I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells

Chapter 207 Like Li, Duan Fei! (Begging to subscribe at the fifth watch!)

"Konoha bad rock rise!"


The Stitched Man was instantly blown away by Kai's powerful elbow, and his entire chest was smashed and collapsed.

But when he walked out of the ruins, his collapsed chest immediately recovered, as if he hadn't been injured.

But at this moment, Hong was unconscious and fell to the ground.

Kai didn't know what happened. He only knew that after finding an opportunity to use illusion on the enemy, Hong was severely injured in an instant and never woke up again.

As for the rest of the people, they could only support from a distance, and they didn't dare to approach that guy at all.

Because anyone who is touched by the opponent's hands will be distorted and alienated into a monster immediately, and they cannot be rescued.

They would rather be killed by the enemy in battle than turn into an ugly monster, and then cry and beg their companions to kill themselves, that is just too cruel.

Kai was a little uneasy that such a difficult enemy would appear again.

"Do you want to open the eight-door Dunjia again? If you want to destroy the enemy at once, I'm afraid you have to open the sixth door-Jingmen at least, and use the Peacock. If you want to be on the safe side, you can only open the seventh door." Shocked... I don't know if my body can bear it now..."

Kai looked at the enemy with a serious face, and opened his posture, already prepared for the worst.

"It's so hot. It's the first time I've seen such a hot soul. I really want to transform you into my puppet."

From the stitching man's perspective, everyone's soul shape can be seen, and Kay's passionate soul is like a group of eternally burning flames, which made his skin ache, and he couldn't help but want to get closer .

And just when Kai had made up his mind to open the seventh door, the shocking door, and kill the enemy here, the gentleman man appeared beside the suture man strangely.

"Stop playing, it's almost time to go."

"That's really a pity, huh? Why is Mr. Enemy in such a mess? Sure enough, it's not me who has been underestimating human beings, but you, Mr. Enemy."

The gentleman was too lazy to maintain a polite smirk on his face right now, and threw half of Seibert's head into the opponent's hand.

Then a pitch-black crack suddenly appeared in the space behind him, swallowing the two of them inside.

At the last moment before leaving, the gentleman looked at the Giant of Light.

He never thought that today's actions would cause him such humiliation.

No, hold back, absolutely hold back!

Can't cry, and definitely can't laugh out loud!

The time limit of the two curse cards has not completely disappeared...


Kai Fei kicked lonely, and finally kicked down a house.

There are more than two enemies...

What an unbelievable bad news!

. . . . . .

the other side.

Shinji opened his eyes again and went online successfully.

[The death is very exciting, and all aspects have been greatly improved]

Yes, consolation prize.

I have to admit that the guy's speed and destructive power are a bit outrageous.

By the way, this is the first time I have been beheaded by a big sword...

He didn't even bother to complain.

"But looking at the situation, it seems that my curse skeleton is very powerful."

Although I didn't see the process because I hung up, but the giant of light is still there, but the enemy is gone, which is enough to explain everything.

It's just to see if there is some charging in the future...

As the red light on his chest flickered, Shinji simply took back the Giant of Light's cursed skeleton.

With a flash of white light, the giant disappeared, and a small figure returned to his hand.

And the special effects on his side immediately attracted countless eyes.

"Master Hokage, he...he is still alive!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi, who was being bandaged, was stunned.

Especially when the other party stood up neatly, then turned around and left with a chic back, it really left a deep impression on everyone present.

Sarutobi Hiruza wanted to stop him and ask some questions.

But in this case, forget it.

After all, no matter what, the other party helped him a lot.

. . . . . .

in the base of the root.

"Danzo-sama, all the enemies have fled, and they seem to have the ability similar to space-time ninjutsu, so they cannot be tracked."

Danzo was a little surprised, but immediately issued an order, "Send everyone to dispatch and bring back all the wreckage that can be recovered first. As for the monsters that are still alive, I will leave them to others to clean up, do you understand?"

"Yes, Danzo-sama."

That's right, in this chaos, Danzo led all the root members, once again pretending to be dead and paddling through.

Then at this moment, I can't wait to jump out and reap the benefits.

He really deserves to be a role model for the village wholeheartedly, but there are always people who criticize him as unworthy of being Hokage, he really is blind!

I voted for Danzo with my foot to support him as Hokage.

Who is for and who is against?

. . . . . .

"Senior Hidan, is it really okay for us to do this? When Shinji-senpai comes back, he will probably chop us up, wrap us in flour, and throw them into the frying pan for repeated frying..."

Ah Fei looked at the delicious food on the table in front of him, he dared not put down his chopsticks for a long time.

There was chaos everywhere outside, shouting and shouting, and the two of them actually hid in the room to eat hot pot...


Just imagining the consequences of Senior Shinji coming back and seeing this scene, Ah Fei felt a little shuddering.

But Fei Duan didn't care, "That bastard said it himself, what's the point, Mr. Fei Duan won't go. Ah Fei, bring out two more boxes of mutton."

It turned out that the reason why Shinji didn't see Hiduan coming after waiting for a long time was that this guy lost his temper, even if A Fei persuaded him, it was useless, and later he simply set up a hot pot.

Ah Fei had no choice but to release Shenwei, and took out two boxes of mutton from it.

It is estimated that when he awakened this ability, he never imagined that one day he would be reduced to a warehouse + refrigerator, not only responsible for keeping weapons when he was on the road, but also responsible for storing supplies in normal times.

Really enough!

Now the big villain BOSS behind the scenes is so shameless?

"As expected of Ah Fei, what a convenient ability~"

o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)!

"Oh, that's all I can do to help."

A Fei scratched his head, a little shy.

In fact, there was an extra bottle of laxative in his hand, and all of it was sprinkled on the lamb he just took out.

"Huh? What are these white powders?"

"Let me take a look...ah, I remembered, the boss said this is Frost Lamb, maybe it's the frost on it."

"I said, it turned out to be Shuangjiang mutton. Well, the taste is really good! Highly recommended!"

"No need, I'm not hungry~"


A reformed person ran in directly, smashed the hot pot, spilled the mutton, and then got up and ran.

Fei Duan silently threw away his chopsticks, then picked up the bloody March sickle next to him and stood up, exuding an astonishing murderous aura.

"If I don't cut you into pieces to cook hot pot today, I will read my name upside down!"

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