I'm doing whatever I want in the time-stop world

Chapter 313: Deja Vu, Clues to the Puzzle (Four in One) (Additional Updates in May with 12,000 Month

As the screams came out, everyone subconsciously lowered their gaze from the blood moon in the sky to the thousand-meter-high altar.

The originally peaceful altar had now fallen into extreme chaos.

Standing at the top of the altar, about one-tenth of the members of the Yueling clan who had received the quota for the Spiritual Moon Festival were writhing on the ground in pain, wailing, while the other members retreated to the edge of the altar in fear. Look at these abnormal brethren.

Qin Chuan and Lin Yue stood up at the same time, looking at the altar with solemn expressions.

With just one glance, they saw familiar figures among the wailing moon spirits.

The petite Pepemar huddled under the beautiful dress specially worn for the Spiritual Moon Festival, and knelt on the ground in pain, trembling constantly.

The face that always wore a smile and had a little baby fat was wrinkled together, looking a little ferocious because of the extreme pain.

"Help!" Lin Yue shouted softly, and with a flash of her body, she was about to fly towards the altar. Two powerful explosions suddenly came and blocked her in front of her.

It's Munch and Besagra.

The two of them changed their previous politeness and looked at Qin Chuan and Lin Yue with eyes that were almost heart-wrenching, "Human race, are you the one responsible?!"

Qin Chuan flashed and stood in front of Lin Yue, his face darkened, "It seems that the Yueling clan invited us to watch the ceremony."

"Mengk, Besagra, stop!" Priest Ziyue, who quickly reacted from the shock and anger, shouted softly and stepped forward quickly, "This has nothing to do with the human race!"

"Master officiant!" Besagra's face was very ugly. Due to his lower status, he could only suppress his voice, but he still looked at Qin Chuan and Lin Yue with evil eyes.

Obviously, he still suspected that all these changes were related to these two human races.

After all, they were the only two aliens present.

At this moment, bursts of frightened sounds suddenly erupted from the venue.

Several mythical warriors felt something and looked in the direction of the altar, and then their expressions became increasingly ugly.

The ferocious bone spurs protruded from Pepemar's thin back, tearing her beautiful dress apart, and exposing her gradually twisted body under the dress. The terrifying jet-black mane emerged from under her moon-blue skin. Drilling out, one can't help but feel heart palpitations.

Several other moon spirits that were wailing before have also begun to distort and alienate their forms at this moment, undergoing some unknown changes.

"That's enough, everyone, stand down!" Priest Ziyue scolded, his eyes filled with hazy purple light, and the momentum belonging to the priest exploded, "Let's solve the current problem first!"

"I vouch for the two humans in the name of Ziyue. This matter has nothing to do with them."

After saying that, Priest Ziyue ducked back to the high platform above the altar and lit up the corresponding petal high platform.

A purple beam of light shot into the sky, and the sky that blocked the sun was torn apart instantly.

The dazzling sunlight fell, instantly covering up the heart-stopping looking blood-colored moon.

Originally, the secret technique of the Yueling clan could last for about ten minutes, but with such a change, it was obvious that the moon could no longer appear in the world. In desperation, Priest Ziyue had no choice but to forcibly end the secret technique that had been used before.

"Hmph..." Forced to stop, Priest Ziyue groaned and frowned slightly. It was obvious that she had suffered a certain degree of backlash, but she still immediately went down to the altar.

As the blood moon was covered by the sun, the body distortion of those unfortunate moon spirits slowed down, but did not stop.

Seeing this scene, Priest Ziyue frowned even more tightly.

She raised her hands in front of her body, and as the hazy purple light gathered, a purple moon appeared in her palms, and the light quickly shrouded the altar below.

Purple Moon Power - Growth!

With the surge of light, the distortion of the moon spirit below was finally contained.

However, Priest Ziyue's expression did not calm down.

Even if she uses the power of power, she cannot bring her deformed kin back to their original state.

The only way to stop the distortion is to curb the growth.

Lin Yue stood in the void, looking at Pepemar who was in pain and looking particularly ferocious. With unbearable and distressed eyes, she gently held Qin Chuan's hand.

Qin Chuan sighed softly.

If the altar is filled with moon spirits they don't recognize, that's it.

They met Pepemar twice, and even though they were not of the same race, they already fell in love with this kind-hearted little Moon Spirit girl.

Now that Pepemar has become like this, both of them are full of worry and intolerance.

"Go." Qin Chuan knew what Lin Yue wanted to do and spoke softly. At the same time, he looked at Monk and Besagra with some warning.

Lin Yue flashed and flew towards the altar quickly.

Munch and Besagra wanted to stop them, but Qin Chuan stared at them. Thinking of what Priest Ziyue said just now, although they were reluctant, they still stood there without moving.


Lin Yue opened her red lips lightly, and as the brilliance of life bloomed, the momentum changed rapidly. Blooming flowers suddenly appeared in the void, clustering together to form a sea of ​​flowers swaying in the wind. The fragrance of the flowers surged and soothed the heart. the power of.

Wearing a silk lily pink dress, she lightly touched her foot on the sea of ​​flowers and appeared next to the main priest Ziyue. She raised her hand slightly, and the fragrance of flowers quickly enveloped the moon spirit below.

Under the powerful healing power, the painful expression of the deformed moon spirit below was quickly relieved. Although the physical abnormalities still existed, the pain was no longer unbearable.

"Lotus Dance in the Sea of ​​Flowers."

Priest Ziyue glanced at Lin Yue in surprise and said softly, "Thank you."

Lin Yue shook her head slightly, just staring at the moon spirits below with worry.

Including Pepemar, these deformed moon spirits whose pain was eliminated soon fell into a coma.

This is also a good thing. It is difficult for any living being to accept that their bodies have become like this with a clear consciousness.

Qin Chuan, Monk, and Besagra also came to the two women.

Perhaps because Lin Yue's action did relieve the pain of the moon spirits, the attitudes of these two male moon spirits finally improved a little.

"Yue Li and I are not good at treatment." Qin Chuan said in a deep voice, "Do you Yue Ling have a way to cure them? For example, let the other eight chief priests separate the power incarnation."

"After the power incarnation dissipates, it cannot be separated again in a short time." Chief Priest Zi Yue said softly, frowning, "As soon as the abnormality appeared, I have contacted the other eight chief priests, and they are also discussing it now."

"Zi Yue's power is growth. I can suppress their deformation from getting worse."

"But that's all."

"Based on the current situation, it may take Lord Krai and Lord Saens to come at the same time to restore them to their original state."

"Who is Saens?" Qin Chuan showed doubt in his eyes.

He knew Krai, but he couldn't match the names and identities of the other seven chief priests of the Yue Ling clan.

"Yellow Moon Priest." Purple Moon Priest explained softly, "Blue Moon's power is repair, and Yellow Moon's power is consciousness."

"I have just detected that the problems of these tribesmen are not simple physical changes, their souls are also undergoing some unknown changes."

"So even if the account is deleted and reopened, this influence cannot be completely dissipated."

"Yellow Moon Priest..." Qin Chuan's mind appeared a figure in a yellow robe who had just appeared. When he looked at the other party, he did have a throbbing of the soul.

So, the Moon Spirit Clan is about to have two second-level strongmen?

Qin Chuan frowned slightly and looked at the deformed Moon Spirit on the altar below.

The arrival of the two second-level strongmen is still a big threat to him and Lin Yue.

But, he still plans to stay.

It's not because of Pepemar.

Just now, he made a new discovery.

When the Moon Spirit was deformed, the first thing Qin Chuan thought of was the ominous aura.

But after coming to Lin Yue's side, Qin Chuan quietly used a second stop.

There was no ominous power in the time-stop space, indicating that all this had nothing to do with ominousness.

It had nothing to do with ominousness, but it could cause such a strange distortion.

This was very unusual.

And the fact that the time-stop could be used normally also gave Qin Chuan a lot of confidence.

In addition, there was another important reason why Qin Chuan chose to stay.

That was the situation in front of him, which seemed familiar.

He had some impression of the situation in front of him, but he couldn't think of the details for a while.

A ray of light flashed in the crystal necklace on the chest of the Purple Moon Priest, and there was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the Purple Moon Priest.

"Lord Krai and Lord Saens are ready to come!"

She couldn't help but look at Qin Chuan and Lin Yue again.

The two had no intention of leaving, which made her a little relieved.

Although it can be confirmed that the current situation has nothing to do with the two of the human race, they can't let them leave just like that for the time being.

The Purple Moon Priest gently raised his hand, and two crescent-shaped jade pendants, one blue and one yellow, were thrown out and fell into the air.

The two jade pendants quickly burst into dazzling light.

The next moment, two figures descended at the same time.

Unlike the previous incarnation of power, the strength of the two main priests, Blue Moon and Yellow Moon, has far exceeded the scope of the first realm of the mythical level.

Although not as good as the original body, it is also the second realm of the mythical level.

This is the descent.

Although the cost is much greater than the incarnation of power, the strength is also much higher.

The first moment of descent, the Blue Moon main priest looked at the tribesmen on the altar, with compassion and concern in her eyes, and spoke softly.

"The situation is really bad."

"Lord Krayi, can you cure them?" The Purple Moon main priest looked nervous.

"I'll try." The Blue Moon main priest slowly descended and landed on the altar, one hand gently placed on the body of a deformed moon spirit, sensing the other's current situation.

Then, she took out several bottles of potions and put them into the other's mouth one by one, and at the same time raised her hand to summon a blue moon, and sprinkled the moonlight on the other's body.

Seeing the body of the deformed moon spirit recover its original appearance at a speed visible to the naked eye, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It worked!

After a while, the deformed Moon Spirit's appearance had returned to normal, but he was still unconscious.

"Saens." The Blue Moon Priest shouted.

With his hands folded across his chest, the Yellow Moon Priest nodded without saying a word, and urged his own power in silence.

Under the illumination of the yellow moonlight, an illusory figure separated from the body of the Moon Spirit.

It was the other party's soul, but at this moment it had become the same as the deformed body before.

As the Purple Moon Priest said, this special mutation not only affects the body, but also the soul, as if it was going to completely rewrite the race of the living being.

The powers of the Yellow Moon and the Blue Moon took effect at the same time, and the deformed soul began to recover, and finally became as normal as the body.

When the soul that had temporarily left the body returned to the body, the unconscious Moon Spirit slowly woke up, and her eyes regained clarity.

Seeing this miracle, countless moon spirits cheered.

While Qin Chuan and Lin Yue marveled at the miraculous power of the officiant, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It can be said that I can see Pepemar's smile again.

With the first successful case, subsequent treatments became much easier.

Not long after, all the affected Yuelings recovered.

After completing the task of treating his fellow tribesmen, Priest Huang Yue nodded towards Priest Lan Yue and Zi Yue, and disappeared in a flash without waiting for a second.

From beginning to end, the other party didn't say a word, he was a very cold guy.

"Lord Krayi, when will you return to the second level?" Priest Ziyue held the hand of Priest Lanyue, with a bit of reluctance in his eyes. It was obvious that the two had a good personal relationship.

"There is still some time for my arrival." Priest Lan Yue smiled, "I am in an absolutely safe place. I am not in a hurry to go back."

"The last time it came to the first level was more than 600 years ago." There was a bit of nostalgia in her eyes, "The incarnation of power cannot compare to the coming."

"That's how Saenz's character is. He's not rude." Priest Lan Yue looked at Qin Chuan and Lin Yue and chuckled, "Don't pay attention to him."

Qin Chuan shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn't mind.

In other words, the other party's immediate withdrawal made him feel a lot more at ease.

That guy gave him the feeling that he was much more dangerous than Krayi.

"I've always wanted to chat with you, and I finally found an opportunity." The chief priest of Blue Moon thought for a while, "The moonshine brew led by Ghosn is very good. Let's have a drink together?"

"Okay." Qin Chuan did not refuse.

He and Lin Yue also planned to express their gratitude to each other in person for their previous help.

In addition, he has already remembered where the familiarity brought about by the incident just now came from.

Speaking of which, that has a lot to do with Krai.


"Sosali, the Wolf of the Dead?"

Hearing Qin Chuan mention this name, Priest Lan Yue's eyes narrowed, "It seems you have thought of it too."

"The red moon and the moon spirit turn into monsters..." Qin Chuan shook his head helplessly, "The only one who meets these two points is Sausali."

Mirian Demon Forest.

That was the first copy of Qinchuan Strategy after the arrival of the copy era.

This is also where he first met Krai.

In the introduction of this copy, there is such a sentence.

"The Moon Spirit Clan led by Milian will always remember that on that night when the red moon came, the old patriarch Sosali turned into a ferocious giant wolf..."

Because it was just an introduction to the dungeon, not Qin Chuan's experience in the dungeon, Qin Chuan's memory was not clear.

It wasn't until he saw Krai coming and the memory of Milian Demonic Forest became clearer that he unearthed this detail.

The same red moon, the same moon spirit transformed into something else.

Although the changes look different, they are otherwise similar.

"Lord Krayi, has a similar situation happened before?" Priest Ziyue's expression became condensed and he couldn't help but ask, "Why have I never heard of it?"

"It happened once." Priest Lan Yue's eyes were full of memories, "About five thousand years ago, you were not born at that time, and I was not promoted to Priest."

"So long?" Qin Chuan had a look of surprise on his face.

He thought that becoming a copy meant that it was something that had happened recently.

"The dungeon version of the Heaven's Vault is mainly based on the realistic background." Priest Lan Yue explained, "But there will also be historical background that happened in the local area in the past."

"Because the incarnation of my power appeared in the Evil Forest, the timeline after the dungeon there was also affected to some extent, showing the scene from five thousand years ago."

Hearing this, Qin Chuan nodded thoughtfully.

Because Krai's true body was at that location five thousand years ago, and now it has returned to its original position in the form of power, did it trigger the background copy in history?

This is not difficult to understand.

"So, what exactly happened at that time?" Qin Chuan asked curiously.

Five thousand years ago, Krai was still a member of the Moon Spirit clan of Mirian Territory. He was an eyewitness and survivor of the incident in Sosali that transformed into a giant wolf, and he was also the successor of the clan leader.

She should know the specifics of the situation.

"At that time..." There was a hint of memory in the eyes of the chief priest Lan Yue.

"The Yueling clan has a group of members in most territories. These groups are relatively autonomous, and each has a leader, that is, a clan leader."

"Five thousand years ago, there was no Spirit Moon Festival. At that time, the Yueling clan had a special treasure called the Moonlight Orb. It had an effect similar to the secret technique of the Spirit Moon Sacrifice, allowing the Yueling clan to see the moon on the steps of the sky. ”

"The moonlight orb is used in turn among the moon spirit groups in each territory, and is cycled once a year, so that each group can bathe in the moonlight of the sky."

"This tradition has lasted for thousands of years, and everyone is almost used to it."

"Until one day, there was a problem with the use of the Moonlight Orb." A complicated look flashed in the eyes of the Blue Moon Priest, "At that time, Sosali, the leader of the Milian leader's Moon Spirit tribe where I was, activated the Moonlight Orb, and in the air The moon is blood red."

"Unlike the quiet and peaceful moonlight, the blood-red moon is filled with strange powers that make the moonlight feel depressed and uncomfortable."

"The Sausali clan leader wanted to close the Moonlight Orb, but it was too late."

"He lost his mind in a very short period of time and turned into a wolf-like monster." Priest Lan Yue said with pain in his eyes, "He became indistinguishable between friend and foe. Most of the ethnic group was slaughtered, and only a few members of the ethnic group were killed. survived."

"Later, the Sausali clan leader may have regained some sense, or perhaps for other reasons, gave up killing and entered the Demonic Forest alone with the Moonlight Orb."

"Wait a minute." Qin Chuan couldn't help but interrupt Lan Yue, the chief priest, "Sosali brings the moonlight orb?"

Why didn't he hear or see anything similar when he was conquering it?

"The dungeon rewards of past backgrounds depend on what is currently available." Guessing Qin Chuan's doubts, Priest Lan Yue explained, "The Moonlight Orb is no longer in the Evil Forest."

"So if you raid the copy, you can't get it."

"Actually, if it hadn't been for so long, Demonic Forest would have been an S-level copy."

"I see." Qin Chuan suddenly realized, "So you took away the Moonlight Orb later?"

"Of course." Priest Lan Yue nodded slightly, "The Moonlight Orb is a valuable treasure of our clan and must be taken back."

"Sosali seemed to know this and abandoned the Moonlight Orb on the way to escape. We found the Moonlight Orb, but not him."

"After such an incident, the Moonlight Orb can no longer be used. It was sealed away by the ancestors, and then the Spirit Moon Sacrifice was created as a replacement."

"So this is how the Lingyue Festival came about." The head priest Ziyue looked astonished.

"What happened next? What happened to Sausali?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Later, my strength reached the myth level, and I became the new leader of the Milian-led Moon Spirit Clan. I personally entered the Demonic Forest, and then I found the other party." The chief priest of Lan Yue sighed softly, "But he has been deformed for too long, and I also There’s no way he can be restored to his original state.”

"In the end, I had no choice but to kill him with my own hands."

After listening to the narration of the chief priest Lan Yue, everyone became quiet.

"Does the appearance of the blood-red moon this time have something to do with the Moonlight Orb?" Lin Yue asked softly.

"It doesn't matter." Priest Lan Yue shook his head slightly, "I have confirmed with Zu that there is no problem with the Moonlight Orb."

"It is still blocked by Ancestor, and there is absolutely no way it will affect the Lingyue Festival."

"Then...could it have something to do with the potion from back then?" Qin Chuan said in a deep voice, "Not every moon spirit will be deformed under the red moon."

“It was true then and it is true today.”

"Sosali turned into a giant wolf not only because of the red moon, but also because he drank a potion for a long time, and that potion came from the half-demon clan."

"The red moon is more like some kind of inducement."

"Half-demon?" Besagra, who had never spoken a word, had murderous intent in his eyes. "So, is all this caused by half-demon?"

"Mengk has already gone to investigate the similarities between the members of the same race who were deformed just now." Priest Ziyue said softly, "We will have the results soon."

She naturally noticed that only a few of her own race were deformed.

Therefore, after the treatment was completed, all the members of the same clan who participated in the Spirit Moon Festival were temporarily detained.

Munch was questioning them one by one, trying to find similarities and differences between them.

Her amethyst-like eyes were also filled with cold light.

If the half-demon clan is really up to something secretly, she will definitely not let them go!

"It's not necessarily a half-demon." Looking at everyone's reactions, Priest Lan Yue said softly, "I investigated the situation afterwards."

"The potion that deformed Sosali was indeed given by the half-demon."

"But the potion doesn't come from half-demon."

"The raw materials used to prepare it involved both the dead ghosts and the half-demon tribes. At that time, there were only three tribes in the Heavenly Vault: the Moon Spirit, the dead ghosts, and the half-demon tribes."

Qin Chuan: "..."

"So, other races are involved?"

"It can be understood that way." Priest Lan Yue nodded slightly, and then his expression became a little more complicated, "But this kind of thing is actually very common in the current Sky Level."

"The race war has not yet begun. It is impossible for the various races to fight each other when they meet."

"We can also cooperate and trade."

"Not to mention anything else, even the potions I prepared require the use of many resources and materials from other races."

"So it's not unusual for a potion to involve multiple races." Priest Blue Moon shook his head helplessly, "If you want to say whose plot this is, I'm afraid both races are involved."

Several people looked at each other.

It seems that we can only wait for Munch to find out the result.


Not long after, Munch walked quickly towards everyone, his face was quite ugly.

"Those members who were deformed had entered the same tavern before participating in the Spiritual Moon Festival, while the members who were not deformed had not been there."

"Tavern?" Everyone's expression changed slightly.

Just now they mentioned that the distortion might be caused by some kind of potion, and now they got such a clue.

Is it possible that someone with bad intentions mixed the potion into the drink given to Yue Ling?

“Where is that tavern?!”

Priest Ziyue stood up abruptly, with a hint of solemnity in his eyes.

"Um..." Munch looked a little embarrassed, "When our people arrived, the tavern was already empty."

Everyone was silent.

In this case, there is almost certainly something wrong with that tavern.

"Check it out." Priest Lan Yue said softly, "When a tavern is opened, there are always some traces."

"In addition, we have to find out the cause of the red moon."

"This strange phenomenon that is obviously targeting our Moon Spirit Clan must be investigated."

"I don't have much time left, Marcia, do these two things well."

"Yes!" The Purple Moon Priest said in a deep voice.

After instructing the Purple Moon Priest, the Blue Moon Priest smiled and looked at Qin Chuan and Lin Yue, "I'm really sorry that you two were implicated in this incident."

"It's okay." Qin Chuan shook his head slightly, "It's a gain to be able to understand some secrets from five thousand years ago, which solved a lot of my doubts."

"At least at this stage, the Moon Spirit will not be the enemy of the human race." The Blue Moon Priest said softly, "In some aspects, we are willing to cooperate with the human race."

After the voice fell, the figure of the Blue Moon Priest became illusory, and disappeared in the next moment.

"In that case, we will also say goodbye." Qin Chuan pulled Lin Yue up.

He could see that with the departure of the Blue Moon Priest, both the Purple Moon Priest and the two Moon Spirit Clan Mythology Stages had a murderous feeling at this moment.

It's not right for the two of them to stay here.

It's time to leave.


After meeting with Pepemar for the last time, Qin Chuan and Lin Yue left Lord Gorn City and strolled on the plain outside the city.

"Which race do you think wants to attack the Yueling clan?" Lin Yue turned her head to look at Qin Chuan and asked curiously.

"It may not be the plot of one race." Qin Chuan shook his head slightly, "Perhaps as Krai said, this matter involves multiple races, or even other five races attacking the Yueling clan."

"But... this seems a bit unreasonable." Qin Chuan frowned slightly.

"Other races should not have such a special situation as ours. They don't know what happened in the last ten thousand years. From their point of view, the Moon Spirit Clan should be the least threatening race."

"No matter which of the other five races, they would not put the Moon Spirit Clan first to deal with, let alone multiple races put aside their grievances and join forces to deal with the Moon Spirit Clan."

"Also, the appearance of the Red Moon." Qin Chuan frowned, "If the Moonlight Orb is really in the hands of the Moon Spirit Ancestor, then the Red Moon is likely to have nothing to do with the Moonlight Orb."

"Is it a natural phenomenon that appears regularly, or is it man-made?"

The Red Moon will cause members of the Moon Spirit Clan who have taken special potions to become deformed.

For the time being, it can be regarded as an existence that has nothing to do with ominousness.

If it is man-made, then it must be closely related to the source behind the potion.

But the possibility that it is a natural law cannot be ruled out.

After all, whether it is a red moon or a normal moon, it will be covered by the sun at the Sky Steps, so no one knows how many times the moon under the sun has turned blood red.

Perhaps the Yueling clan just happened to block the sunlight when the moon turned blood red? Causing some members who had used specific potions to become deformed?

"There are still many secrets that we don't know about the Sky Steps." Lin Yue held Qin Chuan's hand and spoke softly.

"After all, other races arrived much earlier than us." Qin Chuan nodded slightly.

Currently, there are a total of seven races on the Sky Steps.

Yueling claimed to be the first selected race, but in fact, they came from the last ten thousand years and did not occupy the selected race quota. The real first selected race may have been solved by Yueling without being known.

After Yueling, it is the half-demon clan, who are the second selected race.

Yueling supports other races to ascend the Sky Steps, which means that the half-demon's ascent did not encounter any obstacles.

After the half-demon, it is the ghost clan, who are the third selected race.

And the fourth selected race failed to ascend under the joint attack of the half-demon and the ghost, and the source of the world was swallowed by the half-demon clan.

It is said that the hatred between the half-demons and the dead ghosts was also formed at that time.

With the experience of the failure of the fourth race, the Moon Spirit Clan became much more vigilant against the half-demons and the dead ghosts. As the fifth selected race, the Crystal Clan also had extremely strong strength and finally successfully ascended to become the fourth race on the Sky Steps.

The sixth selected race was the Dragon Clan.

Relying on the strongest individual combat power among the six major races, the opponent passed the dungeon stage with an almost invincible advantage and successfully ascended under the interception of multiple races.

The seventh selected race, facing the siege of the two major alliances of the half-demons and the dragon clan, the dead ghosts and the crystal clan, even with the assistance of the Moon Spirit, it still ended in failure, and the source of the world was swallowed by the dead ghost clan.

The eighth race after that was the dwarf demon.

Because of the most special ability among all races-forging ability, the dwarf demon clan encountered the least resistance to ascending.

Almost all races turned a blind eye to its ascension.

After all, they all need to trade with the dwarves for forging.

From a long-term perspective, having one more dwarf will do more good than harm.

The ninth race barely made it to the stage, but the gatekeeper was soon killed, and no members of the race successfully entered the third stage. In the end, it ended miserably and withdrew from the race war in advance.

Finally, it was the human race.

In this big stage called the Sky Stage, the most recent race has been operating for nearly two thousand years.

Thinking about it this way, the human race is indeed at a disadvantage.

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