not only the race war they were in, but managers who had experienced countless race wars would also reveal some of the situations of previous race wars to them.

Four races are the norm in race wars.

Only when there is an extremely powerful power system or a leader with invincible talent in the race can it be possible to break out of the siege of the four races and become the fifth race to participate in the war.

Six races participated in the war, which only happened once in the past race wars. Not only did they have to resist the first four races, but they also had to resist the evil fifth race. It was a hell of a difficulty.

And seven races participated in the war, which had never happened before.

Now, why are there so many races participating in the war?

Are the races before the human race all evil?

Qingyang Immortal Lord was directly confused by this news.

Could it be that after the immortal race reincarnates, even the heavens cannot be reached?

"Not only that." Qin Chuan looked at the somewhat confused Qingyang Immortal Lord, and paused for a moment, "Yue Ling is among them."

"What did you say?!"

Qingyang Immortal Lord stood up suddenly from his seat, not noticing that he had knocked over his wine cup. He stared at Qin Chuan in astonishment, and the entire Peach Blossom Island shook violently under his fluctuating emotions.

"A race with the same name?"

"No." Qin Chuan shook his head slowly, "It was Yue Ling who fought against the Immortal Clan ten thousand years ago."

Qingyang Immortal Lord was silent for a long time, and then slowly sat back in his seat.

The turbulent Peach Blossom Island proved that his emotions were still not completely calm.

"Yue Ling, what have you done in the past ten thousand years?"

"They claim to be the first race to ascend the steps of the sky, and then..." Qin Chuan simply told Qingyang Immortal Lord what Yue Ling had done in the past ten thousand years, and looked at the other party's changing expression, and slowly said, "Senior, what do you think their purpose is?"

"How true are what they say and do?"

"This question..." Qingyang Immortal Lord silently drank a sip of wine, and the dirty robes that had just knocked over the wine cup had long disappeared.

"If they are really the Yueling clan in my memory, then the Sky Steps may have undergone many changes that I don't know about."

"The first to ascend the Sky Steps is naturally false."

"But I can't be sure whether the other words are true."

"The Yueling clan said that they have special rights and obligations. Could it be true?" Lin Yue couldn't help but speak, "The Nest Clan you mentioned before was also the first to ascend, but they have no such rights at all."

"The Nest Clan does not have it." Qingyang Immortal Lord shook his head helplessly, "But there is a problem that you can't ignore."

"The manager was killed by the Immortal King."

"Without the manager, the gods still need to ensure the normal progress of the race war." His voice paused slightly, "If a new manager is not sent, then it is not impossible to give special permissions to the race that ascends the Sky Steps first."

"If the Yueling clan really has such authority, and it is indeed a change made by the gods to ensure the progress of the race war, then you have already seen the results."

"The race war has never had seven races participating before."

After saying this, Qin Chuan and Lin Yue fell silent.

What they had previously determined to be false now seemed to have signs of coming true.

Before this, the human race did not know the existence of the administrators. Through the Huantu clan, they knew that Yueling was not a race that existed for ten thousand years, and thus inferred that their authority did not exist.

But now, Qingyang Immortal Lord provides a new possibility.

If this authority is added because of the death of the administrator, then past experience is completely useless.

Whether Yueling has this authority or not, it seems that only they themselves know.

"Then, how did Yueling continue from the last race war to this race war?" Qin Chuan looked at Qingyang Immortal Lord and asked seriously.

"I didn't see the results of the last battle." Qingyang Immortal Lord spoke slowly, "But one thing is certain, Yueling's situation must have exceeded the original rules of the Sky Step."

"What can be beyond the rules?"

"I can only think of two." Qingyang Immortal Lord spoke faintly, "One is a god, and the other is a manager."

"They are the creators and maintainers of the rules, and naturally they are not bound by the rules."

"If Yueling has the help of any of them, it is possible to do this."

"But, this is also what I am confused about." Qingyang Immortal Lord frowned, "The manager was killed by the Immortal King and had no chance to help Yue Ling."

"The gods have no reason to help the Moon Spirit. If it is to ensure that the racial war proceeds smoothly, it is equally feasible to hand over the new rules you mentioned to the race that is truly the first to land."

"If Yue Ling was the winner of the previous battle and actively asked to stay in the Heavenly Vault to participate in the next battle, that would be even more incomprehensible. After all, if you can escape, who would want to stay?"

Listening to Qingyang Immortal Lord's words, Qin Chuan was thoughtful and suddenly spoke after a moment.

"What about... ominous? Can ominous do it?"

"Ominous?" Immortal Qingyang was stunned for a moment, "What is that?"

"A kind of gray-black aura can affect the races on the level of the sky, causing them to be controlled and become walking corpses." Qin Chuan briefly described the ominous existence, and looked at Qingyang Immortal Lord's still blank look, and his heart skipped a beat. .

"Was there nothing like this before?"

"No." Qingyang Immortal Lord shook his head, "At least I have never heard of it."

Qin Chuan couldn't help but rub his cheek.

He originally thought that after talking to Qingyang Immortal Lord, the truth of many questions could be answered. Now it seems that some of them have been answered, but many of them have become more uncertain.

The death of the administrator brought a new change to this thousand-year race war.

"Senior, can you tell us about the Yueling clan that you know about?" Lin Yue asked softly.

"That's okay." Qingyang Immortal Lord nodded slightly, "The Yueling clan swallowed up the ninth race, the source of the world, in the last ten thousand years, and has twelve seats in the second level."

"The Immortal King once evaluated the ancestor of the Moon Spirit, thinking that he was an out-and-out smiling tiger."

"Many of the sieges against the Immortal Clan were led by the Moon Spirit Ancestor."

Listening to Qingyang Immortal Lord's introduction, Qin Chuan once again showed an unexpected look.

In the last ten thousand years, the Yueling clan already had twelve seats?

The situation disclosed to the public by the Moon Spirit Clan is completely inconsistent with this point.

In the Yueling clan, apart from the ancestor of Yueling, the most powerful ones are the nine chief priests.

Among them, the chief priest of Ziyue is located at the first level and controls the Yueling clan of the first level.

The other eight officiants are on the second level.

In other words, there are only eight second-level seats revealed by the Yueling clan.

Qingyang Immortal Lord then talked about the situation of other powerful men of the Yueling clan, but unfortunately there was no one Qin Chuan was familiar with.

At that time, the Yueling clan did not have nine chief priests.

The two chief priests, Clai and Mahia, were not mentioned by Qingyang Immortal Lord.

Obviously, after ten thousand years, the strong men of the Yueling clan have also undergone considerable changes.

After describing his understanding of the Yueling clan, Qingyang Immortal Lord spoke with some regret.

"This remnant of mine has very little strength left."

"It's time to say goodbye."

His body had become illusory at some point.

"The race war between the seven races is unprecedented in the world of heaven." Immortal Lord Qingyang said softly, "If the Immortal King is still there, he may be eager to participate in it."

"So..." His eyes fell on Qin Chuan and Lin Yue, with a smile on his face, "You must survive."

As Immortal Qingyang finished speaking, everything around him quickly became illusory.

The peach blossoms, islands, and lakes all turned into a dream, and only an ancient wine pot stood quietly in front of them.

Qin Chuan reached out and picked up the wine bottle, and a line of text appeared.

[[Gold] Fierce Sun Pot: pour down the ferocious sun, burn out all evils, used by fire-type extraordinary people, increase attribute power by 200%]

"This time it gets the SSS rating, let's choose it and take it away." Qin Chuan spoke softly and handed the wine bottle to Lin Yue.

"Yeah!" Lin Yue nodded heavily.

This is not only a piece of extremely powerful golden equipment, but it is also the last trace left by the immortal clan in the world.

They must bring it back to Blue Star in one piece.

"Unknowingly, several hours have passed." Qin Chuan glanced at the time, and then looked at the map where the target had not moved on the map locked by Dial Needle's third talent. "Next, we should go meet Pali for a while. It’s settled.”

Tiangong Jiqiao Parian's strength is only at the first level of the myth level, so it is not worth mentioning.

But there is one question that Qin Chuan has not yet gotten the answer to.

Why did Parian, who was also a member of the dwarf clan, never go to the Wandering Tower to check on his fellow clansmen?

So, he wanted to see if he could get some of the information he wanted from Parian.

The figures of the two people quickly disappeared in place, and no one noticed that a past race had left traces here.



With a low roar and loud noise, the lord's mansion of Beligo was reduced to ruins. Qin Chuan stood in the ruins and looked at Parian, who fell in front of him, "You lost."

"Human race..." Parian forced himself to sit up and looked at Qin Chuan with extremely fearful eyes, "The six races will never allow you to climb the stairs of the sky."

"The human race does not need permission from any race." Qin Chuan raised his hand and pinched Parian's neck, slowly lifting him up. "I guess you are waiting for help."

"But you may not be able to wait."

As Qin Chuan finished speaking, a brilliant energy pillar rose into the sky outside the mansion, swallowing up all the incoming mythical auras.

The next moment, a beautiful figure appeared beside Qin Chuan.

In Parian's frozen expression, Qin Chuan smiled.

"Of course I didn't come alone."

"Human race, kill me." Parian was silent for a moment, "It's useless to talk more."

"Don't worry, I have another question to ask you." Qin Chuan looked at Parian and suddenly said, "I heard that you have never been to the Wandering Tower, and you don't even let the dwarf demons under your command approach."


"What does it have to do with you..."

Before Parian could finish his words, he was hit to the ground by a huge force.

The power that the dwarf demon warrior is good at is so ridiculous in the face of the absolute strength gap.

"Why?" Qin Chuan raised Parian and asked again.

Looking at those eyes that were gradually becoming colder, Parian's heart trembled for some reason, and he felt a little afraid.

"Because..." He spoke slowly, his voice trembling a bit, "The dwarf demon clan has never had a member of the clan come to Beligo Territory before us."

Qin Chuan raised his eyebrows, let go of his hand, and looked at Parian, who fell to the ground and gasped, "Are you kidding me?"

"I don't need to make such a damn joke." Parian adjusted his breathing and spoke in a rough voice, "We are the first batch of dwarf demons led by Beligo to settle here."

"I have never heard of a clan of dwarves lost in the Wandering Tower."

"If what you said is true, then shouldn't you all go and take a look?" Lin Yue on the side frowned slightly, "Those are a group of unknown dwarf demons."

"I do want to go." Parian was silent for a moment, "But Zu doesn't allow it."

Does it involve Zu again...

Qin Chuan had a headache.

He could probably tell that Parian was indeed not lying.

In other words, there are still problems with the Wandering Tower.

The so-called group of dwarfs disappeared there may be completely fabricated.

The so-called memories he saw may not be real memory pictures.

But it had been destroyed by him.

If I go back now, I'm afraid I won't be able to find any clues.

"Okay, it's none of your business."

Qin Chuan raised his hand and punched, ending Parian's life neatly.

[Congratulations to the player for achieving the dungeon strategy goal and completing the strategy for the first level of the SSS-level dungeon: Vault of Sky. The current dungeon strategy rating: SSS]

[Current strategy rewards: [Gold] Parian's Forging Book, [Gold] Dwarf Demon Casting Essence, [Gold] Title·Mechanism Destroyer]

[Additional strategy rewards: +3 number of strategies available today, +1 copy item carried (multiple players can only carry one item)]

[Receive strategy rewards]

Good harvest.

Qin Chuan nodded with satisfaction.

The dwarf demon casting essence can upgrade a red prop and equipment to golden quality. Qin Chuan had upgraded the Ring of the Abyss before, but now there are still many things that can be upgraded.

Keep it for now and discuss it later.

Qin Chuan looked at the other two rewards.

[[Gold] Parian's Forging Book: The forging book has 7 golden forging pages, 23 red forging pages, and 62 purple forging pages. Collecting corresponding resource items can consume one forging page to synthesize corresponding quality props and equipment. 】

"Huh?" Qin Chuan raised his eyebrows slightly, picked up a book that was half energy and half physical, opened it and looked at it. After a while, he closed it again with a slightly weird expression.

This thing... is worth a lot of money.

Theoretically, Qinchuan can use it to synthesize 7 pieces of golden props and equipment, 23 pieces of red props and equipment, and 62 pieces of purple props and equipment.

But the problem is that each piece requires collecting multiple golden resource items of the same level to synthesize. This is a recipe.

It will come in handy when the human race reaches the stairs of the sky.


Let's eat ashes in the item and equipment slot first.

[[Gold] Title·Mechanism Destroyer: The damage effect on props and equipment of any grade is increased by 200%]

This title…

To some extent, it can be regarded as a supplement to the existing title pool.

But this effect is destined to not be used too many times.

Because under normal circumstances, Qin Chuan will treat the opponent's props and equipment as his own.

Is there any reason to destroy your own things?

"Let's go, we should go back." Qin Chuan took Lin Yue's hand and smiled, "I have a hunch that Feng Yin may not be able to sleep tonight."

This time, they got a lot of information from Qingyang Immortal Lord in the strategy copy, which was enough for Feng Yin to drink a pot.

What's more, there is the mystery of the Lost Tower.


"What did you say?!"

On the other end of the phone, Feng Yin's voice was filled with deep consternation, "Did our predecessors participate in a racial war ten thousand years ago?"

"That's right." Qin Chuan turned on the speakerphone and smiled at Lin Yue.

Well, this feels right.

"This news is too unexpected. Let me take a moment." Feng Yin took a deep breath and fell into silence.

After a moment, he spoke slowly, "If that's the case, some things will make sense."

"What are you referring to?" Qin Chuan asked.

"We are a race that has been around for ten thousand years, but we also have traces of the previous ten thousand years, so we encountered a copy of Migru's Sleeping Plain that other races would not encounter." Feng Yin said slowly.

A trace of surprise flashed in Qin Chuan's eyes.

He didn't tell Feng Yin about the brand, but Feng Yin suddenly realized this.

What an insight.

Just as he had such a sigh in his heart, Feng Yin's next words shocked his heart.

“Also, I always felt like we had a huge home field advantage.”

"If I'm not mistaken, other races shouldn't have as big a home field advantage as we do."

"What do you say?" Qin Chuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"With the superposition of the racial values ​​of multiple spiritual beasts, our extraordinary value is enough to match us against opponents one level higher." Feng Yin paused slightly, "On this basis, we also have spiritual descendants."

"After the spirit descends, we can fight two levels higher without losing."

"And the Immortal King you mentioned just now can be invincible at the same level, invincible at higher levels, and invincible at two levels under the home field advantage. He is called a peerless talent by the Qingyang Immortal Lord..."

Qin Chuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Indeed, he almost missed this detail.

As long as they master spiritual descending, every transcendent in Blue Star has the ability to transcend two levels.

So if you are invincible by two levels, you can only be considered relatively strong, but definitely not a peerless talent.

Unless...the home field advantage of other races cannot reach the strength of the human race.

They can go beyond one level at most.

Then the Immortal King who can surpass two levels is naturally extremely talented.

"Is there a possibility?" Feng Yin said slowly, "Because the immortal race once participated in the racial war on this land, and now we, the human race, are participating in the war again."

"So our physical world has a double home field advantage?"

"Double home field advantage?" Qin Chuan was startled.

"If choosing to carry skills and extraordinary values ​​is our original home field advantage." Feng Yin paused, "Then the fairy clan's home field advantage is..."

"Spirit descends!" Qin Chuan spoke quickly, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, "Mysterious meaning!"

The immortals cultivate the way of heaven and earth.

How similar is the way of heaven and earth to the secret?

"Yes, that's it." Feng Yin paused slightly before saying, "So, the Immortal Clan has indeed left us many gifts."

Some things are just afraid of comparison.

Originally, everyone in Blue Star thought that the dungeon was very difficult and a disaster, but compared with other races, they seemed to be in a very relaxed group.

You must know that the Immortal Clan is already on the verge of collapse under the refreshed copies of the four races. If the Immortal King had not emerged from the sky, it would have been destroyed by the group.

What the human race is now facing is the dungeon refresh of six races.

In this case, the situation that resulted from the failure of the copy strategy is still within the controllable range.

If it weren't for the ominous aura occasionally causing trouble, there would be hope for Zero Advent.

This is all due to the stronger home field advantage.

To be honest, all of this can be attributed to the Immortal Clan.

With a stronger home field advantage, the danger of the human race in the dungeon stage is greatly reduced, and the risk of climbing to the Sky Stairs is greatly reduced.

"It's a pity that the remaining traces of Immortal Qingyang have disappeared." Qin Chuan had a look of regret on his face, "Otherwise I would definitely have to mention this matter to him."

There was so much information at the time that he didn't notice this small problem.

Hearing this, Feng Yin was also silent.

As the traces of Qingyang Immortal Lord disappeared, the Immortal clan, just like the illusionists in the past, lost the last traces and became buried history on the steps of the sky.

"We will never forget them." Feng Yin said softly.

"Of course." Qin Chuan nodded, then changed his tone after a moment, "What do you think of the Yueling clan?"

"Yue Ling..." Feng Yin said with a bit of uncertainty in his voice, "After knowing the past of the Immortal Clan, many of the speculations need to be overturned."

"All the unreasonable things we think are based on the rules of the Heavenly Vault and the Battle of Races, but because of the death of the administrator, this ten thousand years is different from the previous ones."

"The rules have changed, and some unreasonable things may become reasonable."

"So, we need to filter out the information that's important to us."

"First of all, the Yueling clan came from the last race war and has more than eight seats on the second level of the Heavenly Vault. The current nine chief priests are not all powerful."

"Secondly, and most importantly, the Moon Spirit Clan's help to humans only ends before they climb the stairs to the sky. This is what they themselves revealed."

"After climbing the Sky Stairs, we can give something in return, but we must not regard them as allies we can trust, because the Moon Spirit is also a competitor like us."

"There are many mysteries surrounding the Yueling clan, but the answers to those mysteries do not affect our stance on them."

Feng Yin's words were like enlightenment, making Qin Chuan's eyes light up.

Indeed, he seemed to have reached a dead end.

The various mysteries of the Yueling clan made Qin Chuan instinctively have the idea that "he wants to dig out the truth behind the Yueling clan."

But these may not be the most important when the human race faces the Yueling clan.

"And I think we don't have to keep staring at the Yueling clan." Feng Yin slowly said, "Our opponents are six races. If we ignore the other five races just because of the specialness of Yueling, this is Very dangerous."

"Even the half-demon clan, considered reckless by other races, are not all stupid. Every race has its share of smart people."

"This is a battle related to the survival of the race, and all efforts of the race must be exerted in all aspects."

"So, no race should be underestimated."

"I was negligent." Qin Chuan took a deep breath and rubbed his eyebrows.

Indeed, a race that can successfully ascend to the Heavenly Vault will definitely not have any faults.

"I just want to remind you." Feng Yin paused slightly, "You have done enough."

"But this is not your fight alone."

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