I'm doing whatever I want in the time-stop world

Chapter 326: Mutual suspicion among ancestors, the beginning of chaos (two in one)

The third step of the Sky Steps.

In the silent void, several figures with surging terrifying auras descended at the same time. Seeing the Ghost Ancestor being completely devoured by the fire of death, with not even ashes left, everyone present had a solemn expression.

After a moment of silence, the Dragon Ancestor, who had two horns on his head and a domineering aura all over his body, looked at the others with a pair of golden eyes and spoke in a hoarse voice.

"Who did it?"

The silence was broken, and the figure of the ancestor of the crystal clan, wearing a crystal dress, was calm, "Aleida, why ask when you know the answer?"

"With the five of us coming at the same time, who else can take action?"

"Of course it was Camille's helper." The ancestor of the half-demon sneered, "That rat who hides his head and shows his tail has appeared again."

The ancestor of the crystal clan looked at the ancestor of the half-demon calmly, until the smile on the other's face slowly faded, and then he spoke calmly, "That third-level who hides his head and shows his tail is not the helper of my crystal clan."

"He is more like the helper of your half-demon clan."

"Otherwise..." The ancestor of the crystal clan had a hint of teasing in his eyes, "How can you survive the siege of two third-levels?"

"Disos, do you think you are strong?"

"You..." The ancestor of the half-demon's face turned black, and a fierce light appeared in his eyes, "It seems that you have forgotten how I broke you a thousand years ago."

"Do you want to try again?" The ancestor of the crystal clan fought back unwillingly.

"Okay, both of you, let's focus on the matter at hand." The Moon Spirit Ancestor coughed lightly, breaking the tense atmosphere between the two.

The Dragon Ancestor and the Dwarf Demon Ancestor did not speak, but their eyes flashed with strange expressions.

Anyone with a little bit of brains would not think that the Crystal Clan had anything to do with the third-level strongman who had been hiding his head and tail and had not yet revealed his identity.

As the Crystal Clan Ancestor said, the most suspicious in this matter was the Half-Demon Clan, who was the victim.

At this moment, they thought of a lot.

For example, the hatred between the Half-Demon Clan and the Dead Ghost Clan.

And the tradition of the Half-Demons being impulsive and not thinking.

So thinking about it...

It seems reasonable to kill the Dead Ghost Ancestor at this time.

The more they thought about it, the more wrong the two clans looked at the Half-Demon Ancestor.

"Why are you looking at me?" The Half-Demon Ancestor roared, his face uncertain, and at this moment he realized belatedly that he seemed to have been blamed.

The Dead Ghost Ancestor died at this critical moment, and he was very passive.

Lautlaine, this old waste, descended to the second stage and was killed by the second stage of the human race. Now he is dragging him down!

"Everyone, the most important thing right now does not seem to be who killed Lautlaine." The ancestor of the Moon Spirit said lightly, "What we should focus on is the human race."

"The leader of the human race just broke through the second stage and killed Lautlaine who came."

"When he breaks through the third stage, who can defeat him?"

As soon as these words came out, the field fell into silence again.

"Pongalel, you are the least qualified to say this." The ancestor of the dwarf demon sneered, "If it weren't for the Moon Spirit Clan who always stood by and watched, and secretly helped the human race, the human race would have no chance to enter the second stage at all."

"The past was the past." The ancestor of the Moon Spirit said solemnly, "Who would have thought that the leader of the human race was so powerful?"

"Next, my clan will cooperate with you to target the human race together."

The statement of the ancestor of the Moon Spirit made the other third-level people look a little relieved.

"The strength of the human race lies in its leader." The ancestor of the Moon Spirit spoke slowly, "Now that Luo has entered the second stage, he can only attack in the first stage in the form of descending, and descending has a cooldown."

"The number of our strong men in the second stage far exceeds that of the human race. As long as we hide ourselves well and Luo cannot find our true bodies, we can completely make Luo unable to support us by descending continuously."

"The situation in the first stage has been opened up because of this."

Hearing this, the other third realms couldn't help but nod.

The ancestor of the Moon Spirit is worthy of being the third realm with the longest existence in the sky stage. He hit the nail on the head and pointed out the key.

"Then how do we deal with Luo?" The Dragon Ancestor spoke in a deep voice, "His power is too weird. If we descend to deal with him, I'm afraid we will have to follow in the footsteps of Lautrein."

Although they looked down on the ancestor of the dead ghost, everyone knew that as the third realm, their strength would not be too different.

If Luo can deal with the descending ancestor of the dead ghost, he can deal with them who descend.

If only the descending body is killed, it's fine.

But the third stage still hides a third realm whose identity is still unknown. If the other party can take advantage of the opportunity to kill the ancestor of the dead ghosts, it is possible that they can kill them in the same way.

This makes all the ancestors feel apprehensive.

"It seems that everyone is unwilling to descend." The ancestor of the Moon Spirit sighed, "But when the other party reaches the third stage, I am afraid that even if the five of us work together, we may not be his opponent."

"Then work together to find the unknown third realm and get rid of him." The ancestor of the Crystal Clan looked at the gloomy ancestor of the Half Demon and spoke faintly.

After solving the third realm, at least everyone can descend with confidence.

In this way, we can deal with the leader of the human race.

"Then let's do it this way." The ancestor of the Moon Spirit nodded slightly, and then changed his voice, "Lautrein is dead, how to deal with the dead ghost clan?"

"Poincaré, it seems that you have an idea." The Dragon Ancestor stared at the ancestor of the Moon Spirit and spoke slowly, "Why not tell me your idea first."

"That's fine." The ancestor of the Moon Spirit smiled, "If you want to fight against the human race, it's always good to have more helpers. Although the Ghost Clan has lost the chief of the third and second realms, its strength is still very strong."

"My idea is that our five clans should each contribute some resources to allow the Ghost Clan to give birth to a new third realm as soon as possible." The ancestor of the Moon Spirit said sincerely, "My Moon Spirit Clan can take out our part at any time."

Hearing this, the corners of the mouths of other third realms twitched at the same time.

Of course the Moon Spirit Clan can give it.

After all, the Moon Spirit Clan had not been robbed by the human race before, and its combat power was almost not damaged.

But their four clans were seriously injured before, and they have not recovered until now. They were also extorted a large amount of resources by that damn guy Luo.

At this juncture, let them take out resources to support the Ghost Clan to give birth to a new third realm?

What a joke!

"The Ghost Clan has been operating in the Sky Dome for eight thousand years." The Half-Demon Ancestor said faintly, "If we destroy them, the strength of our clans will be greatly improved, and we will also have an advantage against the human race."

The Crystal Clan Ancestor, the Dwarf Demon Ancestor and the Dragon Ancestor nodded in agreement at the same time, and then couldn't help but look at the Half-Demon Ancestor.

And you said that you didn't kill the Ghost Clan!

"This..." The Moon Spirit Ancestor had a look of pity on his face, "The race war has not officially started yet, and the Ghost Clan is going to die?"

"We will inherit their will." The Dragon Ancestor said calmly.

"Let's do it." The Dwarf Demon Ancestor nodded in agreement.

The Crystal Clan Ancestor did not speak, but his attitude was equally clear.

Seeing this, the Moon Spirit Ancestor no longer insisted, but sighed deeply again, with a look of pity on his face, and he felt sorry for the Ghost Clan.

So the fate of a race on the Sky Dome was determined in the few words of the five third-level people.

After finalizing some details, the five clan ancestors left.

Returning to his area, the compassion on the face of the Moon Spirit Ancestor disappeared instantly, and a vague figure appeared beside him.

"Hide yourself well recently." The Moon Spirit Ancestor looked at the other party, "Don't make a move again."

"Of course I know this." The vague figure laughed, "The five ancestors joined forces and vowed to dig the entire third level three feet deep. I'm so scared~"

"This time, they are determined to dig you out." The Moon Spirit Ancestor shook his head slightly, "It's impossible to hide forever, be prepared to fake your death and get out."

"Okay." The vague figure shrugged, "You are the Moon Spirit Ancestor, you have the final say."

After that, the mysterious third realm figure quickly disappeared, and no breath was left on the spot.

After the other party left, the Moon Spirit Ancestor sat cross-legged, pondered for a moment, and picked up a crystal ball with nine colors.

That was the thing he used to communicate with the nine chief priests of the Moon Spirit clan.

Nine colors lit up one by one, and the next moment the crystal ball burst into bright light, and the projections of the nine chief priests appeared in front of the ancestor of the Moon Spirit.


The nine chief priests spoke at the same time.

"You should have known about the death of the ancestor of the dead ghost." The ancestor of the Moon Spirit looked at the nine chief priests and slowly said, "The Sky Steps are about to fall into chaos."

"We, the Moon Spirit clan, can no longer stand by and watch."

"Whether we like it or not, we will eventually be involved."


"Here!" The Purple Moon Chief Priest stood up straight, his expression serious.

"Lead the first-level clansmen and cooperate with other clans to besiege the human race." The ancestor of the Moon Spirit spoke slowly.

The Purple Moon Chief Priest showed a look of astonishment, "Ancestor, don't you need to maintain friendly relations with the human race?"

"This is a different time." The ancestor of the Moon Spirit paused slightly, "But remember, only use the power on the surface."

"Yes!" The Purple Moon Chief Priest nodded in response.

After arranging the matters of the first stage, the ancestor of the Moon Spirit looked at the other eight priests, "Next, a large number of second-level people from other tribes may descend to the first stage to target the human race, and descend in turns to prevent the human leader from providing timely support."

The Orange Moon Priest showed a look of understanding, "Ancestor, I understand, we will follow..."

"No!" The ancestor of the Moon Spirit said in a deep voice, "Don't descend."

"You, absolutely cannot descend to the first stage to target the human race!"

"This..." The Orange Moon Priest showed a bewildered look, and the other priests also looked puzzled.

To deal with the human race, but not let them descend, what is the reason?

"Let me tell you." The Blue Moon Priest said softly, "Among the nine of us, Marcia and I should have the most contact with the human leader, and I should be the one who knows his abilities best."

The Blue Moon Priest paused, and his eyes became more solemn.

"Combining Luo's performance in the dungeon stage and after landing, I can basically confirm that he can lock the location of the designated target."

"This should be his player talent."

The Blue Moon Priest looked at the other priests whose expressions gradually changed, and said word by word, "This means that once we descend, Luo will come to the second realm first."

The Orange Moon Priest who proposed the descent before turned pale.

"Don't reveal Luo's ability to other tribes." The ancestor of the Moon Spirit looked at the priests and said slowly, "The thing I am going to talk about next is what you must do with all your strength next."

Hearing this, the faces of all the priests became serious.

The matter about the human race mentioned just now is important enough, but at this moment, the ancestor of the Moon Spirit said that the next matter is more important.

Although they don’t know what it is, they have already raised 100,000% of their energy.

"The ancestor of the dead ghosts is dead." The ancestor of the Moon Spirit paused slightly, "After discussing with the ancestors of other tribes, I decided to destroy the dead ghost tribe in advance before the race war."

"The true identity of the gatekeeper of the dead ghost tribe has always been secretly known by us. The other party is the second-level soul burial messenger Paynes."

"Kill him and open the door of the dead ghost tribe."

The ancestor of the Moon Spirit looked at the chief priest present, "The first-level tribe members don’t need to care about the dead ghost tribe, but in the second level, the dead ghost tribe is the primary target."

"We must not let the dead ghost tribe have the opportunity to ascend to the third level."

"Yes!" The chief priests responded in unison.

"That’s it." The ancestor of the Moon Spirit waved his hand.

The projections of the nine chief priests dimmed one by one, and finally only one was left.

After exchanging a glance with the chief priest who stayed behind, the Moon Spirit Ancestor had a strange smile on his face.


Not knowing what happened at the third stage, Qin Chuan received a message from Feng Yin the moment the Ghost Ancestor fell.

“How did the Ghost Ancestor die?” Feng Yin asked directly.

Qin Chuan and Lin Yue exchanged a glance and briefly recounted what happened after they entered the second stage.

After a moment of silence, Feng Yin slowly spoke, "It should be the mysterious third realm mentioned earlier who made the move."

"The ancestors of all races are in the open, they will not do such a thing easily, because it is very likely to lead to siege, only the one hiding in the dark does not need to be cautious in his actions."

"In this way..."

"Except for Yue Ling, other races are in the recovery stage. Now that the ancestor of the dead ghosts has fallen, they can't help the dead ghosts."

"The dead ghosts will probably have to completely withdraw from the race war."

"Other races will probably find a way to bite off a piece of meat from the dead ghosts, and the dead ghosts are probably the most hateful to the human race at this moment. After all, the death of the ancestor of the dead ghosts in the open was caused by you."

"Well." Qin Chuan smiled indifferently, "In that case, we don't have to be polite, just take action against the dead ghosts directly."

"I'll arrange it." Feng Yin paused for a moment, and then mentioned another thing.

"The first-level Yueling clan seems to have some unusual movements."

"If nothing unexpected happens, the Yueling clan will join forces with other races to deal with us next."

"The Yueling clan..." Qin Chuan sighed slightly in his heart.

"Then let them come."

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